Rope Worms


Oct 6, 2020
The psyllium mucoid plaque cleanses are a scam. The product itself is causing the gunk and then you pass it all out of you. I was caught up in these cleanses in the beginning of my health research and it caused massive obsessions surrounding health. So glad I don't care at all about any of that anymore. Other than using targeted mineral and supplemental approaches that build up our health. Our body detoxes very well on it's own. Its the greatest scam of all to think we can force it to cleanse better than it can by itself.

That being said I also had an anal itch that turned into a skin condition in my butt crack now for 4 yrs. Currently I am trying borax for it. And very recently started a no dairy protein diet. Still consuming butter, but I have never eliminated cheese or ice cream for longer than a couple days so I really want to try it. Even the borax can't cure much. It can keep symptoms at bay though.

Agree to a certain point. Thats why i do not like Psyllium husk, i think it can also irritate the lining troughout the intestinal track,i havent had good experiences with it.
Im also not a fan of excessive detox fasts. Enemas too is something that i only ever do when i feel it is realy necessary.

Thats all based on personal expereince tho so whom ever it helps ... you do you ofcourse.
Enzymes however is a tool that i feel is often times undermentioned when tackling chronic illness.


Jun 11, 2018
Yeah im always cautious about probiotics because they can be hit or miss and have the potential to make things even worse.
Looking at the product it seems like high quality. I tried to give the website more "glances" and theres more to the product than enzymes. The fruit powder consists of a multitude of fruits and their respective compounds so it may ntot be repliacted as simply as i i thought but iÄll try my way and report eventually with results.

It defenietly does. I tried black walnut, wormwood etc. on their own and not much happened but when i used a blend that had enzymes with it, it suddenly felt as effective and strong as an actual antihelmintic medication.

I also used enzymes on empty stomaches on their own to see what'll happen and it defently got to work in a systemic way (noticed it on a scar/old injury). Theres also in lyme disease some advanced protocolls that include enzymes for biofilmbreaking and with it a better success in combination with the usual antibiotics.

The issue with parasite approaches is, for outsiders it sounds crazy (meanwhile pets/animals are dewormed on a regular basis a few times a year as a standard ...) doing any of this stuff but one needs to realize that these things have been shown to interact not just on parasitic lifeforms (worms, fungi, virus, bacteria) but also exert effects on cancer and inflammation illnesses.

ITs not just worms or flukes, being big, moving and attaching to walls but thats what everyone thinks off. But it could very well be microscopic/single cell sized stuff that causes issue.

Let us know how it goes. i came to the conclusion, after a very good experience with pyrantel which made me feel like a god ascending me out of my chronic illness, to be instantly ruined by a follow up treatment 3 days later with mebendazole which reverted everything back to being ***t. Parasitologists and other experts in veterinary medicine know that killing certain parasites can be actually counterproductive. SO i guess it is the goal to find the right screw or the hay needle so to speak..

Have you seen this approach for lyme before? ITs essentially high vitamin c and salt.

AbundantLifeCor has gone trough interesting stuff himself, not sure if you have seen it:

I agree with everything you say. Looking forward to hearing how your experiment goes. I took the antihelminth dewormer yesterday and again it produced great results. I gives great stamina and my muscles worked at the gym almost like a normal person´s muscles, at least for non strenght exercises, gave some mental benefits and I slept great. It has a very similar effect to Pyrucet, but without causing bad eczema. It´s weird mebendazole ruined your success. For me it was beneficial, a little at least. How much did you take it?

I didn´t know about the vitamin C and salt protocol. Vitamin C has some beneficial muscle benefits for me, but is very eczematogenic. Salt is also beneficial for heat generation, keeping the water in and muscle function, but I don´t really know how to get it to work.

I hadn´t seen that liver flush thread before. It is very interesting. The liver flush was harder for me than ZenCleanz. Mostly because of the 60 grams of epsom salt. If it was half of that, it would be much more doable.


Jun 11, 2018
The psyllium mucoid plaque cleanses are a scam. The product itself is causing the gunk and then you pass it all out of you. I was caught up in these cleanses in the beginning of my health research and it caused massive obsessions surrounding health. So glad I don't care at all about any of that anymore. Other than using targeted mineral and supplemental approaches that build up our health. Our body detoxes very well on it's own. Its the greatest scam of all to think we can force it to cleanse better than it can by itself.

