Is there really a 50/50 chance of your baby being male/female ? Is there really no factors that increased the likelihood of a specific sex being born


Jun 22, 2021
I was reading a few studies and this story -

Some pregnant women may believe that environmental factors may play a role in what sex baby they have, while others look at their family trees. Whether you're having a baby for the first time or the fourth, we all really know that it's a matter of science.

The cells in our bodies are made up of 46 chromosomes that are grouped by pairs. Each pair has one chromosome from the mother and one from the father. Each sex cell carries half of the chromosomes. When it comes to the mother's eggs, chromosome 23 is always X. For the father's sperm, chromosome 23 can be either X or Y.

“The sperm determines the sex of a baby depending on whether they are carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X and Y combine to make a boy, while an XX make a girl," says Dr. Joel Gator Warsh, a Southern California-based integrative pediatrician.

Although it is the man's sperm that ultimately determines the sex of a baby, is it a coincidence that some women give birth to only boys while others only have baby girls? Math and science have a lot to say about it!"

However, Langdon also references the Newcastle University study, published in Evolutionary Biography that showed that men are more likely to have sons if they have more brothers but are more likely to have daughters if they have more sisters. It suggests that an as-yet-undiscovered gene controls whether a man’s sperm contains more X or more Y chromosomes, which affects the sex of his children. Looking at how sperm cells impact the sex of the baby is key to unraveling why some women have only boys and others have only girls."


If the sperm is said to define the sex of the child - would the male hormonal profile during conception influence the gender ? (i.e. this is just speculation - but would a higher-progesterone male lean towards a specific sex of a baby being born ?)

I notice that when I tell women that I have sisters they find that a lot more attractive than when I tell them I have brothers ... is there something subconsciously going on here ? That they may want a daughter so are my "genetics" important here ?

"A few months ago, I read an article about a family with 14 children, all boys. That is a lot of boys! My first thought was what their grocery bills must be.
Refining the probability a little bit, there are about 105 boys born for every 100 girls, so about 51.2 percent of babies are boys. The probability, then, of 14-boy families among all 14-child families, is (.51214), which is about 0.0085 percent. Rounding that to the nearest order of magnitude, we would expect about 1 in 10,000 14-child families to have only boys.

After working out that probability, I had a new question: how many 14-child families are there in this? If there are more than 10,000, it seems likely that there are some 14-boy families out there. Even if there are only a few thousand 14-child households, it wouldn’t be too surprising to have a 14-boy family."


Family in Michigan with 14 consecutive born sons - the 15th and 16th child of this family were both girls

And then this study which examines how fetuses of different sex respond to the mother taking progesterone during pregnancy

"We investigated the fetal effects of natural progesterone administration in early pregnancy using a clinically realistic large animal model and time-frame for progesterone administration. The ovine fetus at D75 gestation is developmentally is equivalent to the 15-week human fetus. We showed that maternal progesterone administration increased progesterone concentrations only in the male fetus. This male-specific effect was also seen in female and male co-twins. We therefore focussed on the effects of this increase of fetal progesterone concentrations in the male fetuses. Investigation of the readouts of pituitary and testicular function during fetal life suggests that maternal progesterone supplementation has effects on the male fetus reproductive axis development/function in early gestation. In addition, investigating circulating hormones, where progesterone is an intermediary in their synthesis, showed an increase in 11-dehydrocorticosterone in male fetuses."

"We don’t know why the male fetus increases progesterone in response to maternal administration, while the female fetus does not. There may be several explanations for this, including sexually dimorphic placental progesterone transport and metabolism. However, we chose to use in silico analysis of the fetal liver to look at potential hepatic metabolic explanations. We found sexually dimorphic expression of hepatic progesterone metabolising enzymes, with fetal males having lower expression than fetal females. This data is from D90 fetuses and so it is not clear how relevant the finding is at D75 gestation. However, it highlights that the sex differences seen in response to maternal progesterone administration is likely to be due to sexually dimorphic expression of progesterone metabolising enzymes."

Screenshot (9).png

It seems that male and female fetuses have completely different responses (even for sets of twins of each) to the mother taking progesterone during the pregnancy ?

How should we decipher this ? Can we say that a male fetus with higher progesterone is more likely to not occur in a miscarriage and develop with no birth defects since maybe we can say the baby develops healthier with higher progesterone ? How can we explain the female fetus response ?


Given that fetuses dependent on sex respond differently to a mother taking progesterone - would actions taken in the short time span after being conceived decide the sex of the child ? Very interesting thoughts ...

What do users think ? I noticed I have known many families in my lifetime with kids who were all one sex or who were all mostly one sex ... I wonder if there is a defining factor in the time during and after conception that decides this ?
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Jan 14, 2020
It's a great topic, I was interested in this myself. I also know families that have only boys or only girls and then it goes in the generations. I wasn't able to figure it out and even prepared this question for Ray for interview with Danny - maybe in the next session he will share his theory about this.


Apr 23, 2021
Anecdotally men who are taking Clomid are more likely to have daughters.


Oct 6, 2020
While i do not know how applicable this is to us, i've read that bees for example all share the same genetics and what makes/creates a queen and her physical attributes comes solely from being fed with ghelee royal.

