Bicarbonate Vs. PaCO2 Blood Tests


Jun 26, 2014
I think liver biopsy cant be matched, since our body is so complicated and no one knows a complete system. Hair and liver are 2 different things and dont correspond at all . You see you need to know liver then tissue plus blood. Otherwise you dont know anything. Non invasive liver is the future thing which will solve tons of problems for people. But I doubt they will release that very soon))) Hair and nails are ok for cells analysis, but then you are missing liver and blood. From reading hair you can tell metabolism at 80% . With reading blood and hair, it will be 85%. With ABGS plus liver you can be sure 100%


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:
IN Arterial blood gases you have ideal CO2 level. PH, bicarbonate. You will see there where your problem is and what your metabolism is. I have respiratory acidosis ,my CO2 is high and my bicarb is high my Ph is lower than ideal. Baking soda is a poison to me. It is good for sports people, since most sports people have metabolic acidosis not respiratory acidosis and low Co2 , not high. Since they constantly hyperventilate.

the ideal level of CO2 does not really change, your activities can change your CO2 level but it will be not ideal. If you hyperventilate in sports , obviously you need to support your metabolism with sugar to keep Co2 coming for oxygen.

When people age, normally CO2 levels go up not down. Since their breathing drive goes down, since most people get copper toxic which lowers their breathing drive. If you check liver of 90% people you will find high copper and high iron in the liver and low copper in tissues. Copper stays in liver , since if you go in resp acidosis --high CO2 state, copper will stay in the liver, since body will take it out of the blood, Copper lowers breathing drive body does not want that. That is why all candida people are copper toxic in the liver, since copper are antifungal , but candida makes so much CO2 taht copper stays in the liver and is not used to kill it. That is why molybdenum or zinc are used against candida, it is not because zinc kills candida, It is because zinc makes copper come out, since zinc converts Co2 into bicarbonate.

Good luck ,

will write more tommorow
Idk what the current posts say but this seems backwards and incredibly stupid to me since every old person I've encountered seems to be in a fight to breathe as much as they possibly can, evidenced by the incredibly annoying sound that comes out of their nose when they eat a sandwich.


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:

the reason why I said panic attacks arise from high base level of CO2 is simple. If you have high base level of Co2 in blood, that will cause you to have high base level of bicarbonate in blood. If you all of a sudden hyperventilate, CO2 will go down very fast but bicarb which was high in blood would stay there for days since kidneys are slow. This causes periods of alkalosis. IN alkalosis your calcium is not working and potassium shifts into the cell fast. If you have low base potassium level , ICF plus ECF you will have seizure since potassium will move fast into the cell and in blood it will be low.

I was helping people for about 2 years when I had time. And one of my requirements were blood gases and hairtests and red blood cells.From which I read the metabolism and what was going on . One single test is not enough, I wanted to see things in blood things in the cell and gases. People had all kinds of imbalances and problems, All of them tested blood gases at emergency rooms. Thru this time I saw about 100 or more blood gases and their matching blood and their matching hair. Everything matches perfectly to the blood gases, SO basically if I get a blood gas test now, I will tell you how your hairtest will look like.

The population sample was from regular people that did not feel 100% in life, but they were still working walking and only small percent had major problems. SO basically population of my sample was from people like you and me. Funny thing that samples varied from the city and the village and interestingly Co2 was the difference

As far as serotonin and estrogen , I was replying to Haidut about it . Ray peat proposes that aging is caused by serotonin and estrogen. I propose that aging is caused by lack of estrogen in 80% and too much estrogen in 20%. If you collect blood samples of at least 100 people, you will see that 80% will have low estrogen and low bioavailable copper and low ceruloplasmin not high. Adrenal glands go down with age and ceruloplasmin goes down, which causes low estrogen not high. ALso estogen mimics substitute copper in the body and that lowers estrogen since body thinks you have too much copper in the tissues.

I wrote here not to agrue , I wrote here to share information.
I dont sell anything and I dont really have time to practice anymore. Too busy at my fund now.

I hope this information will be useful to someone. But I dont really have time to post here on a constant basis. You get hooked on it))) And I cant afford that

Good luck guys.
Estrogen CAN be in the tissues and not the blood, correct?
When I feel good, my respiration rate is 6-8 breaths a minute, can barely feel air coming out of my nose, when I feel bad I can feel it coming out my nose fast like a race horse. Diagnose me. Is it possible blood CO2 is not the same as tissue CO2 which is what Ray Peat said increased longevity?... Sodium increases tissue CO2 amiright? Estrogen is high during teen years and Ray peat said it causes fibrosis of smooth muscle like the diaphragm in my case, I'm inclined to believe him seen as I can barely breathe with my diaphragm, it's nearly immovable and I get a pain in my side if I try to isolate it as my main breathing muscle.


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:

As I mentioned before. I go by my own studies aka blood tests in this case. I collected quite a population for 2 years when I helped people. I am telling you what I saw on the tests. Cortisol is not a problem at all. COrtisol is raised for survival to get you protein when pancreas go down. Serotonin is raised to support brain function. These two have nothing to do with the actual problem

I have no idea what you want from me. I am telling you info that I know for a fact from blood tests. I dont read studies and dont plan to.

One thing I can tell you . Almost none of sick people have high estrogen and 80% of CFS people have low cortisol that is why they take hormones)))

What is there to argue, just test 10 people out here for PTH you will see yourself))) PTH is very rare to be up. VERY VERY RARE. I saw it up may be in 1 case out of 50 in my population.

Also numbers from my case. MY TSH is 0.7 my estrogen is low, my pth is bottom of the range. PUlse 85. Normal temperatures. According to Peat I am super human))))) WRONG I had major major problems when I had these tests.

