Questions from a possible COVID conspiracy theorist


Mar 22, 2022
I classify as a pro-science person, etc. I happily had 3 vaccines.

After the 2nd I started feeling weird. After the 3rd it got worse. My doctor mentioned I have long COVID induced by the vaccine...

So here are some things I'm wondering considering I've generally been leery of the conspiracy theorists so far...

1) Where are the studies saying Ivermectin works? There are plenty that say it doesn't. Cheap drug bad, expensive big pharma drug good. I know, I know, they don't want you to discover that information. But where are they? There have to be SOME. I've seen people say "oh such and such country used this drug and they solved covid." Ok, cool. Where is the official documentation? Maybe it is like Russia saying one thing and doing another thing.
2) If this virus isn't so bad -- people love to say it has a 0.001% death rate -- why are they saying hospitals were filling up? Why does everyone I speak with who works there say tons of unvaccinated people are dying and nearly each person admitted with coronavirus wasn't vaccinated? Have the ERs not really been filling up? Were they getting heaps of patients without covid? Why are medical staff telling me they're being provided $250/hr rates + $thousands per week bonuses?
3) Why aren't the refugees in Ukraine getting Covid? They're all next to each other in buildings.
4) Why can't they test all these "remedies"? (melatonin + niacin, high dose Vitamin C, etc etc.) If they worked, news would easily spread across the internet. I don't mean shady discord servers. Do you actually think the mainstream media could keep this kind of information quiet?

I am intolerant of conspiracy theories in general due to the fact that people cannot keep a secret, and a conspiracy would be easier to prove than whatever the opposite is if conspiracies were real. Look, I believe in martians as much as the next guy, but I highly doubt the government is in contact with them, or protecting their technology, or whatever. The US gave a bunch of black guys ghonorrhea or something in the 70s. This actually happened, because no one can keep a secret. Do I think the covid vaccine is unsafe? Yeah, kinda. But I doubt any of the other mind control ***t or whatever. Where do the studies go saying masks don't work? Every study I've seen says they work, better than paper masks.


Oct 6, 2020
why would someone care about studys or official claims if something that is considered to not "work" actually worked for someone? The person who got healthy from ivermectin/hydrochloriquine doesn't care. This could very well mean that there was a mechanism of action that led to health. did it kill this supposed "covid" virus? Who knows? Maybe it took care of some other pathogen that weakened the host. Maybe it acted on certain receptors and/or set certain biochemical motions off that led to improved immuneresponse or improved metabolism. And what improved metabolism implicates should be nothing new to people frequenting this forum.

But why would i take the chance of the russian roulette with this suspiciously harmful "vaccine" subscription therapy that shows no light at the end of the tunnel and doesnt prevent dissease/infection if i can take a time tested drug for a short term treatment? Or high dosed vitamins/minerals/proteins? Carrot salad/laxatives? Methylene blue or Saline solution inhalation?
Why would i want to go get ventilated and be treated with organ destroying remsdevir? Why would i take the chance of having a doctor mess me up with a false diagnosis which is ridicliously common even before covid? Theres so many options that can help a person, only thoose already on a health journey and dissapointment with the medical behemoth realy "know" what im trying to say here.

There is, and i think thats the biggest issue of it all, the assumption that every person who is sick has covid. And everything that is chronic fatigue is long covid. I mean after all the test said so, right? But who is to say that is why your sick? Or that the test shows even a fracture of the reality that is your bodys complex composition and status? We all get into contact with it, mask or no mask. Assuming you believe in it in the first place. I mean the masks are a joke realy by their very design. They at best reduce some invisible spit but cause so much other problems that the risk outweigh the benefit and there is realy no logical reasoning to wear them other than at places where they were indicated before covid anyways.

There is so many variables that go into our body's health that the entire narrative, the entire rules the worldwide goverments forced us to comply to seem ridiclious by the face off it. Its the absolutism that scientism, academics and politicians employ to enforce power, authority and rules for their benefit. And almost all the covid/vaccine pusher outlets/manufacterers did indeed benefit from covid immensely.

One can call others conspiracy theorists or "science deniers" as much as one wants. However nothing beats real world observation and experience. Science is a tool to explain the observation of our reality in complicated academic language. It doesn't decide wether something is real or works a certain way contrary to popular belief. The thing in question does so by the very natural laws it is subjected to with all its nuances and possible expressions. Not a peer group of homo sapiens.

I can't provide studies but i found Anthony Colpo who was mentioned many times by tankasnowgod to have a refreshing take on the covid narrative and the "studies" on masks etc. Maybe check thoose out.

