Shrimp's Peat Log- Thyroid, Anxiety And Acne Issues, Oh My!


Sep 13, 2012
I vote for ice cream!! :) I know what you mean about feeling like you can't change your circumstances due to the health issues. This has happened to me a lot over the last few years. I don't have a job but I have 2 kids to take care of even if I am too tired. Sometimes I think I would be so much better if I could just devote time to getting better, but that doesn't happen for very many people these days, and I guess we have to make the best of our situation.

I think that if you are hungry even just mildly, eating whatever you fancy will help. Even if it isn't 'Peaty'. I was trying to do only Peaty foods for a while, but realized I feel much better eating whatever I want. Right now thats plenty of ice cream, chocolate syrup, bread, and soda.

How much sunlight do you get? I think light is extremely important for wellbeing, without light I feel like death!! Anyway, just wanted to chime in since I struggle as well.


Oct 3, 2012
I vote for ice cream!! :) I know what you mean about feeling like you can't change your circumstances due to the health issues. This has happened to me a lot over the last few years. I don't have a job but I have 2 kids to take care of even if I am too tired. Sometimes I think I would be so much better if I could just devote time to getting better, but that doesn't happen for very many people these days, and I guess we have to make the best of our situation.

I think that if you are hungry even just mildly, eating whatever you fancy will help. Even if it isn't 'Peaty'. I was trying to do only Peaty foods for a while, but realized I feel much better eating whatever I want. Right now thats plenty of ice cream, chocolate syrup, bread, and soda.

How much sunlight do you get? I think light is extremely important for wellbeing, without light I feel like death!! Anyway, just wanted to chime in since I struggle as well.
Hi Janelle525!

I have the utmost respect for those who are ill while taking care of children, parents or other loved ones; I can't imagine how difficult it must be. Hopefully they offer you some support and motivation in your journey to health!

I'm going to pick up the ice cream as soon as I have the freezer space! I usually eat it nightly but I think the calories from a binge would do me some good. My problem is that there really isn't much of anything I actually crave aside from chocolate and ice cream. If only I could crave something nice like cheese or oysters... :D

I haven't been getting much sunlight due to work, but when I do it tends to make me feel weird, like it is too bright/harsh etc. This may be from spending so much time indoors. I'll make a concerted effort to get outside on my days off when the sun is out!


Just wanted to note that I started taking Cryptolepis today for what my NP suspects is a chronic infection of some sort (Babesia? Lyme?). I am still not certain that chronic lyme is a real thing, let alone chronic babesia, but I do believe that I could have a chronic low level infection of some sort that is making me feel ill. It seems that despite normal temps and pulse and adequate thyroid replacement, my symptoms of fatigue, derealization, anxiety, hot/cold feeling, muscle pain/weakness, mildly swollen lymph nodes etc. will not abate. I noticed when taking the Crypto today at a small dose (recommended is 5mL 3x/day, I took 1mL 2x today) that I immediately felt warmer though there is no alcohol in the formula I got. I find this strange as Crypto is supposed to be hypothermic and is even used for fevers. I am going to slowly increase the dose and hope I don't get whacked with a random herx like I did with the A-Bab. I am hoping I will have SOME response to this herb, ideally a lessening of symptoms. Maybe it will even help my seemingly never-ending sinus issues (still need to see an allergist to rule that out).


Oct 3, 2012
Went to dentist today for 6 month checkup. Hygienist was really impressed, said I had very little buildup on my teeth, little bleeding from flossing gums, and that I made her job very easy. My <2 weeks of the Dr. Ellie system seems to be doing a great job so far. She did point out the two cavities from 6 months ago and said I still need them filled (didn't say they had gotten worse), as well as another small one on the right gumline and a spot that needs to be watched near that. I can see all of these and they do look like they need to be filled (are small holes and not just surface marks), but I am always frustrated that they need to remove so much tooth in the process. The molars I have the cavities on are already filled with large amalgams on the biting surface, combined with the gumline composite fillings will make them super Frankenteeth. I should stop worrying and just get it done, and focus on preventing further decay from here on out. She also mentioned my decalcified spots (asking twice if I'd had braces, which I haven't) and mentioned eating more dairy to help with them. I think I need to get my D3 up and eat more cheese.

Wish I could figure out why my skin/eyes/mouth are still so dry.


Oct 3, 2012
Been on the cryptolepis (5mL 3x/day) for a week now with no real positive effect. Negative effects that may or may not actually be from med, because I am really bad at telling: headaches, increased muscle pain and tightness (especially in neck), lightheadedness, slowed bowel transit time, reflux. Will keep at it for the full course (one month) unless I start feeling worse.