You are wrong, if you are not getting protein inside you need to stop catabolic state? You need to get protein but in a different way.

I never said cortisol or serotonin being elevated is good. NOthing low or high is good. I say BALANCE.

I say that cortisol and serotonin dont have anything to do with aging at all. These are raised in certain situations to save you. But they are raised for purpose not as a mistake.
the real problem is your pancreas or gastrin, which stops you from digesting protein properly. Then you have high cortisol at first and then when you get depleted of muscles you will get low cortisol like all people with CFS. and feeding more protein does nothing in this case. NOTHING

Really sick people have low cortisol not high. YOu know why? Since they dont have any protein left in their body , cortisol is lowered. But if your pancreas are not working correctly and you lower your high cortisol, you will get liver toxicity since you wont make any systemic proteins like ferritin or ceruloplasmin

That is when you are sick you need to get aminos that dont require digestion.

As far as projections to the world . I am into algorithmic trading, I dont project , I get data and I look at it myself. I dont talk from my case at all. I saw many many many blood work cases to even open my mouth. How many actual tests have you done? And how many people did you observe.

For me Ray Peat projects one case to the world which is major wrong. And even from this forum you can see that his diet helps at best 50% of people.

I dont tell all people to do the same thing. I tell people to get tested and see for themselves that in at least 50% cases PEAT is wrong. I would say in 80% from my little population. ( 100 people with ABGs) and blood work. And about 1000 people with blood work and hairtests.

So I project nothing, I project truth. And truth is you go and get tested and you will see that I am right.

I will not go and look for some studies i just go to the lab instead. See the difference. That is major problem in the US. In the US you have problems to get tested for simplest stuff and that is why people prefer to try stuff out without even knowing where they are and blindly trusting Peat like gurus.

We argue about simple things, I have no idea why though. They should be obvious to any researcher. It is not about studies, it is about understanding of how everything works. YOu can find studies to fit any theory. Hey when I started I was like that, I could find any studies to fit any of my theories. And the ones that dont fit it I would try to explain somehow. LIke niacinamide does not raise serotonin, oh but it raises uptake and so forth)))) it goes on and on . YOu go and test yourself at least first . Then you test at least 10 people you know . And even from this little population you will see that all these gurus know nothing. And that it is way more complex. One guy drinks alcohol and another smokes cigarettes, third lifts , and another one jerks off non stop. ALL of them have the same chemistry? LMAO of course not and diets will be different, since they are screwing their balance in different ways.

I cant direct you in the location for you to find and confirm what I am saying in studies I dont read studies any more at all, I used to ,and beileve me I know most of the studies you reference, I even had huge collection of them for every body system.But to confirm what I am saying Sorry, it simply does not exist. I am giving you this information for no cost from my heart and I swear that what |I am saying is the truth. Maybe my population is not big, but it is something real, at least for me. these are the results that I got and no one can take this away from me. I am not selling anything to anyone, and I am not giving advice or helping anyone. I am not in this field at all now. It has nothing to do with my experience I only pass on what I got on these tests. You make your own conclusions. I made my own .

Good luck , buddy
Pray has said low cortisol is also a problem of hypothyroidism, but should be solved with thyroid and not cortisol itself.


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:

Low energy will be in hypo or hypermetabolism since in both you will have sugar problems . In one insulin resistance and in second hypoglycemia.

Can you provide studies where aspirin increases ceruloplasmin or thyroid increases ceruloplasmin please

Also I read in this article that without thyroid you dont retain copper.that is why he gives high copper diet, oranges, liver

It said nothing about ceruloplasmin. Actually ceruloplasm is controled by adrenal glands, and rises with estrogen . You have low estrogen low ceruloplasmin which again contradicts Peat.

Also it is funny how you say thyroid is the issue)))) Thyroid can have 10-15 types of imbalances.

Try to give thyroid to some one with weak adrenals)))) YOUR ferritin will skyrocket. WHY? your body will try to take all iron out of blood to stop thyroid

Pregnenolone and DHEA are ok for a man . It is beleived they chelate copper by actually binding it with ceruloplasmin. And actually when you have low adrenals because of high cortisol they can help .

But the thing is , why do you have high cortisol . Is it cushings or is it pancreas. That is the thing. it is definetely not stress or because you dont eat protein. EVERYONE eat too much protein usually

Does cortisol substitute for low thyroid? but then your TSH would be up not down, but in chronic fatique it can be low and high . LOw is when you are protein deficient , high is when you have thyroid problem which can be solved with zinc or selenium may be.
Now I'm not motivated by anger anymore and am willing to see your side even though it sounds stupid but at least Ray Peat gives these little things -> (gruber & Williams blah de blah, et al) you know, a study, or at least a reason to believe you, otherwise we should all start making up hormones and saying that that's what's causing our problems. Almost no-one is actually hyperthyroid, instead they are probably high histamine (or adrenaline or all the other things that can lower TSH besides actual good thyroid), I need to get tested but I fit all the parameters that were given in another thread about the histamine/ methylation ratio. There are a number of substances that would cause a low TSH, in my case my TSH was .6 and my temps were 97.5, when waking up they were 96.8 and my pulse was 53. Somewhere on that same thread it said that histamine actually lowers the heart rate and Ray has said that a lot of people have come to him mistakenly diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.


May 12, 2014

Would plankton or shilajit work during or after a round of antibiotics? I am desperate for even a little immediate relief, and I expect at least a little relief with the antibiotics.

Shilajit sounds like a very good supplement to take for most people.

