SIBO Treatment Protocol (Xifaxan, Bile Salts, Prebiotics)


New Member
Jun 13, 2023
United States
For the past 18 months, I have suffered from of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and moderate fungal overgrowth, which have significantly impacted my well-being. I hope to shed light on my symptoms and share the treatment protocol I am preparing to administer.

Symptoms: Over the last 18 months, I have experienced a progressive worsening of symptoms associated with my condition. These manifestations have been distressing and include:
  • Daily bloating, causing significant discomfort
  • Persistent pain and abdominal discomfort
  • Frequent and excessive burping and gas
  • Audible stomach grumbling and gurgling
  • Alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation
  • Lingering fatigue and lack of vitality
  • Sinus infection complications, characterized by inflamed sinuses, tinnitus, and recurrent headaches
Treatment Protocol: After thorough research, I have developed a treatment protocol, which I intend to commence soon under the guidance of my gastroenterologist. This protocol comprises the following components:
  • Xifaxan Regimen: I plan to follow the standard Xifaxan regimen of 550 mg, administered thrice daily over a two-week cycle.
  • Bile Salts: Concurrently, I intend to take a single dose of pancreatic and bile salt extract (Vital Nutrients Pancreatin and Ox Bile Extract). Research shared elsewhere on the Forum indicates improved antibiotic response when co-administered with bile salts.
  • Prebiotic Supplement: I will incorporate a fiber prebiotic supplement (Thorne FiberMend) containing hydrolyzed guar gum, which has shown increased response efficacy to antibiotics when dosed at 5-15 mg daily.
  • Magnesium: I will continue supplementation with 300-400 mg of magnesium daily (Vital Nutrients Triple Mag Complex).
  • Vitamin K2 MK-4: I will also continue supplementation with 15 mg of vitamin K daily (Thorne Vitamin K2 Liquid). The administration of antibiotics heightens the need for vitamin K supplementation, as most vitamin K is secreted by the gut microbiome.
  • Aspirin and Baking Soda: As needed, I'll use a combination of aspirin and baking soda for general symptom relief.
Post-Treatment Diet: Following the two-week treatment cycle, I plan to adopt a diet that promotes gut health and prevents symptom exacerbation. My diet will predominantly consist of the following:
  • Dairy Products
  • Honey
  • Fruit
  • Sourdough Bread
  • (Moderate) Shellfish and Meat
  • Well-Boiled Potatoes
Seeking Advice: As I prepare to commence treatment, I am eager to hear from others who have experience with SIBO or similar gut-related conditions. Any advice, insights, or personal experiences with the mentioned treatment protocol would be appreciated.

Throughout my treatment, I will periodically provide updates on my progress, detailing any change in symptoms and overall well-being.

Wishing you all good health and vitality.
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Jul 17, 2015
Cornwallis said:
This protocol comprises the following components: Baking Soda with bile supplement (…).
=> HCL ≠ Baking Soda. I won't do that.

I’m using the following protocol for a supposed SIBO / SIFO problem. Recent.
Here is my diary for more details (In French; translator needed):
Boisson HE Sibo. Marche à suivre

Each 3 Hours (MMC), I take a drink (100 - 150 ml) with essential oils,, with a adapted diet (for 2 300 ml water)
- 5 capsules of LCA digestive comfort (EO of Ceylon Cinnamon, Clove, Mountain Savory and Lemon);
- 1 peppermint capsule, with EO ginger and fennel (important) (Now Food Peppermint);
- 5 capsules of oregano, always with ginger and fennel (Now Food Origano);
- 5 lemon pearls (Pranarôm).

MMC: Migrating motor complex - Wikipedia
EO = essential oil. Delayed action needed for second part of colon.

I add the desired electrolytes, in my drink (water):
- L-glutamine kyowa 15-20 gr [Harrison Sport Nutrition (HSN)
- Bisglycinate from Mg, 2 doses of 2.5 gr
- Collagen 20 g (
- sea salt (mini pinch or 3 turns of the mill, 0.3 g)

- Potassium citrates (10 gr = 3.6 g K a day)
- Calcium bisglycinate (Albion TRAACS) : 5 mini scopes (10 ml)

If you suffer from “Sinus infection complications”, characterized by inflamed sinuses, tinnitus, and recurrent headaches, I would read the book of Jacqueline Lagacé:
Comment j’ai vaincu la douleur et l’inflammation chronique par l’alimentation (mai 2011).
=> The end of pain (English version).

