Investing is (mostly) a scam/rigged from my experience. Stocks, Bonds, IRAs, Crypto. Theft is more profitable than any investment & way easier.

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
So some years ago I decided to take the plunge in to the stocks. Why? I had money and wanted more ... What better way to fall for scams and false hopes, right?

Well, I began investing through Robinhood (or maybe some other site ... Not 100% sure). Anyhow, I am and always have been poor, so it's not like I have tons of money to invest.

I invested in various different sectors, mostly all in "penny stocks" or just low-value stocks under $5. I wanted to "study" and "learn" how to make my money be profitable or work for me, but that's where it all went downhill and the "dream" ended. It turns out there's no such thing as a viable strategy for investing ... It's all gambling really. If you want real rewards you are told you must "seriously take risk" but then are told this is contingent with one's degree of wealth. Since I'm poor, what wealth do I have? Thus I was instructed by "gurus" that "poor people cannot expect much returns in investing, nor have many options to build wealth fast." Or something like that.

So imagine my luck that I'm told the "recipe" for success in the stock market, or any investing really is to ... Be rich? Wow! I would have never thought that being wealthy would help me be ... Wealthy! Imagine my surprise when I found out that the reason I was born poor and stay poor is ... Because I'm poor. Yep. "You need experience to do that thing you have no experience in first."

Okay, so I figured I'd save up, try and fight past my poorly stacked deck of cards life handed me ... But that just carried on the "delusional cope" longer and longer. I was told that, "If you want to make money you get a degree and then a good paying job." Okay, so all of these rich investors have degrees and good paying jobs? So they match the description then: Be successful to be successful.

If only I had accepted in the very start of my plight and journey in to finance that the reason I can't build success is because ... I'm not already successful. Talk about logic, right? Catch-22?

"You have to learn the ins and outs of the market."

Is that the same as learning the "ins and outs" of the government? Our economy? Our society? A crime syndicate? A "pedophile ring?" The entertainment history and social order as we know it?

If so, the answer to that "in and out" would be dishonesty, lies, scams, luck, unfairness, etc. I guess I better just work hard, right? Not like I haven't been doing that years, but not a Zuckerburg yet!

Seriously, if you have to be "successful" to be capable of being "successful" then it's kind of a pointless, circular reasoning kind of nonsense, isn't it? "Invest to become rich, bro! Just pour millions in to get billions! Oh, wait ... No millions? Okay, start with penny stocks and you'll be wealthy in 2060, after 'Insert Jewish sounding name' already had their hands on your "money" for 30+ years!"

It's like how banks say to give them money so you can earn interest. Yeah, that 0.1% interest on my 35 dollars really helps ... Not like I can't find a quarter on the street one day and beat that, no! That big bank with tons of "money" is really making my poverty cash flow helpful, "Just make millions and then that 0.1% will pay you more!" Yeah, just hold on while I get to that.....

If there is no "guarantee" in being successful then do not stand mighty and pass judgment as if you can assure it. You can encourage it, but you can't promise it. If you can't promise one can be successful then you shouldn't be so adamant in your expression of such a potential. "Work hard" are such empty words at the end of the day ... It all depends on what you get out of it. If you work hard your whole life and still feel you got cheated, is hard work worth anything then? If you're born rich and did nothing, aren't you not bound to feel like you're cheating others rather than them cheating you? There are no guarantees in life ... So it's not any different in terms of success telling one to rob a bank vs. investing in Bitcoin ... In fact robbing the bank probably has better odds of returns even if with higher risks.

See, the whole system is seemingly "go big or go home" in literal form. If you have no money you make no money ... If you have a lot of money you can make some more, but do you need it even? If I was raking in millions I would tell Schwab, Gold, or any other big bank to **** off ... I would rather keep money under my mattress at some point than pretend that "giving" my money to massively benefit another party while slightly benefiting me is worth it. There's a reason the bank is big and you are small ... They are the ones with the unfair power & advantages. You can invest and cope all you want ... Unless you are rich to begin with or lucky I'd hardly argue that barely any of it has any real "skill" to it. If so, someone write me a flow chart ASAP to hit it big. And don't even get me started on crypto ... It's taking ***t & adding more conditionals to it that can bite you in the **** more potentially.

