ORN 3_15_21: Viruses, Vaccines, Great Reset, Genetics


Jan 15, 2016
Original Audio Interview: Ray Peat Interview - One Radio Network - March 15, 2021
All the text should be accurate. Please refer to the audio version if necessary. A lot of important material in this one considering the present circumstances...

PT: Dr. Ray Peat is with us, he’s here the 3rd Monday of each month. Thank you so much for coming once a month; how are things up in the Northwest?

RP: Pretty good, weather has been warmer than usual, for several days now, a little rain. Spring is coming on.

PT: I want to talk a little bit about the exosomes and viruses and Zach Bush’s work, that I got turned on more, you mentioned it last month. What are some of the biggest things that you’ve learned over the years looking at hormones and progesterone and all of that? I think what now, almost 40 years? Did you come across a lot of things that your idea changed based on experience over those years?

RP 2:00 - O yeah, my own diet changed a lot as I...studying estrogen and the effects in aging and fertility in animals for example. I came across a lot of research going back to the 1940s showing that polyunsaturated fats are estrogenic and that vitamin E, going back to the Shute’s work in the 1930’s, is an anti-estrogen, anti inflammatory and estrogen is both pro-inflammation and pro-cancer and pro aging. The arrival of the estrogen industry in 1940s changed the world’s interpretation of not just only estrogen but vitamin e and the polyunsaturated fatty acids. That was kind of a turning point in my diet

PT 3:08– So Vitamin E, even supplemental, Dr. Peat, is a good anti-estrogen thing? To keep estrogen happy or am I

RP 3:25- It’s anti-inflammatory and that amounts pretty much to being anti-estrogenic. Vitamin E facilitates good oxidation where as estrogen interferes with the proper use of oxygen, that’s the core function of estrogen is to block normal respiration in cells.

PT 3:52- Mhmm. Do you think we get enough vitamin E from the sunlight?

RP 3:59- No, Vitamin E…

PT 4:05- I’m confusing Vitamin E with Vitamin D, I’m sorry

RP 4:10 – If we have a diet free of the polyunsaturated fats and no exposure to estrogens, then we need extremely little vitamin E, because its main function is defensive against the estrogenic substances and polyunsaturated fats. If you are already fairly well saturated with the PUFA fats than your requirement for vitamin E goes up and up with aging, some studies suggested that the older you get the more vitamin E you need just to prevent the rancidity of the polyunsaturated fats in your tissues. Some studies suggested that it reached a need of 400 mg Vitamin E per day by the time of middle age or menopause. But at that point no matter how much you take the rancidity is going to take over and have an estrogenic, pro-aging, pro-inflammatory effect. So the only real solution is to minimize a person’s exposure and absorption of the polyunsaturated fats.

PT 5:35- What are the biggest ones that people consume on-going in our culture? Would that be like the Wesson oil?

RP 5:48- The liquid oils and the fish oil is a newer addition, but it’s especially bad. Fish oils and algae oils. The seed oils like cottonseed oil, linseed, soy, canola, and so on. In the lab when I was working on the effects of estrogen on those fatty acids in the body I bought a bottle of one of those oils, Wesson, one of the liquid oils. I had my apparatus set up for measuring animal oxygen consumption and I just put a rubber tube attached to the top of a quart of vegetable oil and put the other end in a beaker of water and came back a couple of hours later and the water had been drawn up the tube. The oil itself, a bottle full of oil but with the cap off and the bottle with the liquid oil had moved the water, was consuming oxygen just like there was a little animal in the bottle respiring. So the oil constantly when exposed to air is becoming rancid. And that was at room temperature that the bottle of oil was sucking up the oxygen, imagine at the body temperature of 98 degrees how fast that rancidity process is going to be consuming the oxygen in your tissues. That makes it act like estrogen to compete against your mitochondrial energy production. Your fat cells begin sucking up the oxygen and then the polyunsaturated fats reaching the mitochondrion will slow, destroy damage its ability to use oxygen.

PT 8:02- So, olive oil is a monounsaturated and it isn’t considered a real PUFA, even though it has some PUFA characteristics.

RP 8:12- Yeah, where some of the oils are 50 to 60 percent PUFA, Olive oil is 8 or 10-11 percent PUFA, so it’s much safer, and butter is 3% roughly.

PT 8:33- ...Do you think a dark bottler is the best place to store it?

RP 8:58- It needs to be in a cool place. So a refrigerator would be best. First of all, you want to make sure its actual olive and that it tastes good, like olives. The agriculture department twenty years ago tested the supplies being sold in the US and found that 70% of it was tainted with things like Canola, which is cheaper. So it’s a gamble if what you’re getting is actually olive oil. You can tell by the taste.

PT 9:44- So many of the so called ‘natural foods’ today Dr. Ray Peat, have Canola Oil, many use organic Canola oil to make it sound better. So I understand that you’re not a fan of using Canola oil, no matter the form?

RP 10:03- No, not at all.
The reason the marketing started was that things like safflower oil and soybean oil used to be used as the basis for making paints and plastics and the oil chemists learned how to make similar much cheaper products, paints and plastics, from petroleum. So all the seed oils lost their market as paint base, so the marketing people discovered discovered if they could market it as something essential nutritionally then they could sell it as food and say that it’s good for you. Even though the daily requirement of the so called ‘essential oils’ would only be in milligrams rather than grams, so there’s no basis for saying that eating liquid oils is an essential nutrient. It’s all marketing for the petroleum paint industry take-over.