Making an effort to get out in the sun when it is sunny out. The bright light hurts my eyes and the pollen is making my sinuses all stuffed up and inflamed feeling, but I suck it up and sit out for at least 30 mins on my days off. Trying to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, especially since my heat tolerance seems to be getting worse. It has been around 78 degrees at work lately (only in the 50s outside -_- ) and I can feel my thinking get foggy, I fumble for words, I get hot/cold flashes and just feel plain awful. I thought it was just me being wimpy but my coworkers have been complaining about the heat as well. It would be fine if we could open windows and get some air circulating but there are no windows that open in the entire building, so it is just stagnant hot air. :dead: Just more motivation for me to get out of this job.

Thinking of trying some light lifting/exercise. I am on my feet for about 25 hours a week for work, walking, squatting, lifting things etc., but I feel like I am becoming weaker and I don't know why. Perhaps some targeted exercises (arms, legs, core) would help me feel stronger again.


Oct 3, 2012
I had an episode of sleep paralysis this morning, after not having had one in many many months. I think this is a hypo symptom for me. I've felt that my hypo symptoms have been exacerbated since starting the Cryptolepis, and I've been more fatigued, sore, confused, hot/cold etc. Just overall sluggish. However, my temps and pulse are still normal.

Also noticed that a swollen lymph node I've had for several months has flattened out since starting the Crypto.


Oct 3, 2012
Still taking the crypto; been two weeks now, so two to go. No real significant difference in symptoms. Been pretty tired and hands/feet are cold, temps/pulse ok though. Will probably try Cat's claw and japanese knotweed next. It is hard for me to find information on these herbs and if they are estrogenic or not, but since typically they are taken only for a few months I don't think that they could be that harmful. Seems like cat's claw may even be anti-estrogenic from what I've read.

I am really having trouble reading outside. Just sitting in the sun with a book for a half hour was a struggle; i was squinting, reading with my right eye shut (and twitching o_O ) and still had trouble focusing on the words. My eyes also have a hard time adjusting when I come back inside, and colors look off/whited out for a while before my eyes adjust. I haven't really had these issues before. Even at the computer I have trouble focusing. My eyes are dry so I'm sure that is a part of it. I'd think that my eyes would adjust after sitting out for that long but they don't seem to; gotta get some sunglasses I guess.


Oct 3, 2012
Been doing more reading about Lyme, and have come to the conclusion that I have absolutely no idea who/what to trust, and I'm too tired and brain fogged to really dig into the science (or lack thereof?) regarding this disease. Chronic lyme seems right up there with candida and adrenal fatigue in that there are a lot of testimonials but not much hard proof that these things are real diseases. At the same time, I have had a definite reduction in lymph node size; I'd had a lymph node the size of a small marble in my right breast for several months with no change, and since starting the Crypto I can barely feel it. I would think that this indicates some sort of infection going on. Crypto is a systemic antibiotic as well as an anti-malarial so it may be hitting some bug that's taken up residence in my body, but this is just a guess at this point. I do feel like my hypothyroidism is the result of something causing systemic inflammation/disregulation more than the primary cause of my issues, as various doses of medication have never significantly alleviated my symptoms and I don't have Hashimoto's. But is it Lyme? Probably not. Nevertheless, I don't see much harm in trying a few general antibacterial/immune support herbs for a few months to see if they affect my symptoms at all. I am going to try Cat's Claw again to see if I can take it for an extended period of time without stomach upset. The period of a few weeks that I felt a lot better was around the time I took the Cat's claw for a few days.

Not sure if I'm reading this right but it seems like Cryptolepis may reduce blood sugar? Effect of ethanolic extract of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta stem on in vivo and in vitro glucose absorption and transport: Mechanism of its antidiabetic activity Perhaps this is the cause of what I feel is an increase in hypothyroid symptoms; maybe it is hypoglycemia instead! I haven't seen any symptom improvement from the Crypto aside from the decrease in lymph node swelling so I will stop it next week at the four week mark and see how I feel after.

Had a massage done on Sat. and it was nice even though it really hurt at times, especially when she got to my calves. Working on my feet on tile without sitting for 8 hours at times really makes those muscles tight I think. Neck and back pain felt better after the massage but are back again. Also the combo of heated table/blankets made me feel kind of ill. I wish I could figure out what is causing this heat intolerance. I don't get it when taking hot showers usually, which doesn't make sense to me. That and the light sensitivity are my weirdest symptoms, I think. I'll figure this out somehow.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Looking to cut the Vit A when I can finally figure out how to make liver palatable...

