Is Facial Hair A Sign Of Poor Health?


Jul 27, 2016
And today, more and more, hair is known as a disgusting thing. I would say, unfortunately, I have always had too much hair and when it comes to beauty, girls seems to prefer a shaved man than with tons of hair. And, of course, I always hated how much hair I have. I remember even in my elementary school being very worried and not liking my appearance, because I had already hair in my arms, back and pubic area while other boys didn't have any. And even there, at that age, my colleagues would say that I was disgusting (this, of course, didn't help to my mental health).
On the other hand, now that you are saying this, when I went to Middle School, when we had sports class, in the changing room, most guys older than me would be very impressed and jealous, because I was looking much more masculine than them (my muscles, bones, hair, etc).
Still, those guys would always be the number one choice to girls because of their clean, young and feminist appearance. Bieber like, basically. And, now, those guys still look clean and have developed hair like beard, on armpits, on pubic area and few hair on chest. While me, I just have hair everywhere.

Sometimes I think if non-hairy guys are more evolved since our existence comes from primates as we seem to get less hairy during evolution.

It is just a sign of lower testosterone usually, I don't think evolution, but maybe from apathy from easier life, which causes the lower testosterone and thus the less hair.
Interestingly you can find readings about how birth control effecting a woman's choice of man; often causing her to choose more of an effeminate one. I wonder if this is why women in the west mostly hate beards and want clean-shaven men. Social conditioning too, the media promotes Biebers and all those other strange creatures and the women flock to them as a result.
A man needs a big beard and a loud grunt to show his power. Some women still embrace this, but very few these days.


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Nov 14, 2014
I have always wondered about such a relationship between hair distribution across the body but haven't really noticed any definitive trends in all the guys I've seen over the last few years. One brother of mine has dark body hair, insanely thick beard coverage, and a decent head of hair. Another brother has equal body hair, equally insane beard, but is clearly balding. Myself and the 3rd brother have moderate beard coverage, decent head of hair, but my body hair probably outdoes all of them.


Mar 15, 2014
I feel best when my facial hair is fine and slow growing. Ideally it should feel like peach fuzz.

I see a LOT of guys who have sparse, wiry looking facial hair, often with bad facial features, who are bald. My instinct is that such people aren't "meant" to have facial hair, and can only do so by overloading on adrenal-sourced androgens. I think a lot of these guys are going to be from places like Russia or eastern Europe, where people seem to have sparser beards.


Feb 22, 2015
29 years of age here, I have very little facial. A decent amount on my chin, slightly at the mustache area and basically nothing on cheeks.
More hair has also started thinning/receding.

Haidut mentioned topical ATP - would it help to apply creatine? If not, what sort of ATP is he referring to.



Jun 12, 2016
A study I read found men with high test and high cortisol were more visually attractive to females - moreso if they were not ovulating.

Interestingly, so were low test and low cortisol. More androgynous men in other words, were sexier when a woman was ovulating.

High test/low cortisol or low test/high cortisol were not.

I disagree that shaving or having minimal facial hair is necessarily feminine. The clean shaven anglo saxon ideal comes from the arsty/poetry laden tradition of a muscular Christian and globe spanning empire. Of course, grooming standards come and go but it might be related to how men relate to other men and men to women.

It's only recently the bearded look came back as fashionable in the west. But the ability for men to be fathers and have meaningful roles in society (education/politics) is replaced by a hostile culture to anglo core of the former colonies and toward Christianity* so we revert to more primitive outlooks and attraction cues.

*Relevant here as it gave a defined guide to education/politics for men to relate to one another not based on status competition but on an intellectual understanding of the Logos.


Jul 29, 2014
A man needs a big beard and a loud grunt to show his power. Some women still embrace this, but very few these days.

I think women realized they didn't need a big brute when David killed the biggest, baddest brute of them all with a sling and a pebble. They were like "Wow, that little wiener-kid with no facial hair and presumably high progesterone just killed that guy with the pituitary tumor using only a piece of leather and a stone! What a dream boat!"