PT 11:23- So even extra-virgin organic olive oil is more a luxury for taste than necessary nutrient, in your opinion?

RP 11:33- Yeah, it does have antioxidants, vitamin E and lot of effective health related ingredients, so if your getting only a little olive oil those beneficial things are offsetting the moderate amount of PUFA you’re getting.

PT 11:58- Dr. Ray Peat is here, we’re live March 15th 2021. If you have a question, we have a lot of good ones already, Patrick at oneradionetwork dot com. I’m not really seeing a lot of things by Dr. Zach Bush and last month you had mentioned that you, we were talking about the exosomes and the virus and the germ theory, and you thought that his work was interesting to you and I watched a three hour video, I don’t know if you’ve seen these one. I think it was, it’s only been around about two to three weeks, a three hour documentary he had put together. On the face of it it looks like he’s into a lot of interesting things. He’s talking about from the beginning The idea that what we call viruses have been around forever,right, since the beginning of time. There’s thousands of them, billions of them, everywhere. He says there are 10^30 in the air 20^15 in the body, that’s more than the stars right? And the soil and these viruses that they’re called are circulating throughout the whole world, without the need for human transmission.

RP 13:23- They live in the simplest organisms; bacteria have their viruses, fungus, plants. Every organism has its so called viruses. The complex long chain of nucleic acids that is the essential component of the virus, you don’t get the construction of this extremely organized, functional bit of DNA or RNA just in a vacuum, they require the living cell to reproduce. It happens that living cells communicate between each other. Like bacteria, if they learn, adapt to an antibiotic, they put together a little packet of what they’ve learned in their DNA and pass it on along in a little packet to other bacteria, even of another species. That packet of DNA is spreading the ability to resist antibiotics. And that’s going on constantly not only just bacteria but also other higher organisms.
14:56- They’re emitting particles equivalent to the bacterial capsid or particle that transfers the ability to adapt better to the environment. And plants and fungus and animals all have this going on in their own tissues. One tissue sends out messages to another tissue and can recruit assistance from other parts of the organism or send out repair particles to help other parts. These particles circulate in all the body fluids. A mother’s milk contains these exosomes, virus like structures that are ingested by the baby. The sweat , the urine, the saliva, all of our fluids contain these intrinsic communication particles that are working back and forth within our own tissues but they’re in our body fluids and they get into the environment and can affect other organisms. If it happens that if its something that works well in a plant if it gets into an animal it might be exactly the wrong thing, it might send out very confused signals, trying to repair a plant cell when it’s in your liver cell for instance. So these signals are ‘alien’ when they’re taken up randomly, our bodies have to decide what to do with them. Much of this stuff gets tucked away for future reference in case it might come from a bacteria that knew something that you should know but for the moment it isn’t useful, so it gets tucked away in our DNA.
17:00 – About 97-98 percent our DNA consists of strands that do not produce proteins, the genes that people have studied in genetics for about 120 years, are strips of DNA that contain information for making protein. But those amount to only 2-3 percent of all of our DNA, much of the rest of it, at least 48-50 percent, it has the structure that would suggest it came from viruses but since viruses can’t evolve by themselves, it turns out that our internal exosomes that are repair modules create exactly even the covering protein that we think of as what makes a virus travel and get into other cells, even that covering protein turns out to be something intrinsic to our own regulatory systems.
18:25 -Since we share them, you can treat them as viruses, but they’re built, they evolved and developed as part of our ability to guide development. And when these are acting during gestation they’re like the things we call cytokines. During gestation these virus like or exosomal strands of DNA are interacting with the potentially inflammatory cytokines as perfectly essential and harmless guides to creating the fetus. They’re essential parts of forming the human being and what happens in stressful environments these things don’t have adequate support of nutrition and oxygen and carbon dioxide and so on. So under stress these things that are part of our formative protective DNA and cytokine system, these turn out to be maladaptive under bad stresses and so they act like viruses when we’re too stressed to put them to proper use.

PT 20:05- So then, that’s why Bush argues that in the body these exosomes and or viruses, the body chooses whether or not it needs them.

RP 20:20 – Right, that’s why healthy people don’t have to worry about getting sick.

PT 20:27- So then flu symptoms, following what you’re saying and Bush, its not a bad thing? Its a genetic update? The body is getting stronger because of it?

RP 20:39- Right, Studies show that kids who get normal measles when they’re in grade school are more resistant to cancer later in life

PT 20:53- Dr. Peat, when I grew up in grade school in the fifties when we got Measles, Mom put us to bed for a couple days and we got better then went back to school and that was it.

RP 21:08- The whole vaccine thing, it was...the smallpox vaccine after thousands of years of practice (see the book “Genius of China” by Temple) it became a usable medical tool and finally in the 1960s they decided they would get organized about it and instead of vaccinating people where there hadn’t been any cases of smallpox for decades they decided to use it in a new outbreak and encircle the area where it was becoming an epidemic and keep it from spreading and so in just two or three years of actual organized activity they eliminated smallpox from the world. But if you use a vaccine in that way you lose your market for selling vaccines. So, the vaccine for smallpox was used intelligently and then there was no more market for selling it. So they never made that mistake again. So the policy now is to vaccinate healthy people, even though you kill (or worse) some of them, it will keep the market going if you instill the idea that vaccines are something everyone should have

PT 22:40- So where did this organism, so two questions. This organism that is involved in an experience called smallpox is an organism that is not trying to do something good for a person? Or the same thing like only the weak got sick?