That being said I also had an anal itch that turned into a skin condition in my butt crack now for 4 yrs. Currently I am trying borax for it. And very recently started a no dairy protein diet. Still consuming butter, but I have never eliminated cheese or ice cream for longer than a couple days so I really want to try it. Even the borax can't cure much. It can keep symptoms at bay though.

The ZenCleanz is not a scam. If you had read this thread properly, then you´d know there are several ways to get the rope out. That rope has an intricate structure as if it was collecting for a while, it is hollow from the inside, I even found a sunflower seed in it, which I haven´t eaten in a while and other seeds. The rope is also more firm, than psyllium. It varies in color, which can be interpreted in different ways.

My experience is that the body gets saturated with minerals and vitamins and they also cause problems. Finding the correct regime is almost impossible. I guess you haven´t seen the great amount of weird things come out from the intestine, to say the body can clean it well. The intestine is outside of the body, where the system has limited methods to use. Before the cleanse I saw something grow out from my sink, I screwed it loose and guess what I found? A big piece of fat, coated with a black layer. These kind of processes happen inside the human tubing as well, especially with health problems. Fat and other substances and processes can start growing itself and when it is large enough, the organsim can´t do much about it. Pluss there can be many other benefits to cleansing.

My anal itch turned into eczema and I am certain it is a vaccine injury. I now get bloody rectum after wiping sometimes. The skin around the anus was perfect on a low vitamin A diet. Along with it goes tongue soreness, which was also perfect. The most detrimental to that condition are dairy (non-protein as well), eggs and some supplements. I think carrots and orange juice have stated to cause it as well, Tescos non-gluten and non-dairy Oreo-like cookies as well (I have no idea why). Haven´t tried borax, but boronic acid was a great supplement for me, at least initally, then the body got saturated with it.


Aug 6, 2017
The ZenCleanz is not a scam. If you had read this thread properly, then you´d know there are several ways to get the rope out. That rope has an intricate structure as if it was collecting for a while, it is hollow from the inside, I even found a sunflower seed in it, which I haven´t eaten in a while and other seeds. The rope is also more firm, than psyllium. It varies in color, which can be interpreted in different ways.

My experience is that the body gets saturated with minerals and vitamins and they also cause problems. Finding the correct regime is almost impossible. I guess you haven´t seen the great amount of weird things come out from the intestine, to say the body can clean it well. The intestine is outside of the body, where the system has limited methods to use. Before the cleanse I saw something grow out from my sink, I screwed it loose and guess what I found? A big piece of fat, coated with a black layer. These kind of processes happen inside the human tubing as well, especially with health problems. Fat and other substances and processes can start growing itself and when it is large enough, the organsim can´t do much about it. Pluss there can be many other benefits to cleansing.

My anal itch turned into eczema and I am certain it is a vaccine injury. I now get bloody rectum after wiping sometimes. The skin around the anus was perfect on a low vitamin A diet. Along with it goes tongue soreness, which was also perfect. The most detrimental to that condition are dairy (non-protein as well), eggs and some supplements. I think carrots and orange juice have stated to cause it as well, Tescos non-gluten and non-dairy Oreo-like cookies as well (I have no idea why). Haven´t tried borax, but boronic acid was a great supplement for me, at least initally, then the body got saturated with it.
Those are examples of the outermost layer of the intestinal wall dying, shedding, and sticking around the ***t like a sausage skin. Congrats, you did something so damaging the intestines are dying. Think of it like when the skin peels after a heavy sunburn.


Jun 11, 2018
Those are examples of the outermost layer of the intestinal wall dying, shedding, and sticking around the ***t like a sausage skin. Congrats, you did something so damaging the intestines are dying. Think of it like when the skin peels after a heavy sunburn.
Yes! You nailed it! And now I´m dead.


Jun 11, 2018
Those are examples of the outermost layer of the intestinal wall dying, shedding, and sticking around the ***t like a sausage skin. Congrats, you did something so damaging the intestines are dying. Think of it like when the skin peels after a heavy sunburn.
You don´t know anything about the subject. The rope doesn´t stick around the ***t. You should know that at least.


Sep 13, 2012
There hasn't been a single case of mucoid plaque found in any autopsy or colonoscopy ever. Zero. What you are shedding is the actual mucous lining of your intestines. We don't have an inert pipe running through our body, its full of living cells that turn over and get replaced once every 3 days. It does that very well without any assistance. If you have diverticulitis that may be a different story, mucous could harden inside the pockets but it would be extremely small in comparison to those photos. My first few coffee enemas I had a small piece of hardened mucous come out, nothing has come out like any of those pictures ever. Just some icky mucous.


