How Much Proteine. And Gelatin?


Nov 21, 2012
As I'm still battling all my food/macro demons , I was wondering how much proteine's recommended on a daily basis? (though I find myself now also checking proteine content,next to carbs&fat, when possible on labels too and especially cheese is high in proteine per 100gram:'(....and I so,wanna be free of it all and just eat whatever).

I assume the proteines to remain muscle mass,but then I also wonder why one needs lots of carbs/sugars bc carbs/glucose can maintain/buit muscle mass too? I understand you need at least a certain amount of fat daily for nutrient uptake,hormone production etc. but everything thrown in the mix still kinda scares&confuses me....and it's quite clear,that I sometimes strongly get the feeling my body wants to pack on fat as I really like/crave highcarb/sugar&fat things......and thats the anxiety I must somehow seem to get over in order to be 'free',just wished I could re-direct it to my boobs only.

And is the gelatin also factored in the total proteine amount? bc gelatin isn't a proteine but a proteine sparing/maintaining resource,so that would mean you'd even need less when eating much/frequent gelatin?


Nov 9, 2012
I think its 80+ for an average, sedentary person. Think of 80 as a bit more than the amount of protein found in two bottles of milk. If you drink a bottle of milk in a day, which is pretty easy to do if you like milk (1 bottle of milk = only 2 or 3 large glasses), then its up to you to have another bottle's worth of protein rich food like milk, cheese, meat or shellfish. Complete meals with a bit of gelatin when practical, for example when having meat and before bed. Of course always accompanied with sugar food, although OJ on its own, or milk on its own, seems ok too.


Jan 22, 2013
The anxiety of the fear of gaining fat is the only reason why you would gain fat. Don't worry about it, you can handle much more than you think. The best ratio is near 50/50 carb(sugar) / fat, but anywhere from 35 - 65 % of each is fine. I feel fine with even as low as 40g protein a day (to about 2000 calories) and don't notice much of a difference from 40-80 grams. If you only eat protein based foods then you will be using them for energy and technically might need more, but likely that wouldn't happen unless you were eating only exclusively lean meat, gelatin, and/or skim milk


Nov 21, 2012
[quote="pboy"]The anxiety of the fear of gaining fat is the only reason why you would gain fat. Don't worry about it, you can handle much more than you think. The best ratio is near 50/50 carb(sugar) / fat, but anywhere from 35 - 65 % of each is fine. I feel fine with even as low as 40g protein a day (to about 2000 calories) and don't notice much of a difference from 40-80 grams. If you only eat protein based foods then you will be using them for energy and technically might need more, but likely that wouldn't happen unless you were eating only exclusively lean meat, gelatin, and/or skim milk[/quote]
You mean,as in selffullfilling prophecy with the fatgain?....part. of your and mine story are probably true as i have no boobs and what one would consider underweigth,but i guess thinking like that doesnt help.

Im not the typical peatarian,as i dont drink milk or coffee. i get. calcium by eating things like yoghurt,icecream,cheecreamcheese lately and i never liked oranges or handle many fruits well(heard thats one of the signs of lowmetabolism?). Anyway. I prefer to eat my nutrients instead of drink it. part of me also. Fears it nc lately im having these swelling issues which prevents me from doing stuff,probably by my own anxious fault by eating way too much himalayan salt etc.


Nov 21, 2012
1,459 the gelatin counted in the total proteine count or does it diminish the total count by heavy/freoquent use?


Jan 22, 2013
I don't use gelatin myself because I don't eat very much if any meat (I think the gelatin is only necessary to balance the amino profile of muscle meat), but I'd assume it would factor into total protein content...and would probably be a good source. If you ate a lot of it, you would likely have even more protein than necessary, especially in combo with yogurt and cheese, which wouldn't be a bad thing, you'd just end up using some of it as an energy source once your amino acid needs were satisfied. I've tried all different ways with fruits and have found the only or best thing that works for me is just to keep it moderate, like 1-2 cups/servings a day...too much at once and I basically retain water throughout my GI all the way up until excretion! (sorry to be graphic) I guess all I mean by this is that you don't have to force the fruit if you don't prefer it...maybe experiment with small amounts at a time if you still want to include it
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