RP 22:59- Uh yeah, in the great smallpox epidemics there was always a considerable portion of the population that didn’t get it. Things like getting enough sunlight and getting enough vitamin D and a good diet accounted for why those healthy people didn’t have any problem with smallpox.

PT 23:03- So this smallpox particle, its mission in life wasn’t to kill people

RP 23:37- Yeah it might have been to make mice resistant to mosquitoes or something, it might have had some useful function in some organism. But when it got in people if their immune systems couldn’t adjust to it and take care of it, then they would develop the disease of smallpox.

PT 24:04- But if at the end, they had the proper care would the people who had smallpox would they be better off for it if they lived through it?

RP 24:20- Probably, but it would be better to have been exposed to the smallpox and handle it well so you don’t get even an itch when it hit your nose or skin or whatever.

PT 24:37- Is that like the Measles parties, where they, ya know, they send the kids to the party and drink out of Joe’s cup so you’ll be exposed to this thing.

RP 24:55- Yeah, and several big studies in India for example show that just vitamin D or just vitamin A or some very economical change in the diet stops the plagues of Polio or other so called viral diseases, just a very economical improvement of living conditions will prevent those deadly plagues. They happen in populations under stress having famines and exposures to very bad diets, exposure to toxins. Just by having a normal, well fed ,clean environment, you don’t have plagues.

PT 25:57- So similar to Scurvy, where they give them Limes or something with vitamin C and they were fine?

RP 26:08- Yeah, the vitamin A and D happen to be the ones providing resistance to viruses, but vitamin C had that function hundreds of years ago.

PT 26:27- I wondered before we started processing food, well I guess people always had stress, fighting somebody or dinosaurs or snakes, so there was always stress it was kind of poetry in motion who was getting sick and so on?

RP 26:53- Well as agriculture became the food basis of civilization, grains became an excessive part of our diet. Grains provide polyunsaturated fats and a variety of toxic nutrients as well as a minimal amount of survival proteins, so the more you lived on a grain based diet, the more likely you were to have an epidemic or plague of viruses or bacteria and so on

PT 27:32- Do you think that this human body, that you and I are in, could have actually evolved from the ocean all the way out to where we are today? What is your theory on that?

RP 27:54- I don’t think there’s any good reason for thinking of the ocean as the source. The idea of a membrane enclosing seawater to account for why we have our mineral composition and so on, it’s completely unfounded

PT 28:21- If we leave the Ocean out of it, do you think our species, the bodies that we have right now, do you think they evolved from low forms, viruses or bacteria, and came to where we are today?

RP 28:35- No, the viruses evolved from us

PT 28:40- ‘The viruses evolved from us’, how does that work?

RP 28:49- The exosomes that we need to make ourselves, they’re shared and when you share them with someone who isn’t healthy they become a virus or a disease source

PT 29:03- But if they deal with it and then work through it aren’t they gonna be healthier at the end of it?

RP 29:09- Yeah

RP 29:19- Yeah, a good ecosystem isn’t riddled with disease, it’s a collapsing ecosystem that experiences things like viral and bacterial epidemics

PT 29:28- But Bush was saying that there’s something like these retroviruses, and he had the name of it, that without all these retroviruses, these are how we evolved into mammals to having babies in the tummy rather than laying eggs?

RP 29:48- Um yeah, I think that’s true that the so called “dark DNA” that 98% that doesn’t make proteins, that’s part of our structuring system, and our dark-DNA, non-coding DNA, is different from the egg laying organisms. That’s where our difference lays.

PT 30:22- Somewhere there had to be an intelligence, or a desire, you know working with God, wanting to move from eggs to tummies, you know, somehow….?

RP 30:35- Right, James A. Shapiro, a bacteria geneticist has written and there are some very good videos explaining how bacteria have a very highly developed level of intelligence and the idea that the world lacks intelligence is a kind of anti-religious bias or built in philosophy to deny that intelligence is everywhere.

PT 31:24- I see, intelligence is just everywhere. So then the whole evolution and the divine, or god-theory or what do they call it the theories of evolution?

RP 31:40- Well the standard theory, Neo-Darwinism, is based on the doctrine that the world is basically random and stupid and accidental.

PT 31:55- It kind of works together if everything is intelligent and part of divine intelligence and god...

RP 32:10- Actual normal reasoning processes will lead you there. You know the famous work on math that Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russel produced in the early part of the twentieth century. After they worked together on pure logic, Whitehead went off in his direction and he started using terms like god, but strictly building it on the same clear thinking he and Russell had developed . So there’s nothing anti-philosophical or anti-scientific, you can use that terminology without being part of the church or something.

PT 33:07- So can it be assumed or argued that all these things we call diseases regardless of what they are, its possible and that at some level spiritually you and I and our listeners we’re trying to evolve, move and to change and to grow?

