Danny's crusade against Mercola on Progest-E


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
"Migraines is a symtom of ......" You can complete this with 999+ different words depending on your current belief.
The cope is real.......

14. MCP (PC)
Cholesterol went to 630, has high liver numbers, IBS is coming back, has chronic migraines, is eating liver once a month, had to add plant foods for some things to improve.

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PrincipiaCarnivora/posts/2343250422492887/

24. HS (TLD)
Is asking about tiredness and migraines and histamine imbalances after eating liver.

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theliondiet/posts/2751497621658323/

30. MG (TLD)
Has tested low for vitamin C levels. In the comments she admits to eating “creamy and yummy super fresh” goat liver from animals that she raises and processes herself. Is suffering from migraines and vitamin C deficiency symptoms, although she doesn’t specify which ones, swollen tummy, painful joints, and chronic congestion.

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theliondiet/posts/2716730211801731/

@AkadiaHostel: “eating a can of cod liver gave me a pressure headache that felt like my head was about to explode it lasted about three weeks, tried it again a year later because I don’t learn from my lessons and had a similar reaction”

View: https://x.com/thepowerofozone/status/1712037349176012918?s=20

78. EW (CN)
Has been on the carnivore diet for 4 weeks. Since 3rd week complains of foggy mind, constipation, headache in the evenings, sleepy head in the morning, eyes covered with fog, bags under eyes, feeling tired, bloated. Is asking for help and advice, seems desperate. She says she included beef liver once a week in the 2nd and 3rd week and continued with it in the 4th week.

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/carnivoreaureliusnation/posts/3213826141973750/

95. GB (CDFB)
Says that he experienced stomach distress and general body aches after eating chicken liver (but says he seems to be fine with beef liver).
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In an earlier post he said that he hates the taste of liver, but forced himself to eat it anyway.
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In later posts he repeatedly complains about headaches, autoimmune flares, recurring body aches, brain fog, more headaches, complains of catching a cold with stuffy nose, fatigue, histamine reactions. Multiple infections, one of which forced him to take strong antibiotics for 10 days due to strep and bronchitis. Then more repeated complains of feeling completely inflamed, with stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue, feels awful, more headaches that last for several days. Also seasonal allergies are back, sinusitis getting progressively worse, headaches again, body aches, and fatigue.
Read all his posts here:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
However, despite looking around for anecdotal data, I've never seen carnivore people eating liver lamenting tooth decay...
Where did you look? I could easily find it....
93. Natalie Holder (Carnivore Rx)
Natalie reports about a bad experience on the carnivore diet. After six months of strict carnivore she
– lost 3 teeth
– lost half of her hair
– skin became dry, wrinkled, and leathery
– couldn’t sleep for more than 3 to 4 hours at a time
– was urinating constantly
– fingernails cracked
– gums were bleeding
– had extreme fatigue
– muscle weakness
– lost ability to walk 4 blocks (before used to hike 2-3 hours)
What did she eat?
“My strict carnivore diet consisted of – grassfed or pasture raised beef. Organ meats, bone broth, bone marrow, beef tallow, bacon, eggs, raw goat cheese, electrolytes and sea salt.”

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1330145297516799/posts/1600447043819955/

Natalie answered my questions in the comments and provided some more information:
She says that most of her symptoms resolved with Vit C and calcium supplementation.
Which supports the idea that her symptoms were caused by vit A poisoning from the liver, since vitamin A damage can be mitigated by vit C.
She continues to eat small amounts of liver, 2 to 4 oz per week and seems to discount the possibility that it was the liver which caused the problems to begin with, since the amounts are so minor.
Although, she claims that most of her severe problems have been resolved with vit C supplementation, she is still in the recovery process, she says.

96. Jane @soulbirdlife (X)
Says that carnivore and keto were a disaster for her. She ended up with Hashimotos, was “so ill”, her gums were really bad and she half expected to looser her teeth.
She says that she was eating a bit of liverwurst during her carnivore and keto phase.
She now eats more liverwurst but also fruits and feels dramatically better, but she still has a long way to go, she says.

View: https://x.com/soulbirdlife/status/1731484031475478726?s=20

72. RGR (CN)
Complains of teeth issues – a bit of rot and sore gums. Eats offal [=organs] a couple times a week.
[Sore gums are a typical sign of scurvy – Paola]

View: https://www.facebook.com/groups/carnivoreaureliusnation/posts/3159627540726944/


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Is the Ray Peat diet safe for teeth? You can look at pictures of Ray Peat himself for that answer. Or, simply look around the forum.....



