Could Milk And Sugar Cause These Problems?

Samurai Drive

Jul 11, 2018

Did some carrots and doxy and far less milk, felt better i thinks, but i love my milk so blastd couple of pints._ Symtoms came back, hard to breath, cannot clear throat and a depressive vibe._ Love my milk but it cld be the culprit._


Apr 9, 2015

Did some carrots and doxy and far less milk, felt better i thinks, but i love my milk so blastd couple of pints._ Symtoms came back, hard to breath, cannot clear throat and a depressive vibe._ Love my milk but it cld be the culprit._
Yea but the thing is I dont drink milk on a regular basis at all. Actually I am quite the opposite I do very little dairy. Where did you get the doxy?


Jul 3, 2018
Thank you all for your replies.

I thought I would write a little update now that few months have passed, just in case someone has similar issues.

I am doing a little better now, but unfortunately have not been able to find the cure for the main problems which are throat tightness (it can get really intense), poor digestion, constipation and poor sleep (waking up every night 4-5am, having difficulties to falling back asleep even after I snack on milk with honey/dates and cheese. I have tried regular doses of niacinamide and even though it seems to help a bit with the throat tightness, I suspect I get upper stomach pain from it.

My two cents is that I have a lot of bacterial overgrowth and low stomach acid, prob resulting from hypothyroidism. Right now I am trying to reduce endotoxins by staying off of starches, getting daily carrot salad and occasional charcoal. On some thread I noticed @lisaferraro saying her stomach problems vanished after a huge dose of digestive entzymes so I am currently trying that even though it's not really recommended by Peat.

So the experimenting continues.. Cannot wait for the day when things finally click!
Sep 30, 2018
It seems to me that many people struggle with the typical “Peat recommended” diet.

I’m quite amazed that the failure of a diet which consists mostly of fruit juice, dairy (and mass industry dairy products at that), high saturated fats, relatively low whole plants, high meat, freakin soda, frequent liver consumption... is considered surprising. Where’s the real whole fruit, tubers, leafy greens and the occasional nuts and seeds, that should comprise at the very least two thirds of any humans diet?

If you stick to 5/10 servings of fruits a day (berries, oranges, apples, bananas, melons), basmati, tubers (potatoes, yams, squash, carrots), nuts, seeds, cocoa, shellfish, game, salads, apple cider vinegar... you’ll have solved all issues within a week or two. 2000kcal of such foods isn’t that tough to get, I’m averaging 3500 and that’s a chore.


Jun 26, 2018
Thank you all for your replies.

I thought I would write a little update now that few months have passed, just in case someone has similar issues.

I am doing a little better now, but unfortunately have not been able to find the cure for the main problems which are throat tightness (it can get really intense), poor digestion, constipation and poor sleep (waking up every night 4-5am, having difficulties to falling back asleep even after I snack on milk with honey/dates and cheese. I have tried regular doses of niacinamide and even though it seems to help a bit with the throat tightness, I suspect I get upper stomach pain from it.

My two cents is that I have a lot of bacterial overgrowth and low stomach acid, prob resulting from hypothyroidism. Right now I am trying to reduce endotoxins by staying off of starches, getting daily carrot salad and occasional charcoal. On some thread I noticed @lisaferraro saying her stomach problems vanished after a huge dose of digestive entzymes so I am currently trying that even though it's not really recommended by Peat.

So the experimenting continues.. Cannot wait for the day when things finally click!
Definitely worth looking into H Pylori with your symptoms. Also, in regards to sinus issues, I’ve recently been taking potassium acetate, and it’s cleared my sinuses significantly.


Jul 3, 2018
Definitely worth looking into H Pylori with your symptoms. Also, in regards to sinus issues, I’ve recently been taking potassium acetate, and it’s cleared my sinuses significantly.

I got tested for H Pylori, and the test came back negative. Glad to hear Potassium helped your sinus issues! I don't really have sinus issues, it's my throat that troubles me.


Jul 22, 2017
I dont eat anything with fructose or salicylates anymore, after eliminating things I have found that fructose and salicylates seem to put me on deaths door, but after their elimination I feel better than ever. They caused bloating, dizziness, lasting numbness, water retention, panic attack like symptoms ( feel like there is not enough oxygen present and the body involuntary starts hyperventilating, its extremely frightening ) loose stools, irritability, depression, muscle weakness... other symptoms too, its a nightmare. I tried antibiotics, high amounts of activated charcoal, etc.. over and over and over. Its not bacteria, Im reacting to the foods themselves. A diet of milk and liver, corrects the issues and I feel superhuman, but If I stray and eat fruit, icecream, coconut, etc.. I crash hard, sometimes it takes weeks to recover.
Finally the truth about fructose intolerance is coming out I'm glad you share your experience as I'm finding a lot of people today have the same issue and they don't think about it.
It took me two years of experiments and food combining to found out is the fructose what destroy my gut...It was hard to believe due to the promoting benefits.
The combination of fructose and lactose is particularly bad in my case, I can handle some gluten with the milk in my diet but only occasionally because even grains contains little fructose. Even some vegetables contains fructose and the diet has to be very strict in my case.
The only carbohydrate I can have is brown sugar and it mix pretty well with milk.
What is your main carbohydrate source bro?