RP 33:48- Yeah, even people that seem to disagree, people like Kauffman and Bush, one says there are no viruses one says they’re everywhere, but still what they have in common is there’s nothing to panic about, there’s no reality to the fear of the pandemic. And what that means is how do you explain what the governments have been doing? And that leads to the political agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum with the assistance of Johns Hopkins University and several of the other traditional elitists power groups.

PT 34:40- So there’s definitely, I don’t think were conspiracy or whatever to say there’s something rotten in Denmark as far as whatever its been over the last eighteen months?

RP 34:57- One of the key concepts of the “Great Reset” promoted is that no one will own anything, you’ll rent everything. They’re openly saying “you’ll rent everything and you’ll be happy without owning anything. But who are you going to rent it from? The World Economic Forum consists of thousands of people, the billionaire class, that will set the prices on everything that you don’t own and have to rent. So it’s very clearly an economic policy shaped to benefit only the billionaire class, the monopoly class.

PT 35:49- I saw an article yesterday where they were looking at the richer nations were getting this injection for Covid rather than the poorer nations, and this is kind of opposite of what people are arguing that these people, whoever they are, are wanting to thin out the population.

RP 36:19- You’ve seen the article and the video by Kurt Vanden Bosch?

PT 36:28- Yeah, I had sent a video awhile back

RP 36:31- Yeah. He gets very excited, he’s a working vaccine specialist, well informed on how the immune system works, unlike people like Fauci who knows nothing about the immune system. But based on his good understanding of vaccines and immunity he gets very excited and says it might already be too late to stop the terrible disaster that will result from using vaccines in the midst of a well established pandemic.

PT 37:10- Can you explain more about that? It was fascinating interview and this fellow as you know he’s not an antivaxxer, he creates vaccines for a living, this is what he does. Can you explain to use as simply as possible of his argument, its just above and beyond the vaccines damaging the innate immune system like Cohen discussed in his book several years ago, its more than that or is it all the same?

RP 37:0- Yeah, it’s helping to breed a worse virus

PT 37:58- How does this work?

RP - The way the labs developed Germ Warfare viruses, is to put them in one organism after another and keeping them under pressure, not enough immune reaction to destroy it, but to make one organism after another sick. Passing it through dozens of different infected animals. Each time the virus fails to be destroyed by the immune system it has mutated into something that resists one immune system after another. The lab work shows you can evolve a very deadly virus in the lab just by transmitting it through different organisms. And Kurt Vanden Bosch is showing that the proper way to use a vaccine the way the small-pox vaccine was used, not in a population that is already, but to enclose, surround and destroy the area where the infection is coming from, definitely not vaccinating healthy populations but using it intelligently and his point is that the risk is that by vaccinating people who are already infected and healthy as well as the susceptible weak ones, the virus is going to get stronger and stronger very quickly.

PT 40:07- Do you think he’s right?

RP 40:08- Yeah, I don’t agree with everything he says, but the vaccine he developed, I think it’s called Univax or something like that, it’s based on the idea of making stronger natural killer cells, which would be our innate immune system, not the specialized vaccine antibodies.
40:43- But a general, basic strengthening of the whole immune system and eliminating the infected cells so they can’t produce more viruses. He points out that when you vaccinate a population and produce a lot of people with a mass amount of specific antibodies for this particular virus, which is then going to change, but you’ve suppressed all of your generalized resistance.
41:24-The basic natural antibodies and natural killer cells are subordinated, suppressed by the extreme amplification of the specific antibody for a specific virus. So you’ve over specialized the population with this badly thought out vaccine. The very achievement of a powerful immunity against that virus is weakening your general intelligence part of your immune system which can meet and resist any unexpected agent, that becomes weaker. You’ve put all of your effort into fighting a virus which might never recur because the virus changes.

PT 42:28- And then what could be some of the potential dangers to people six months, a year, or five years taking this injection? Do we know?

RP 42:44- The certain thing is that you’ve weakened and over specialized your immune system. Many studies have looked at the people who got influenza shots the previous year. The following year they’re much more susceptible to the corona virus. Exactly the thing Vanden Bosch is discussing. The over specialization for one virus weakens your general immunity for everything else.

PT 43:16- So can it be argued then that this whole Corona thing was just nothing more than everyday life? If they’d have just left it alone we wouldn’t have had any of this stuff?

RP 43:40- The data right from the CDC was analyzed directly by Dr. Genevieve Briand and she showed that their own data doesn’t show any excess deaths, it was just a standard cold and flu season.

PT 44:04- And that was it?

RP 44:08- Yeah, you can’t come to any conclusion except that there are political agendas creating fear to sell something they’re holding in the background

PT 44:21- It would’ve had to been a really planned out coordination between all of these people?

RP 44:41- Right. The Rockefeller foundation laid out the agenda about 10 years ago and then just months before the pandemic appeared the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University had a practice run to get all the government people ready and coordinated with the policy. So the record is there showing it has been planned and that nothing real happened, but they were pre-informed how they should act and the policies they should put in place, not for public health but for the interest of the powerful organizations.

PT 45:38- So what do you think the motives are? Deep down, what do you think?

RP 45:48- Exactly what the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum has written. It’s to destroy the existing, they call it the legacy economy, the existing economies of the world, and replace them with artificial intelligence. Owned by the monopolies, rented out to the public, but absolutely under the centralized ownership of the digital technology world.

PT 46:35- This whole ‘Great Reset’ thing, what’s going to be involved with a lot of different ideas going forward?

