Homeless Guys Have Tons Of Hair


Sep 4, 2019
in NYC there a lot of homeless and regardless of age or race they have a ton of hair compared to the mpb you see regularly. they clearly aren't getting the proper micronutrients plus may be on drugs.

Could shampoo be such a major endocrine disrupter that it causes such major hair loss?

You have any theories?


Feb 13, 2016
Low PUFA intake. Good gut health because of calorie restriction in general. Limited exposure to screens/blue light. No exposure to birth control/copper/SSRI found in the water supply. Involuntary NoFap.
Nov 18, 2018
in NYC there a lot of homeless and regardless of age or race they have a ton of hair compared to the mpb you see regularly. they clearly aren't getting the proper micronutrients plus may be on drugs.

Could shampoo be such a major endocrine disrupter that it causes such major hair loss?

You have any theories?
Yeah most shampoos have SLS which is not good for hair also I haven’t used shampoo in 2 years and my hair has no dandruff or bad smell the hot water takes out all the grease
Nov 18, 2018
in NYC there a lot of homeless and regardless of age or race they have a ton of hair compared to the mpb you see regularly. they clearly aren't getting the proper micronutrients plus may be on drugs.

Could shampoo be such a major endocrine disrupter that it causes such major hair loss?

You have any theories?
Also the sun exposure is probably beneficial for hair as well as general health whether you are homeless or not


Mar 2, 2018
Low PUFA intake. Good gut health because of calorie restriction in general. Limited exposure to screens/blue light. No exposure to birth control/copper/SSRI found in the water supply. Involuntary NoFap.
Homeless people have a low pufa diet and good gut health?

Are you serious?

This thread makes no sense.


Nov 22, 2016
Low PUFA intake. Good gut health because of calorie restriction in general. Limited exposure to screens/blue light. No exposure to birth control/copper/SSRI found in the water supply. Involuntary NoFap.

Homeless people don’t drink water?


Jan 12, 2019
It's nothing to do with diet. The implicit assumption is that the homeless are under a lot of stress. It's the opposite. These are people who have figured out that not showing up for a job or paying bills is way less stressful than alternatives. They've also figured out it's trivial to mooch off various public services and idiots who give them money while panhandling.

I don't doubt for a second that many homeless have low stress profiles. It's because they don't have jobs and don't pay taxes. To me the interesting question is what happens when about a third of the American middle class figures this out. They're getting ripped off on one end by politically connected bankers and on the other by hordes of welfare mooches. At some point massive numbers of American middle class people decide enough is enough and quit their jobs and grow potatoes. The highlights I read of the Democrat debate yesterday are hilarious and make it clear to me what's coming. People will stop paying their taxes.

As Rome collapsed this process was called "suburbium". People decided the taxes and job stress weren't worth it, left the cities, and grew their own food.
Nov 18, 2018
It's nothing to do with diet. The implicit assumption is that the homeless are under a lot of stress. It's the opposite. These are people who have figured out that not showing up for a job or paying bills is way less stressful than alternatives. They've also figured out it's trivial to mooch off various public services and idiots who give them money while panhandling.

I don't doubt for a second that many homeless have low stress profiles. It's because they don't have jobs and don't pay taxes. To me the interesting question is what happens when about a third of the American middle class figures this out. They're getting ripped off on one end by politically connected bankers and on the other by hordes of welfare mooches. At some point massive numbers of American middle class people decide enough is enough and quit their jobs and grow potatoes. The highlights I read of the Democrat debate yesterday are hilarious and make it clear to me what's coming. People will stop paying their taxes.

As Rome collapsed this process was called "suburbium". People decided the taxes and job stress weren't worth it, left the cities, and grew their own food.
I was homeless for two weeks once and it was not fun lol but maybe because I didn’t have enough time to adjust before going back to normal life


Jun 2, 2017
lol "good gut health"

You realize they live on fast food and alcohol right?
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Jun 7, 2016
I have noticed from being a taxi driver that many homeless stay up all night in groups for safety and sleep in the day and migrate around different areas and congrogate in the highest density areas of the city.

They certainly have less stress than anyone making over 100k. The more you make the more they take. I learnt this from driving taxi, the corporates have got it bad, extremely stressed and lost humanity. A lot of restless leg syndrome, anxiety, adrenaline, alot on their minds and weight of the world on their shoulders, a lot of deep sighs.

A lot of alcohol consumption in that culture to cope.

I lived in my car for 3 months between city and remote forest unemployed, main stress was safety and social pressure. Was much safer in the forest but stress from working full time and everything that comes with that is magnitudes higher stress than being homeless.

I am the type to build a hidden shack in remote forest and live there undetected
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Nov 21, 2015
@Tarmander I recall once remarked that male type 1 diabetics often have lush hair too. FWIW.

I think homeless people have a lot of stress. The idea that they don’t is a fantasy. I can’t imagine what it’s like to sleep on the streets, beg etc. I doubt they live a long or healthy life.

BTW I make decent money and I’m not stressed out. Why should someone making over 100K be stressed out? Dr. Peat may think this but it isn’t the case.

There are many opportunities nowadays to have a great life and make a great income without being the grey corporate man anymore. You can create a wonderful life and make a very high income without working 20 hours a day.

Or you can live on public assistance and be low stress. I wish that wasn’t an option but it is. People can live at the expense of other people nowadays quite nicely. Sad to say.

Homeless people don’t seem to be having much fun though.


Mar 2, 2019
Theres a massive difference between people mooching off others, and the fully poverty stricken homeless people. People living on the street are 100% living a stressful life, but many of them turn to drugs in order to dull this stress.

From what Ive seen, there is a huge amount of "mooching" within social circles of the middle and upper tier of society. Within families, certain circles, cultural groups, etc.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I believe Its about integrity, that everybody needs to incorporate his environment to his needs. I am from village where most people are Farmers, they are drinking alcohol like hell and are very stupid but look good, better than my coworkers from factory. I believe Its because their work Is not stressfull and drinking alcohol Is something like their hobby, Its not healthy but they somehow adapt to it.


Sep 26, 2018
Shampoos DONT cause hair loss... Everyone needs to stop being so scared. I know this because everyone uses shampoo and not everyone is bald. The stress of your hair being greasy and dirty is way more damaging than a few sulphates every few days applied temporarily to the skin.

To everyone here: wash your hair, you'll feel better


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Most people in the UK are homeless because of the gaps in the welfare system, divorce leading to job loss and loosing their home. Many of course are in the drug culture which appears inescapable - a downward spiral. I think they are definitely stressed.
Hair? Well it might be a bodily reaction to being in the cold?
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