Is Beard Growth Androgen, Estrogen, or Nitric Oxide related? Or all the above?


May 10, 2016
True. Does it cause any downregulation, is it safe long term?
I believe a healthy male produces around 2 mgs a day so if you stick in that neighborhood you should be fine. I do think taking more will increase beard fullness quicker. Though I don't really remember any noticeable suppression when taking 100 mgs a day


Oct 7, 2020
Got it! Undermethylators have trouble breaking down histamine right? That could be a reason why @Ignoramus experienced increased beard growth with cyproheptadine (antihistamine)

How can we keep SHBG from binding to DHT? @redsun
i recall on Hans Amoto's blog or somewhere else it's said high histamine slows body/facial hair growth it's paradoxal as high histamine also boosts DHT which boosts beard/facial hair growth so you may have high DHT from high histamine except the hairiness sign of high DHT
Jul 11, 2020
Stress in my experience is what makes beards really thick. I've seen no correlation with my androgen production and my ability to increase my beards density, but times of extreme stress the kind some people would possibly end their lives over, my beard has thickened out like nobodies business.

I have also seen this correlation in a few other people as well to suspect there might be something to it e.g homeless people. I'm very high histamine for instance got dust, pollen allergies and spontaneous erections out the wazoo etc and none of that has stopped me from from developing a really thick beard. I've lifted since i was about 14 on and off till my late 20ies and my T was always in the 800-900 mark even when not working out and all that time all i mustered was an ok goatee, but ironically my beard thickened out most when i was probably very high in estrogen(was on SSRI's and eating attrocious food, not working out.couch potato, suicide attempts etc)i wasn't what anybody could consider healthy or hyper metabolic

I honestly don't think androsterone or any hormone for that matter is going to increase your androgen receptors in your facial hair follicles if my own experience is anything to go by and i believe there are some others on this very forum who have had similar experiences to suggest a correlation between high stress and beard growth.
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