The reason I took a high dose of plankton was that you mentioned taking 50-100g/day. I could not find any guidelines on dosing.
Nov 26, 2013
Guys we don't have these )))) ))) smileys :ss


Jun 26, 2014
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
IN Arterial blood gases you have ideal CO2 level. PH, bicarbonate. You will see there where your problem is and what your metabolism is. I have respiratory acidosis ,my CO2 is high and my bicarb is high my Ph is lower than ideal. Baking soda is a poison to me. It is good for sports people, since most sports people have metabolic acidosis not respiratory acidosis and low Co2 , not high. Since they constantly hyperventilate.

the ideal level of CO2 does not really change, your activities can change your CO2 level but it will be not ideal. If you hyperventilate in sports , obviously you need to support your metabolism with sugar to keep Co2 coming for oxygen.

When people age, normally CO2 levels go up not down. Since their breathing drive goes down, since most people get copper toxic which lowers their breathing drive. If you check liver of 90% people you will find high copper and high iron in the liver and low copper in tissues. Copper stays in liver , since if you go in resp acidosis --high CO2 state, copper will stay in the liver, since body will take it out of the blood, Copper lowers breathing drive body does not want that. That is why all candida people are copper toxic in the liver, since copper are antifungal , but candida makes so much CO2 taht copper stays in the liver and is not used to kill it. That is why molybdenum or zinc are used against candida, it is not because zinc kills candida, It is because zinc makes copper come out, since zinc converts Co2 into bicarbonate.

Good luck ,

will write more tommorow
Idk what the current posts say but this seems backwards and incredibly stupid to me since every old person I've encountered seems to be in a fight to breathe as much as they possibly can, evidenced by the incredibly annoying sound that comes out of their nose when they eat a sandwich.

When you have low CO2 in blood, your respiration rate will be LOW. When you have high CO2 in blood, you will be breathing FAST and would not be able to even stop. It is called respiratory acidosis. CO2 in tissues is the CO2 from metabolism. CO2 in blood or tissues is the same CO2. Only you have breath it out from blood. If for some reason you cant breathe it out then body will lower metabolism and that will lower your CO2 production which will help the body to control PH of your blood and tissues.

You seem to think that if you breathing fast, then you have low CO2 ))) That is one of the cases of hyperventilation)) Most people dont hyperventilate, they have loud fast breathing in resp acidosis, where they are asking of oxygen and want to get rid of CO2

In any case CO2 in blood plus CO2 in tissues = total CO2. Total CO2 will be kept constant. If you cant breath out CO2 from blood, body lowers metabolism by putting calcium and magnesium into the cell which lowers sodium and potassium in the cell which lowers your metabolism which lowers Co2 production which allows you to breath out Co2 from blood.. And no matter how much sodium you are eating in this case, this sodium wont go into the cell. IT WONT calcium and magnesium wont allow it to do so.

CO2 in blood can be high because of candida, and in many cases it is the reason peoples metabolism crashes. If you have SIBO , you are in constant respiratory acidosis. ANd if you increase protein, or salt or potassium or what ever that speeds you up, that will produce more CO2 and you will feel bad bad bad.

That is why when you are killing candida by all these metabolism raising things you feel terrible at fist. Until candida stops making ethanol. Good example plankton, plankton will raise metabolism and that will increase CO2 but it will take weeks to kill candida. SO for 3-4 weeks you will be in respiratory acidosis and all you can do during this period of killing candida is hyperventilate on purpose. Sit and breath fast , not in the bag , just breath for half an hour fast, whenever you feel bad this way you will live thru acidosis period until your candida will be dead, CO2 will fall and metabolism will be raised without resp acidosis.

Ray Peat says that CO2 is good for you. CO2 is high, when your blood is alkaline. That means that your metabolism runs very good. If you put more CO2 into blood of acidosis person---hahah good luck to you.

Ray Peat does not explain this correctly . Like breathing into a bag. LMAO. Breathing into a bag increases bicarbonate not CO2. If you dont trust me try it out youself. Your CO2 will be out in 5 minutes after you are done with your bag)). But kidneys will adjust 1 point of bicarb in 1 hour. And then it will take them 3 hours to adjust it back. SO end result is you will breath out all your CO2 in 5 minutes, and bicarb will be there for 3 hours.

So Peat indirectly points you to the fact that alkaline blood is good.But his explanations to me make no sense as if he never tested this stuff. It is not CO2 that is good for you, it just happens that when your blood is alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood)) And putting more CO2 directly))) HAHA if you have acidosis is plain stupid))).

Peat should be saying hey people get your blood more alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood since if your blood is more alkaline that will allow your body to increase metabolism to produce more CO2 with no change in PH of the blood. when you have low CO2 in blood, it could be because of metabolic acidosis and in that case bicarbonate is LOW.

This does not mean that your CO2 should be high. It should be in the MIDDLE

I hope you get this now.

No need for studies here, this is common knowledge .


Jun 26, 2014

Are you planning to used xifaxan? If yes, then it is ok. I think it is best to take plankton with it. Actually couple of people did just that. If you take plankton alone you will go thru a period of detox, since plankton will increase metabolism and that will create CO2 and you will feel bad, since your SIBO is making tons of CO2 as it is. Look at metabolism of YEAST. End product is CO2 . SO when you take plankton you will feel bad tired weak terrible at fist, just because you are detoxing and because it takes you into respiratory acidosis since plankton increases metabolism . If you take xifaxan and plankton together, that could be very good for you , since in this case xifaxan kills SIBO fast and plankton raises metabolism without causing too much CO2 since yeast is dying also and is producing less of CO2 in the meantime. Also when yeast dies it will leave a lot of acetyldehyde and plankton which has vitamin B2 molybdenum zinc and niacin will help you to not feel acetyldehyde symptoms which are terrible

When people take just xifaxan , it will work for a while and then stop working and everything comes back, since they did not fix metabolism and the reason why you got SIBO is still there. When you take and keep taking plankton during and after xifaxan , it is like taking antifungal antibacterial constantly and SIBO wont come back