Human males have developed something more valuable than strength.
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Jul 27, 2016
I think women realized they didn't need a big brute when David killed the biggest, baddest brute of them all with a sling and a pebble. They were like "Wow, that little wiener-kid with no facial hair and presumably high progesterone just killed that guy with the pituitary tumor using only a piece of leather and a stone! What a dream boat!"

Human males have developed something more valuable than strength.

They need both. The Christians of old strongly supported beards. I believe the primary reason for opposition to men with facial hair is the rise of feminism, where men are to be emasculated and look boyish.

James IV

My n=1. When I feel best (mellow, accepting, and sexual) my beard grows slowest and sparse. When I feel aggressive, unwavering, and stressed, beard looks thick and full. It's a noticeable difference.

I think body hair is related to endoxin and blood sugar.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Hair on the face is a good thing for mean, meaning increase androgens which are hard to come by because the body considers androgens to be metabolically expensive and does not prioritize their manuacturing.. Hair on the back or upperarms is a sign of estrogen increase though.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
This is why energy consumption and general mitochondrial health is so important for androgenic activity. Under the right circumstance a very small amount of estrogen is needed to balance a very large amount of androgens. This will also make the androgens more efficient as the destructive effects of estrogen will not counterbalance androgenic activity. But it is a very rare thing in the modern world for someone to be in a healthy enough state to have high androgens and low estrogen while still being well. As for beard growth overall it is definitely a good thing but I have seen people of vastly different lifestyles and body structure possess beards. The only common factor in my experience is that bearded people tend to be more calm and collected than non bearded people. Obviously beard growth is due to androgens but primarily 5-ar derived androgens, thus I am bewildered that some people living very anti-androgenic lifestyles still have beards. I think that overall calorie consumption plays a huge factor in this as people living "bad" lifestyles who still have beards tend to heavy but not fat.

I think the underlying factor may just be genetic, and then the amount of androgens then pushes or pulls on the amount of facial hair growth from that point. I am on the extreme level of hairiness side, I get 5 oclock shadow and can grow a bear up to right below my eyebags, the other guys in the locker room call me a guerrilla for how hairy my chest is, etc etc. After taking post finasteride I got blood work showing my testosterone was less then 50 ug, and DHT was almost nothing at 0.2 ug. My beard grew noticably slower, it would now take a week or two before I needed to shave, but the beard was still thicker and coverred a wider surface area then anyone I know.


Sep 28, 2016
I think the underlying factor may just be genetic, and then the amount of androgens then pushes or pulls on the amount of facial hair growth from that point. I am on the extreme level of hairiness side, I get 5 oclock shadow and can grow a bear up to right below my eyebags, the other guys in the locker room call me a guerrilla for how hairy my chest is, etc etc. After taking post finasteride I got blood work showing my testosterone was less then 50 ug, and DHT was almost nothing at 0.2 ug. My beard grew noticably slower, it would now take a week or two before I needed to shave, but the beard was still thicker and coverred a wider surface area then anyone I know.
Your face might have been still saturated with androgens despite having almost no androgens in the serum. I prefer to think of many traits as hereditary but not genetic, but there is always going to be a partial truth to both. I think having an androgenic childhood is mostly responsible for your hair, not necessarily your current androgens. Hence your tissue was already androgenic. More or less androgens will further exhibit changes to the tissue but serum levels are not to great at reflecting this.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Your face might have been still saturated with androgens despite having almost no androgens in the serum. I prefer to think of many traits as hereditary but not genetic, but there is always going to be a partial truth to both. I think having an androgenic childhood is mostly responsible for your hair, not necessarily your current androgens. Hence your tissue was already androgenic. More or less androgens will further exhibit changes to the tissue but serum levels are not to great at reflecting this.

I think the serum androgen levels are closely associated with tissue levels. After all blood circulation is main source of androgens for most tissues.

Yes it is a nice notion that everything is environmentally influence and important because science does rely too heavily on genetic and hereditary assumption (in fact it wants genetics to be the cause of everything) but I don't see how else my situation could exist if genetics wasnt a major factor. If you are sating that my androgen production during puberty determined my facial hair growth and then set it to that point, I would consider that genetic. Howeber my brother never ate well and did a lot of pot snoking in his teens and now he is scrawny with little beard but he is the same height...