RP 46:42- Digitizing everything, eventually having artificial intelligence running everything; schools and university courses, as well as medical procedures. New York was the first government to acknowledge that they were going to be putting in place the program of the World Economic Forum to replace normal education with online education, normal medicine with digital, online medicine. Replace local economy with online shopping so that the monopolies like amazon will increase their wealth fabulously.

PT 47:52- I saw that, the numbers. So the whole Eugenics idea, of wanting to thin out the population that’s part of this in your opinion?

RP 48:05- Yeah, it’s interesting that Johns Hopkins University was so central with the World Economic Forum in the Great Reset, because they were the founders of the official Eugenics office, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, was pretty much a creation of Johns Hopkins University and their Eugenics people. Their Eugenics ideas inspired the Nazis. The US actually passed laws to sterilize people, such as immigrant people who couldn’t speak English, became candidates. The poverty class, malnourished and sickly people. If sickness appeared to run in a family then you could sterilize them, under the law of many states. Those ideas inspired the Nazis. So Johns Hopkins’ history is right in the same line as the current ‘Great Reset’ policy.

PT 49:20- Could this not work to their opposite conclusion where all the people that they’re able to control, who watch television, go to school, that they’re able to control that they’re the ones who won’t make it through their great reset program through the next ten years? Or become more transhuman?

RP 49:44- Yeah, the direction of education under this digitized, centralization of power it is to turn people into useful, profitable employees of these technological monopolies, or to put them on a pension and keep them powerless poverty.

PT 50:23- mhmmm. Which could be what this whole Universal Basic Income is all about and all this stuff that the globalists want to push forward?

RP 50:30- Yeah, keep the masses harmless and quite until they die-off

PT – wow brave new world, did you ever think this would happen in our lifetimes?

RP 50:45- I feel that it’s happening right now...

PT 50:50- Yessir, yeah it sure seems to. Please stay there, thanks so much, were gonna take a quick break and preview some products, help make our house payment. Very grateful, thanks for your on-going support.


We had a frigid few months, a man lost all his pigs, they just couldn’t take it.

RP 56:34- Yeah, when its cold enough to lower your body temperature that turns on improper, inflammatory body signals. So it’s at least as bad as having a terrible viral infection, the inflammation comes on when you’re energy is too low. So it doesn’t matter if it’s from a poison or environmental chilling.

PT 57:05- There’s a lot of people, like Wim Hoff and others, who argue that cold water or showers or being out in the cold could make one stronger, no?

RP 57:22- It’s the internal focusing of your metabolism, the nervous system has to essentially intend to increase your metabolic rate and you can keep your temperature up with the right attention. The water he can tolerate would very quickly kill a lot of people by lowering their body temperature.

PT 58:00- Very interesting. Okay let’s get to some emails here before we run out of time. This one about Aluminum, want to know; “most antiperspirants contain aluminum, are there any safe antiperspirants? Are the ones that have aluminum products detrimental to our health?”

RP 58:25- The action of the aluminum in the antiperspirant products is to kill and harden the sweat glands, so its killing cells in your skin so that they can’t function. I don’t know of any skin studies of aluminum absorption, but the studies of metals of copper when a solution is applied to the skin, it immediately shows up in your blood stream, so I don’t think its safe to assume that just because some the aluminum might be sticking to your sweat glands and killing them, I don’t think it’s safe to assume that some of it isn’t getting into your blood stream.

PT 59:18- Some people argue that some of us are low on copper, have you seen evidence of that? People being low on copper?

RP 59:25- Yeah, the ratio of that, between copper and iron and a couple of the other minerals, if you diet have too much molybdenum for example, or iron, that will give you a copper deficiency. Or if you’re under prolonged stress Mercury or Aluminum or many other stresses that increase your cortisol will cause you to produce a protein defensively that will bind heavy metals and carry them out of your body, but in the process that protein binds a lot of copper. So whenever you’re under stress you’re tending to lose copper quicker than you can replace and that’s why stress can cause loss of pigment in your skin and hair.

PT 1:00:00- Wow, so that really lends support to the concept of when we’re stressed or experience fear, that that is detrimental to our health. Physiologically we can see that this is what goes on.

RP 1:01:00- Yeah, that protein is just one example.

PT 1:01:05- This is from Teri, up in Boise Idaho, up where the buffalo roam, or used to roam I guess. He asks, “Is the dark green stuff in potatoes unhealthy?”

RP 1:01:21-O, the green stuff on potatoes? Yeah, if the skin has turned green from exposure to light that’s pretty toxic, it should be trimmed off.

PT 1:01:30- Now when we boil potatoes, those are digestible as long as we boil them pretty good?

RP 1:01:34- Yeah, they’re almost a perfect nutrient. We don’t have vitamin B12 or the animal form of vitamin A, otherwise they're an extremely balanced food. They don’t contain too much protein as such, but they contain the precursors our body needs to make protein. There are cultures that have pork once a year for a week and the rest of the year they live on potatoes haha

PT 1:01:44- Haha, yeah my mom told us that during the depression everyone just lived on potatoes

RP 1:01:50- Yeah, the poor Irish for a long time were living on a mainly potato diet so when potato blight developed that caused a huge famine because everyone was counting on those abundant potatoes.

