article- more proof of shedding!!


Jan 25, 2014
My relative is a gynecologist. He have seen more unvaxxed women complaining about losing their menses since the vaxxing started than he have seen in previous 30 years combined. He reported that to officials and got shut down.
Okay. But which one of the MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS caused this?

Was it "shedding?"
Was it lockdown?
Was it forced masking?
Was it forced poverty?
Was it isolation? Separation from friends and family?
Was it 24/7 fear pron from the media and governments?
Was it from a radical change in routine?
Was it some combination of those? Was it the cumulative effects of those?
Don't sit there and pretend like the ONLY health related thing that changed over the past 23 months was the Demonvax. All the listed above can affect stress and serotonin, and therefore, menses. It might have been brewing for months, and only got triggered by winter, which, coincidentally, is when the Demonvax became available.

And don't forget about the "vaxxed" definition, and the fact that a lot of people got the demonvax at drug stores and Megavax sites and such. He may have been seeing vaxxed women and thinking they were still pure.

Personally, I think the issues in unvaxxed women show how dangerous all the Covid measures are, not some dubious "shedding" theory.
And by the way, these women definitely don't read conspiracy websites or facebook groups, most of them can't even speak English.
Regardless, they were still subjected to MULTIPLE MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS. And the reports you are getting are from your friend, who might have that filter. Or, you are filtering it yourself.
The fact that this is not spoken about publicly doesn't mean it is not happening.
It also doesn't mean that it is happening.
Because again, waiting for current establishment to admit this is like waiting for telco to admit EMF is dangerous, or waiting for Cargill to admit that PUFA is toxic
I'm not waiting for them to admit anything.

Lockdown kills and maims. Masks certainly maim, and can be deadly in some instance. Fear and propaganda kill and maim. Poverty kills and maims. Again, the demonvax isn't the only harmful and deadly experiment being run.


Jan 25, 2014
Some people on this forum report that, after the shot, they're feeling fine and doing well. However, they do not then claim that this means that the vaccines cannot cause some people harm.

Yeah, but there is a radical difference between getting injected with a dangerous drug, and not getting injected with it.

People can get contact highs from marijuana smoke, but I have never heard of a "shedding" high from heroin.


Jan 25, 2014
My relative is a gynecologist. He have seen more unvaxxed women complaining about losing their menses since the vaxxing started than he have seen in previous 30 years combined. He reported that to officials and got shut down.

Oh, and how about THIS as a confounder that I didn't mention above?

Access to contraception and SRH services​

During the pandemic, women’s access to contraception and other SRH services—as well as their ability to pay for these services—has been constrained. Access to in-person health care has been severely limited, and people may have avoided seeking out available services because of fears that they or a family member would be exposed to COVID-19 as a result.

  • One in three women (33%) reported that because of the pandemic, they had had to delay or cancel visiting a health care provider for SRH care, or had had trouble getting their birth control (Figure 2).
  • Such barriers to timely care were more common among Black (38%) and Hispanic (45%) women than among White women (29%), and more common among queer women (46%) than among straight women (31%).
  • Lower-income women were also more likely than higher-income women to report having experienced delays or being unable to get contraceptive or SRH care because of the pandemic (36% vs. 31%).
Many women reported feeling increased worry about their ability to pay for and obtain contraception and other SRH services because of the pandemic.** These impacts have been unevenly distributed, and the pandemic appears to be perpetuating existing inequities, although telemedicine offers a new means for some women to obtain birth control.

  • About one-quarter (28%) of women said they worry more than they used to about being able to get needed SRH care because of the COVID-19 pandemic (Figure 3). In addition, 27% of women reported that because of the pandemic, they worry more than they used to about their ability to afford or obtain a contraceptive method specifically (Figure 4).

If women stopped using birth control, or stopped and started, or used it inconsistently, as they could afford to get it, what did THIS do their menses? Did your doctor friend take this into account?


May 19, 2017
Okay. But which one of the MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS caused this?

Was it "shedding?"
Was it lockdown?
Was it forced masking?
Was it forced poverty?
Was it isolation? Separation from friends and family?
Was it 24/7 fear pron from the media and governments?
Was it from a radical change in routine?
Was it some combination of those? Was it the cumulative effects of those?
Don't sit there and pretend like the ONLY health related thing that changed over the past 23 months was the Demonvax. All the listed above can affect stress and serotonin, and therefore, menses. It might have been brewing for months, and only got triggered by winter, which, coincidentally, is when the Demonvax became available.

And don't forget about the "vaxxed" definition, and the fact that a lot of people got the demonvax at drug stores and Megavax sites and such. He may have been seeing vaxxed women and thinking they were still pure.

Personally, I think the issues in unvaxxed women show how dangerous all the Covid measures are, not some dubious "shedding" theory.

Regardless, they were still subjected to MULTIPLE MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS. And the reports you are getting are from your friend, who might have that filter. Or, you are filtering it yourself.

It also doesn't mean that it is happening.

I'm not waiting for them to admit anything.