Mar 12, 2017
My n=1. When I feel best (mellow, accepting, and sexual) my beard grows slowest and sparse. When I feel aggressive, unwavering, and stressed, beard looks thick and full. It's a noticeable difference.

I think body hair is related to endoxin and blood sugar.
Is being accepting and mellow really a sign of good health? I feel my best when I feel aggressive and high energy. Not mean, mind you. Just intense and not tolerant of disrespect.


Sep 28, 2016
Is being accepting and mellow really a sign of good health? I feel my best when I feel aggressive and high energy. Not mean, mind you. Just intense and not tolerant of disrespect.
I think there are different types of aggression, one that is due to androgens and is more assertive than anything else, and the other due to stress hormones that is the compulsive type anger.

I think the serum androgen levels are closely associated with tissue levels. After all blood circulation is main source of androgens for most tissues.

Yes it is a nice notion that everything is environmentally influence and important because science does rely too heavily on genetic and hereditary assumption (in fact it wants genetics to be the cause of everything) but I don't see how else my situation could exist if genetics wasnt a major factor. If you are sating that my androgen production during puberty determined my facial hair growth and then set it to that point, I would consider that genetic. Howeber my brother never ate well and did a lot of pot snoking in his teens and now he is scrawny with little beard but he is the same height...
Does your father sport a nice beard?


Mar 12, 2017
I think there are different types of aggression, one that is due to androgens and is more assertive than anything else, and the other due to stress hormones that is the compulsive type anger.
That is a good way of explaining it I think. It's been my experience as well. Raising my androgens actually seemed to raise my cortisol, at least at first. It gave me a short fuse. Now that they've come down, I feel more relaxed but still retain a lot of the energy and drive that I also consider a type of aggression. Getting back to the main topic of this thread, I don't think that facial hair is a sign of poor health. I think it's genetic, if anything and is potentiated by your androgen levels during puberty. I do, however, believe that changes in facial hair, such as it getting thicker, can indicate stress hormones. My beard appears softer when I am more relaxed.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I think there are different types of aggression, one that is due to androgens and is more assertive than anything else, and the other due to stress hormones that is the compulsive type anger.

Does your father sport a nice beard?
Indeed he does. Not quite as thick as mine but still well above average.

James IV

Is being accepting and mellow really a sign of good health? I feel my best when I feel aggressive and high energy. Not mean, mind you. Just intense and not tolerant of disrespect.

In my experience, yes. Aggressive and manic energy is how i felt for a long time on keto, and I wasn't healthy. I meant mellow in the sense that things don't bother me, not that I'm passive. Accepting of others and energetic without being hyper is really when I feel best. It also comes with being horny and "touchy feely" as my gf says. It's a real sense of connection with the human race, rather than a sense of dominance or superiority.


Mar 12, 2017
In my experience, yes. Aggressive and manic energy is how i felt for a long time on keto, and I wasn't healthy. I meant mellow in the sense that things don't bother me, not that I'm passive. Accepting of others and energetic without being hyper is really when I feel best. It also comes with being horny and "touchy feely" as my gf says. It's a real sense of connection with the human race, rather than a sense of dominance or superiority.
Exactly my experience as well. Lots of things that supposedly lower cortisol don't seem to do so in me. Theanine is the only thing that seems to do the trick. I avoided it for a long time because I always got terrible results when I used it but it seems to work well now that my androgen levels are up and keeps me from experiencing the "manic energy" you speak of.


Aug 28, 2015
Actually, DHT is known to promote hair growth everywhere, including scalp. There are quite a few studies on Pubmed challenging the current dogma of DHT being bad for hair and they back up their assertion with tests showing DHT promoted hair growth in follicles obtained from tissues all over the body, including scalp. That combined with the fact that AR antagonists like flutamide do NOT help conditions like MPB to me is a pretty solid indication that whatever DHT is doing in the scalp is probably not detrimental. There is something else causing the hair loss and DHT is probably there to mitigate the damage.

Would something as simple as honey rubbed into scalp simulate d-ribose on scalp? Would it absorb?
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