Low Fat versus Low Carb for Weight Loss ?



Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I did an experiment and tracked everything
Gaining weight on 2.5k cal high fat
Keeping weight on 4k cal low fat high carb
Yep, it’s not unheard of to gain weight on higher fat, but some people do low carb and lose weight, thanks man ...
Mar 24, 2018
Weight gain, especially fat gain, is due to high stress hormones, because that results in the liberation of free fatty acids, which cause insulin resistance both to the Rendall cycle, because they prevent the oxidation of glucose and also fatty acids have been found to be direct insulin receptor antagonist so this means that free fatty acids will make you insulin resistant and also prevent your cells from oxidizing sugar the fatty acids will also increase serotonin, especially PUFA, and cortisol and this will promote the stress state even more The fatty acids increase serotonin by activating the enzyme tph tryptophan hydroxylase, which inhibits the synthesis of niacin and moves metabolism away from niacin and towards some exitotoxic byproducts of tryptophan so if you combine the stress metabolism with a high-fat diet which is the typical standard American diet this means high insulin. So fat storage will be high, with hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia

It has been shown that inhibiting lipolysis, which lowers the amount of free fatty acids in the blood, effectively allows the cells to resume the oxidation of glucose Unless you have another problem like a deficiency in one of the enzymes of the krebs cycle or there's a deficiency in the electron transport chain Most people lowering the free fatty acids will reverse this insulin resistance, the inability to oxidize glucose. There are several drugs on the market that actually I try to do that, but niacinamide has been known to work very well and so does aspirin

let me touch a little bit upon that so a lot of people will say just like you mentioned, don't you have to liberate the fat from your storage in order to lose it?

and just like I mentioned there's always some lipolysis going on, whether you like it or not, you cannot inhibit it completely

and at rest your muscles burn mostly fat. so I would say that a proper regimen of weight lifting, maintaining an anabolic environment, a high sugar diet and low stress will actually burn the fat much more safely, than the strenuous exercise

Some fat is also excreted by the liver through glucuronidation and that process is actually inhibited while you're under stress. So your liver understands that excess fat is not good and it does its best to try to excrete it. But by stressing it (the liver) out with excessive, extraneous exercise. The liver is busy processing all the toxins that are released from your colon and intestines as a result of the bacteria getting irritated and producing endotoxin. And so the process of glucoronidation almost completely stops while you're under stress.

At rest the body consumes mostly fat for the muscles and especially the hart and mostly glucose for vital organs like the brain and the gonads.

So fatty acids are transported in the blood mostly to hepatocytes which are liver cells adipocytes, which are your fat cells, or to muscle fibers Niacinamide helps the hepatocytes glucoronidate and excrete the fat, and it does this by inhibiting the synthesis of triglycerides by the liver.

so fatty acids reaching the liver while taking niacinamide will tend to get excreted instead of converting into triglycerides and transported to the tissues for oxidation and storage.

Muscles oxidize fat as their main fuel at rest, and with proper insulin sensitivity, the fat will not be stored into the adipocytes, if your liver is doing well and it's not stressed

So you have three targets of the fatty acids, your liver, your fat tissue and your muscles. If you're not under stress, your liver and your muscles will take care of the fat that you want to lose. So in order to keep the fatty acids only going to the hepatocytes and muscles, insulin should not be high, which means no stress, which means no high cortisol or adrenaline, no excessive lipolysis and no insulin resistance. In other words, you want insulin to be low and minimal lipolysis

These free fatty acids in the blood destroy your insulin sensitivity directly, Through the randle cycle and by being an insulin receptor antagonist

so keeping the stress hormones at bay is paramount for both the prevention of storage of dietary fat, and also allowing the fat to be properly oxidized and excreted without additional stress

As I mentioned the stress inhibits the glucuronidation process, and also makes the cells produce lactic acid instead of oxidizing the fat properly through beta oxidation

Excerpts of Georgi on weight loss. Maybe that might help you decide what to do
How much Niacinamide is suggested for lower Fatty acid oxidation?


