What To Do For a Serious Case of Covid-19?


Nov 22, 2017
Long story short: I changed my opinion as the evidence came out.

I am human. Sue me. This post was in April 2020. There was a lot of unknowns back then.

With all due respect, you don't know my background. I've been extremely sick with respitatory diseases since 2017 and have had a predisposition towards severe asthma since infancy.

Yes I had an episode which may have been covid in the spring of 2020, but I felt like I could have died several times in the years prior. From respiratory distress. I have been struggling severely in that regard and my case is extreme.

I got caught up in the panic a little when I got sick in March-April 2020, all I'd seen was the crazy china situation and the media frenzy of March 2020. Since then, my understanding of the evidence has informed the position I currently have now.

If I "downplay" covid, it's because of my firm belief that it is completely overblown and is been used as justification for authoritarian measures which are destroying the fabric of our societies.

A lot of people are getting sick and even dying, but I don't believe it's necessarily caused by a novel coronavirus.
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Jun 13, 2019
With all due respect, you don't know my background. I've been extremely sick with respitatory diseases since 2017 and have had a predisposition towards severe asthma since infancy.
hundreds of millions of people in the world have pre-existing respiratory issues. I mean one million people die of TB a year. The air pollution is horrible in many countries. Even in America 25 million people have asthma, and many more have other lung problems. Of course covid is not a threat to completely healthy people.. The point is: Most people in this world, including this forum, are nowhere close to being healthy. Being forumula fed, raised on pufas, iron, radiation, dangerous medications, bad thyroids. We're all set up to lose. At least me and you have the luxury of being exposed to Rays work. Most people are dealing with this all alone with 0 understanding of biology or nutrition, on a high pufa diet, with nowhere to go for help besides a hospital.
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Nov 22, 2017
hundreds of millions of people in the world have pre-existing respiratory issues. I mean one million people die of TB a year. The air pollution is horrible in many countries. Of course covid is not a threat to completely healthy people. The point is: Most people in this world, including this forum, are nowhere close to being healthy. Being forumula fed, raised on pufas, iron, radiation, dangerous medications, bad thyroids. We're all set up to lose. At least me and you have the luxury of being exposed to Rays work. Most people are dealing with this all alone with 0 understanding of biology or nutrition, on a high pufa diet, with nowhere to go for help besides a hospital.

I agree with this, you're absolutely right most people are sick and don't have the luxury of knowing about Ray and learning about this bioenergetic perspective. My point is that I don't think there's a novel coronavirus that's driving all these deaths and that warrants the measures in place. In March 2020 I may have thought at times that there may have been something new and terrifying but I don't anymore.

Right now the agenda of covid being this pernicious disease is leading many countries towards pushing for mandatory vaccinations and even in children, who never needed any it in the first place. I'm focused on that. I can't be definitive about what covid is or isn't, but at the very least I know it is completely overblown and used for nefarious motives.

And to me, all this talk of covid is obscuring real discussions about the factors you mentioned. For most people, it's a discussion that goes over their head and that's fine, things like vitamin D, C, zinc, famotidine and even ivermectin etc. can be cookie cutter approaches to feel better when they experience these physiological states.


Nov 9, 2016
Lol, what is it with this recent spate of long time members suddenly succumbing to this COVID propaganda? Where have you been the past 21+ months?

There's no need to worry about catching "Major Covid-19," because, very simply, Covid-19 does not exist. There is no proof that any "Novel Corona Virus" was discovered in China after a lady ate a bat or whatever. More importantly, there are precisely ZERO tests on the market that directly (or accurately) test for this virus. It's complete fiction.

Having said that, people obviously still get sick. But, as Anthony Colpo points out in this article, Covid deaths (and any "serious cases") are very likely caused by co-morbidities-

If it doesn't exist then why is there so much time spent trying to figure out if Fauci funded the gain-of-function research that created Covid-19?