Finally the truth about fructose intolerance is coming out I'm glad you share your experience as I'm finding a lot of people today have the same issue and they don't think about it.
It took me two years of experiments and food combining to found out is the fructose what destroy my gut...It was hard to believe due to the promoting benefits.
The combination of fructose and lactose is particularly bad in my case, I can handle some gluten with the milk in my diet but only occasionally because even grains contains little fructose. Even some vegetables contains fructose and the diet has to be very strict in my case.
The only carbohydrate I can have is brown sugar and it mix pretty well with milk.
What is your main carbohydrate source bro?
Milk ( lactose ) is my only carbohydrate source.


Jul 3, 2018
Updating, I hope it's alright if I use this thread as a personal progression log. It helps me to understand better what the heck has been going on with my body if I write everything down and have it in one place. :)

It's been a year now since these issues started. During that year I've thought about why they started in the first place, and I think I am starting to see things clearly. I never had any health problems (I was always more or less what could be considered intuitive eater and this seemed to work well for me) before my man introduced me to Ray Peat's work and I started to experiment too much with my diet. Just to be clear, I am not blaiming Ray Peat for anything - I am mainly very disappointed with myself because I misread his guidelines and stopped completely listening to my body which resulted in a health disaster that I am now trying to repair.

I am suspecting that a sudden huge work related stress + forcing myself to eat the "right" foods instead of foods that I consider delicious (so force feeding foods that I never really craved for consistently like milk, orange juice, eggs, liver, fruits, gelatin, etc.) and even adding some supplements to this resulted in a total health breakdown. I am starting to realise that I developed some very orthorexic habits where I completely stopped trusting my intuition and spent hours and hours reading about what COULD work instead of listening to my body and my cravings. This has resulted in pretty much loosing my appetite and therefore getting wayyyyy too little calories (talking about 1300-1500kcal a day), because I just can't force myself eat foods that feel very unappealing to me and the foods I've craved for I've been scared of. Which then again has resulted in hypothyroidism, poor sleep, constant tiredness, daily heartburn, constipation, toxic feeling in my head and 30 pounds weight gain.

Ray Peat has said that "Any craving is a good starting point, because we have several biological mechanisms for correcting specific nutritional deficiencies."
He has also said, "Just eating what you consider to be the most delicious food can greatly help the intestine secrete more juices so things digest faster and move along more smoothly". Well, for the most part I haven't been eating foods that I consider delicious for a year now because I have been so scared of them being bad for me.

So what do I crave for? I've always preferred starches to sugars. I live up north, so the climate is mostly very cold and loads of liquids or fruits are pretty unnatural to gobble down here. Instead meat stew with mashed potatoes, curry with rice, burritos, pizzas, sourdough bread with loads of butter, puddings and moist chocolate cakes sound like heaven to me.

So I think I am going to combine trying to meet nutritional needs with practising trusting my cravings again and seeing if that would help with everything. I've noticed that for instance whenever I eat pizza (we have this really good quality neapolitan pizzeria close by, the dough is really amazing and doesn't give me any problems and the pizza has like close to none PUFA in it) I get this incredibly calm and satisfied feeling, my heartburn doesn't come that evening and I sleep like a baby. It's like magic. However the next day I get endotoxin symptoms and so instead of avoiding the starchy foods I think I will focus on descreting the endotoxin more effectively.

So this is what I am experimenting with now. Hoping the next time I update I will have some positive improvements to share. :)


New Member
Jul 15, 2019
Updating, I hope it's alright if I use this thread as a personal progression log. It helps me to understand better what the heck has been going on with my body if I write everything down and have it in one place. :)

It's been a year now since these issues started. During that year I've thought about why they started in the first place, and I think I am starting to see things clearly. I never had any health problems (I was always more or less what could be considered intuitive eater and this seemed to work well for me) before my man introduced me to Ray Peat's work and I started to experiment too much with my diet. Just to be clear, I am not blaiming Ray Peat for anything - I am mainly very disappointed with myself because I misread his guidelines and stopped completely listening to my body which resulted in a health disaster that I am now trying to repair.

I am suspecting that a sudden huge work related stress + forcing myself to eat the "right" foods instead of foods that I consider delicious (so force feeding foods that I never really craved for consistently like milk, orange juice, eggs, liver, fruits, gelatin, etc.) and even adding some supplements to this resulted in a total health breakdown. I am starting to realise that I developed some very orthorexic habits where I completely stopped trusting my intuition and spent hours and hours reading about what COULD work instead of listening to my body and my cravings. This has resulted in pretty much loosing my appetite and therefore getting wayyyyy too little calories (talking about 1300-1500kcal a day), because I just can't force myself eat foods that feel very unappealing to me and the foods I've craved for I've been scared of. Which then again has resulted in hypothyroidism, poor sleep, constant tiredness, daily heartburn, constipation, toxic feeling in my head and 30 pounds weight gain.

