Going through a rough time (breakup) and experiencing extreme anxiety, panic, and depression


Jul 26, 2017
I'm 5 months removed from a breakup where I was dumped. It was a long term relationship and was close to marriage.. and it really has affected me really badly. I already have anxiety, but this has sent me way over the edge. I am experiencing multiple anxiety attacks/panic attacks throughout the day, extreme depression, and a constant state of dread. I know that accepting the breakup and moving on is important, but its been 5 months and I'm just getting worse. The problem is my body seems to be in a constant state of fight or flight mode. I can barely go out in public without feeling extremely overwhelmed, anxious, panicked and extreme sadness.

I really need some extra form of help because I'm already doing things like psychotherapy, magnesium, B vitamins, taurine (discontinued as I'm not sure if it was helping or making me worse), zinc, etc. Nothing is helping that much although I think I get slight relief from magnesium.

What supplements would you guys recommend that would make a big difference without numbing me out? I've heard of cypro but I don't have access to it where I live and I hear it can make you feel really out of it the next day. I just really in a bad state right now that I've even thought of getting meds from my doctor, but I know it will just be SSRIs or anti-depressants which I don't wanna take as I'm sure it'll just make things worse.


Aug 9, 2015
Are you a man? Watch a channel on YouTube called (Tribe of Men)

Regardless of you are man or woman, try a change of scenery, if finances allow I recommend getting a camper or trailer and going on a road trip for a month or two.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I’ve been there a few times and would love to know what triggers this downward spiraling. The only thing that I know that really helps me is Benadryl. It calms me down and kinda numbs my mind. Other Peat things I’ve been doing lately to calm myself is to try to lower my serotonin by taking aspirin, salt, tyrosine and Cyproheptadine. Hope you find answers as I’m sure you know this break up pain is secondary to the panic attacks. Your grief will pass.


Mar 9, 2014
Lithium orotate helped me get out of a really bad state of anxiety i had been in for 2 months . 5 mg at night. Worked almost instantly aswell.


Jun 2, 2019
I would consider daily amounts of pregnenolone. Stop if you get anger issues developing. But otherwise, it should help prevent the anxiety. Take for 3 weeks and then take 1 week off. Start off with a dose of 200mg then daily amounts of 10mg. If 10mg isn't working up the dose by another 10mg until your anxiety is manageable.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I would consider daily amounts of pregnenolone. Stop if you get anger issues developing. But otherwise, it should help prevent the anxiety. Take for 3 weeks and then take 1 week off. Start off with a dose of 200mg then daily amounts of 10mg. If 10mg isn't working up the dose by another 10mg until your anxiety is manageable.
I've been taking that. A few drops on my wrist once a day. Does it work for you? I've not noticed much from it.


Oct 30, 2019
I'm 5 months removed from a breakup where I was dumped. It was a long term relationship and was close to marriage.. and it really has affected me really badly. I already have anxiety, but this has sent me way over the edge. I am experiencing multiple anxiety attacks/panic attacks throughout the day, extreme depression, and a constant state of dread. I know that accepting the breakup and moving on is important, but its been 5 months and I'm just getting worse. The problem is my body seems to be in a constant state of fight or flight mode. I can barely go out in public without feeling extremely overwhelmed, anxious, panicked and extreme sadness.

I really need some extra form of help because I'm already doing things like psychotherapy, magnesium, B vitamins, taurine (discontinued as I'm not sure if it was helping or making me worse), zinc, etc. Nothing is helping that much although I think I get slight relief from magnesium.

What supplements would you guys recommend that would make a big difference without numbing me out? I've heard of cypro but I don't have access to it where I live and I hear it can make you feel really out of it the next day. I just really in a bad state right now that I've even thought of getting meds from my doctor, but I know it will just be SSRIs or anti-depressants which I don't wanna take as I'm sure it'll just make things worse.
Potassium seemed to be very helpful for me when my dad passed away and I was having a lot of the same symptoms. Cypro helped me sleep but getting enough calories, especially carbs is really important. Sleep is imperative and I know that's almost impossible when you're in fight or flight. It's a vicious circle unfortunately. Lack of sleep makes one more anxious and being anxious makes one unable to sleep well. It's a process for sure to find out what helps you. Eat whatever sounds good to you. Some of the breathing exercises helped me also. Breathe in through the nose to a count of 5. Hold for 5 and release through the nose to the count of 7. I know that sounds ridiculous to think breathing could help but it seems to! I hope you find what helps you. I know how awful it feels.