If you're born poor you die poor ... Exceptions don't make the rule. And remember what position you're standing in before telling someone beneath you that they're "wrong." It's like a woman telling a man that getting sex is easy ... Yeah, for a woman. It's like a millionaire telling you to get a minimum wage job to escape poverty.
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des yeux

I think you are very unkind and uncharitable towards yourself. I sympathize with your plight and how unfair things can get against young men. But I don't think being resentful towards yourself, other men, and all women can bring you anything other than misery. What do you enjoy doing in life? Do you like the people you are living with? Are there people whom you love and cherish, and they do so in return? I think this should be the starting point.

There are certainly still ways to make an honest living. Tech remains the best until an economic crash, some trades. The next step would probably be owning a house and putting sweat equity in it. However you will find that in many fields your social skills determine the ceiling of your success. Additionally, to truly make good money you will have to collaborate with someone, either as a business partner or 'stakeholder', where again your social skills matter. I don't think there is a shortcut to being sociable without being charitable, first towards yourself and then towards others.


Jan 6, 2019
It turns out there's no such thing as a viable strategy for investing ... It's all gambling really.
This is because you were not really investing in the strict sense of the word, you were indeed gambling. Actual investing is pretty straightforward and guaranteed to yield about a yearly 8-10% in profits in the long term, since that is how much the markets have risen per year on average for the last 90 years. You don't need to be rich in order to invest. Simply put all you can spare of each paycheck into low-risk conservative funds and watch your profits increase as years go by and the compound interest accumulates. Eventually you will no longer have to work and you can retire prematurely, only becoming richer the longer you live.


Apr 28, 2015
So some years ago I decided to take the plunge in to the stocks. Why? I had money and wanted more ... What better way to fall for scams and false hopes, right?

Well, I began investing through Robinhood (or maybe some other site ... Not 100% sure). Anyhow, I am and always have been poor, so it's not like I have tons of money to invest.

I invested in various different sectors, mostly all in "penny stocks" or just low-value stocks under $5. I wanted to "study" and "learn" how to make my money be profitable or work for me, but that's where it all went downhill and the "dream" ended. It turns out there's no such thing as a viable strategy for investing ... It's all gambling really. If you want real rewards you are told you must "seriously take risk" but then are told this is contingent with one's degree of wealth. Since I'm poor, what wealth do I have? Thus I was instructed by "gurus" that "poor people cannot expect much returns in investing, nor have many options to build wealth fast." Or something like that.

So imagine my luck that I'm told the "recipe" for success in the stock market, or any investing really is to ... Be rich? Wow! I would have never thought that being wealthy would help me be ... Wealthy! Imagine my surprise when I found out that the reason I was born poor and stay poor is ... Because I'm poor. Yep. "You need experience to do that thing you have no experience in first."

Okay, so I figured I'd save up, try and fight past my poorly stacked deck of cards life handed me ... But that just carried on the "delusional cope" longer and longer. I was told that, "If you want to make money you get a degree and then a good paying job." Okay, so all of these rich investors have degrees and good paying jobs? So they match the description then: Be successful to be successful.

If only I had accepted in the very start of my plight and journey in to finance that the reason I can't build success is because ... I'm not already successful. Talk about logic, right? Catch-22?

"You have to learn the ins and outs of the market."

Is that the same as learning the "ins and outs" of the government? Our economy? Our society? A crime syndicate? A "pedophile ring?" The entertainment history and social order as we know it?

If so, the answer to that "in and out" would be dishonesty, lies, scams, luck, unfairness, etc. I guess I better just work hard, right? Not like I haven't been doing that years, but not a Zuckerburg yet!

Seriously, if you have to be "successful" to be capable of being "successful" then it's kind of a pointless, circular reasoning kind of nonsense, isn't it? "Invest to become rich, bro! Just pour millions in to get billions! Oh, wait ... No millions? Okay, start with penny stocks and you'll be wealthy in 2060, after 'Insert Jewish sounding name' already had their hands on your "money" for 30+ years!"

It's like how banks say to give them money so you can earn interest. Yeah, that 0.1% interest on my 35 dollars really helps ... Not like I can't find a quarter on the street one day and beat that, no! That big bank with tons of "money" is really making my poverty cash flow helpful, "Just make millions and then that 0.1% will pay you more!" Yeah, just hold on while I get to that.....