Jan 25, 2014
using this logic, someone who gets a seizure from a vaccine can be told that the vaccine didn't cause their death, because the statistics show a small percentage of people would have a random seizure anyway, and because there is no way to prove with certainty that the vaccine caused it, it cannot be attributed to the vaccine. And anyone who claims it was the vaccine that caused it has a anti-vaccine agenda that clouds over their experience so it cant be trusted.
Lol, that's exactly what the CDC website says in regards to vaccinations.

There is a major difference, however..... we can know that someone has been injected with some substance that's called a "vaccine." That's been proven to exist in the real world. We can also know the time and place that it happened. Things like appointment cards, proof of vax, eyewitness testimony, video evidence and such can all pinpoint when a person got injected, down to the second in some cases.

But even if someone picks up a real sort of germ in the real world, it's impossible to know the original source or time it happened, in all but the rarest circumstances. When it's an imaginary virus, it goes from virtually impossible to actually impossible.
You see how that can be a problem? Everyone who claims they were severely wrecked from covid is told by skeptic people on the internet that it wasn't actually covid, that the PCR test is bunk, that hospitals caused all their symptoms, as if all those changes the experience. At the same time people injured by the vaccine are told they're just paranoid and that the symptoms were only a coincidence because there is no statistical evidence of their claims.
But the problems with the PCR are well documented.

Even Tony Fauci has said PCR tests run above 35 are just false positives-
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Vy6fgaBPE&t=260s

Here's the NYT talking about the problems with the PCR test- Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

Many labs are running them up to cycles of 45. And no matter what you say, it doesn't test directly for ANY virus. It's a surrogate test. Even the inventor, Kary Mullis, said it's not suitable to detect ANY sort of illness. That's not what the test is for.

And as Jon Rappoport details, the FDA and CDC had no sample of SARS-Cov-2 when they made the test to detect it-

You can put as much faith as you want to into this test, it's still riddled with problems, and whatever it's detecting, it doesn't appear to be the same "Novel Corona Virus" that some lady caught after eating a bat in a Wuhan wet market.

If someone says they were wrecked by Covid, I have no problem believing that they were sick. I just don't believe the part about a fictional virus. Just like if a burn victim told me they were roasted by a fire breathing dragon. I have no problem believing they got burned, but the "dragon" part is gonna require some actual proof.

Everyone loves to diagnose other people over the internet, claiming their experience is a lie or propaganda. I don't blame people for being skeptical of everything and everyone. Its natural in this environment. And many of the problems people point out are in fact true. But there may a day where they'll experience it for themselves which will determine how correct there convictions were. Most people will end up being right, but small portion won't be so lucky.
I didn't diagnose anyone. But, when someone blames real world symptoms on something imaginary, I have no problem saying that the imaginary thing didn't cause the real world symptoms. When all they have to back that up is a test that doesn't, in any way, test for that imaginary thing, well, it's pretty clear that part of their story is false.


Jan 25, 2014
If it doesn't exist then why is there so much time spent trying to figure out if Fauci funded the gain-of-function research that created Covid-19?

Funding and doing research doesn't mean the research was in any way successful.

If I spend $100 researching how to pull gold out of the ether with my bare hands, does that mean I now know pull gold out of the ether with my bare hands?

If it's proven Fauci spent money to research this sort of thing, and that sort of spending or research was forbidden by law, that in itself is a crime, regardless of the outcome of the research.
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Jan 29, 2021
My ideas from these were meant to be mostly for prophylaxis, but (some) of the remedies have been documented useful for moderate to severe cases (ex: studies of black cumin seed with hospital patients). I thought I'd post it here again even though the original post said what to do for a severe case.