Good luck and dont panic, you have to go thru this . I hope you understand why you feel bad on protein and anything that speeds you up.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
gbolduev said:

Are you planning to used xifaxan? If yes, then it is ok. I think it is best to take plankton with it. Actually couple of people did just that. If you take plankton alone you will go thru a period of detox, since plankton will increase metabolism and that will create CO2 and you will feel bad, since your SIBO is making tons of CO2 as it is. Look at metabolism of YEAST. End product is CO2 . SO when you take plankton you will feel bad tired weak terrible at fist, just because you are detoxing and because it takes you into respiratory acidosis since plankton increases metabolism . If you take xifaxan and plankton together, that could be very good for you , since in this case xifaxan kills SIBO fast and plankton raises metabolism without causing too much CO2 since yeast is dying also and is producing less of CO2 in the meantime. Also when yeast dies it will leave a lot of acetyldehyde and plankton which has vitamin B2 molybdenum zinc and niacin will help you to not feel acetyldehyde symptoms which are terrible

When people take just xifaxan , it will work for a while and then stop working and everything comes back, since they did not fix metabolism and the reason why you got SIBO is still there. When you take and keep taking plankton during and after xifaxan , it is like taking antifungal antibacterial constantly and SIBO wont come back

Good luck and dont panic, you have to go thru this . I hope you understand why you feel bad on protein and anything that speeds you up.

Based on what you say about plankton, it sound like they can also take methylene blue as a substitute for plankton since MB is also antifungal and also raises metabolism. In doses of 30mg several times a day MB should actually kill SIBO on its own. It is still used in places like Africa for this purpose - i.e. killing intestinal parasites, yeast, SIBO, etc.
MB does not have the minerals plankton has so those may have to supplemented separately.


Jun 26, 2014

Methylene blue does not fix immune system. It kills stuff on its own. Of course it increases metabolism by killing things. What are you going to do after you are done with it. Problems are still there. SIBO is the result of the original disorder like zinc problems or copper problem or mercury . Mb does nothing for that.

Plankton is a super chelator , same as shilajit. Until you chelate stuff out, your metabolism wont be working and sibo will come back

And yes thyroid can be a chelator but it is not))) if your raise your metabolism and you run low on glutathione you are SO SCREWED))))))) That is why I disagree with hormones. Plankton will slowly raise glutathione as it chelates stuff . Taking thyroid cheats this process and overwhelms the system

Plus both MB and antibio will kill flora. You will have to work on getting it back. Flora will effect your B2 status insanely and that is the culpit of many problems

I would not use antibio or anything that touches flora. But if you have to use it, I would use plankton since plankton restores your metabolism and chelates metals that interfere with it.

And Actually , he can substitute antibio with MB. Not plankton with MB. This makes s more sense to me. I think that is what you meant.

infections are not the reason of problems. Infections are the outcome of the imbalances. And killing infections does nothing, you are treating a symptom

Nice website)))) I just noticed. So you decided to capitalize on Peat))) He did not mind I hope))) I know he sells his stuff also.


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
IN Arterial blood gases you have ideal CO2 level. PH, bicarbonate. You will see there where your problem is and what your metabolism is. I have respiratory acidosis ,my CO2 is high and my bicarb is high my Ph is lower than ideal. Baking soda is a poison to me. It is good for sports people, since most sports people have metabolic acidosis not respiratory acidosis and low Co2 , not high. Since they constantly hyperventilate.

the ideal level of CO2 does not really change, your activities can change your CO2 level but it will be not ideal. If you hyperventilate in sports , obviously you need to support your metabolism with sugar to keep Co2 coming for oxygen.

When people age, normally CO2 levels go up not down. Since their breathing drive goes down, since most people get copper toxic which lowers their breathing drive. If you check liver of 90% people you will find high copper and high iron in the liver and low copper in tissues. Copper stays in liver , since if you go in resp acidosis --high CO2 state, copper will stay in the liver, since body will take it out of the blood, Copper lowers breathing drive body does not want that. That is why all candida people are copper toxic in the liver, since copper are antifungal , but candida makes so much CO2 taht copper stays in the liver and is not used to kill it. That is why molybdenum or zinc are used against candida, it is not because zinc kills candida, It is because zinc makes copper come out, since zinc converts Co2 into bicarbonate.

Good luck ,

will write more tommorow
Idk what the current posts say but this seems backwards and incredibly stupid to me since every old person I've encountered seems to be in a fight to breathe as much as they possibly can, evidenced by the incredibly annoying sound that comes out of their nose when they eat a sandwich.

When you have low CO2 in blood, your respiration rate will be LOW. When you have high CO2 in blood, you will be breathing FAST and would not be able to even stop. It is called respiratory acidosis. CO2 in tissues is the CO2 from metabolism. CO2 in blood or tissues is the same CO2. Only you have breath it out from blood. If for some reason you cant breathe it out then body will lower metabolism and that will lower your CO2 production which will help the body to control PH of your blood and tissues.

You seem to think that if you breathing fast, then you have low CO2 ))) That is one of the cases of hyperventilation)) Most people dont hyperventilate, they have loud fast breathing in resp acidosis, where they are asking of oxygen and want to get rid of CO2

In any case CO2 in blood plus CO2 in tissues = total CO2. Total CO2 will be kept constant. If you cant breath out CO2 from blood, body lowers metabolism by putting calcium and magnesium into the cell which lowers sodium and potassium in the cell which lowers your metabolism which lowers Co2 production which allows you to breath out Co2 from blood.. And no matter how much sodium you are eating in this case, this sodium wont go into the cell. IT WONT calcium and magnesium wont allow it to do so.