Aug 27, 2018
Simple CICO + weights + removing starch works for me very well, mainly because of my gut issues and my sedentary lifestyle. I still seem to have issues with adrenals and thyroid because my morning temps are like 35,5 and freezing cold hands + feet is something I got used to. People above mentioned niacinamide and I'm fairly sure 500mg a day completely stopped my weight loss progress and once I dropped it, fat loss resumed. If you have problems with thyroid and adrenals like me, which 100% make lypolysis worse, niacinamide is a no-go.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Simple CICO + weights + removing starch works for me very well, mainly because of my gut issues and my sedentary lifestyle. I still seem to have issues with adrenals and thyroid because my morning temps are like 35,5 and freezing cold hands + feet is something I got used to. People above mentioned niacinamide and I'm fairly sure 500mg a day completely stopped my weight loss progress and once I dropped it, fat loss resumed. If you have problems with thyroid and adrenals like me, which 100% make lypolysis worse, niacinamide is a no-go.
I’m not sure about adrenal issues, and how the hell can one definitively test for that ? My thyroid labs are all in range, and TSH never gets higher than one point 3,4,5.... I’ve tried Tyromix for a few days, just two drops had me feeling great, then I increased it and got anxiety.... so does that mean I don’t have poor thyroid ? Or was I just acclimating too quickly ?


Aug 27, 2018
I’m not sure about adrenal issues, and how the hell can one definitively test for that ? My thyroid labs are all in range, and TSH never gets higher than one point 3,4,5.... I’ve tried Tyromix for a few days, just two drops had me feeling great, then I increased it and got anxiety.... so does that mean I don’t have poor thyroid ? Or was I just acclimating too quickly ?
Do you mean TSH never gets above 1?
You should do a full panel anyways if you suspect there's something wrong. My TSH gets close to 4 so...


Jul 13, 2014
im trialling a frutarian diet 6 days a week, with cheese, meat/eggs on 1 day, and noticing very positive results.

black coffee also good alongside fruiarianism for weight loss.

i lost 3 kilos first 4 days

im also supplementing the following on fruitarian days: b1, b2, b3 niacinamide, magnesium glycinate,


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Do you mean TSH never gets above 1?
You should do a full panel anyways if you suspect there's something wrong. My TSH gets close to 4 so...
My TSH is always between low ones and mid ones
Mar 24, 2018
Simple CICO + weights + removing starch works for me very well, mainly because of my gut issues and my sedentary lifestyle. I still seem to have issues with adrenals and thyroid because my morning temps are like 35,5 and freezing cold hands + feet is something I got used to. People above mentioned niacinamide and I'm fairly sure 500mg a day completely stopped my weight loss progress and once I dropped it, fat loss resumed. If you have problems with thyroid and adrenals like me, which 100% make lypolysis worse, niacinamide is a no-go.

If you were consuming meals rich in fat Niacinamide makes things worse, also you must ensure a continuous recycling of methionine as the Sam-e in methylation will be depleted ... in the last month I have done several experiments having an abnormal oxidation of fatty acids (excessive).

The best results are obtained with meals between 5 and 10 grams of fat ... in my personal case I am obliged to restore the normal oxidation of glucose as the excessive use of fat has led me to cachexia as in cancer (I have not cancer) even consuming my muscles.

We are therefore talking about two extremes ... try to stay in the middle but before reaching hasty conclusions study and experience the molecule better.

500mg is still an overdose especially when taken individually ... I still haven't found the correct dose.

Niacinamide "helps" the thyroid while for the adrenal glands you should try Vitamin C and B5.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
If you were consuming meals rich in fat Niacinamide makes things worse, also you must ensure a continuous recycling of methionine as the Sam-e in methylation will be depleted ... in the last month I have done several experiments having an abnormal oxidation of fatty acids (excessive).

The best results are obtained with meals between 5 and 10 grams of fat ... in my personal case I am obliged to restore the normal oxidation of glucose as the excessive use of fat has led me to cachexia as in cancer (I have not cancer) even consuming my muscles.

We are therefore talking about two extremes ... try to stay in the middle but before reaching hasty conclusions study and experience the molecule better.

500mg is still an overdose especially when taken individually ... I still haven't found the correct dose.

Niacinamide "helps" the thyroid while for the adrenal glands you should try Vitamin C and B5.
So are you saying that in order for Niacinamide to be helpful, one should consume low fat, and maybe more carbohydrates ?


Aug 27, 2018
If you were consuming meals rich in fat Niacinamide makes things worse, also you must ensure a continuous recycling of methionine as the Sam-e in methylation will be depleted ... in the last month I have done several experiments having an abnormal oxidation of fatty acids (excessive).

