Unvaccinated with life threatening blood clots. Shedding?


Nov 1, 2021
not sure what 'well documented episodes of covid' means. if mccullough thinks there are such things then he believes that covid is a real virus and the test is effective. as it/they are not...disinfo?
the clots may not be protein thus proteolytic enzymes will have no effect.
it is possible that they are self-assembling synthetic clots as in morgellon's.
in which case my own thoughts on dissolving would be using dmso. i have
also read that methylene blue works. i just purchased but have not yet tried
it, though i have used dmso for decades. as an aside, my guess is that 97%
of truther/alternative news is controlled opposition. especially re all the new
influencers who popped up together when covid hit. isn't that why we are
allowed to have the internet in the first place? controlled opposition?

just because the man "said" he did not take the vaccine does not mean he really did not take the vaccine, people don't want to look very stupid when they took the vaccine


May 31, 2018
just because the man "said" he did not take the vaccine does not mean he really did not take the vaccine, people don't want to look very stupid when they took the vaccine

Good point.

Also, wouldn't there be more than this one case if, in fact, you could get these calamari-type blood clots ONLY from having gotten the virus??


Sep 16, 2021
It's certainly possible that frequencies could be weaponised. during the pandemic, the 5g infrastructure progressed at such rapid rates. My friend worked for a company called openreach who were aggressively expanding their operation and hiring like no tomorrow. At a time where people were losing their businesses and incomes, these companies were flourishing. Different frequencies have different effects. For example the frequency of the earth, called the "Schumann resonance" has a soothing, healing effect on the body. It's a harmonious frequency for life. It's possible to use frequencies that agitate, destabilise and even make people angry and violent. I don't think it's a coincidence that they have been adding these metals and conductors into our food supply, making us sick and more susceptible to these frequencies. I once drove passed a 5g tower and on the base of the tower there were 2 words spray painted on it. "Death Tower" in Red paint. I definitely don't understand the eagerness with which they pushed this forward during the pandemic, especially considering that the internet is plenty fast enough already.
Oh yea I know 5G EMF is crippling, but I don't think they are using 5G to make nanobots (implanted from nasal swabs) attack the pineal gland.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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