Pregnenolone vs Progesterone for under developed cognitive function

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Just have written a long a** post about the changes in apperance I have experienced when I was 30, but then I have realized nobody would believe me anyways so I have deleted it before posting. :D

But I will say this. Peating probably won't help you if your problem is poor genes. But if you have decent genes, and some unfortunate event during your puberty or childhood made you not grow to your full genetic potential, Peating can do absolute wonders for you. In that case, I believe you can grow to your fullest potential, no matter your age.
i think it can help the vast majority of people, since theres so many people who have consumed pufas, gotten vaccines or other injections, xrays, drank fluoridated water, eaten processed foods like cereals with added iron, used vitamin supplements/iron supplements, drank water with copper/chlorine, excess radiation etc. actually, peating should help anyone who wasnt already peating. theres probably very few people who were peating from birth and beyond, and an example of that could be certain tribes like the maasai who supposedly have some members who can see things a mile away and see certain stars the average person needs telescopes for.


May 19, 2017
i think it can help the vast majority of people, since theres so many people who have consumed pufas, gotten vaccines or other injections, xrays, drank fluoridated water, eaten processed foods like cereals with added iron, used vitamin supplements/iron supplements, drank water with copper/chlorine, excess radiation etc. actually, peating should help anyone who wasnt already peating. theres probably very few people who were peating from birth and beyond, and an example of that could be certain tribes like the maasai who supposedly have some members who can see things a mile away and see certain stars the average person needs telescopes for.
It will definitely help you reach your genetic potential, but it won't help you grow past that


Jun 13, 2021
? Ray said he has gained height in his 40s or something.
the person mentioned reversing physical damage
It's not an increase in they way you're interpreting — i.e., an increase in long bone length.
It's from the restoration of resting tone within the musculature of the upper back, which allows the spine to stay more upright, less compressed, etc, which can give a person an extra inch or so (the same reason people are taller in the morning).
He didn't get taller in an absolute manner.


May 19, 2017
It's not an increase in they way you're interpreting — i.e., an increase in long bone length.
It's from the restoration of resting tone within the musculature of the upper back, which allows the spine to stay more upright, less compressed, etc, which can give a person an extra inch or so (the same reason people are taller in the morning).
He didn't get taller in an absolute manner.
It is definitely possible to grow bones in your 30s.


Aug 9, 2019
This is Ginannis, NBA player.
Take a look at how much he has changed, both body and face. His whole face has become more masculinized.
May have abused PED / roids, though.


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It's not an increase in they way you're interpreting — i.e., an increase in long bone length.
It's from the restoration of resting tone within the musculature of the upper back, which allows the spine to stay more upright, less compressed, etc, which can give a person an extra inch or so (the same reason people are taller in the morning).
He didn't get taller in an absolute manner.
I dont think that was what he was impyling, I think his resting tone of the upper back was already maximized. the sort of growth youre talking about could likely be restored with exercises, proper sleeping posture, protein intake etc. it seemed it was due to the puberty like effects of using dhea, perhaps it can help people who had an incomplete puberty or a puberty affected by bad environment etc.

This is Ginannis, NBA player.
Take a look at how much he has changed, both body and face. His whole face has become more masculinized.
May have abused PED / roids, though.


whats the time difference in those pictures? the second one looks edited, photoshopped etc. he's not that big on court or in person.

but yeah his facial structure looks totally different. I doubt simply playing basketball would cause those changes, you'd have to drastically improve the diet, eat more protein etc and it would still take years. I'm not sure if he actually does a proper diet either.

Also, this actor guy. You can't say he didn't have good genes.


is the second picture the before pic? how was this change done and how long did it take? seems unbelievable...


Jun 13, 2021
It is definitely possible to grow bones in your 30s.
And your supporting evidence for that claim is?
If you can provide actual evidence that long bone elongation is possible after growth plates have closed then I'm more than happy to change my view, but throwing out unsubstantiated claims when the current data suggests otherwise isn't the way this works.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
And your supporting evidence for that claim is?
If you can provide actual evidence that long bone elongation is possible after growth plates have closed then I'm more than happy to change my view, but throwing out unsubstantiated claims when the current data suggests otherwise isn't the way this works.
those data sources etc are mainstream and probably fake/false the majority of mainstream things are.
mainstream data says vaccines are safe, people have limited lifespans, lifespan is increasing and people are getting healthier, longer lived, height stops at 20 years old etc.
the Peat world is completely opposite to that, and IMO more logical, more believable. basically everything the mainstream data, mainstream health industry, food industry etc states and studies is completely false. I don't know if the concept of growth plates even exists, I mean I know mainstream medicine talks about them but it doesnt mean they exist, nor are they something to be concerned with.