If there is no "guarantee" in being successful then do not stand mighty and pass judgment as if you can assure it. You can encourage it, but you can't promise it. If you can't promise one can be successful then you shouldn't be so adamant in your expression of such a potential. "Work hard" are such empty words at the end of the day ... It all depends on what you get out of it. If you work hard your whole life and still feel you got cheated, is hard work worth anything then? If you're born rich and did nothing, aren't you not bound to feel like you're cheating others rather than them cheating you? There are no guarantees in life ... So it's not any different in terms of success telling one to rob a bank vs. investing in Bitcoin ... In fact robbing the bank probably has better odds of returns even if with higher risks.

See, the whole system is seemingly "go big or go home" in literal form. If you have no money you make no money ... If you have a lot of money you can make some more, but do you need it even? If I was raking in millions I would tell Schwab, Gold, or any other big bank to **** off ... I would rather keep money under my mattress at some point than pretend that "giving" my money to massively benefit another party while slightly benefiting me is worth it. There's a reason the bank is big and you are small ... They are the ones with the unfair power & advantages. You can invest and cope all you want ... Unless you are rich to begin with or lucky I'd hardly argue that barely any of it has any real "skill" to it. If so, someone write me a flow chart ASAP to hit it big. And don't even get me started on crypto ... It's taking ***t & adding more conditionals to it that can bite you in the **** more potentially.

If you're born poor you die poor ... Exceptions don't make the rule. And remember what position you're standing in before telling someone beneath you that they're "wrong." It's like a woman telling a man that getting sex is easy ... Yeah, for a woman. It's like a millionaire telling you to get a minimum wage job to escape poverty.

Sorry man, but...yeah penny stocks are mostly a scam. Shitcoin crypto is even worse. They’re right that you’re not going to get rich investing, getting a good job would help you much more, then you can dollar cost average some savings into VOO,QQQ,BTC, and ETH, the. you’ll be investing alongside the system, and the system is very interested in the large businesses and coins going up in the long term.


Jun 7, 2016
The more one can invest, the less risk more reward.

The less one has to invest the more risk less reward.

I read a story about a guy who had a seat once a month at the Chicago stock exchange, he knew what to do based monthly unemployment data which came out, he made 100k every month.

I see it that its like the health and fitness industry, if one is a noob, they will get taken advantage of charlatans and get given bad information but after getting screwed enough, some lucky people will find Ray Peat, I wish I knew the Peat of the trading world.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I guess PTP is feeling sorry for himself? Look, you invested poorly as one said, you bought ***t stock, penny stocks are usually scam worthy. Let's do this, open a Vanguard mutual fund that is broadly diversified. You will do well if you buy monthly over time and a great solid place to start. Real estate is a good deal. Buy a house. You can get out of poverty but invest smarter.


Mar 22, 2022
Declaring investing is stupid after losing money in penny stocks is like saying fitness is stupid after using a pec desk.
Dec 28, 2021
Now here's a topic on RPF that I actually have experience with!

Listen, it takes YEARS for even the best traders to become profitable. Mark Minervini is one of the best in the business, I think he said it took him 7 or 8 years to become a profitable trader. Mark came from poverty and dropped out of school in 8th grade. Oliver Kell won the 2020 U.S. investing championship with a 941% return that year, he said it took him 4 or 5 years to become profitable.

When you get into larger professional asset managers like hedge funds and mutual funds, you'll actually find that most of these investors generate returns that underperform the broader stock market. S&P 500 will go up at 8-10% a year and the typical hedge fund will do 4%. These big funds have vast teams of Ivy League educated analysts (I was once one of them) working 12+ hours a day to find every legal informational advantage about stocks that they can... and these funds will still underperform the market (and many will straight up lose money).

And so you think you're just going to open a Robin Hood account and start making tons of money trading hyper-volatile penny stocks? (real professionals tend to avoid penny stocks due to their lack of liquidity and hyper volatility).

If you're interested in the art of trading, I highly recommend starting here:

Once you've read that PDF, go read every piece of literature written by every person profiled in that PDF. You should also pick up the Market Wizards books by Jack Schwager.

You can't just throw money into random stocks and hope for the best. That's called gambling. You need to develop a trading system that fits your personality and that you can follow religiously. Maybe you like short-term trading and you only trade a specific type of chart pattern. Or maybe you prefer to read the financial reports and try to ascertain a stock's fair value and invest when the stock price is below that value.