(in French):
Lagacé. Une alimentation ciblée pour préserver ou retrouver la santé de l’intestin. L’effet antidouleur d’une diète hypotoxique.
=> Lagace. A targeted diet to preserve or restore gut health. The pain-relieving effect of a hypotoxic diet.

See this post too for an experimented explanation (based on Dr Marc Pimentel):
Hello de Darky- j'ai le sibo - + fucosyl transferase 2 (FUT2)

Hope it would help.


New Member
Jun 13, 2023
United States
@Cornwallis what caused your SIBO?
is stress involved?
Regarding the cause of my SIBO, it remains largely unknown, despite consulting with my gastroenterologist. We have been unable to conclusively determine the exact cause.

However, I suspect that it may have been brought on by a combination of factors. One significant factor was dieting for an extended period with highly insufficient caloric intake, which likely impaired my thyroid and digestive function, leading to slower stool movement times. Even to this day, I experience the characteristic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Additionally, while my diet was mostly clean (though non-Peat), I did consume some products daily that contained artificial additives, such as protein bars and chips. The combination of slower clearance rates and the consumption of these products is my best guess for how things developed as they did.

Regarding the role of stress, it's plausible that both psychological and physical stress contributed to the development of SIBO. While my perceived stress levels were not extraordinarily high, they could have played a part to some degree. I use the term "perceived stress" because certain activities, like daily fasted caffeine consumption and excessive exercise, were undertaken without enough calories to support healthy energy levels, placing an undue burden on my adrenals.


May 13, 2015
I suspect that it may have been brought on by a combination of factors. One significant factor was dieting for an extended period with highly insufficient caloric intake, which likely impaired my thyroid and digestive function, leading to slower stool movement times. Even to this day, I experience the characteristic symptoms of hypothyroidism. Additionally, while my diet was mostly clean (though non-Peat), I did consume some products daily that contained artificial additives, such as protein bars and chips. The combination of slower clearance rates and the consumption of these products is my best guess for how things developed as they did.
Suggested reading:

Thiamine deficiency and hypothyroidism have some very similar symptoms because both are required for oxidative metabolism to happen. In addition, the thyroid needs thiamine to function.


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
I had SIBO from a bad hyperthyroid event which caused the acid in my stomach to reduce which caused the biological overgrowth with the following pete forum article.
I took 0.4 mg of enteric coated peppermint oil, which is 0.4 ml, twice a day. cleared up fairly quickly.
Stomach acid has to be increased with Bentain HCL and apple cider vinigar.
Review more Pete forum articles to get to the bottom of this.



Jun 24, 2022
United States
I had SIBO from a bad hyperthyroid event which caused the acid in my stomach to reduce which caused the biological overgrowth with the following pete forum article.
I took 0.4 mg of enteric coated peppermint oil, which is 0.4 ml, twice a day. cleared up fairly quickly.
Stomach acid has to be increased with Bentain HCL and apple cider vinigar.
Review more Pete forum articles to get to the bottom of this.

That's awesome you had success. What were you eating/drinking during this. I suspect low hcl/bile to have been one factor in my issues as well.
Have bought Thorne fiber mend as OP mentioned. Having noticed much yet.


New Member
Jun 13, 2023
United States
I am currently on day 6 of the Rifaximin protocol. Unfortunately, I have not noticed any sustained improvement in my condition so far.

The characteristic symptoms of SIBO, including stool discoloration, bloating, discomfort, and irregular bowel movements, persist. I have recently incorporated Flowers of Sulfur into my supplement regimen. Though FoS provided a minor, temporary improvement after the first treatment, there has been no noticeable change since then.

Despite the lack of progress and waning optimism, I am committed to completing the antibiotic cycle.

I will keep you informed of any further developments.


New Member
Jun 13, 2023
United States
I had SIBO from a bad hyperthyroid event which caused the acid in my stomach to reduce which caused the biological overgrowth with the following pete forum article.
I took 0.4 mg of enteric coated peppermint oil, which is 0.4 ml, twice a day. cleared up fairly quickly.
Stomach acid has to be increased with Bentain HCL and apple cider vinigar.
Review more Pete forum articles to get to the bottom of this.

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

I am interested to know if there were any factors that contributed to your return to a euthyroid state. Did you begin supplementing with thyroid medication, or were there any significant dietary or lifestyle changes that you believe may have played a role in your recovery?


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
I just purchased Super Gut by William Davis, MD. This covers SIBO SIFO and other gut bione problems. Good book and you have many yogurts to help recover from these problems. So much to do after you get over SIBO. Get the book and do some of those things covered.

I feel better now and am using three different yogurts and still have to make the yogurt that will stop the flu or make it less severe (Yakult yogurt)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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