CO2 in blood can be high because of candida, and in many cases it is the reason peoples metabolism crashes. If you have SIBO , you are in constant respiratory acidosis. ANd if you increase protein, or salt or potassium or what ever that speeds you up, that will produce more CO2 and you will feel bad bad bad.

That is why when you are killing candida by all these metabolism raising things you feel terrible at fist. Until candida stops making ethanol. Good example plankton, plankton will raise metabolism and that will increase CO2 but it will take weeks to kill candida. SO for 3-4 weeks you will be in respiratory acidosis and all you can do during this period of killing candida is hyperventilate on purpose. Sit and breath fast , not in the bag , just breath for half an hour fast, whenever you feel bad this way you will live thru acidosis period until your candida will be dead, CO2 will fall and metabolism will be raised without resp acidosis.

Ray Peat says that CO2 is good for you. CO2 is high, when your blood is alkaline. That means that your metabolism runs very good. If you put more CO2 into blood of acidosis person---hahah good luck to you.

Ray Peat does not explain this correctly . Like breathing into a bag. LMAO. Breathing into a bag increases bicarbonate not CO2. If you dont trust me try it out youself. Your CO2 will be out in 5 minutes after you are done with your bag)). But kidneys will adjust 1 point of bicarb in 1 hour. And then it will take them 3 hours to adjust it back. SO end result is you will breath out all your CO2 in 5 minutes, and bicarb will be there for 3 hours.

So Peat indirectly points you to the fact that alkaline blood is good.But his explanations to me make no sense as if he never tested this stuff. It is not CO2 that is good for you, it just happens that when your blood is alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood)) And putting more CO2 directly))) HAHA if you have acidosis is plain stupid))).

Peat should be saying hey people get your blood more alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood since if your blood is more alkaline that will allow your body to increase metabolism to produce more CO2 with no change in PH of the blood. when you have low CO2 in blood, it could be because of metabolic acidosis and in that case bicarbonate is LOW.

This does not mean that your CO2 should be high. It should be in the MIDDLE

I hope you get this now.

No need for studies here, this is common knowledge .
I'm pretty sure peat understands, baking soda raises bicarbonate and effects the breathing rate to cause an increase of CO2. He said carbons dioxide caused acidosis isn't as harmful as lactic acidosis, possibly doesn't mean that it isn't harmful at all but what it does mean is that he knows about all this acidosis, alkalosis crap and still says if you're going to have any problem it might as well be carbon dioxide acidosis. Before you say your breathing drive is low you actually have to check certain things, feel your breath coming out of your nose. I've felt like my breathing was relaxed but I still felt stressed so I felt under my nose and realized I was exhaling a lot. Turns out I was using stronger (and less tense or painful) muscles that made it harder to recognize the problem, but I was still hyperventilating. When mouth breathers finally close their mouth (I used to do this when my nose was plugged) their nose gets unplugged. my nose only stays unplugged and clear if I breathe VERY little, indicating poor metabolism but also that retainingg what CO2 I do produce is what works.

You seem to think CO2 is the only thing that controls breathing and not stress.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
gbolduev said:

Methylene blue does not fix immune system. It kills stuff on its own. Of course it increases metabolism by killing things. What are you going to do after you are done with it. Problems are still there. SIBO is the result of the original disorder like zinc problems or copper problem or mercury . Mb does nothing for that.

Plankton is a super chelator , same as shilajit. Until you chelate stuff out, your metabolism wont be working and sibo will come back

And yes thyroid can be a chelator but it is not))) if your raise your metabolism and you run low on glutathione you are SO SCREWED))))))) That is why I disagree with hormones. Plankton will slowly raise glutathione as it chelates stuff . Taking thyroid cheats this process and overwhelms the system

Plus both MB and antibio will kill flora. You will have to work on getting it back. Flora will effect your B2 status insanely and that is the culpit of many problems

I would not use antibio or anything that touches flora. But if you have to use it, I would use plankton since plankton restores your metabolism and chelates metals that interfere with it.

And Actually , he can substitute antibio with MB. Not plankton with MB. This makes s more sense to me. I think that is what you meant.

infections are not the reason of problems. Infections are the outcome of the imbalances. And killing infections does nothing, you are treating a symptom

Nice website)))) I just noticed. So you decided to capitalize on Peat))) He did not mind I hope))) I know he sells his stuff also.

That makes, sense - substituting MB for antibiotic. It think MB can also raise glutathione but I am not sure if it can do that in case of depleted cofactors like zinc, copper and manganese.

Btw, didn't we discuss before that the issue with low glutathione is lack of pecursor amino acids due to protein indigestion? I think we exchanged a study showing the combination of 10g cystein and 10g glycine restored glutathione in HIV patients. If this works then why bother taking the minerals (zinc, copper, manganese, etc), unless someone has a real deficiency in them?
Thanks for the note on the website. It is actually provided by the vendor Square, so I can't take any credit for how it looks. The supplements I sell are just a small side gig. Not profitable enough to feed a family so that's why I still have a day job. Peat sells one supplement and he has a patent on it. I think my supplements don't infringe on his patents except maybe the pregnenolone one, but I will change that soon to base of DMSO and ethanol so I would not be in any danger to be sued by Peat:):


Jun 26, 2014

glutathione wont stay up if you have low SODS. Low Sods will increase the need for B2 and B2 is needed for glutathione. Aminos can raise glutathione in certain cases. But without B2 you wont have glutathione working

Anything that speeds up metabolism creates oxidative stress and required SODs plus tons of B2. That is why taking hormones can be very rough for someone who is really sick and toxic with metals.