The best results are obtained with meals between 5 and 10 grams of fat ... in my personal case I am obliged to restore the normal oxidation of glucose as the excessive use of fat has led me to cachexia as in cancer (I have not cancer) even consuming my muscles.

We are therefore talking about two extremes ... try to stay in the middle but before reaching hasty conclusions study and experience the molecule better.

500mg is still an overdose especially when taken individually ... I still haven't found the correct dose.

Niacinamide "helps" the thyroid while for the adrenal glands you should try Vitamin C and B5.
Since I had to drop starch for now, going low fat would make me miserable, satiety is important. Once I drop the weight with my current diet I will try to fix glucose oxidation. Going high carb, low fat while being 25%bf sounds moronic.
Vitamin C did nothing for my adrenals. I haven't tried b5 though. NDT didn't heal my thyroid as well and I think I'll have to try t3 alone.
I forgot to mention that I use b2 and b1 with adequate magnesium.
Mar 24, 2018
So are you saying that in order for Niacinamide to be helpful, one should consume low fat, and maybe more carbohydrates ?

I'm no one to say, I relied on the advice of the Forum "taking risks" alone and on the excellent advice read in the article by @Hans

As far as I'm concerned, highly recommended during or after a meal with very low fat and higher carbohydrates ... medium protein.
Mar 24, 2018
Since I had to drop starch for now, going low fat would make me miserable, satiety is important. Once I drop the weight with my current diet I will try to fix glucose oxidation. Going high carb, low fat while being 25%bf sounds moronic.
Vitamin C did nothing for my adrenals. I haven't tried b5 though. NDT didn't heal my thyroid as well and I think I'll have to try t3 alone.
I forgot to mention that I use b2 and b1 with adequate magnesium.

I know it can be frustrating to do it and hear it ... until recently I didn't know the Forum and I did everything by myself:

Don't accumulate too many things or suddenly vary ... look for a homeostasis and add / remove one thing at a time.

A nice diary is essential in order not to get confused ... as soon as you have a symptom, don't wait: write!


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Seems like Niacin and not Niacinamide can help lower blood lipids and TG....


Jan 11, 2021
Yeah it’s scary, and losing some weight should help lower that... basically you are highlighting the need to inhibit the release of free fatty acids ? Aspirin, Niacinamide, but what else ?

Everything that improves glucose oxidation, should lower fatty acids. Honestly everything that is pro-metabolic, stress lowering will help to some degree. Lowering estrogen, nitric oxide, endotoxin, cortisol, serotonin, PUFA the usual culprits.
Everything that improves liver function, improves liver glycogen and glucoronidation preventing triglycerides for fatty acid oxidation and fatty acid synthesis.

Needless to say, other FAO inhibitors like aspirin, Mildronate/Meldonium, ethyl pyruvate + ethyl acetoacetate, progesterone, etc can also be used as interventions and will likely be highly synergistic with niacinamide.



Jan 11, 2021
How much Niacinamide is suggested for lower Fatty acid oxidation?
Niacinamide HED dose of 15mg/kg has been used to stop cancer growth
I believe Ray recommends 150mg x 3 per day.

Might be good to start on the lower dose and increase/ experiment with it.
Mar 24, 2018
Niacinamide HED dose of 15mg/kg has been used to stop cancer growth
I believe Ray recommends 150mg x 3 per day.

Might be good to start on the lower dose and increase/ experiment with it.



Please give me an example of a person that actually lost weight due to this framework if you happen to know one. I could give you a million examples of super stressed people that lost weight following CICO.


Sep 3, 2020
Let’s call a spade a spade, everyone is different.... I’m 6’3”, and 235 pounds, with high cholesterol and somewhat of a belly.... I don’t think low carb is the answer for me, unless it’s also low fat... Can one do low fat and decent lean white meats but also needing to rely on Carbohydrates for satiety ? I suppose with either diet, I can avoid carbs and rely on lean meat and vegetables.... but am I somewhat right in believing that people can lose weight and still eat carbohydrates ? Thank You Guys and love this group with all my heart !
Calories in calories out matters . If you under eat below what your personal metabolism burns you will lose if you eat over what you burn you gain. I prefer high carb as it gives me more energy and I love sugar coffee fruit juice sourdough bread but I will still use butter on it and make sure enough protein is in diet
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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