PT 1:01:55- There are so many kinds, what kind is best?

RP 1:02:00- Those colorful chemicals can be beneficial but I’ve found them to be extremely hard to digest. A lot of people have a hard time digesting them, like th Yukon Gold, because of the high carotene content

PT 1:02:27- Carotene…?

RP 1:02:33- Yeah Carotene is the precursor to vitamin A, but if you are short on vitamin B12 or thyroid hormone, you don’t convert carotene very well and it builds up in the body and blocks the function of thyroid hormone and then blocks the steroid production, like blocking progesterone, so you don’t want to over do the yellow and orange vegetables

PT 1:03:03- How about the little red potatoes and the bakers?

RP 1:03:15- The white flesh is the easiest to digest when well baked or boiled.

PT 1:04:07- So it about the color of the flesh, not the skin?

RP 1:04:12- Yeah, carrot juice you can poison yourself. But carrots and squashes have a lot of good nutrition and other functions

PT 1:05:11- Here is an email form Mohamed, he’s in Seattle. This is the question; “ I met with some friends who got the vaccine in the last week and know that there is a possibility that some of the particles form the vaccine could be shedding, is there anything I can do to detox from this in my system? I don’t plan on getting it myself but I know a lot of people around me will”.
So do these things shed bad stuff?

RP 1:05:51- There is some evidence of that, it hasn’t been studied enough. It’s always protective to be sure your calcium and vitamin D intakes are good. Vitamin D is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and that function is supported by making sure you have a lot of calcium in your diet relative to phosphate. The high phosphate foods are meat, fish, and legumes. Too many beans in proportion to leafy greens, milk, and cheese are likely to have a lot of inflammation related problems.

PT 1:06:48- So that’s why you’re a fan of milk and cheese?

RP 1:06:54- Yeah, many metabolic activating effects, not just the high calcium content, but several other things that support your metabolic and thyroid function so that you don’t get into the stressed, inflammatory states.

PT 1:07:16- Any idea where all of this anti-dairy came from?

RP 1:07:-- - Probably many psychological things. Like for some reason in the medical world starting in the 1930s had a great phobia of breasts. They didn’t want women breastfeeding their babies.
1:07:56-They trained women to use artificial formulas, I think there’s a psychiatric motivation there,
Fear of women and children, having actual skin contact to breastfeed. I’ve known people who’ve extended that to have all sorts of strange doctrines that have to do with milk but the theories have been developed why people shouldn’t breastfeed or shouldn’t drink milk after infancy but non of it was based on any actual studies.

PT 1:09:00- Here’s a great question that ties in from Trent; “Some people advocate that raw milk be boiled”

RP 1:09:23- If you think your cow might have a disease or if the person doing the milking didn't know how to do it and let bits of dandruff and manure and junk get into it then bringing it to a sterilizing temperature of at least 160 degrees.

PT 1:09:45- So just the boiling temperature or it needs to be 160?

RP 1:09:52- A little bit of difference, but it isn’t serious.

PT 1:09:55- So maybe that whole idea from Aryuvedic medicine which is centered in India where the sanitation, that's where the milk boiling comes from?

RP 1:10:10- Yeah, I’ve bought a bowl of milk and found bits of manure sediment to the bottom.

PT 1:10:24- “Does Ray Peat have an opinion regarding the amino acid L-carnosine to slow the shortening rate of telomeres resulting life extension and better health? Is it okay to consume upt to 2 grams of L Carnosine per day?”

RP 1:10:45- I’ve never seen any studies on its toxicity , but a lot of things will change the rate of telomere shortening, but I don’t think of the telomere as such a great indicator of aging, some very old people have good strong telomers some people in their twenties already have very short telomers but their health hasn’t suffered.

PT 1:11:23- So this telomere measuring thing to get your biological age could just be one of those passing fancies that won’t be around very long?

RP 1:11:35- Well, it could be around for a long time. The person responsible for it was culturing cells and noticed that after about 50 passages in culture after 50 cell division they died out and that was proceeded by a shortening of the telomere, but he was doing it in a totally un-biological way with a build up of lactic acid which accelerates the aging and inflammatory processes and in-itself will also shorten the telomeres. So its all based on a terrible, non-scientific so called science.

PT 1:12:44- This is from W.C. in Chatanooga Tenessee; “ My wife has a slow growing brain tumor that is moving towards the optic part of the brain and it may need to be removed before loss of vision. I understand you’re not a brain surgeon but can you give your opinion on how this originated and how to slow its growth”?

RP 1:13:17- It depends greatly on what tissue it started from, mentioning the optic nerve suggests it might have originated in or near the pituitary gland and many of those are curable by a chemical; bromocriptine or cabergoline are two chemicals that have been used to shrink pituitary tumors and those tumors became extremely common after the birth control pill was introduced, so they’re basically caused by an excess of estrogen. In general tumors, even so-called malignant tumors are restrained to some degree by aspirin, and other anti inflammatory things, even anti-histamines have very basic anti-tumor effect. Anti-serotonin agents, because histamine and serotonin are tumor promoters.

PT 1:14:35- I’ve known people who’ve been diagnosed with tumor in the brain and they’ve just left it alone and they’ve never been bothered by it. Do think something like that, just introducing a better diet and some anti-inflammatory things, something like that will dissipate?