Jun 26, 2014
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
IN Arterial blood gases you have ideal CO2 level. PH, bicarbonate. You will see there where your problem is and what your metabolism is. I have respiratory acidosis ,my CO2 is high and my bicarb is high my Ph is lower than ideal. Baking soda is a poison to me. It is good for sports people, since most sports people have metabolic acidosis not respiratory acidosis and low Co2 , not high. Since they constantly hyperventilate.

the ideal level of CO2 does not really change, your activities can change your CO2 level but it will be not ideal. If you hyperventilate in sports , obviously you need to support your metabolism with sugar to keep Co2 coming for oxygen.

When people age, normally CO2 levels go up not down. Since their breathing drive goes down, since most people get copper toxic which lowers their breathing drive. If you check liver of 90% people you will find high copper and high iron in the liver and low copper in tissues. Copper stays in liver , since if you go in resp acidosis --high CO2 state, copper will stay in the liver, since body will take it out of the blood, Copper lowers breathing drive body does not want that. That is why all candida people are copper toxic in the liver, since copper are antifungal , but candida makes so much CO2 taht copper stays in the liver and is not used to kill it. That is why molybdenum or zinc are used against candida, it is not because zinc kills candida, It is because zinc makes copper come out, since zinc converts Co2 into bicarbonate.

Good luck ,

will write more tommorow
Idk what the current posts say but this seems backwards and incredibly stupid to me since every old person I've encountered seems to be in a fight to breathe as much as they possibly can, evidenced by the incredibly annoying sound that comes out of their nose when they eat a sandwich.

When you have low CO2 in blood, your respiration rate will be LOW. When you have high CO2 in blood, you will be breathing FAST and would not be able to even stop. It is called respiratory acidosis. CO2 in tissues is the CO2 from metabolism. CO2 in blood or tissues is the same CO2. Only you have breath it out from blood. If for some reason you cant breathe it out then body will lower metabolism and that will lower your CO2 production which will help the body to control PH of your blood and tissues.

You seem to think that if you breathing fast, then you have low CO2 ))) That is one of the cases of hyperventilation)) Most people dont hyperventilate, they have loud fast breathing in resp acidosis, where they are asking of oxygen and want to get rid of CO2

In any case CO2 in blood plus CO2 in tissues = total CO2. Total CO2 will be kept constant. If you cant breath out CO2 from blood, body lowers metabolism by putting calcium and magnesium into the cell which lowers sodium and potassium in the cell which lowers your metabolism which lowers Co2 production which allows you to breath out Co2 from blood.. And no matter how much sodium you are eating in this case, this sodium wont go into the cell. IT WONT calcium and magnesium wont allow it to do so.

CO2 in blood can be high because of candida, and in many cases it is the reason peoples metabolism crashes. If you have SIBO , you are in constant respiratory acidosis. ANd if you increase protein, or salt or potassium or what ever that speeds you up, that will produce more CO2 and you will feel bad bad bad.

That is why when you are killing candida by all these metabolism raising things you feel terrible at fist. Until candida stops making ethanol. Good example plankton, plankton will raise metabolism and that will increase CO2 but it will take weeks to kill candida. SO for 3-4 weeks you will be in respiratory acidosis and all you can do during this period of killing candida is hyperventilate on purpose. Sit and breath fast , not in the bag , just breath for half an hour fast, whenever you feel bad this way you will live thru acidosis period until your candida will be dead, CO2 will fall and metabolism will be raised without resp acidosis.

Ray Peat says that CO2 is good for you. CO2 is high, when your blood is alkaline. That means that your metabolism runs very good. If you put more CO2 into blood of acidosis person---hahah good luck to you.

Ray Peat does not explain this correctly . Like breathing into a bag. LMAO. Breathing into a bag increases bicarbonate not CO2. If you dont trust me try it out youself. Your CO2 will be out in 5 minutes after you are done with your bag)). But kidneys will adjust 1 point of bicarb in 1 hour. And then it will take them 3 hours to adjust it back. SO end result is you will breath out all your CO2 in 5 minutes, and bicarb will be there for 3 hours.

So Peat indirectly points you to the fact that alkaline blood is good.But his explanations to me make no sense as if he never tested this stuff. It is not CO2 that is good for you, it just happens that when your blood is alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood)) And putting more CO2 directly))) HAHA if you have acidosis is plain stupid))).

Peat should be saying hey people get your blood more alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood since if your blood is more alkaline that will allow your body to increase metabolism to produce more CO2 with no change in PH of the blood. when you have low CO2 in blood, it could be because of metabolic acidosis and in that case bicarbonate is LOW.

This does not mean that your CO2 should be high. It should be in the MIDDLE

I hope you get this now.

No need for studies here, this is common knowledge .
I'm pretty sure peat understands, baking soda raises bicarbonate and effects the breathing rate to cause an increase of CO2. He said carbons dioxide caused acidosis isn't as harmful as lactic acidosis, possibly doesn't mean that it isn't harmful at all but what it does mean is that he knows about all this acidosis, alkalosis crap and still says if you're going to have any problem it might as well be carbon dioxide acidosis. Before you say your breathing drive is low you actually have to check certain things, feel your breath coming out of your nose. I've felt like my breathing was relaxed but I still felt stressed so I felt under my nose and realized I was exhaling a lot. Turns out I was using stronger (and less tense or painful) muscles that made it harder to recognize the problem, but I was still hyperventilating. When mouth breathers finally close their mouth (I used to do this when my nose was plugged) their nose gets unplugged. my nose only stays unplugged and clear if I breathe VERY little, indicating poor metabolism but also that retainingg what CO2 I do produce is what works.

You seem to think CO2 is the only thing that controls breathing and not stress.

Just test your ABGs after which we can talk. Now this is all theory to you. I talk from facts , from actual tests and understanding how biochemistry works. Peat explains it wrong to people and people don have knowledge to understand correctly.
LMAO CO2 acidosis causes calcification of your cell)))) and low metabolism. Yeah , it is not as harmful , since in met acidosis you use calcium from your bone. But in resp acidosis you have many many other problems, like allergies crazy fatique.