Links to several posts of mine about HCQ and cinchona bark, black cumin seed oil, and other herbal medicines that might be substitutable for HCQ or Ivermectin:

Dosing a miniature horse with horse Ivermectin paste compared to Zelenko protocol, and dosing cinchona bark compared to HCQ:

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Jan 25, 2014
hundreds of millions of people in the world have pre-existing respiratory issues. I mean one million people die of TB a year. The air pollution is horrible in many countries. Even in America 25 million people have asthma, and many more have other lung problems. Of course covid is not a threat to completely healthy people.. The point is: Most people in this world, including this forum, are nowhere close to being healthy. Being forumula fed, raised on pufas, iron, radiation, dangerous medications, bad thyroids. We're all set up to lose. At least me and you have the luxury of being exposed to Rays work. Most people are dealing with this all alone with 0 understanding of biology or nutrition, on a high pufa diet, with nowhere to go for help besides a hospital.

And even with all of that...... the "official" numbers for Covid last year were only 2 Million deaths worldwide. It took a full year to get 500,000 in the US, even with the most aggressive re-branding cause of death campaign in history. It's only claimed to have been a factor in 3-4% of deaths worldwide. Or, put another way, 96% of deaths in the world last year had nothing to do with so called "Covid." Heart Disease and Cancer were never in danger of losing their numbers 1 and 2 cause of death spot. Not last year, not this year. John Ionnidis suggests the IFR is 0.15%.

So even with all your hand wringing about how we are "set up to lose," more than 99.8% survive.


Oct 22, 2018
And even with all of that...... the "official" numbers for Covid last year were only 2 Million deaths worldwide. It took a full year to get 500,000 in the US, even with the most aggressive re-branding cause of death campaign in history. It's only claimed to have been a factor in 3-4% of deaths worldwide. Or, put another way, 96% of deaths in the world last year had nothing to do with so called "Covid." Heart Disease and Cancer were never in danger of losing their numbers 1 and 2 cause of death spot. Not last year, not this year. John Ionnidis suggests the IFR is 0.15%.

So even with all your hand wringing about how we are "set up to lose," more than 99.8% survive.

So if you don't believe there is a virus, what do you think it is? Unhealthy lifestyles suddenly manifesting around the world?

I have been a loud critic of all the measures worldwide, but I don't doubt there is a coronavirus. I have been tested a few times, and the only time I actually got very sick with all the symptoms of Covid was the time I tested positive. But you are saying this is a coincidence and something else explains it? I've never been as sick as I was with Covid so it definitely wasn't a normal flu.

Anyway, I tried a lot of the stuff posted on this forum and elsewhere, except for Ivermectin, but the only things I noticed a clear benefit from was ibuprofen (the most effective at keeping the fever low), red light on the chest (to relieve the cough and make breathing easier) and aspirin (also lowering the fever). None of the more exotic stuff (l-lysine, methylene blue, quercetin etc) had any benefit that I noticed, unfortunately.

I would avoid all supplements containing PUFA for sure, I'm pretty sure that only makes it worse.


Jun 13, 2019
And even with all of that...... the "official" numbers for Covid last year were only 2 Million deaths worldwide. It took a full year to get 500,000 in the US, even with the most aggressive re-branding cause of death campaign in history. It's only claimed to have been a factor in 3-4% of deaths worldwide. Or, put another way, 96% of deaths in the world last year had nothing to do with so called "Covid." Heart Disease and Cancer were never in danger of losing their numbers 1 and 2 cause of death spot. Not last year, not this year. John Ionnidis suggests the IFR is 0.15%.