RP 1:14:42- Yeah , I think it was an English person who did the first study, doing autopsies, found that everyone by the age of fifty, when he looked through their tissues he found everyone had diagnosable cancer in their bodies and since 100% of living people in their 50’s don’t suffer from cancer , what that means is that for most people that the presence of cancer that a surgeon can prove is cancerous, if it happens to be biopsied and studied, it isn’t going to kill them.

PT 1:15:56 – So just leave it alone?

RP 1:16:01- That was finally put into practice with prostate cancer. In the 80’s the prostate specific antigen was discovered and they started using it to diagnose whether a person had prostate cancer and the standard treatment at the time was high doses of estrogen. High doses of estrogen aren’t good for your health but that was started in the 1940s but that was started for everyone. And so when the PSA test diagnosed many many more people as having prostate cancer, the treatment increased and the mortality had a great surge in the early 90’s and more people were dying from prostate cancer suddenly. They realized the treatment was what was killing most of the people.

PT 1:17:11- The estrogen was what was killing them, making the matter worse?

RP 1:17:17- Yeah, and someone did a survey at a convention of doctors for the prostate and asked them what they would do if they were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Most of them said they would do nothing because they had seen they had seen what the treatment would do. Going from that, the idea of watchful waiting, so they realized your most certainly going to die from something else before the prostate cancer. So just watching it became a better treatment than estrogen.

PT 1:18:15- Jacqueline in Pennsylvania, “ I often get severe headaches during menstruation does Dr. Peat having any reasons for the cause and cure of this?”

RP 1:18:28- I used to have migraines frequently, right from childhood. And after I had been working with progesterone for a few years I happened to have a concentrated solution and I took a gob of that and within seconds the visual effects subsided and the pain and that got me interested in the vascular effects of a high estrogen and low progesterone. The blood sugar and salt balance are governed by estrogen and progesterone balance and so the changing hormones at the end menstruation when the progesterone has crashed that is when you’re susceptible to migraines. Just eating a tremendous amount of sugar would block the development of a migraine. Essentially the same thing is happening when you raise your blood sugar strongly or raise your progesterone concentration suddenly, the inflammatory signals are blocked when you have a stabilizing factor such as sugar or progesterone or aspirin and other things help, but sugar and progesterone are the most stabilizing factors.

PT 1:20:35- So ice cream, orange juice?

RP 1:20:40- When I taught a nutrition class I told them if I ate a quart of ice cream it would block a headache and one woman said it took a gallon for her.

PT 1:21:05- Haha wow. So there is the product, Progest-E is that correct?

RP 1:21:13- Yeah, that is one I developed. I tested it on myself for migraines and when I did it was all over. I met a women with multiple sclerosis and another with an occular nerve condition related to Ms and both of them, one women was given it by injections and she had been bed ridden for months and months but when she used it she drove to Portland and lectured on Progesterone after using it

PT 1:22:30- Wow, okay so how can people try this?

RP 1:22:36- Kenogen has been making it for decades, and they can be emailed.

PT-1:23:00- So just a couple drops?

RP 1:23:04- Yeah as a first aid, but the reason the progesterone gets too low is a nutritional and thyroid problem. So those, and the calcium and vitamin D intake should be checked as well. Usually that will take care of it.

PT 1:23:30- So I guess in Pennsylvania it could especially be exacerbated during the winter with the weather and lack of sunlight?

RP 1:24:20- yeah

PT 1:25:28- Thomas in Sweden; “ I wonder is Doctor Peat is aware of the work of a Dr. Dzugen curing migraines and other chronic diseases with dhea or pregnenolone?”

RP 1:25:48- Yeah, the ideal thing is to have such a good conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone and pregnenolone to DHEA and progesterone that you dont have to resort to cortisol and estrogen. And thyroid is the main factor for converting your cholesterol, so if your cholesterol is low, besides attending to your thyroid you have to attend to your cholesterol and get it up to normal. People with high cholesterol, when they start supplementing thyroid, the cholesterol comes down exactly as the thyroid takes effect.

PT 1:26:54- “ If one were forced to take the vaccine, would the J&J vaccine be the lesser of the evils? What could one take to offset the effects of the J&J vaccine?” J&J, Johnson and Johnson.

RP 1:27:15- It contains the DNA that makes the spike protein, you don’t want a gene in your body for making this terrible pro-inflammation protein. I think it’s the presence of the spike protein that is the danger in the longer run. If you have the DNA for it, you can’t be sure that DNA won’t become part of your own repertoire, and then that would mean that every time you activated that gene you would be making more of that spike protein and again that spike protein antigen is producing antibodies to specialize for it, and so it’s damaging the rest of your immune system.

PT 1:27:20- And so, have you read anything that would support the idea that the Russian Sputnik vaccine is better?

RP 1:27:32- I’ve heard that but I haven’t studied enough to know.

PT 1:28:52- Okay, here’s one from CV. I’ve heard DNA is swapped between partners, so could a vaccinated person swap DNA with a partner who is not vaccinated?

RP 1:29:08- I think that is being supported by some evidence it just needs a lot more study. A woman, sampling her tissues and body fluids, but after death, brain tissue for example has been found, a woman’s cells have taken up her partner’s DNA. The semen is absorbed by the woman’s tissues and becomes incorporated into all of the tissues of her bodies. So DNA from humans apparently has some good biological properties, the woman uses it in her process of reproduction but stranger forms like from algae have been found in the brain after you’ve eaten a slightly harmful food.