You wouldn't expect to be able to pick up a scalpel and perform brain surgery with zero training. Doctors go through years of education to master that. Trading is no different. It takes years to master it.


Jun 28, 2020
do your parents own a house? if you are in america or canada, this is the only way to ''get rich'' besides being ownerclass. So if your parents have a house and when they die you will inherit their wealth, hooms will only go up and even a little house in the middle of nowhere iowa in 5 years will be 3 million+ dollars. And yes stocks investing for the little guy is a scam, its the equivilent of those ''horny girls want to meet up right now'' ads you see on websites lol. You're either wealthy from birth and keep increasing wealth or you're poor from birth and keep getting poorer.
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Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
you lost money in penny stocks and now you are projecting your failures on others. i am a full time trader who just started to turn succesful after a year straight of losing money. i was lucky my early “investments” (which aren’t the same as trades, what I do now) funded my learning experience. all the money i lost was basically free and i just called it my tuition and didnt lose much sleep over it.
actually peating has been one of the biggest helps to my trading career. the emotional stability and good humor and perspective has allowed me to handle things that before would rattle me. being able to choose my emotions and choosing contendedness has been amazing. having the desire to wake up and keep learning and trying after loss after loss until I finally found my style has been an amazing experience.

find someone with good aptitude and professionalism and let them manage your money. you dont sound emotionally right for “playing” in the market. it is designed to extract maximum pain from those who let it. just randomly buying penny stocks is a form of gambling.
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Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
Now here's a topic on RPF that I actually have experience with!

Listen, it takes YEARS for even the best traders to become profitable. Mark Minervini is one of the best in the business, I think he said it took him 7 or 8 years to become a profitable trader. Mark came from poverty and dropped out of school in 8th grade. Oliver Kell won the 2020 U.S. investing championship with a 941% return that year, he said it took him 4 or 5 years to become profitable.

When you get into larger professional asset managers like hedge funds and mutual funds, you'll actually find that most of these investors generate returns that underperform the broader stock market. S&P 500 will go up at 8-10% a year and the typical hedge fund will do 4%. These big funds have vast teams of Ivy League educated analysts (I was once one of them) working 12+ hours a day to find every legal informational advantage about stocks that they can... and these funds will still underperform the market (and many will straight up lose money).

And so you think you're just going to open a Robin Hood account and start making tons of money trading hyper-volatile penny stocks? (real professionals tend to avoid penny stocks due to their lack of liquidity and hyper volatility).

If you're interested in the art of trading, I highly recommend starting here:

Once you've read that PDF, go read every piece of literature written by every person profiled in that PDF. You should also pick up the Market Wizards books by Jack Schwager.

You can't just throw money into random stocks and hope for the best. That's called gambling. You need to develop a trading system that fits your personality and that you can follow religiously. Maybe you like short-term trading and you only trade a specific type of chart pattern. Or maybe you prefer to read the financial reports and try to ascertain a stock's fair value and invest when the stock price is below that value.

You wouldn't expect to be able to pick up a scalpel and perform brain surgery with zero training. Doctors go through years of education to master that. Trading is no different. It takes years to master it.
it took me one year of losing to get to where i began breaking even, i will be in profit shortly. i didnt figure out risk management until just now, Dr Peat said concepts are learned not gradually but they dont make sense until they do (please forgive me if I am misquoting) and that is true for me. I suddenly just spontaneously understood concepts.

i know a guy still finishing high school who turned $5k into $200k in like six months trading technicals. some people are really good at it. he lost tons of money learning though, he had a $60k account liquidated. luckily he was like me, all that money was made in “investments” so not a big deal. losing money you wageslaved for would be the worst,

most people dont have what it takes. i didnt either not that long ago. the bad emotional states are the worst. i am so happy to have learned as much as i have. i would have probably been suicidal if i had tried what i did and experienced what i did in the markets so far if i hadnt addressed the metabolic aspect first.


Jun 10, 2020
Keep in mind that we’re in a big correction right now, so a lot of people are set back a good amount in their investments, especially if they invested at many stocks’ peak in November and December.

Sentiment will always be much more dismal near bottoms than it is near tops.