Apr 26, 2018
You might want to try a few drops of CBD oil....there are some really good brands out there that have specific formulas for anxiety, sleeping, energy, etc. A few of the better reliable brands are Charlotte's Web, Lazarus, Blue Bird Botanicals. They should be specifically labelled for anxiety. Many of the online sites are having sales right now. Do you smoke or vape? .... sometimes can be a Godsend if your mind is spinning in a rut. Good luck!


Jun 22, 2021
We must begin with wise words from a wise man:

From the streets did she emerge; and to the streets she will return

And I say unto you

"She is for the streets"

So be not weary when she must return from whence she came

The sad reality is THIS:

The only women worth crying over is our mothers - our moms are the only woman who love us UNCONDITIONALLY

The modern women are all unfortunately victims of MK-ULTRA propaganda targeted to demoralize them into a constant state of FOMO - they are in the rat race - always wanting to do better, chasing after attention and satisfaction that they will never ATTAIN because their cortisol/estrogen is elevated and never satisfied

In order to find a good woman - you are going to have to find a women who has had restricted access to the internet/smartphone who is NOT a product of modern society -

To get over feelings for a modern women - all you really need to do is lower stress and tell yourself "She is for the streets" AKA there was nothing special about her and she is a drone programmed by the people that run the world


Feb 18, 2016
We must begin with wise words from a wise man:

From the streets did she emerge; and to the streets she will return

And I say unto you

"She is for the streets"

So be not weary when she must return from whence she came

The sad reality is THIS:

The only women worth crying over is our mothers - our moms are the only woman who love us UNCONDITIONALLY

The modern women are all unfortunately victims of MK-ULTRA propaganda targeted to demoralize them into a constant state of FOMO - they are in the rat race - always wanting to do better, chasing after attention and satisfaction that they will never ATTAIN because their cortisol/estrogen is elevated and never satisfied

In order to find a good woman - you are going to have to find a women who has had restricted access to the internet/smartphone who is NOT a product of modern society -

To get over feelings for a modern women - all you really need to do is lower stress and tell yourself "She is for the streets" AKA there was nothing special about her and she is a drone programmed by the people that run the world
But men are not drone programmed?
The manosphere are the betas of society, the society of scarce resources where the manlet obese billionaires with gyno own and control the betas, the ruling class have formed the manosphere, an information system to create meaning in beta males brains that its all womens fault so attack them not the ruling class.
You forgot to add the contraception they take that messes up their system, if men were required to take estrogen to stifle semen production we would be extinct by now, we don't have the natural progesterone to counter its effects, its bad enough as it is right now with incoherent hormones flowing around in men.
Men also watch more porn en masse, you want to watch it, you like it and then get upset when women act like porn stars, this manosphere should be renamed the schizoid sphere, no solutions just whinging.

Most women with an IQ over 115 are "good women", if they are "peaty" its even better, if she isn't peaty when you meet her she has the intelligence to grasp it, most of the women you view being amplified via social media are sub 115 IQ, infantile like, they mimic information that is amplified en masse, they will realise in their 30's they were had by the meaning making machine and will likely be in a difficult situation, I expect female suicide rates to rise over the next few years.


Dec 11, 2017
We must begin with wise words from a wise man:

From the streets did she emerge; and to the streets she will return

And I say unto you

"She is for the streets"

So be not weary when she must return from whence she came

The sad reality is THIS:

The only women worth crying over is our mothers - our moms are the only woman who love us UNCONDITIONALLY

The modern women are all unfortunately victims of MK-ULTRA propaganda targeted to demoralize them into a constant state of FOMO - they are in the rat race - always wanting to do better, chasing after attention and satisfaction that they will never ATTAIN because their cortisol/estrogen is elevated and never satisfied

In order to find a good woman - you are going to have to find a women who has had restricted access to the internet/smartphone who is NOT a product of modern society -

To get over feelings for a modern women - all you really need to do is lower stress and tell yourself "She is for the streets" AKA there was nothing special about her and she is a drone programmed by the people that run the world
100%^ - great reply!


