Losing Faith In Ray Peat


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
The problem is easy, so called machismo and feminism, that lure both sexes!
How can you expect women to be good at their job if it is not recognized as a respectable full time job? How can it be that society made salaries that low but hide it by having women work? Who can sustain a family decently and buy good food with one low salary?

I have read that in ayurveda, women used to cook for health support, that is to say a different food for each member, if necessary. Don't tell women they can or have to work, let them do their work! They were already working! That is of course fine if a man does it, but what if they learn this skill and do not have to use it? If both sexes have to learn this skill, in a couple, one will have to not use its skill, and we have so many things to learn in life! It was not so bad when things were clear about our respective jobs, as you can see in any society in the world!
Look at what age we now become competent for work?
Very late.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
If one is not working outside, then the other has to accept to let go the role of taking care of the children, and is better at center on the focus on nervous rest, and on the job, money is important. And give the fulltime job for the children to the other half of the couple, even if it is difficult and not great. So the other will see how easy it is..., and if it goes great ...or not. The one that does it all will get all the responsibility which is not fair, and in the end it will not work and will be considered the culprit.
Nov 27, 2017
I don't think Ray is right about everything. I find a lot of the forums focused on Ray's work very cult like. He has some interesting perspectives that I value and I think he is largely right about nutrition and also right to critique the low serotonin theory of depression but I also think the idea that hypometabolism is the root of all health issues is very wrong and narrow. Hypometabolism can be a secondary, protective, adaptive issue that occurs because of oxidative stress.

Also even though ray does talk about environment and pollution to an extent, he underrates its importance. Avoiding inhaled biotoxins and pollution did more for my health than avoiding pufas although both are important.

But if you go on any of these forums and say stuff like this they will just try and claim that you didn't do peating correctly, you needed to eat less starches, or more protein, or less protein, or take more thyroid, or more progestE. Even if you tried all of these things to an absurd extent people would rather suggest you did things wrong than admit that Peat could be wrong about something. I don't blame that on Peat but there is a cult like following about his work.

I also think that the people that had the best results with Peating are generally people that did Keto or other extreme diets which caused their health problems, rather than people with more intense underlying diseases not caused by diets. People that crashed their metabolism doing keto or carnivore and then fixed it by eating reasonably a la peats advice , tend to buy into Peatarianism more. And it makes sense that that works for them but I don't think it means that aspirin necessarily cures cancer or anything like that.

I also think Ray cherrypicks studies a lot. He uses many animal studies even though he is critical of them and he often cites obscure soviet studies that you cant find a full text translated of.

I still enjoy reading Peat's articles but now rather than treating them as gospel or as the key to understanding everytghing about physiology I think of them as only part of the puzzle, rather than the whole thing.

Anyway, I will probably get flamed for this, but that is my honest perspective.


Jun 26, 2022
I drink a ton of coffee too.

Hoffer and Osmond would give people grams of niacin. I like their theory because it seems to make sense. If you look at adrenochrome, you will see that it is an indole.

Many indoles are psychedelic. DMT and psilocybin are indoles. Serotonin and melatonin are indole neurotransmitters.

Adrenalin can actually turn into a psychedelic indole in the body. Strange but true.

I think I'll let other people comment on how much niacin to take. I am only in the theoretical stage right now. Perhaps I should order some niacin myself and experiment with it?

Here is the book. Chapter 3 is called: Adrenochrome and Some of Its Derivatives and starts on page 275 in Adobe and page 267 if you are looking at the text.

Besides this book, Hoffer wrote dozens of articles on this topic.
I know this is very old. but very interesting. One thing that the evil (and I am not saying that loosely) pharmaceutical/psychiatric industry has been doing to people with the diagnosis of 'schizophrenia' - based on 'psychosis' is giving them SSRI drugs. I am not trying to help a young nephew after watching him go through 2 years of hell and worsening condition after he was sent to a psychiatrist and involuntarily committed and forced on medication. I am certain the SSRIs in combination with the anti-psychotic drugs created what they call 'mental illness'. He became full blown psychotic after months on an SSRI. The increased serotonin would make sense. None of these physicians understand the pharmacology at all.


Oct 11, 2016
I know this is very old. but very interesting. One thing that the evil (and I am not saying that loosely) pharmaceutical/psychiatric industry has been doing to people with the diagnosis of 'schizophrenia' - based on 'psychosis' is giving them SSRI drugs. I am not trying to help a young nephew after watching him go through 2 years of hell and worsening condition after he was sent to a psychiatrist and involuntarily committed and forced on medication. I am certain the SSRIs in combination with the anti-psychotic drugs created what they call 'mental illness'. He became full blown psychotic after months on an SSRI. The increased serotonin would make sense. None of these physicians understand the pharmacology at all.
Lookup Jerry Marzinsky


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