Feb 9, 2022
There is no reason for stocks to be priced the way they are. You should only buy a stock if it pays you a dividend greater than the rate of inflation or if you can trade it to someone else for more than you paid for it. The fed uses quantitative easing to buy stocks people are selling at market prices to make sure people who think stocks have value are validated and subsequently spread the rot of mammon worship and the financialization of society by getting others into the ponzi because those other people see the people that cashed out of their stocks are wealthy so they follow suit and buy stocks like a good herd animal rather than buying real assets like all the billionaires are doing.

Basically, you are guaranteed to make a profit on stocks because the fed will always pump your stocks. Why? Isn't this too good to be true? Why should stocks always go up? Why do they want stocks to always go up? It seems like they are losing something but maybe it is actually the stock holders collectively that are losing real wealth while the owners of the fed use money printing as bait to get gullible idiots to continue trading their labor for speculative financial "assets" the real value of which is zero while they buy everything required for life on planet earth. Stocks going up and down when "bad" or "good" things happen is only to add a veneer of realism to financial "assets".

Why buy a stock that doesn't pay you for simply purchasing and holding it? Why buy crypto that can't even be used as currency? Why even *PAY* attention to any of it and waste time and energy even remotely related in any way to financial investments? Commodities, starting your own small businesses, and real estate are the only things worth spending currency, time, attention, energy on.
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Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
So some years ago I decided to take the plunge in to the stocks. Why? I had money and wanted more ... What better way to fall for scams and false hopes, right?

Well, I began investing through Robinhood (or maybe some other site ... Not 100% sure). Anyhow, I am and always have been poor, so it's not like I have tons of money to invest.

I invested in various different sectors, mostly all in "penny stocks" or just low-value stocks under $5. I wanted to "study" and "learn" how to make my money be profitable or work for me, but that's where it all went downhill and the "dream" ended. It turns out there's no such thing as a viable strategy for investing ... It's all gambling really. If you want real rewards you are told you must "seriously take risk" but then are told this is contingent with one's degree of wealth. Since I'm poor, what wealth do I have? Thus I was instructed by "gurus" that "poor people cannot expect much returns in investing, nor have many options to build wealth fast." Or something like that.

So imagine my luck that I'm told the "recipe" for success in the stock market, or any investing really is to ... Be rich? Wow! I would have never thought that being wealthy would help me be ... Wealthy! Imagine my surprise when I found out that the reason I was born poor and stay poor is ... Because I'm poor. Yep. "You need experience to do that thing you have no experience in first."

Okay, so I figured I'd save up, try and fight past my poorly stacked deck of cards life handed me ... But that just carried on the "delusional cope" longer and longer. I was told that, "If you want to make money you get a degree and then a good paying job." Okay, so all of these rich investors have degrees and good paying jobs? So they match the description then: Be successful to be successful.

If only I had accepted in the very start of my plight and journey in to finance that the reason I can't build success is because ... I'm not already successful. Talk about logic, right? Catch-22?

"You have to learn the ins and outs of the market."

Is that the same as learning the "ins and outs" of the government? Our economy? Our society? A crime syndicate? A "pedophile ring?" The entertainment history and social order as we know it?

If so, the answer to that "in and out" would be dishonesty, lies, scams, luck, unfairness, etc. I guess I better just work hard, right? Not like I haven't been doing that years, but not a Zuckerburg yet!

Seriously, if you have to be "successful" to be capable of being "successful" then it's kind of a pointless, circular reasoning kind of nonsense, isn't it? "Invest to become rich, bro! Just pour millions in to get billions! Oh, wait ... No millions? Okay, start with penny stocks and you'll be wealthy in 2060, after 'Insert Jewish sounding name' already had their hands on your "money" for 30+ years!"

It's like how banks say to give them money so you can earn interest. Yeah, that 0.1% interest on my 35 dollars really helps ... Not like I can't find a quarter on the street one day and beat that, no! That big bank with tons of "money" is really making my poverty cash flow helpful, "Just make millions and then that 0.1% will pay you more!" Yeah, just hold on while I get to that.....

If there is no "guarantee" in being successful then do not stand mighty and pass judgment as if you can assure it. You can encourage it, but you can't promise it. If you can't promise one can be successful then you shouldn't be so adamant in your expression of such a potential. "Work hard" are such empty words at the end of the day ... It all depends on what you get out of it. If you work hard your whole life and still feel you got cheated, is hard work worth anything then? If you're born rich and did nothing, aren't you not bound to feel like you're cheating others rather than them cheating you? There are no guarantees in life ... So it's not any different in terms of success telling one to rob a bank vs. investing in Bitcoin ... In fact robbing the bank probably has better odds of returns even if with higher risks.

