I Have Started And Stopped Starch Like 50 Times And The End Result Is Always The Same


Aug 13, 2018
Every damn time i ditch the starch (potatoes, white rice) my well-being improves in every aspect. I once again noticed this and it surprises me every time but i quess i'll never learn. For few months i was eating potatoes daily ranging from 500-1000g. For one day i ditched them and next day is like waking up from a dream. The difference is so baffling. It's hard to explain but you feel like different person. Does it heal all problems? No, but it sure as hell improves your well-being. Now if you do fine with starches, i believe you. But many of us don't, and ditching them can make a big difference.

Same here.
Always tempted but never feel as good as I do off of grains/starches. The temporary pleasure is never worth the mood, sleep issues, brain fog, etc
It's an amazing difference.


Sep 22, 2020
Same here.
Always tempted but never feel as good as I do off of grains/starches. The temporary pleasure is never worth the mood, sleep issues, brain fog, etc
It's an amazing difference.

I've none this for over ten years and I still always go back to starch, knowing full well that it isn't optimal. My biggest vice is potatoes, which are probably one of my favourite foods (peeled, chopped, and baked in the oven to make chips, lathered in salt and vinegar, and eaten with ground beef). I also occasionally eat rice, and very rarely gluten. Peat may have been wrong about a few things, but in terms of how things affect my own health, he seems to be right about starch. Starch, for me, is an insult to my digestive tract, and always reliably produces serotonin like symptoms. The way Paul Saladino says that he eats (not that I'm a fan) seems to make the most sense to me (animal products, gelatin/collagen/bone broth, and fruits). And that's what I plan to settle on now that I have decided to ditch starch again (but minus the poisonous liver, and fruits high in beta carotene).

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
I've eliminated refined sugar and fruit juices from my diet. Instead, I consume apples, beans, white or brown rice, and sourdough bread. The result? I feel amazing.


Sep 22, 2020
I've eliminated refined sugar and fruit juices from my diet. Instead, I consume apples, beans, white or brown rice, and sourdough bread. The result? I feel amazing.

I can actually tolerate beans pretty well. So those are a keeper. But I'm ditching the bread man, for definite. Rice, no, not for me. Potatoes are a slippery slope for me, so I best stay away. Apples might be OK. Don't you do bananas?


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
let's imagine for arguments sake that we have an overly leaky gut that is permeable to large unbroken molecules of starch in say whole grains or potatoes.

So now we have an issue where we are letting through things which are damaging us.

However if we do not eat the starch food, and do not replace it with an equivalent in terms of carbohydrate, vitamins and minerels, we suffer the problem of undereating and having insufficient energy to grow and repair the permeable malformed gut.

There are several suggested approaches that make mechanistic sense to use temporarily at least in theory including: fasting, starch avoidance (such as carnivore diets), antibiotics, a higher fat diet to lubricate, and even polyunsaturated fats. And then long term, one has to try to detoxify one's bile, which is suggested by Smith, Genereux, others, as a root cause of damaging the barrier function of the gut and intestinal flora.

Is it true? does it work? one can at least try it and see, experiment.
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