This has been my problem for a long time and I finally found one way that works for me. We get liver locally from a farm for practically nothing - like $2 per lb. I have been feeding it to my dog and decided I should try it. It's fresh - this is important. If you can get fresh reddish pink liver, it's not so "offal" (local butchers should have fresh liver). I soak it in lemon juice and water for a few hours, then cut it up and fry it in a pan with sautéed onions and a little Coconut Oil and white wine. It cooks pretty fast. Salt to taste and serve with ketchup. This is the key. The ketchup and onions cover the metallic flavor nicely and it really is an energizing food.


Oct 3, 2012
This has been my problem for a long time and I finally found one way that works for me. We get liver locally from a farm for practically nothing - like $2 per lb. I have been feeding it to my dog and decided I should try it. It's fresh - this is important. If you can get fresh reddish pink liver, it's not so "offal" (local butchers should have fresh liver). I soak it in lemon juice and water for a few hours, then cut it up and fry it in a pan with sautéed onions and a little Coconut Oil and white wine. It cooks pretty fast. Salt to taste and serve with ketchup. This is the key. The ketchup and onions cover the metallic flavor nicely and it really is an energizing food.
Hey lindsay!

Thanks for the suggestions re: liver (and the pun lol). That's a good idea to get it from a butcher; I'd been getting it from Whole Foods and it definitely wasn't particularly fresh or cheap. I've never purchased meat from an actual butcher before but there's a place nearby I'll be sure to check out now! Ketchup is also a great suggestion; seems to make so many things taste better. Hopefully I can get some liver down without gagging next time. :joyful: I could really use the vitamin boost.
Stopped taking the cryptolepis today, at the three week mark. NP had suggested a 3-4 week course and I feel like it has worsened some of my symptoms so I am stopping for now. I do think that my muscle weakness, foggy/derealized feeling, and back pain have increased significantly since taking the medicine, to the point where they really interfere with my work. I also have that weird feeling in the back of my head/neck again that makes me feel lightheaded and kinda like a bobble-head (can't really describe). I really feel like I'm drunk at times and not in a fun way. :confused: I have found a few things that help, namely activated charcoal (hard to time dosage as I was taking the crypto 3x/day), Benadryl (knocks me out though), and this type of ginger drink with some gelatin powder dissolved into it (Prince of Peace Instant Ginger Honey Crystals). Hopefully the symptoms go back to their previous level when I'm off of this stuff for a few more days.
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Oct 3, 2012
Had a couple of gumline fillings done yesterday after dreading it for months. I kept putting them off thinking I could remineralize the teeth, but it became clear that there were holes and they couldn't be healed. I had to take an Ativan to get through the appointment because I was afraid I would react to the Novocaine, and my heart did race but everything went great. The fillings look nice. I have one more small one to get done and I'm hoping that coupled with my current oral care system with fluoride rinse, xylitol and K2 supps that these will be my last cavities. I am optimistic as I really have very little plaque anymore, and my teeth feel much healthier. I only got those cavities due to not properly cleaning my teeth after eating dried fruit strips; they sat on my gumline right where I got the cavities and I didnt notice until it was too late. Lesson learned.

I need more potassium. I don't want to supplement because I feel like I take too many supplements already. Gotta eat more potatoes I guess.

I have felt a bit better since stopping the Crypto, but not great. I do think it was messing with my blood sugar. Still not buying the chronic Lyme thing, though some of my symptoms and my reactions to herbal supplements do seem to fit. Have dropped thyroid medication back down to 2 grains from 2.25 as temps have been over 98.6 and pulse in 90s. I am wondering if the thyroid is actually stressing my body out and if I could try stopping it this summer, and focus on using pregnenolone and progesterone to support metabolism instead, as well as diet, of course. I am also thinking of trying Cypro for allergies/stress hormones but have heard it increases risk of cavities due to dry mouth so I don't know about that.


Oct 3, 2012
I adopted a 10-year-old cat named Charlie on Sunday. She is so loving, puts her paw on my face/chest when I am patting her and purrs up a storm. Unfortunately, she seems to want to be a cat and spend the night pacing her 400sq ft "territory," my bedroom and the spare guest bedroom. I've only had her for a day and the sleep deprivation and anxiety from having a living being dependent on me is making me feel really sick. I'm sure it will pass and I am stressing out over nothing, but good lord it is bad right now. I was up all night last night between her pacing and my pollen allergies; Benadryl before bed is not good for me, dries me out something awful and then I can't sleep well. I had to pee so many times; I think this is a really blatant stress response for me.

