Masculinizing Effects From Progesterone?


Feb 8, 2017
Kind of want to try it because I haven't seemed to have many good results with anything that raises androgens.

Give it a shot... worst case scenario you just stop.

But, so far I, and xeta have only seen positives..


Feb 8, 2017
Might have too, where do you apply it?

I apply on my hairline, 1 pump a day, before bed, and a tiny bit on forehead. (I may start to also apply all over scalp. xeta does this, I do not, yet)

I was doing 2 pumps, spread 12 hrs apart, once a day before, but just trying to preserve the product, no real reason why I dropped the dosage to 1 pump. I am getting the good effects with 1 pump (you can tell by how deep you sleep). I may increase as I go thought, we'll see.


Feb 18, 2018
I apply on my hairline, 1 pump a day, before bed, and a tiny bit on forehead. (I may start to also apply all over scalp. xeta does this, I do not, yet)

I was doing 2 pumps, spread 12 hrs apart, once a day before, but just trying to preserve the product, no real reason why I dropped the dosage to 1 pump. I am getting the good effects with 1 pump (you can tell by how deep you sleep). I may increase as I go thought, we'll see.
Ok, how long did you use it to notice sexual effects?


Feb 8, 2017
Ok, how long did you use it to notice sexual effects?

You should notice effects pretty quickly. Within weeks, or earlier, but xeta could probably answer that better than I, he's been using it longer than me.

It seems the longer you are using the better it gets.. at least up until now.
Nov 21, 2015
you do whatever you want and thanks for sharing.

I said it and I mean it. Fish oil feels great for awhile. So does keto.

I would never, ever, ever add estrogen to my body after reading Dr. Peat's work.


Jun 2, 2017
you do whatever you want and thanks for sharing.

I said it and I mean it. Fish oil feels great for awhile. So does keto.

I would never, ever, ever add estrogen to my body after reading Dr. Peat's work.

Fish oil and keto never felt good for me lol

I haven't had any estrogenic sides so I'm taking that as a good sign. I'm also taking vitamin e everyday to counter any estrogen that might go systemic. Which is very minimal, if any, considering how small the dosage is. Will probably add progesterone as well. I'm pretty sure @Progesterone has a couple links that show estriol with estradiol is antiestrogenic. And estriol can even be androgenic, which seems to be what's happening in my case.

I'd also like to know why women have longer life expectancies if anyone can help me with that one.


Jun 2, 2017
Peat has said it's because of progesterone.

That's what I figured. So then in theory I can just take progesterone and problem solved? Because I don't have anywhere near as much systemic estrogen as women do. Progesterone made my hair fall out though..


Oct 14, 2016
you do whatever you want and thanks for sharing.

I said it and I mean it. Fish oil feels great for awhile. So does keto.

I would never, ever, ever add estrogen to my body after reading Dr. Peat's work.
By 'keto' do you mean 11 keto DHT?


Feb 8, 2017
you do whatever you want and thanks for sharing.

I said it and I mean it. Fish oil feels great for awhile. So does keto.

I would never, ever, ever add estrogen to my body after reading Dr. Peat's work.
That's what I figured. So then in theory I can just take progesterone and problem solved? Because I don't have anywhere near as much systemic estrogen as women do. Progesterone made my hair fall out though..

FWIW, I am using Progesterone and the bi-estro on scalp, before bed, daily.

The Prog is not impeding with bi-estro's ability to rid acne away A.S.A.P, so that's a good sign.

Also keep in mind, bi-estro is 80% estriol, 20% estradiol.

Women only produce estriol (very high levels) when they are pregnant. Estriol in the presence of estradiol is anti-estrogenic. When women are not pregnant, they barely produce estriol.

Women also produce progestone (very high levels) when they are pregnant.

My rationale for using both is, women tend to have great hair during pregnancy, and both of these hormones are upregulated skyhigh, but also for the fact that Progesterone inhibits 5 alpha-reductase, on skin. There's multiple studies showing this.

Theoretically, using the prog with the estrogen should be helpful health wise, as well.

Estrogen effects the brain. Its effect on the brain is very tenuous. At normal levels estrogen prevents depression and insomnia , increases concentration, and maintains normal sex drive . If estrogen is to high or low, depression, anxiety, insomnia, decreased sex drive and decreased concentration may result.

Progesterone decreases the target organs response to estrogen by decreasing the number of receptors the organ has for estrogen. Receptors are molecules on the cells that recognize specific hormones and allows them to carry their message to the cell.

Progesterone also decreases breast cell growth. It is involved in the maturation of breast cells and decreases the rate of multiplication. Progesterone also promotes normal cell death in the breast which is important in the prevention of cancer.

While estrogen decreases the rate of bone breakdown, progesterone stimulates bone osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are responsible for making new bone to replace old bone.

By decreasing thyroid binding globulin, progesterone increases the activity of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone increases metabolism, and utilizes the fat stored under estrogen influence for energy. Normal progesterone levels are important for a normal body composition. Low progesterone levels can lead to weight gain.

Progesterone stimulates normal sex drive because it can be converted to testosterone which is involved in male and female sex drive.

It blocks aldosterone receptors. Aldosterone promotes water retention and swelling. Progesterone blocks aldosterone causing normal fluid loss and decreasing swelling.

In the brain, progesterone binds GABA receptors. These receptors decrease anxiety, insomnia and depression. Anti-depressants and barbiturates bind these same receptors. Progesterone is a natural antidepressant and prevents anxiety.


Feb 8, 2017
IMO, as long as you're in this sweet spot with Estrogen.. don't worry too much:

Estrogen effects the brain. Its effect on the brain is very tenuous. At normal levels estrogen prevents depression and insomnia , increases concentration, and maintains normal sex drive .

If it gets too high/low, you will likely feel it:

If estrogen is too high or low, depression, anxiety, insomnia, decreased sex drive and decreased concentration may result.


Feb 8, 2017
Estrogen Dominance Symptoms

Cyclic anxiety Cyclic weight gain depression
Crying spells Cyclic migraines
Cravings Irregular bleeding
Bloating Painful menses
Poor Concentration Insomnia
Menopausal Hot flashes
Symptoms Breast tenderness
Fatigue Fibrocystic breast
Decreased libido Breast cancer risks
Fibroids Endometriosis
If you have two or more of the symptoms listed above, you may be experiencing estrogen dominance. It occurs when your exposure to estrogen is greater than your ability excrete estrogen on to produce adequate progesterone levels. They are many factors that increase our estrogen exposure. Consuming hormone fed animals increase our estrogen exposure. Pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables can behave like estrogen. Obesity increases our estrogen exposure because fat cells make estrogen.

Stress effects your ability to ovulate or produce an egg each month. If a woman does not ovulate, progesterone is not produced , therefore it is not available to counteract the effects of the estrogen made during the menstrual cycle. Adolescent girls and peri-menopausal women with irregular menses, mood swings and emotional outbursts may benefit greatly from progesterone therapy and are most likely to be estrogen dominant.


Feb 18, 2018
Do you think it is estriol or estradiol that is giving the benefits ? I'm not sure if I can get life-flo In UK but I can get hold of biovea estriol cream wonder if that would have same benefits.


Feb 8, 2017
Do you think it is estriol or estradiol that is giving the benefits ? I'm not sure if I can get life-flo In UK but I can get hold of biovea estriol cream wonder if that would have same benefits.

tbh, it's probably the Estriol.

But.. not sure.

Pretty sure you can get the Bi-estro in UK though.
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