You should not have resp acidosis or met acidosis, and Peat giving ideas that CO2 acidosis is better than met acidosis is like saying cancer is better than diabetes. Makes no sense.

Also most people who were helped by baking soda neutralize it first with boiling water which gets rid of CO2 if you did not know.

You might be in alkalosis if you feel better if you breath less. But this is you. It has nothing to do with other people. That is exactly my point. I saw 100s of ABGs and all people are different and giving them and telling them the same stuff makes NO SENSE


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
IN Arterial blood gases you have ideal CO2 level. PH, bicarbonate. You will see there where your problem is and what your metabolism is. I have respiratory acidosis ,my CO2 is high and my bicarb is high my Ph is lower than ideal. Baking soda is a poison to me. It is good for sports people, since most sports people have metabolic acidosis not respiratory acidosis and low Co2 , not high. Since they constantly hyperventilate.

the ideal level of CO2 does not really change, your activities can change your CO2 level but it will be not ideal. If you hyperventilate in sports , obviously you need to support your metabolism with sugar to keep Co2 coming for oxygen.

When people age, normally CO2 levels go up not down. Since their breathing drive goes down, since most people get copper toxic which lowers their breathing drive. If you check liver of 90% people you will find high copper and high iron in the liver and low copper in tissues. Copper stays in liver , since if you go in resp acidosis --high CO2 state, copper will stay in the liver, since body will take it out of the blood, Copper lowers breathing drive body does not want that. That is why all candida people are copper toxic in the liver, since copper are antifungal , but candida makes so much CO2 taht copper stays in the liver and is not used to kill it. That is why molybdenum or zinc are used against candida, it is not because zinc kills candida, It is because zinc makes copper come out, since zinc converts Co2 into bicarbonate.

Good luck ,

will write more tommorow
Idk what the current posts say but this seems backwards and incredibly stupid to me since every old person I've encountered seems to be in a fight to breathe as much as they possibly can, evidenced by the incredibly annoying sound that comes out of their nose when they eat a sandwich.

When you have low CO2 in blood, your respiration rate will be LOW. When you have high CO2 in blood, you will be breathing FAST and would not be able to even stop. It is called respiratory acidosis. CO2 in tissues is the CO2 from metabolism. CO2 in blood or tissues is the same CO2. Only you have breath it out from blood. If for some reason you cant breathe it out then body will lower metabolism and that will lower your CO2 production which will help the body to control PH of your blood and tissues.

You seem to think that if you breathing fast, then you have low CO2 ))) That is one of the cases of hyperventilation)) Most people dont hyperventilate, they have loud fast breathing in resp acidosis, where they are asking of oxygen and want to get rid of CO2

In any case CO2 in blood plus CO2 in tissues = total CO2. Total CO2 will be kept constant. If you cant breath out CO2 from blood, body lowers metabolism by putting calcium and magnesium into the cell which lowers sodium and potassium in the cell which lowers your metabolism which lowers Co2 production which allows you to breath out Co2 from blood.. And no matter how much sodium you are eating in this case, this sodium wont go into the cell. IT WONT calcium and magnesium wont allow it to do so.

CO2 in blood can be high because of candida, and in many cases it is the reason peoples metabolism crashes. If you have SIBO , you are in constant respiratory acidosis. ANd if you increase protein, or salt or potassium or what ever that speeds you up, that will produce more CO2 and you will feel bad bad bad.

That is why when you are killing candida by all these metabolism raising things you feel terrible at fist. Until candida stops making ethanol. Good example plankton, plankton will raise metabolism and that will increase CO2 but it will take weeks to kill candida. SO for 3-4 weeks you will be in respiratory acidosis and all you can do during this period of killing candida is hyperventilate on purpose. Sit and breath fast , not in the bag , just breath for half an hour fast, whenever you feel bad this way you will live thru acidosis period until your candida will be dead, CO2 will fall and metabolism will be raised without resp acidosis.

Ray Peat says that CO2 is good for you. CO2 is high, when your blood is alkaline. That means that your metabolism runs very good. If you put more CO2 into blood of acidosis person---hahah good luck to you.

Ray Peat does not explain this correctly . Like breathing into a bag. LMAO. Breathing into a bag increases bicarbonate not CO2. If you dont trust me try it out youself. Your CO2 will be out in 5 minutes after you are done with your bag)). But kidneys will adjust 1 point of bicarb in 1 hour. And then it will take them 3 hours to adjust it back. SO end result is you will breath out all your CO2 in 5 minutes, and bicarb will be there for 3 hours.

So Peat indirectly points you to the fact that alkaline blood is good.But his explanations to me make no sense as if he never tested this stuff. It is not CO2 that is good for you, it just happens that when your blood is alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood)) And putting more CO2 directly))) HAHA if you have acidosis is plain stupid))).

Peat should be saying hey people get your blood more alkaline you will have more CO2 in blood since if your blood is more alkaline that will allow your body to increase metabolism to produce more CO2 with no change in PH of the blood. when you have low CO2 in blood, it could be because of metabolic acidosis and in that case bicarbonate is LOW.

This does not mean that your CO2 should be high. It should be in the MIDDLE

I hope you get this now.