Lockdown kills and maims. Masks certainly maim, and can be deadly in some instance. Fear and propaganda kill and maim. Poverty kills and maims. Again, the demonvax isn't the only harmful and deadly experiment being run.
The lockdowns are in place for 18 months, so is forced masking, so is isolation. Forced poverty is in place since the dawn of ages and so is spreading fear in media.

But the reports of amenorrhea started appearing exactly when the vaccination started.

Obviously correlation doesn't imply causation and all, but it is enough for me to be very suspicious and very careful who I'm spending my time with.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
My relative is a gynecologist. He have seen more unvaxxed women complaining about losing their menses since the vaxxing started than he have seen in previous 30 years combined. He reported that to officials and got shut down.

I wonder how much psychological stress from all of the hysteria those women were/are under. I would suspect that can affect a woman's cycle.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I'm wondering if shedding is the new long covid. ie, a lot of it is in peoples' minds. However this anecdote makes me wonder. Several college girls quarantined in a room together for weeks, one gets injected and some of the others come down with the same weird stuff that afflicts a lot of injected people.

On day 7 one of the non-vaccinated girls presented with a full-blown shingles outbreak, and the other with chest pains and acute leg pain, warranting a visit to the emergency department. She was later diagnosed with pericarditis and a blood clot in her leg.


Source Code

Mar 7, 2020

Are “Vaccines” Harming More Than the “Vaxxed”?​

From the article

It should be noted that in 2015, “self-disseminating” vaccines were used to decrease the mouse population successfully in Australia. The vaccines spread by bodily fluids, and as one mouse spread the vaccine to another, those mice became vaccine spreaders to another group. After two or three such passes through a host, the vaccine did not pass further. But the ovarian follicles in female mice were destroyed, thus rendering lifelong infertility. These agents were thus considered “immunogenetic contraceptives.”

It is important to consider this previous animal research and technology when addressing the latest concern of human vaccines — “shedding.” People, especially women, seem to become symptomatic after being in close contact with a recently vaccinated person. Complaints range from flu-like symptoms to a variety of bleeding: irregular menstrual flow, young girls bleeding well before expected onset of menses, post-menopausal women bleeding, testicular pain and genital rashes in boys, and, in at least one clear case, death. I myself had the experience of touching a recently vaccinated patient, and almost a week later, developed significant nose bleeding that stopped only after dosing with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Many would say that this was a coincidence, but at age 68, this was the first nosebleed of my life.
I guess the current mouse plague proves these 'self disseminating' vaccines don't work that well? Experts concerned the mouse plague is returning worse than before


Jan 25, 2014
The lockdowns are in place for 18 months, so is forced masking, so is isolation. Forced poverty is in place since the dawn of ages and so is spreading fear in media.

But the reports of amenorrhea started appearing exactly when the vaccination started.
Obviously, you missed the part where I said "cumulative effects," and "winter trigger."

And don’t play dumb with the fear pron and unemployment. The propaganda campaign went to another level, and 50 million jobs were lost in the US alone in march/April 2020. It was previously measured in hundreds of thousands a year. The difference is like Lake Erie and the Atlantic Ocean.

And where is your chart to show these reports went from zero prior to January 6th, to skyrocketing right after? Maybe they were going up in November/ December, and. Your friend didn't notice till February?

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I had contact with a vaxxed person about 1 week ago and then yesterday had 3 nose bleeds... Hmmm.. I hope its just a coincidence.


Jul 13, 2014
Vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals have similar viral loads in communities with a high prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant

“We find no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses. Our results, while preliminary, suggest that if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to others”






Jan 25, 2014
To determine whether infectious virus titers differed in vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, we performed plaque assays on an additional set of 48 samples with Ct <25, finding no difference in infectious virus titer between groups.

Considering they are only talking about the "Novel Corona Virus" itself, it wouldn't seem to confirm anything about the demonvax creating and shedding "Spike Protein." There was no differenced between Vaxxed and Untainted.

It does strike at the idea that the demonvax prevents "transmission."


Dr Peat: Whatever nucleic acids are in a person are going to be chronically shed; sweat and saliva, etc., contain the person’s DNA as well as RNA and proteins that are in their blood, and we are always absorbing DNA that was shed in that way.

From the article

3. Can the unvaccinated get sick from contact with the vaccinated?

The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipient. Patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these (spike protein) particles to close contacts. The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenic (“disease causing”) just like the full virus. What is most worrisome is that a person’s body is being suddenly flooded with 13 trillion of these particles and the spike proteins bind more tightly than the fully intact virus. Because of the biomimicry (similarity) on the spike, shedding appears to be causing wide variety of autoimmune disease (where the body attacks its own tissue) in some persons. Worldwide cases of pericarditis, shingles, pneumonia, blood clots in the extremities and brain, Bell’s Palsy, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages have been reported in persons who are near persons who have been vaccinated. In addition, we know the spike proteins can cross the blood brain barrier, unlike traditional vaccines.

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