So even with all your hand wringing about how we are "set up to lose," more than 99.8% survive.
I would say these:

1. majority of poor or third world countries don't test much or keep record of deaths very well, so the true number will never be known. they also don't get much tourists comparatively so they're largely unaffected from any major spread

2. Those numbers are alongside heavy lockdowns in europe, partial lockdown in the US, total authoritarian lockdown in china. + masks, social distancing, online school so kids arn't playing with eachother. How much bigger would the number be without any of those restrictions? Im not pro-lockdown at all because of the consequences of business shutdowns, mental health, and elite power. but I also recognize just naturally the lockdowns will cause fewer deaths from viruses cause people are more isolated. For example Sweden had much higher deaths per capita then its neighbor countries, and even they used masks, did partial shutdowns, and have heavily pushed the vaccine. I believe in order to tell how much worse it would be without the lockdown, you would have to get an accurate estimate of what portion of the population actually caught covid regardless of being lockedown. I've seen estimates thrown starting with as low as 25% all the way to 80% of people. Do you have any thoughts on that ? If it is 80%, then certainly the lockdowns didn't stop it at all and the deaths are more or less accurate as they are, but I don't think it's that high.

3. The US did have around 500,000 excess deaths. I've seen the main argument for why the data actually shows there wasn't much death from covid (I believe It was Dr. Briands analysis) however I wasn't very convinced and her argument seemed like a stretch. I personally think there was a fairly significant amount of excess deaths, which shows that covid is different and around 4-5x deadlier than the flu and it is a potential risk for many people (as 500,000 is not penny change and around 1-5% get hospitalized which is fairly serious). I do agree the covid PCR test over inflates the numbers, so all 500,000 weren't from covid but also drug overdoses and other lockdown problems, but I think that only accounts for a portion of it, I think the majority is indeed caused by a slightly deadlier virus. Oddly enough official suicide numbers even went down in 2020.

I've never been as sick as I was with Covid so it definitely wasn't a normal flu.
I've heard this from plenty of people in real life as well, but a lot of people on this forum will claim it's recency bias. I tend to believe people's memory, as I certainly would like to think I remember my own worst sicknesses and I would be able to tell how it compares, but I'm sure many people including me do have at least some recency bias.

All in all, I think both covid and the vaccine, cause intense serotonin syndrome and inflamation, more so than the flu. Working towards lowering both of those is key not only for covid but in general. I think saying its fake gives people the idea that they don;t have to make any effort to really improve their health, which I dont generally agree with considering the widespread poor health in developed countries, and the experiences I've heard talking with people who have had covid.
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Nov 22, 2017
So if you don't believe there is a virus, what do you think it is? Unhealthy lifestyles suddenly manifesting around the world?

I can't speak for @tankasnowgod as I'm not definitive about what covid is, but to me the evidence for it being a new, more vicious pathogen than what humans had encountered before is seriously thin.

I can think of a few factors explaining the official death counts. The financial incentives of medical establishments to declare "covid" as cause of deaths. Widespread labeling of nursing home deaths in the spring of 2020 as being unilaterally caused by covid, when in fact there was criminal malpractice at nearly all these places. I also think 5G coming online in the past year or so in many western countries has played a big factor, we now EMF make people sick, and 5G apparatus is far more intense than anything we'd been exposed to before. On top of just constantly worsening states of health prior to 2020.

Add to that, actual conspiracy stuff like manual rebranding of deaths and fraudulent data from governments who have the incentives to report BS to support their policies, as well as PCR tests with widely varying thresholds in different circumstances. Then you can count on the severe side effects of psychogenic stress from the isolation and nonstop lockdowns and panic porn from the media, families being estranged over the vaccination status, and people been scared out of their minds etc.

Basically, it's a mess, and there's just too much that's not right for it to be a legitimate "pandemic" caused solelyby a new coronavirus strain.


Jun 13, 2019
I also think 5G coming online in the past year or so in many western countries has played a big factor, we now EMF make people sick, and 5G apparatus is far more intense than anything we'd been exposed to before.
it's sad because they clowned on the "conspiracy theorists" blaming covid on 5g so heavily that now anyone who opposes 5g for any reason beyond even covid is viewed as crazy. I agree emf makes covid, or any sickness much worse, although i don't agree that covid caused it as some others claimed early on. that nuance is gone now though, and if you oppose 5g your just a paranoid fool according to everyone else, which of course is a tactic they use to crush any dissenting view. Label people into groups in order to disregard the entire argument.