Mar 28, 2019
"She is for the streets"
"She is for the streets"
"She is for the streets"
"She is for the streets"
"She is for the streets"



Apr 26, 2018
We must begin with wise words from a wise man:

From the streets did she emerge; and to the streets she will return

And I say unto you

"She is for the streets"

So be not weary when she must return from whence she came

The sad reality is THIS:

The only women worth crying over is our mothers - our moms are the only woman who love us UNCONDITIONALLY

The modern women are all unfortunately victims of MK-ULTRA propaganda targeted to demoralize them into a constant state of FOMO - they are in the rat race - always wanting to do better, chasing after attention and satisfaction that they will never ATTAIN because their cortisol/estrogen is elevated and never satisfied

In order to find a good woman - you are going to have to find a women who has had restricted access to the internet/smartphone who is NOT a product of modern society -

To get over feelings for a modern women - all you really need to do is lower stress and tell yourself "She is for the streets" AKA there was nothing special about her and she is a drone programmed by the people that run the world
Hoh Boy, yee gads and all that. I should have known that a response from @JamesGatz, @Jaydogg23 and other young men on here would be a disappointed whiney tirade against the women who have dumped them. (there must be a lot) It's obvious that you are trying to date women from the city....why not get out into the countryside and try to find a woman who has real values besides a cell phone? Yours is just a sad retort trying to find blame in the women and not look inside yourselves. Give it up.


Jun 2, 2019
I've been taking that. A few drops on my wrist once a day. Does it work for you? I've not noticed much from it.
Consider if the dose you are using isn't working then increase the dose. Peat has stated on occasion that large amounts are not harmful - i think he mentioned someone taking 4g without ill effects. I don't suggest you take that much, by the way. I take orally if I feel the need. But at first I found 100mg daily very helpful. After a while I just didn't feel the need for it any more. On occasion, usually a whim or if I feel a little tired, I take some.

Another thing that would help anxiety is bicarbonate. Take a few grams in lukewarm water in the morning 30 minutes before eating.

Breathing exercises will help. Positive thoughts, new vistas, forgetting.


Jun 22, 2021
Hoh Boy, yee gads and all that. I should have known that a response from @JamesGatz, @Jaydogg23 and other young men on here would be a disappointed whiney tirade against the women who have dumped them. (there must be a lot) It's obvious that you are trying to date women from the city....why not get out into the countryside and try to find a woman who has real values besides a cell phone? Yours is just a sad retort trying to find blame in the women and not look inside yourselves. Give it up.
The only one WHINING is YOU and no woman HAS EVER dumped me but GOOD TRY though

I am NOT trying to date ANY women from the city because they all got the shot and/or have had relations with a guy who has and will compromise me if I do but GOOD TRY though -

The Country, the City - it doesn't matter - A Spade is a Spade - a rat in the countryside still behaves like a rat in the city except maybe the rat is a little smarter/coniving

You cannot play the MIND GAMES with me - typical coniving behavior "if theres something wrong its your fault its not the girl"

I'm too wise to fall for such rubbish - I look at the state of society and I trace back all the immorality and degeneracy to the group I see that is responsible


Forum Supporter
Dec 30, 2017
Magnesium glycinate at night 400 mg really good supplement for anxiety.

Meditation and prayer good.
Accupunture is wonderful for anxiety.

Exercise is amazing. Find a place that you like to go.
Infrared sauna really good for detox.
Keep hydrated.
Everyday you will improve.


Mar 10, 2016
You are surrounded by people here who care about you and advise you, and I myself wish you all the best. Break-ups are really tough.


May 10, 2018
This one is the huge test of character. You will get 3-4 big ones like this within the next decade. Your reaction to these ones will play a great role is how well your life unfolds. Don’t give up, you’ve got this.


New Member
Oct 29, 2022
The best thing you can do is change your environment if at all possible, your reactions are normal and "healthy" (If this was painless you would be a bit sociopathic"). Take a long holiday somewhere with sun if you have the resources for it and do something moderately adventurous,paragliding etc. Physical touch is good and BlueEyeWolf has good suggestions. Be easy on yourself also, you dont expect a broken arm to get better in a week,first big breakup can take a year to fully get over.
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