See, the whole system is seemingly "go big or go home" in literal form. If you have no money you make no money ... If you have a lot of money you can make some more, but do you need it even? If I was raking in millions I would tell Schwab, Gold, or any other big bank to **** off ... I would rather keep money under my mattress at some point than pretend that "giving" my money to massively benefit another party while slightly benefiting me is worth it. There's a reason the bank is big and you are small ... They are the ones with the unfair power & advantages. You can invest and cope all you want ... Unless you are rich to begin with or lucky I'd hardly argue that barely any of it has any real "skill" to it. If so, someone write me a flow chart ASAP to hit it big. And don't even get me started on crypto ... It's taking ***t & adding more conditionals to it that can bite you in the **** more potentially.

If you're born poor you die poor ... Exceptions don't make the rule. And remember what position you're standing in before telling someone beneath you that they're "wrong." It's like a woman telling a man that getting sex is easy ... Yeah, for a woman. It's like a millionaire telling you to get a minimum wage job to escape poverty.
Agree, and the npcs are taught to keep the rigged system afloat using diversification and index funds.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
This is because you were not really investing in the strict sense of the word, you were indeed gambling. Actual investing is pretty straightforward and guaranteed to yield about a yearly 8-10% in profits in the long term, since that is how much the markets have risen per year on average for the last 90 years. You don't need to be rich in order to invest. Simply put all you can spare of each paycheck into low-risk conservative funds and watch your profits increase as years go by and the compound interest accumulates. Eventually you will no longer have to work and you can retire prematurely, only becoming richer the longer you live.
what do you invest in that has a guaranteed or near guaranteed 10% return on investment?
the only thing ive found that is somewhat guaranteed is buying a house or condo or townhome and renting it out.
this is what I found. in a suburban area, a 1.5 million dollar house had a rent estimate of $7200 a month.
in a different city around 10 miles or so away, a $220,000 condominium had a rent estimate of $2000 a month.
so the condo had a near 10% return on investment, actually even a bit more.
but I have heard condos have an added expense of a condo fee or something which is in addition to the regular utilities you pay and often a lot more than utility costs.
but even then, assume you get $24000 in rent income from the $220k condo, and take out 4k per year for condo fees, its still about a 20k per year return on a 220k property.
how does the compound interest work, like if you put 20k in a savings account, what does it turn into in 10 years?
do you have any other ideas for a guaranteed or near guaranteed 10% yearly return? i havent found anything besides the rental property thing. stocks are much riskier, and have potential for much more than 10% returns.

I think you are very unkind and uncharitable towards yourself. I sympathize with your plight and how unfair things can get against young men. But I don't think being resentful towards yourself, other men, and all women can bring you anything other than misery. What do you enjoy doing in life? Do you like the people you are living with? Are there people whom you love and cherish, and they do so in return? I think this should be the starting point.

There are certainly still ways to make an honest living. Tech remains the best until an economic crash, some trades. The next step would probably be owning a house and putting sweat equity in it. However you will find that in many fields your social skills determine the ceiling of your success. Additionally, to truly make good money you will have to collaborate with someone, either as a business partner or 'stakeholder', where again your social skills matter. I don't think there is a shortcut to being sociable without being charitable, first towards yourself and then towards others.

what do you mean by putting sweat equity in a house?


Oct 22, 2020
It's true that investing involves risk, and it can take time to find success, especially if you're starting from a disadvantaged position. However, it's important to remember that there are many ways to invest, and not all of them require large sums of money or a degree, like the best scalping strategy. It's also important to do your research and find trustworthy sources of information. It's understandable that you feel frustrated, but it's not fair to make sweeping generalizations or dismiss the potential benefits of investing altogether.
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Dec 25, 2022
I have traded stocks, ETFs, and futures but it wasn't a smart idea doing that while working a full-time job. It was stressful! From my experience, I enjoy swing trading ETFs and day trading futures (you can trade 23 hrs a day). 15 yr bond was my go to for futures. I learned ichmoku charting, use it all the time to determine markets, and was pretty successful with 90% of my entries. If I didn't work or only work part-time I would go back to trading. I never got into options but I know my former coworker did really well doing options on the side.... I agree, definitely do research!
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