Sep 13, 2012
Would you consider Ray talking about the dangers of PUFA, or starch, or Iron, or endotoxin to be fear mongering? I mean the average person has no way to feel starch persorption, but because of reading Rays works and this forum it is a very significant fear many people have eating something as simple as rice. Ray himself eats primarily milk and OJ to avoid toxins, tell that to the average person and he will be called overly fearful. Many people also claim "anti-vaxxers" are overly fearful of the vaccine, reading too much into propaganda, the same accusations anti-vaxxers make of people scared of covid itself.

Its hard to determine what is and isn't worth fearing, especially since some people take things way to far and the fear kills them faster than what they're fearing in the first place. Its also not the best idea to get other people to fear or not fear something, because that person may be in a completely different scenerio. For example someone telling someone else covid doesn't exist and its not a threat, when the person they're telling it to had their dad die of "covid". Or people telling others the vaccine is safe and effective, while the person they're talking to got vaccine injured. Everyone has their own experiences that shape how they see potential threats.

I think its good to find a balance between ignoring all dangers vs. being overly consumed by them. Context helps, such as knowing most people survive covid or that most people who eat loads of junk still live fairly long lives so a one time meal isn't the end of the world, but at the same time recognizing potential threats is a good idea to know how to combat them + avoid them
Since you brought it up, yes I do think Ray Peat is a bit paranoid. I don't worry about starch persorption at all. I also don't worry about PUFA as much as I did when I first started getting into his work. And *gasp* I have eaten fast food many many times in the last few yrs. I am not the healthiest person, but I haven't been sick since spring of 2019 which was just a cold from the changing seasons. I have since moved to the South with yr round UVB.

Chris Masterjohn who has a PhD in nutritional sciences has been sick TWICE with what he says is COVID, but I think it's because of a very high ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D because he is well known for overdosing vitamin A and lives in the North. I don't think vitamin D supps are a replacement for the sun. I bring that up to show that just knowing nutrition science doesn't protect someone. Studies are heavily biased towards the medical institution versus natural health. Didn't seem to matter in his case he eats bone broth, gets lots of zinc and other nutrients. He admits that he was downright scared of COVID and when he would be reading about it his panic would increase and raise his fever and symptoms.

I personally think some of the drugs that are useful for this illness are placebo effect or that they are killing off bacteria and parasites that are multiplying because of living on adrenaline from fear which shuts down the digestive tract. As far as viruses... they have very little evidence for doing the killing as they are just particles.

Vaccine fear is way different as those are directly injected into our body and people have every right to not want injections of slimy toxic substances.


Oct 19, 2019
Chris Masterjohn who has a PhD in nutritional sciences has been sick TWICE with what he says is COVID, but I think it's because of a very high ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D because he is well known for overdosing vitamin A and lives in the North.
Masterjohn hasn't seemed in good shape for a while now



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Vaccine fear is way different as those are directly injected into our body and people have every right to not want injections of slimy toxic substances.
What are you thoughts on vaccine shedding?


Jan 25, 2014
So if you don't believe there is a virus, what do you think it is? Unhealthy lifestyles suddenly manifesting around the world?

Well, I don't think all the deaths and illnesses attributed to so called "Covid" are caused by "one thing." Pneumonia in Wuhan and Italty could have been caused largely by air pollution, or the potentially millions of other viruses and bacteria. Many people were killed with ventilator "death machines" in New York (remember the 97.2% death figure?) The murder/suicide victims that were counted as COVID victims I believe were, get this, victims of murder suicide.

And this famous motorcycle crash victim?

I don't think he died from some "Novel Corona Virus," but as a result of trauma from the crash. Crazy and outlandish, I know.

I think they got the bulk of the figure from re-branding flu and pneumonia deaths. Also a big number came from people dying in Nursing Homes that they just swabbed with a PCR test and said "Oh! That's Covid! Medicare, give us our money!" while ignoring the fact that they may have had a five year battle with kidney failure or cancer and were on all sorts of toxic drugs and had a short life expectancy from being in a nursing home anyway.