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Dec 8, 2020
Where did you look? I could easily find it....
Interesting... So in theory if people peating report improvement of decay on NTT carnivore it means peating is the worst of the worst.
Carnivore should have way lower turnover of ascorbate but at the same time once it's out it hardly repletes. That would be something to explore before reconciling this with vA toxicity imo


Aug 17, 2016
Is this the posture of a man that is seeking?

"One commercial product that Georgi and I discussed was Progest-E which the late biologist and thyroid expert Ray Peat developed..."
"...I did some research and now would strongly recommend avoiding Progest-E."

"...[Progest-E] is put into a cheap plastic squeeze bottle.... loaded with plasticizers like BPA..." [LDPE does not contain BPA]

"But, the more important reason is that it is virtually impossible to squeeze out a precise dose of 'one drop' from the bottle... this product needs to be avoided." [Mercola can't figure out how to warm the bottle to dose it?]

"M: And there's only one company – or there are two companies that do that, Progest E, which I don't like.
G: Kenogen is the company that produces Progest E.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
M: Yeah, I don't like that. I do not recommend that company at all."

-Too viscous
-Dangerous or cheap squeeze bottles
-Stated he deletes comments
-“Im an MD. Seven years of schooling…”
- Etc

I don’t see searching, openness or bridge building here

We’ve heard the phrase
“Don’t cast your pearls before swine”

One can waste their time by offering something that is helpful or valuable- to someone who does not appreciate it

Brokenness, humility, ill health et al are great teachers
This kind of talk will turn off some number of his own followers. They may be happy to seek out another avenue.
'That fellow Mercola had on seems pretty sharp. What's his name?
I've seen this a lot on a livestreams/interviews. Someone makes a comment, and it doesn't really register that it needs to be rebutted. Possibly because the guest is surprised, or nervous or thinking about the next point, so they just move on. And then later, they get dragged because they didn't immediately denounce the comment. And then there's like this inquisition where they are supposed to confess and disassociate. It's all childish.
Georgi often reminds me of this meme when he is in conversation with someone who holds differing views.

There is wisdom there. He can speak his own views out into the ether for those with ears to hear.


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Dec 9, 2015
Is the Ray Peat diet safe for teeth? You can look at pictures of Ray Peat himself for that answer. Or, simply look around the forum.....

@charlie have people on low vA diet remineralized cavities? Ideally with before and after pics or other solid evidence.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 22, 2020
Is the Ray Peat diet safe for teeth? You can look at pictures of Ray Peat himself for that answer. Or, simply look around the forum.....

I'm currently trialling this low vitamin-A diet that you're promoting here, but I just want to respond to your post above. I started Peating in November 2013, and I've done it every day of my life up until this current day. I have always smashed two quarts of fruit juice each day. Always apple and OJ. Lovely acidic liquors that my teeth, in theory, should get 'eaten' by. For years I went through a phase of a bottle a day of maple syrup in my milk. Sugar, always in coffee. I've not had one single cavity in that whole 10/11 year period.

However, my gingivitis, has progressed. Its not really bad or anything, but it's there. I messaged Ray once about it, and he said that gingivitis was more linked to the health of my gut than what I was swishing around my mouth during meals.

So even though my gums could be in better shape, what has protected my teeth from the sugary onslaught? I suppose I've taken a fair bit of K2, and I always get my calcium in. I've never bothered with D3 because it's always had negative effects (insomnia, etc).

So Grant would tell me that sugar attacks my teeth? Or did it attack my gums, but left my teeth alone? What does he say about gum disease (as we call it here in UK)?


Sep 13, 2012
I'm currently trialling this low vitamin-A diet that you're promoting here, but I just want to respond to your post above. I started Peating in November 2013, and I've done it every day of my life up until this current day. I have always smashed two quarts of fruit juice each day. Always apple and OJ. Lovely acidic liquors that my teeth, in theory, should get 'eaten' by. For years I went through a phase of a bottle a day of maple syrup in my milk. Sugar, always in coffee. I've not had one single cavity in that whole 10/11 year period.

