Co2 With Dry Ice Experiment

Jul 20, 2016
Hey all!

Today I tried an experiment with Co2...not too long ago actually. Anyway it proved to be a fun little experiment. I decided to make this simple by basically doing this. I took a large trash bag, an empty protein container, and bought a brick of dry ice and mixed them into one. I literally stuck them in a blender. Now my blenders broke. Can anyone help? Lol...

Anyway I put the dry ice in the empty protein container and hopped inside the trash bag. I then took the protein container and put it between my knees (as seen in picture) and closed the bag as tight as I could around my waist. ( I was kneeling inside the bag).

The one thing I can comment on is how hot the bag got...I know my body heat was in there but this felt like extra and I thought that was interesting. As far as direct effects of Co2...I may have noticed a little difference in stress levels, however nothing major. I'll be really excited to sleep to see how if it happens to have an effect on my sleep.

Anyways this is the beginning of some Co2 experiments for myself I believe. I have a cpap machine i'd like to combine with a block of dry ice and see how that goes. I had read it on this forum or another...basically you put the block of dry ice by part of the cpap machine that sucks in air and you can directly inhale. If anyone has any experience with this please share. I had read Danny Roddy has done this, however I emailed him and he said "no I haven't but it sounds fun." I can only agree haha.



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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I read a comment from someone on Danny Roddy's old blog where they described how they used dry ice next to the air intake valve on their cpap machine to boost CO2. IIRC the person put both the machine and the dry ice in a box to keep the CO2 somewhat contained. The person was already using cpap for sleep apnea though so if you don't normally use cpap I'm not sure how it would work. It sounds like an interesting experiment though and if you do it I'd love to hear how it goes for you.


Jan 25, 2014
Nice! I was thinking of doing something like this, but was worried about coming into direct contact with the ice. Smart to use a container to keep it away, I may try this myself. Have you thought about adding water to the container to get CO2 to fill the bag quicker?
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