PT 1:30:11- Hmm. You’ve mentioned algae before. Are there any safe forms of algae, that are maybe beneficial? Like the one promoted the aqua...blue green?

RP 1:30:15- The blue-green? I think it’s actually a kind of bacteria rather than an algae. But I think it’s too dangerous and even the real algaes have irritating and toxic, green plants in general have a lot of defensive materials, so have an animal with a rumen (cow, lamb, goat) process the green vegetable matter first. If you’re going to eat anything green you should be sure to know what the processing is doing. Like very long cooking of green leaves breaks many of the problematic materials and toxins down, but even then you're getting some anti-nutrient factors.

PT 1:30:20- So cook kale very well.

RP 1:30:32- Yeah.

PT 1:30:18- Final one for ya then we’ll let you go; “Assuming that thyroid status is optimal, what is the expected outcomes on blood cholesterol levels for various age groups?”

RP 1:30:33- Jut the epidemiological information and evidence shows that after the age of 50, if your cholesterol level is not above 200 your risk of having dementia is a lot higher. So that’s apparently because not only your thyroid tends to become less efficient with aging but all of the enzymes involved with in converting cholesterol become less effective with age. As you increase your blood cholesterol level, keeping all those other things steady, you’re going to increase your level of pregnenolone and progesterone, because cholesterol is very largely functioning as a precursor for those steroids.

PT 1:31:43- So that’s why a higher, 180, 190, 200 pretty good for most folks?

RP 1:31:49- Yeah, and over 50; 220, 230 is fine


Mar 15, 2018
RP 34:57- One of the key concepts of the “Great Reset” promoted is that no one will own anything, you’ll rent everything. They’re openly saying “you’ll rent everything and you’ll be happy without owning anything. But who are you going to rent it from? The World Economic Forum consists of thousands of people, the billionaire class, that will set the prices on everything that you don’t own and have to rent. So it’s very clearly an economic policy shaped to benefit only the billionaire class, the monopoly class.
That sounds about right.


Nov 9, 2016
Some really interesting information in that transcript. Thanks for providing!


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
PT 45:38- So what do you think the motives are? Deep down, what do you think?

RP 45:48- Exactly what the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum has written. It’s to destroy the existing, they call it the legacy economy, the existing economies of the world, and replace them with artificial intelligence. Owned by the monopolies, rented out to the public, but absolutely under the centralized ownership of the digital technology world.

PT 46:35- This whole ‘Great Reset’ thing, what’s going to be involved with a lot of different ideas going forward?

RP 46:42- Digitizing everything, eventually having artificial intelligence running everything; schools and university courses, as well as medical procedures. New York was the first government to acknowledge that they were going to be putting in place the program of the World Economic Forum to replace normal education with online education, normal medicine with digital, online medicine. Replace local economy with online shopping so that the monopolies like amazon will increase their wealth fabulously.

PT 47:52- I saw that, the numbers. So the whole Eugenics idea, of wanting to thin out the population that’s part of this in your opinion?

RP 48:05- Yeah, it’s interesting that Johns Hopkins University was so central with the World Economic Forum in the Great Reset, because they were the founders of the official Eugenics office, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, was pretty much a creation of Johns Hopkins University and their Eugenics people. Their Eugenics ideas inspired the Nazis. The US actually passed laws to sterilize people, such as immigrant people who couldn’t speak English, became candidates. The poverty class, malnourished and sickly people. If sickness appeared to run in a family then you could sterilize them, under the law of many states. Those ideas inspired the Nazis. So Johns Hopkins’ history is right in the same line as the current ‘Great Reset’ policy.

PT 49:20- Could this not work to their opposite conclusion where all the people that they’re able to control, who watch television, go to school, that they’re able to control that they’re the ones who won’t make it through their great reset program through the next ten years? Or become more transhuman?

RP 49:44- Yeah, the direction of education under this digitized, centralization of power it is to turn people into useful, profitable employees of these technological monopolies, or to put them on a pension and keep them powerless poverty.

PT 50:23- mhmmm. Which could be what this whole Universal Basic Income is all about and all this stuff that the globalists want to push forward?

RP 50:30- Yeah, keep the masses harmless and quite until they die-off

PT – wow brave new world, did you ever think this would happen in our lifetimes?

RP 50:45- I feel that it’s happening right now...

View: https://youtu.be/0QosXM4e9uQ


May 25, 2020
RP 34:57- One of the key concepts of the “Great Reset” promoted is that no one will own anything, you’ll rent everything. They’re openly saying “you’ll rent everything and you’ll be happy without owning anything. But who are you going to rent it from? The World Economic Forum consists of thousands of people, the billionaire class, that will set the prices on everything that you don’t own and have to rent. So it’s very clearly an economic policy shaped to benefit only the billionaire class, the monopoly class.

It is already happening. I saw it in Western Europe. The Earth is not for humans, it is for a handful of billionaires.


Jul 8, 2019

"It might already be too late to stop the terrible disaster that will result from using vaccines in the midst of a well established pandemic."

Particularly helpful rereading this today, after the review of studies on the vax that came out yesterday. Ray knew.

Here's the review of Bat Plague vax studies that back up what Ray said:

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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