Personally i got tired of reading and trying to depict the ridiclious amount of studies with fundamental faulty assumptions and questionable methodologies. They often only appear to proove something while they realy don't. Rather spent time improving ones own life/health.
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Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
I classify as a pro-science person, etc. I happily had 3 vaccines.

After the 2nd I started feeling weird. After the 3rd it got worse. My doctor mentioned I have long COVID induced by the vaccine...

So here are some things I'm wondering considering I've generally been leery of the conspiracy theorists so far...

1) Where are the studies saying Ivermectin works? There are plenty that say it doesn't. Cheap drug bad, expensive big pharma drug good. I know, I know, they don't want you to discover that information. But where are they? There have to be SOME. I've seen people say "oh such and such country used this drug and they solved covid." Ok, cool. Where is the official documentation? Maybe it is like Russia saying one thing and doing another thing.
2) If this virus isn't so bad -- people love to say it has a 0.001% death rate -- why are they saying hospitals were filling up? Why does everyone I speak with who works there say tons of unvaccinated people are dying and nearly each person admitted with coronavirus wasn't vaccinated? Have the ERs not really been filling up? Were they getting heaps of patients without covid? Why are medical staff telling me they're being provided $250/hr rates + $thousands per week bonuses?
3) Why aren't the refugees in Ukraine getting Covid? They're all next to each other in buildings.
4) Why can't they test all these "remedies"? (melatonin + niacin, high dose Vitamin C, etc etc.) If they worked, news would easily spread across the internet. I don't mean shady discord servers. Do you actually think the mainstream media could keep this kind of information quiet?

I am intolerant of conspiracy theories in general due to the fact that people cannot keep a secret, and a conspiracy would be easier to prove than whatever the opposite is if conspiracies were real. Look, I believe in martians as much as the next guy, but I highly doubt the government is in contact with them, or protecting their technology, or whatever. The US gave a bunch of black guys ghonorrhea or something in the 70s. This actually happened, because no one can keep a secret. Do I think the covid vaccine is unsafe? Yeah, kinda. But I doubt any of the other mind control ***t or whatever. Where do the studies go saying masks don't work? Every study I've seen says they work, better than paper masks.
There are thousands of conspiracy trials every year, and many have lasted decades. Are you really going to argue that the rich and the powerful won't sit in a room and discuss how to best advance their own interests?

For point 2: Did you know that people can say and believe anything? Some say the earth is flat.


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
Your post reads more like you trying to convince yourself to not change your viewpoint despite you getting a feeling something is amiss.

There were some users on this forum a couple years ago who would try to belittle and be condescending in the way they responded to allegations of “conspiracy theories”. i won’t mention the subjects because I don’t care to convince you or argue about it. when the covid lockstep stuff happened shortly after, i never really saw them post again.

all i really care to say is i have seen information from reliable seeming people who convinced me that the truth about some things is so f&&ed up that i know i cant make someone see it unless they have the experience of realization themselves. if i explained it i would just get into arguments and i dont care to do that anymore.

something about esoteric or intrinsic knowledge, is that it appears hidden unless you can experience something to see it.

my question though for you is why are you sounding like you are trying so hard to convince yourself you’re right in your views?


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
also your fourth question is objectively naive . the evidence for effective therapies not getting runtime is obvious if you’ve got a familiarity with the medical industrial complex and the research game.

in the same line of questioning, why aren’t some things I know instrinsically to be true and obvious now not accepted as obvious truths? you’re asking why normal society has a veil over the sight.

why are mainstream articles still telling us that canola oil is heart healthy?


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
I classify as a pro-science person, etc. I happily had 3 vaccines.

After the 2nd I started feeling weird. After the 3rd it got worse. My doctor mentioned I have long COVID induced by the vaccine...

So here are some things I'm wondering considering I've generally been leery of the conspiracy theorists so far...

1) Where are the studies saying Ivermectin works? There are plenty that say it doesn't. Cheap drug bad, expensive big pharma drug good. I know, I know, they don't want you to discover that information. But where are they? There have to be SOME. I've seen people say "oh such and such country used this drug and they solved covid." Ok, cool. Where is the official documentation? Maybe it is like Russia saying one thing and doing another thing.
2) If this virus isn't so bad -- people love to say it has a 0.001% death rate -- why are they saying hospitals were filling up? Why does everyone I speak with who works there say tons of unvaccinated people are dying and nearly each person admitted with coronavirus wasn't vaccinated? Have the ERs not really been filling up? Were they getting heaps of patients without covid? Why are medical staff telling me they're being provided $250/hr rates + $thousands per week bonuses?
3) Why aren't the refugees in Ukraine getting Covid? They're all next to each other in buildings.
4) Why can't they test all these "remedies"? (melatonin + niacin, high dose Vitamin C, etc etc.) If they worked, news would easily spread across the internet. I don't mean shady discord servers. Do you actually think the mainstream media could keep this kind of information quiet?