Also cat's previous owners had a bell collar on her for some reason I don't understand, as she is an indoor only cat, and I didn't think to just take it off last night, so all night i heard jinglejinglejingle for hours. Ripped the thing off of her as soon as I got out of bed this morning and she looked so confused lol. Fortunately, she didn't meow or step on me while I was tossing and turning in bed.

This is the beastie causing my anxiety right now:

I'm hoping once she settles in that she will actually help my anxiety. She is such a sweetheart and a bit clingy, but I totally understand that as she was abandoned by her family of ten years and then left in a shelter cage for a month. I want to give her a nice, quiet and warm place to spend whatever years she has left, so I really need to get it together.

In the meantime, I am going to try raising my thyroid dose back up to 2.25 grains, as I've definitely felt more anxious/nauseous/burping etc. on the 2 grain dose even though temps stayed the same. I should get labs done, but ever since my NP suggested we try applied kinesiology I've been looking for a new doc. I think seasonal allergies are also why I feel so awful lately; the mucus makes me nauseous, i feel short of breath and just all around inflamed and tired.


Mar 29, 2014
Charlie's gorgeous.
Nothing like a purring cat on the bed to help me settle to sleep - hope it gets like that for you two soon.


Oct 3, 2012
Charlie's gorgeous.
Nothing like a purring cat on the bed to help me settle to sleep - hope it gets like that for you two soon.
Thank you, tara! I hope so, too. She actually slept on my pillow for a bit last night, purring away right above my head. It was oddly relaxing haha. The only cats I've had have been a feral outdoor cat and an indoor/outdoor cat who was very anxious and not super affectionate, so I'm not used to having a cat that wants to be in my face/held like a baby. She actually reaches out her paw and gently touches my face when she wants to be pet! I love cats but had always assumed they were almost totally aloof around people due to my experience with them as pets. Charlie is trying to show me otherwise! :) Just have to get her into a good routine so I can sleep again.


Oct 3, 2012
Kitty seems to have settled in nicely now. She has shifted my sleep schedule from 12pm-8am to 11pm-7am because she wakes up and wants me to open the curtains so she can see the birds in my window feeder. :cat: Unfortunately, she isn't eating a lot due to the stress from the move, and the only food she's been eating is kibble with a bunch of junk ingredients. She turns her nose up at pretty much all wet food. Ideally I'd have her on a raw diet, but I'm going to see if I can transition her to some "good" kibble for now. She's 10 and has probably eaten only kibble her whole life, so I'm not expecting any crazy changes.

My allergies have been wrecking me lately (sinus pressure, postnasal drip, headache, fatigue, eye discomfort) and I am thinking of asking my NP for a prescription for cyproheptadine to try. I was worried that it was my new cat making me stuffy but I felt lousy from allergies before I got her, I've had no trouble with cats before, and my coworkers are also getting hit really hard this season with allergies.

I am also having bad back pain, including upper back and neck. No amount of stretching/sitting up straight seems to remedy it, though Ive spent many years slouched in front of a computer and perhaps it is catching up to me now. Muscle weakness is still annoying and I still don't know what is causing it.

I had a panic episode on Saturday for the first time in a long while. I was out with my boyfriend getting cat food at the pet store, and was fine walking around the store. When we got to the counter I started feeling a bit spacey, but I paid and we left. Upon leaving the store I had that distinct feeling of my stomach dropping, like on a roller coaster, and sudden lightheadedness/fear I would faint. I'd just recently eaten lunch (spicy Thai curry), was not in a stressful situation, and didn't feel trapped in any way as it happened when I was leaving the store. My thoughts are that it was a combination of messed up sleep and allergies that triggered some sort of adrenaline dump (stomach drop feeling). It did pass but I was out of it for the rest of the day.

Found pretty cheap wild caught shrimp at Trader Joe's, as well as some really good frozen nectarines and peaches. I need to shop there more often.