However, my gingivitis, has progressed. Its not really bad or anything, but it's there. I messaged Ray once about it, and he said that gingivitis was more linked to the health of my gut than what I was swishing around my mouth during meals.

So even though my gums could be in better shape, what has protected my teeth from the sugary onslaught? I suppose I've taken a fair bit of K2, and I always get my calcium in. I've never bothered with D3 because it's always had negative effects (insomnia, etc).

So Grant would tell me that sugar attacks my teeth? Or did it attack my gums, but left my teeth alone? What does he say about gum disease (as we call it here in UK)?
The calcium can be protective to some degree of cavities especially when combined with K2. It also greatly greatly depends on dental hygiene. Did you have good hygiene? Peat never really promotes dental hygiene, bad mistake. If you are getting plaque it has to be taken off or the bacteria produce too many acids and erode the enamel. The saliva itself can also be acidic AND can contain bile acids. So your bile must have been flowing properly. Were you eating soluble fiber during the Peat diet?


Jul 13, 2014
I listened to the mercola interview today. All he said was the kenogen product isn't very good and doesn't let you measure the dosage accurately. IT'S ALL TRUE. Why is it bad for him to state this?


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I listened to the mercola interview today. All he said was the kenogen product isn't very good and doesn't let you measure the dosage accurately. IT'S ALL TRUE. Why is it bad for him to state this?
I will give Mercola the benefit of the doubt that he did not know Kenogen was associated with Ray's widow... But bruh, be nice when talking about anyone or anything.

Instead of just saying that you can't accurately squeeze a dose out, he clearly verbalized his negative thoughts about Kenogen as a company and claimed that the bottle has plasticizers and BPA, which it doesn't... Now even if one doesn't think he had band intentions, which I don't necessarily do, his way of dissing Progest-E and Kenogen ain't cool and ain't gentleman like.

It was kind of him to come and apologize but the apology didn't hit the spot for many of us and he still didn't acknowledge that now he knows the bottle has no BPA.

On top of that, there were talks about legal action against Danny, whereas the slander at hand is from Mercola towards Kenogen.

It is easy to dose progest-e with eyeballing the drops - it's not rocket science and it's not critical!


Aug 10, 2014
The cope is real. Many people speak of their teeth falling apart on the Ray Peat diet. Here is a recent thread in the last couple days with the OP saying his teeth are going south on the Ray Peat diet then others chime in saying the same.

Not sure what is going on there, mine only got better. I had cavities all the time since childhood and that finally stopped. The only dental issues I've had are my gums receed if I take big amounts of pregnenolone for long periods which I don't really do anymore. If I supplement with vitamin A of all things it brings the gums back but I'd rather avoid the cause in the first place than have to fix a problem.


Aug 1, 2023
Regarding teeth: most ppl coming to this forum or RP ideas probably came because their health was ‚broken.‘ I‘d guess their mouths weren‘t perfect, right? So I think implicating Ray Peat advice as causative might be ignoring the (longterm/preexisting) alternate variable, no? Especially since everyone does it differently…

I‘d be curious to know if successful RP ‚diet‘ adherents would post here, or remain long on here if thriving and having solved their issues. At that point you just go enjoy life, right? (I believe exceptions exist, but the sampling of Peatarians here might lean towards those with original underlying issues that may not resolve easily…). Possible?


Aug 9, 2019
Regarding teeth: most ppl coming to this forum or RP ideas probably came because their health was ‚broken.‘ I‘d guess their mouths weren‘t perfect, right? So I think implicating Ray Peat advice as causative might be ignoring the (longterm/preexisting) alternate variable, no? Especially since everyone does it differently…
You have a point, but some of the reports clearly emphasise that their dental health degeneration has accelerated since peating. Which would suggest that “peating” did them more harm, given their state of health.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Why don’t you just rename this website “Ray Peat Was a Liar and Wrong About Everything Forum”
Because Ray Peat was not a liar, he died by his own sword and believed in what he was doing. And he is not wrong about everything, a lot of his work still stands and he helped make me the better person that I am for teaching me how to think and to not follow any man religously. Why are you so butt hurt because many people are getting sick from the Ray Peat diet but when they move away from the diet they are getting well and thriving? That seems odd to me. Why does it bother you so much that a man can be wrong about something and when people find an answer to why he was wrong and want to share it to help others you start making up absolute BS statements like the one in the quote?
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