Aug 9, 2019
is the second picture the before pic? how was this change done and how long did it take? seems unbelievable...
No, the 2nd pic if the after pic. The first pic is when he was younger.
I forgot his name, but he is a Hollywood actor. He let himself go and / or suffered stress / health issues, as he had severe diffuse thinning at some point which clearly indicates metabolic dysfunction.
This is to prove a point that lifestyle and diet can go a long way in making you more handsome. But it can also happen in reverse. A case of unfortunate aging.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
No, the 2nd pic if the after pic. The first pic is when he was younger.
I forgot his name, but he is a Hollywood actor. He let himself go and / or suffered stress / health issues, as he had severe diffuse thinning at some point which clearly indicates metabolic dysfunction.
This is to prove a point that lifestyle and diet can go a long way in making you more handsome. But it can also happen in reverse. A case of unfortunate aging.
when you say stress you mean physical like less sleep, too much physical stress from being awake, working too hard in the gym etc? mental stress as in mental anxiety/worry should have no impact on physical health, unless it leads you to make poor physical health choices like not sleeping, not eating properly, etc correct?


May 19, 2017
And your supporting evidence for that claim is?
If you can provide actual evidence that long bone elongation is possible after growth plates have closed then I'm more than happy to change my view, but throwing out unsubstantiated claims when the current data suggests otherwise isn't the way this works.
No supporting evidence, just personal experience.


Nov 22, 2017
Also, this actor guy. You can't say he didn't have good genes.


Brandon Fraser really did go through a tough time. We talked about him at length in some threads last year. One of my favourites actors from my childhood. The Mummy is always a great watch.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Brandon Fraser really did go through a tough time. We talked about him at length in some threads last year. One of my favourites actors from my childhood. The Mummy is always a great watch.
what caused the change, it cant just be mental stress, id imagine it happens from using a certain diet/supplement regimen, vaccines, xrays, toxic food supply etc...


Nov 22, 2017
what caused the change, it cant just be mental stress, id imagine it happens from using a certain diet/supplement regimen, vaccines, xrays, toxic food supply etc...

Mental stress is the most powerful stress out there.


Mar 15, 2018
what caused the change, it cant just be mental stress, id imagine it happens from using a certain diet/supplement regimen, vaccines, xrays, toxic food supply etc...
With Brendan it's what you call alimony payment hell. He got his ***t ****88 up by the divorce courts.
Last edited:

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Mental stress is the most powerful stress out there.
in my experience any of the mental stuff never ever caused physical symptoms unless it indirectly caused a change in behavior.
for instance some claim depression causes weight loss, some claim it causes weight gain... what actually occurs is some people in response to depression eat more or less
i dont think Peat when he uses the term stress, is referring to mental stress, everything ive seen seems to be referring to physical stresses like sickness, disease, poor metabolism. mental stress/issues are usually a side effect occuring as a result of physical stresses and issues.
ive been stressed, depressed, anxious etc in the past and it never caused a physical symptom or effect besides for instance being less willing to go out or hang out with someone.


Nov 22, 2017
in my experience any of the mental stuff never ever caused physical symptoms unless it indirectly caused a change in behavior.
for instance some claim depression causes weight loss, some claim it causes weight gain... what actually occurs is some people in response to depression eat more or less
i dont think Peat when he uses the term stress, is referring to mental stress, everything ive seen seems to be referring to physical stresses like sickness, disease, poor metabolism. mental stress/issues are usually a side effect occuring as a result of physical stresses and issues.
ive been stressed, depressed, anxious etc in the past and it never caused a physical symptom or effect besides for instance being less willing to go out or hang out with someone.

No he refers to any stress, including EMFs, darkness, toxins and mental stress itself. They all trigger the same stress response. Learned helplessness, an acute manifestation of mental stress is the most powerful stressor in existence and is strong enough to kill people.

I can assure you it will eventually cause big physical symptoms, you may not have realized it but it any type of chronic anxiety/depression has already had profound deleterious effects on your body. It's a big two way street where the problem feeds back onto itself.

And I'm sure many others on this forum can attest to it as well. The book Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers explores this relationship between what has been categorized as purely ''mental stress'' and the very physiological impacts that accompany it.
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