Ray Peat has said that "Any craving is a good starting point, because we have several biological mechanisms for correcting specific nutritional deficiencies."
He has also said, "Just eating what you consider to be the most delicious food can greatly help the intestine secrete more juices so things digest faster and move along more smoothly". Well, for the most part I haven't been eating foods that I consider delicious for a year now because I have been so scared of them being bad for me.

So what do I crave for? I've always preferred starches to sugars. I live up north, so the climate is mostly very cold and loads of liquids or fruits are pretty unnatural to gobble down here. Instead meat stew with mashed potatoes, curry with rice, burritos, pizzas, sourdough bread with loads of butter, puddings and moist chocolate cakes sound like heaven to me.

So I think I am going to combine trying to meet nutritional needs with practising trusting my cravings again and seeing if that would help with everything. I've noticed that for instance whenever I eat pizza (we have this really good quality neapolitan pizzeria close by, the dough is really amazing and doesn't give me any problems and the pizza has like close to none PUFA in it) I get this incredibly calm and satisfied feeling, my heartburn doesn't come that evening and I sleep like a baby. It's like magic. However the next day I get endotoxin symptoms and so instead of avoiding the starchy foods I think I will focus on descreting the endotoxin more effectively.

So this is what I am experimenting with now. Hoping the next time I update I will have some positive improvements to share. :)

Any update?! Hope you're doing well. I'm in a very similar situation. Thought I was improving on a Peat style but I think it might have been delusion. Decreasing energy ever since going carnivore (before peat).



New Member
Oct 12, 2019
Hi everyone,

this is my first time posting on this forum, any advice would be much appreciated. I started to implement Dr. Peats ideas last august, and first adding milk and oj made me feel really good - could be because maybe for the first time in my life I was getting enough calories.

However I started to have problems in the beginning of this year when I had very stressful period at my new job. At the time my diet was consisting mainly of milk, oj, fruits, meat, liver, ice cream, occasional seafood and potatoes. I lost my appetite, started to react badly to some foods (just a tiny amount of oj would result in hyperventilation and swollen airways) got severe insomnia (went without sleep for three weeks, ended to hospital quite a few times).

Finally I started to take mirtazapin for sleep and once I could sleep again, it helped some but I still have quite many issues that I am trying to resolve.

My current diet is milk, grape juice, mozzarella cheese, fruits (mango, watermelon, baked apples and cherries), meat, lean chicken breast, liver, gelatine, sugar, some coffee and Haagen Dazs ice cream. I get around 2000-2200 kcals a day, and according to chronometer don’t have any big deficiencies except for folate. My temps are pretty stable 97.3, and pulse around 74.

I have been getting some tests but they haven’t found anything, my guess is I have a lot of bacterial overgrowth and I suspect all this milk, fruits and sugar is feeding that.

My symptoms right now are: occasional heartburn, constant tightness and lump in throat (gets worse if I eat anything starchy), constant mouth ulcers, bad breath and dry mouth, dry and stuffy sinuses, constant nose bleeds (like many times a day), irritability, anxiety and lack of energy. Oh, and as of lately I’ve also had pain in my anal - it feels like there’s sores in there.

I was thinking that I would try to ditch milk and sugar for a while, but it makes it quite problematic to get enough calories as I cannot eat any starch right now. So then my diet would consist of meat, liver, seafood, bone and leaf broths, some veggies and fruits. Perhaps I could tolerate starch better if I didn’t drink milk and eat so much fruits, who knows.

I was also thinking trying to get some antibiotics if they would help with the bacterial overgrowth, and possibly eating yoghurt for probiotics even if it’s not “Peaty”.

Any ideas, advices? Has anyone got good results from ditching milk and sugar? Any thoughts on bacterial overgrowth issue?

Tagging @haidut @lisaferraro @tara in case you have time to reply since I've enjoyed your posts a lot. Of course everyone elses views are very welcome too.

Hi Ellae!
It sounds as if you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This will include sleep dysfunction, irritability, perseveration on bodily functions/reactions, chest tightness, trouble eating, racing thoughts. Probably why mirtazapine helped somewhat, as it is increasing serotonin in your brain. The changes in your bodily reactions or functions may or may not be related to each other, but it is common for people with high anxiety to presume so.

You did well on the Peat diet, but suddenly symptoms arose after increased stress, common for anxiety disorders as acute environmental stress changes the dynamics of your neurotransmitters and often takes quite some time to return to normal, even in a less stressful environment.

You mentioned a deficiency in folate, that leads me to think you may have an enzyme mutation (MTHFR among others)? If so, folate levels will be low, leading to downstream changes to your neurotransmitter levels. I would suggest a folate supplement, but it must be methylated (presuming you have a dysfunction in the MTHFR enzyme). There are products with methylfolate which I think you will greatly benefit from. B-complex with methylfolate is even better, as several B vitamins are necessary for making neurotransmitters. Magnesium is also very important if you don’t already get that.

Best wishes, hope that helps!
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