No need for studies here, this is common knowledge .
I'm pretty sure peat understands, baking soda raises bicarbonate and effects the breathing rate to cause an increase of CO2. He said carbons dioxide caused acidosis isn't as harmful as lactic acidosis, possibly doesn't mean that it isn't harmful at all but what it does mean is that he knows about all this acidosis, alkalosis crap and still says if you're going to have any problem it might as well be carbon dioxide acidosis. Before you say your breathing drive is low you actually have to check certain things, feel your breath coming out of your nose. I've felt like my breathing was relaxed but I still felt stressed so I felt under my nose and realized I was exhaling a lot. Turns out I was using stronger (and less tense or painful) muscles that made it harder to recognize the problem, but I was still hyperventilating. When mouth breathers finally close their mouth (I used to do this when my nose was plugged) their nose gets unplugged. my nose only stays unplugged and clear if I breathe VERY little, indicating poor metabolism but also that retainingg what CO2 I do produce is what works.

You seem to think CO2 is the only thing that controls breathing and not stress.

Just test your ABGs after which we can talk. Now this is all theory to you. I talk from facts , from actual tests and understanding how biochemistry works. Peat explains it wrong to people and people don have knowledge to understand correctly.
LMAO CO2 acidosis causes calcification of your cell)))) and low metabolism. Yeah , it is not as harmful , since in met acidosis you use calcium from your bone. But in resp acidosis you have many many other problems, like allergies crazy fatique.

You should not have resp acidosis or met acidosis, and Peat giving ideas that CO2 acidosis is better than met acidosis is like saying cancer is better than diabetes. Makes no sense.

Also most people who were helped by baking soda neutralize it first with boiling water which gets rid of CO2 if you did not know.
Than why do my allergy symptoms go away when I breathe slower and shallower (less volume). Why did my teeth calcify hugely when I used to slump and chest breath and hyperventilate and now my teeth are better Han ever? I talk facts too, so which "facts" are correct? (hint: since people don't seem to get what I say, what I mean by "I talk facts too" is that I have stuff to back my side up and you might also but you haven't provided any of it so saying you talk facts is a self assurance which means you have self-doubt in what you are saying to all of us)


Jun 26, 2014
Because if you are in alkalosis your ionized calcium is LOW since it is bound to a protein in blood. If you breath less you increase CO2 and that lowers PH of your blood increasing ionized calcium which goes and does its job.

Everyone has their own disorders, some are in alkalosis some are in acidosis. Why are you asking me these questions? LMAO

Low or high histamine and low or high calcium both situations will have allergies, and you see 2 of these situations are handled differently))) but PEAT talks as everyone has the same imbalances and high estrogens))) or serotonin. Actually Peat himself talks about context all the time. but his followers just refuse to listen to him since that would complicate things)))

You want me to back up what I am saying here with studies? LMAO This is learnt in the first semester in med school. Just open biochemistry book and learn. You seem not to have knowledge to understand studies, why would you even read them


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:
Because if you are in alkalosis your ionized calcium is LOW since it is bound to a protein in blood. If you breath less you increase CO2 and that lowers PH of your blood increasing ionized calcium which goes and does its job.

Everyone has their own disorders, some are in alkalosis some are in acidosis. Why are you asking me these questions? LMAO

Low or high histamine and low or high calcium both situations will have allergies, and you see 2 of these situations are handled differently))) but PEAT talks as everyone has the same imbalances and high estrogens))) or serotonin. Actually Peat himself talks about context all the time. but his followers just refuse to listen to him since that would complicate things)))

if I am a moron to you , then you are a monkey to me. You dont grasp simple things I explain and call people morons. LMAO
I grasp them, I just don't believe them based on personal observations. I edit my posts often, I wasn't satisfied with the point I was making by calling you a moron.


Feb 12, 2015
gbolduev said:
Because if you are in alkalosis your ionized calcium is LOW since it is bound to a protein in blood. If you breath less you increase CO2 and that lowers PH of your blood increasing ionized calcium which goes and does its job.

Everyone has their own disorders, some are in alkalosis some are in acidosis. Why are you asking me these questions? LMAO

Low or high histamine and low or high calcium both situations will have allergies, and you see 2 of these situations are handled differently))) but PEAT talks as everyone has the same imbalances and high estrogens))) or serotonin. Actually Peat himself talks about context all the time. but his followers just refuse to listen to him since that would complicate things)))

You want me to back up what I am saying here with studies? LMAO This is learnt in the first semester in med school. Just open biochemistry book and learn. You seem not to have knowledge to understand studies, why would you even read them
School teaches you what they want you to know and sometimes gets it right but they're people too, they don't have the handbook of the universe.

I have homeschool friends who grew up reading history books that say Abraham Lincoln was pro-slavery and was forced against his will to abolish it. That's their facts, maybe they're right, it sounds like something America would wanna cover up.


Jun 26, 2014
Blinkyrocket said:
gbolduev said:
Because if you are in alkalosis your ionized calcium is LOW since it is bound to a protein in blood. If you breath less you increase CO2 and that lowers PH of your blood increasing ionized calcium which goes and does its job.

Everyone has their own disorders, some are in alkalosis some are in acidosis. Why are you asking me these questions? LMAO

Low or high histamine and low or high calcium both situations will have allergies, and you see 2 of these situations are handled differently))) but PEAT talks as everyone has the same imbalances and high estrogens))) or serotonin. Actually Peat himself talks about context all the time. but his followers just refuse to listen to him since that would complicate things)))

if I am a moron to you , then you are a monkey to me. You dont grasp simple things I explain and call people morons. LMAO
I grasp them, I just don't believe them based on personal observations. I edit my posts often, I wasn't satisfied with the point I was making by calling you a moron.

Listen personal observations have to do with your body chemistry. If you provided your ABGs here, I would tell you what is going with you in 2 seconds, what to eat what do drink how to sleep and breath. But all people are different, some drink some sit on their asses ,some jerk off non stop, some smoke, some eat , some dont eat etc. Their ABGs are all different . That is my point. That is why I am saying that recommending CO2 for someone with respiratory disease is death sentence. But CO2 for someone with alkalosis is very good.
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