Oct 3, 2012
Been feeling quite lousy lately and can't pinpoint why. Got that whole spacey, can't focus my eyes feeling going on, and that drunk/disoriented mixing up and slurring some words thing, too. Also making dumb mistakes at work because of whatever is going on. I did up the total for a customer's phone order on a calculator, and undercharged her by $5 because my mind registered it as one number when the calculator clearly said a different number. I feel like I am losing my mind and I don't know why. Just feel very weak and out of it overall, especially weak in upper arms and legs. Lots of neck and upper back tightness and pain still, and bad chest pain caused by the back pain (really sore if I press on certain spots). Super tired. Also have that awful, skin-crawling hot/cold sweat feeling. Digestion is poor with a lot of burping again. I probably need to get myself to a doctor but I have such little faith that they can help anything, and it seems like my efforts to help myself have led to nothing, as well. Dr. Google would diagnose me with Multiple Sclerosis, CFS, Fibromyalgia or Lyme based on my symptoms, but I doubt any of those are what's going on. Temps are normal and pulse is high-ish (90s). I am not gaining or losing any weight.

Found out from a coworker with a FitBit yesterday at work that we walk about 4-5 miles in an 8 hour shift (if the device is accurate). No wonder I am tired after working, but it is disheartening that I feel so weak when I walk so much. I shouldn't be out of shape with all the walking, squatting and lifting things I do. I feel really, really weak. I am wondering if this is a cortisol thing. Been waking up at 3am like clockwork to pee, and again at 6am.

Fortunately, kitty is settled in and eating well so I don't have to worry about her for now. I am really enjoying her company when I'm not feeling well.


Oct 3, 2012
It is 3am and I can't sleep so I feel like complaining here. I've had a random, stabby-ish abdominal pain (to the right and slightly above belly button) since early this afternoon, and now I can't sleep due to nausea, cold sweat feeling etc.. Pain now is feeling kind of sore, or like a tight knot in that area. I'm also pretty stuffed up and coughing from a tickle caused by post-nasal drip. I haven't had any sort of abdominal pain like this in a long time and have no idea what's going on. I've been burping a lot but the pain seems concentrated to that one spot in my abdomen so I don't think it is gas. Had some ginger tea before bed but that didn't really help. I just took a small amount of Ativan because the thought of appendicitis nearly drove me into a panic attack :rolleyes:, but my abdomen isn't really tender to touch and I don't have a fever so I don't think it is that. I have to wake up for work in four hours and if I can't get to sleep I might call in sick, which I hate to do because I had the last 3 days off. The only different things I ate recently were Chipotle, a bag of coconut oil potato chips, and Ocean Spray cranberry juice. Hopefully it isn't from the Chipotle... :vomit:


Oct 3, 2012
Think the stomach pain was caused by the cranberry juice blend (cranberry, grape, apple and pear). I drank about 30oz over a two day period, which doesn't seem like a whole lot, but perhaps it was too acidic for my gut to handle. Pity, because I was really craving it for some reason. Will have to water down the rest when I drink it.


May 20, 2016
Haha! I just saw that I named my log after the Wizard of Oz like you!!! I've browsed through your log - I'm so sorry about your difficulties. I hope you find relief soon.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


May 1, 2016

I kind of skimmed through the beginning of the thread. Here's some stuff that has resonated with me.

I also too was fed soymilk as a baby. Mom couldn't breastfeed and I always threw up formula, so soy it was. Is this contributing to my problems?

I suffer from cystic acne as well, of which has left terrible pitted scars. Dairy/refined sugar seem to be my triggers. I drink low-fat kefir, no problem. I haven't tried to experiment with low-ft milk because I just can't take another breakout. But butter, cheese for sure break me out. I grew up eating dairy/refined sugars and never had any reaction. Acne started at around 17/18 which was normal teenage acne, and probably by 19/20 turned cystic. My breakouts started on the right side of my face, cheeks and jawline/upper neck.

I also suffer occasionally now from panic attacks/anxiety of what has been more recent. In the beginning it was far more frequent, almost every night. Along with horrible sleep, I would wake up at night all of a sudden and then start panicking.

I have really bad memory now so it's hard to recall all the health problems I went through, but so many. And yes, Dr. Google has diagnosed me with so much.

I would have what I described as an adrenaline like feeling all the time. For panic attacks, heavy stress would cause them along with sea salt baths/epsom salt baths (<-----still wondering why). I also feel like starches also triggered them. I don't eat anymore starches.

At one point, I was dealing with heart palpitations. They would get worse at night and when lying down and then they started occurring all the time. I'm not sure exactly what I did to help them, but I think I started using magnesium spray as well as eating lots of kefir.

I also believe that mouth breathing also contributes to panic attacks. I am a mouth breather.

I've also suffered with really bad fatigue, no motivation to do anything even the bare minimum. I would always think I was going to faint which only increased my anxiety and would cause me to always have something sugary with me.
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