Jan 1, 2020
Maybe you aren't having any real success because you're working under a theory, or a tendency towards theories that leads you to shoving chemicals up your behind while throwing around names of various gurus. I personally have gotten much better after going from a supplement regiment to simply not doing anything (except taking some zinc). If your modus operandi was so good, you would already be well after five or seven years.


Jun 11, 2018
There hasn't been a single case of mucoid plaque found in any autopsy or colonoscopy ever. Zero. What you are shedding is the actual mucous lining of your intestines. We don't have an inert pipe running through our body, its full of living cells that turn over and get replaced once every 3 days. It does that very well without any assistance. If you have diverticulitis that may be a different story, mucous could harden inside the pockets but it would be extremely small in comparison to those photos. My first few coffee enemas I had a small piece of hardened mucous come out, nothing has come out like any of those pictures ever. Just some icky mucous.
First it was a psyllium scam, now it´s an intestinal lining. You lack consistensy.


Jun 11, 2018
Maybe you aren't having any real success because you're working under a theory, or a tendency towards theories that leads you to shoving chemicals up your behind while throwing around names of various gurus. I personally have gotten much better after going from a supplement regiment to simply not doing anything (except taking some zinc). If your modus operandi was so good, you would already be well after five or seven years.
Why do you have that disgusting picture as your avatar? Don´t be a pedophile and leave animals alone. And don´t comment on threads you haven´t read. You are a useless disgusting animal ****er. Go away!


Jan 1, 2020
Why do you have that disgusting picture as your avatar? Don´t be a pedophile and leave animals alone. And don´t comment on threads you haven´t read. You are a useless disgusting animal ****er. Go away!
Haha, sounds like you're of sound mind and balanced temprament. Good luck with the rope worms!


Sep 13, 2012
First it was a psyllium scam, now it´s an intestinal lining. You lack consistensy.
The pysllium does add to the bulk of these 'worms'. Which is why you can do google searches for mucoid plaque and find lbs of this gunk come out of people, when no autopsy has ever confirmed it's existence.


Jun 11, 2018
The pysllium does add to the bulk of these 'worms'. Which is why you can do google searches for mucoid plaque and find lbs of this gunk come out of people, when no autopsy has ever confirmed it's existence.
Maybe you just think there have been autopsies to confirm whether there is or is no mucoid plaque. You probably can´t point to any reports that have researched the issue.

Not that I really care since I have a surgery coming up and as I have written many times before, I haven´t found much connection between rope worms, mucoid plaque and health, for better or worse.


Jan 28, 2021
Max how is going with you experiments, did you get rid of that anal itch? Im tying to do an atiparasitic approach, did menbendazole, but it didnt help too much. The anal itch get a lil bit better whn i drink some herbs tea that i make with everything i can find in my kitchen and garden (cloves, chili, oregano, you name it).
Someone has cured this problem? And recently hemoroids...oh boy....but these also seem to get better with herbs tea and aspirin.
Anyone succeded with deworming approach to fix this problems?


Jun 11, 2018
Max how is going with you experiments, did you get rid of that anal itch? Im tying to do an atiparasitic approach, did menbendazole, but it didnt help too much. The anal itch get a lil bit better whn i drink some herbs tea that i make with everything i can find in my kitchen and garden (cloves, chili, oregano, you name it).
Someone has cured this problem? And recently hemoroids...oh boy....but these also seem to get better with herbs tea and aspirin.
Anyone succeded with deworming approach to fix this problems?
My anal itch went completely away and turned into eczema, which is worse. I think it is caused by vaccine injury, which also expalins why my IgE is elevated. Nothing has helped against the eczema, things that make it worse have increasingly appeared, like recent sensitivities to latex, pineapples, bananas and apples. Only some things alleviate it like thyroid, vitamin D, aspirin+niacin and MMS baths. I had a positive experience with a low vitamin A diet and would like to try it again, but currently don´t have the strenght to do it. Right now I am also trying to drink half a litre of hot water 1,5 hours before meals, to get bile moving and I think it helps with that, causes increased appetite, but right now I have fatigue, facial flush and tap water makes my tongue sore, because it is too much mineralized.

As I have said before, I like antiparasitic drugs, but I doubt they offer a solution in my case, because I think my problems are originating from a vaccine injury. I can´t recommend herbs, because for me a lot of them are gut irritating. I have had hemorhhoids several times, but something makes them go away, whether it is something I do or the organism selfheals.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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