As for anything "suddenly" manifesting....... Nothing did. You just bought the story because you are ignorant of All Cause Mortality in an average year.

For 2020, there were supposedly 2 Million "Covid" deaths worldwide. Did you ever stop to think what the normal amount of deaths would be? Here's a chart from 2017-

All Cause Mortality.png

If you look at the chart, there are 3.91 Million "Respiratory Disease Deaths," and 2.56 Million from "Lower Respiratory Infection." You don't even have to venture outside of those groups to rebrand the 2 Million "Covid" deaths. But with the Motorcycle crash example, it's clear they did.


Jan 25, 2014
I would say these:

1. majority of poor or third world countries don't test much or keep record of deaths very well, so the true number will never be known. they also don't get much tourists comparatively so they're largely unaffected from any major spread
So what? The fact that parts of the world don't keep good records doesn't prove the existence of the imaginary virus. Are you suggesting that we also can't get an accurate count of people burned by the breath of purple dragons because of these conditions?

Also, there are no good records of deaths ANYWHERE, with all the problems I pointed out with the PCR and the issues that Anthony Colpo mentioned.
2. Those numbers are alongside heavy lockdowns in europe, partial lockdown in the US, total authoritarian lockdown in china. + masks, social distancing, online school so kids arn't playing with eachother. How much bigger would the number be without any of those restrictions?
Why would you assume that these Medical Experiments were beneficial? You can't point to ANY study of 1 million or so people that were "Locked Down" for several months to over a year to prevent the spread of ANY disease, prior to 2019. If you can.... What were the side effects? Even if there were benefits in regards to slowing "respiratory disease," was there a negative effect on the health status of the organism? Did we just trade respiratory deaths for suicide deaths and malnutrition and poverty?

How much smaller would suicide and depression and poverty deaths been without health and soul crushing lockdowns?

Again, some of us have been concerned with this issue since at March of 2020-

3. The US did have around 500,000 excess deaths. I've seen the main argument for why the data actually shows there wasn't much death from covid (I believe It was Dr. Briands analysis) however I wasn't very convinced and her argument seemed like a stretch. I personally think there was a fairly significant amount of excess deaths, which shows that covid is different and around 4-5x deadlier than the flu and it is a potential risk for many people (as 500,000 is not penny change and around 1-5% get hospitalized which is fairly serious). I do agree the covid PCR test over inflates the numbers, so all 500,000 weren't from covid but also drug overdoses and other lockdown problems, but I think that only accounts for a portion of it, I think the majority is indeed caused by a slightly deadlier virus. Oddly enough official suicide numbers even went down in 2020.

Again, you can't say excess deaths are due to a "Novel Corona Virus" that has never been proven to exist, and has a 21 plus month propaganda campaign around it. Especially when there were several other dangerous Medical Experiments being run on the public at large.

I'm not surprised "official" suicide numbers went down. That does not mean in any way that fewer people killed themselves. I'm sure many were rebranded as "Covid" deaths, possibly for monetary reasons, and to keep the false "Pandemic" narrative going.

I don't know what you are basing your "4-5x deadlier than the flu" thoughts on, other than just accepting the propaganda at face value. As for "the flu," show many any other year where any other flu had a 21+ month propaganda and tyranny campaign to support it's lethality.


Sep 13, 2012
What are you thoughts on vaccine shedding?
I haven't formed much of an opinion on it. I am concerned if my husband ever had to get the vaccine. Like what would that mean for things like sex. But I don't worry over this, he does not want to get it and will try to work out how not to if his work tries to tell him he had to.


Nov 18, 2019

He sued the Govt who could not show proof the virus exists - so the Govt dropped charges against him AND dropped Covid restrictions in Alberta!!
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