It kind of demonstrates something we know from epigenetics, that the influences around us (food, water, air, other beings) affect us on a cellular level.

So i woudn't consider it far fetched if someone told me there is/are factors that could influence this.


Feb 5, 2019
Back when I was in school about 20 years ago, I was in a biochem class or anthropology class and I remember learning about the mechanisms in which stress in a woman was thought to promote slightly more female babies. I think it was through pH or mucus quality. Sorry I don't remember the details. There was the observation that after stresses such as wars and undernutrition, the ratios favored girls, and that this would help the species survive. I have no idea if this is even still believed.

In my community there are many large families and none of them have just boys or just girls. There may be 3 or 4 of one gender in a row, but in families with 10+ kids it tends to be quite balanced


Nov 23, 2020
There was the observation that after stresses such as wars and undernutrition, the ratios favored girls, and that this would help the species survive. I have no idea if this is even still believed.
I have seen real life communities where food is scarce, it does not apply there as a rule, it seems equal amounts of boy and girls.
Actually it is impressive how these females are able to give birth anyway.
Now weather if these communities would be well fed would generate a lot of boys I do not know.


Oct 11, 2016
Ya the reason why men were more ashamed of having females than men is because the kind of man produces men used to be common knowledge.


Sep 27, 2018
Tongkat Ali increases percentage of male offspring and total number of offspring when given to male rats.


Apr 28, 2019
In a book by Indreeide about evolution (no cant show its in norwegian) he talks about how social hierarchies influence sex of offsprung. Many animals show this trait. Reindeer is one of the welldocumented cases. If a reindeer is lownon the herd hierarchy she gets more female calfs as an unsuccessfull female are more likely to reproduce then a male. He also references how this trait is also measurable but to a much lower degree in humans. Females high on the social ladder gives birth to more boys, poor mothers to more girls. The difference is slight but statistically significant. This suggests that thing like serotonin might be involved in selection for girls as it to my knowledge is the hormonelike substance most connected with servility


Jun 22, 2021
Anecdotally men who are taking Clomid are more likely to have daughters.
Tongkat Ali increases percentage of male offspring and total number of offspring when given to male rats.
Interesting - Clomid seems to increase Progesterone and Tongkat Ali seems to increase testosterone significantly - my mother was born to a family of 6 girls and no boys and my father was born to a family with 7 sons and no girls - I feel like there has to be something here - what are the chances of this happening so often in the US ?


Jun 22, 2021
In a book by Indreeide about evolution (no cant show its in norwegian) he talks about how social hierarchies influence sex of offsprung. Many animals show this trait. Reindeer is one of the welldocumented cases. If a reindeer is lownon the herd hierarchy she gets more female calfs as an unsuccessfull female are more likely to reproduce then a male. He also references how this trait is also measurable but to a much lower degree in humans. Females high on the social ladder gives birth to more boys, poor mothers to more girls. The difference is slight but statistically significant. This suggests that thing like serotonin might be involved in selection for girls as it to my knowledge is the hormonelike substance most connected with servility
Back when I was in school about 20 years ago, I was in a biochem class or anthropology class and I remember learning about the mechanisms in which stress in a woman was thought to promote slightly more female babies.

My father (whos family was 7 sons and no daughters) grew up very well off - his father even had his own farm and made quite a bit of money for himself and his mom never worked a day in her life and my mother (who grew up with 6 daughters and no sons) grew up fairly poor - I'm looking at pictures of her family and her father seemed to be always working and so was her mother - also quite the smoker as well.

Very interesting ideas... I am just speculating of course but its very interesting to notice these things - that stress or estrogen/testosterone hormonal profile play a heavy hand in this


Jun 22, 2021
Where is this information coming from?

We know Clomid is a two compound substance, one of which very estrogenic.
Ah you are right - I am looking at the side effects and it sounds very estrogenic


Maybe then it increases E2 and Progesterone ? But then Progesterone should negate this ? I am not sure to be honest when I try to search in Google it says it increases both but it doesn't get into specifics at all so I am not sure if I should post here


Nov 23, 2020
If in reality Clomid increases P4 is really uninteresting to most as active testing, because women would not really wonder too much if that happens and guys on Clomid I never heard them talk about testing that specifically while under the protocol.

Studies can be conflicting often and like with many studies we have little to zero background of the people in the program.


Apr 23, 2021
Where is this information coming from?

We know Clomid is a two compound substance, one of which very estrogenic.
Men who use clomid to reboot their testosterone usually take it alongside an aromatase inhibitor


Nov 23, 2020
Men who use clomid to reboot their testosterone usually take it alongside an aromatase inhibitor
This is not the general information throw out there freely on YT by various gurus, it is the first time I hear it.
Jun 30, 2021
Higher testosterone male more likely to have male offspring, low T more likely to have female offspring to gather the seed of superior men and ensure survival in gene pool


Feb 28, 2021
Interesting - Clomid seems to increase Progesterone and Tongkat Ali seems to increase testosterone significantly - my mother was born to a family of 6 girls and no boys and my father was born to a family with 7 sons and no girls - I feel like there has to be something here - what are the chances of this happening so often in the US ?
Would that mean that women supplementing progesterone before conception are more likely to have girls?

The idea that men from all boys families will have sons luckily doesn’t apply to us but I have no idea why.
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