I am intolerant of conspiracy theories in general due to the fact that people cannot keep a secret, and a conspiracy would be easier to prove than whatever the opposite is if conspiracies were real. Look, I believe in martians as much as the next guy, but I highly doubt the government is in contact with them, or protecting their technology, or whatever. The US gave a bunch of black guys ghonorrhea or something in the 70s. This actually happened, because no one can keep a secret. Do I think the covid vaccine is unsafe? Yeah, kinda. But I doubt any of the other mind control ***t or whatever. Where do the studies go saying masks don't work? Every study I've seen says they work, better than paper masks.
and also, mind control in the shots? what? either you know what you are doing and you are prodding trying to get a flame war or you are some giga level of normie who should find a more suitable boomer forum to post on. why are you inserting stuff like that into a question about health effects of untested gene therapies on a health forum??
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Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
somewhat related, i love how chronic fatigue from “long covid” is fully accepted now after twenty plus years of gaslighting patients with post viral fatigue. its amazing. just amazing. and you have guys like OP asking why if there are good therapies for an illness why doesnt the medical system acknowledge. dude they didnt even acknowledge post viral fatigue as a real illness until their overlords found reason to approve it after coming up with long covid. get outta here.
lOnG cOvId!!!

im ignoring my urge to absolutely rip into OP because I don’t want to get banned again.

John mcclain

Dec 1, 2017
My wife works in one these OVERR RUN hospitals...and that ain't sister unvaxxed works on a covid ward n guess what no issues with her more deaths than normal just worded different.


Feb 26, 2016

1) Here are 4 studies on ivermectin.

Prospective, animal models, most come out of India where it was more widely used.

2) Hospital beds shrinking in US over the past 50 yrs b/c of corporate consolidation to improve profit. Also to improve profit, fewer staff are hired/assigned to care for more patients. That will always be like a crisis to the caregivers, who are overworked.

Even WaPo is reporting that. Usually these facts are framed as medicine getting more efficient. As the population gets generally sicker over time & the media terrifies people, they will run to the hospitals when they become distressed over things that 30 yrs ago were cared for at home.

3) Ukrainian refugees probably are getting respiratory illnesses. But terror will drive people to be able to perform unusual feats like walking for miles without being able to eat or drink. Also, being in some kind of war zone means they die of things before a respiratory virus can kill them. Also, can you imagine what a report on respiratory illness in a bomb shelter would sound like? Please do that now.

4) The only research that can be done is the research that is funded. It is expensive to do any kind of research. There is no institutional money for research on drugs that cannot bring profit to shareholders & their corporations.

I won’t be able to check back on the thread today, sorry. Hope this helps you in your search for answers.


Aug 4, 2020
Yes, you do sound like the “inner” voice that has been trying to talk to you and help you open your eyes, is getting louder and louder. But you also have your life-long belief’s that the inner-voice would shatter and you will reject that voice as long as you can, because the thought of what the inner-voice being right is terrifying.

I see this happening to a lot of “follow-in-line”, primarily leftists who swallow anything that is shoved down their throats from the typically media venue’s. It’s like they know a huge monster is right around the corner, and they will do anything not to move, but the truth will move them. And that monster is not a monster at all, it’s thinking for yourself. Which, that’s very hard to do in todays age.


Pity you weren't a conspiracy theorist, it would have saved you from 3 jabs. Pity I wasn't a conspiracry theorist when I was given a tetanus vaccine without informed consent 3 years ago. The forum has answered all your questions numerous time over the past 2 years. Wishing you better health.


Mar 22, 2022
Your post reads more like you trying to convince yourself to not change your viewpoint despite you getting a feeling something is amiss.

There were some users on this forum a couple years ago who would try to belittle and be condescending in the way they responded to allegations of “conspiracy theories”. i won’t mention the subjects because I don’t care to convince you or argue about it. when the covid lockstep stuff happened shortly after, i never really saw them post again.

all i really care to say is i have seen information from reliable seeming people who convinced me that the truth about some things is so f&&ed up that i know i cant make someone see it unless they have the experience of realization themselves. if i explained it i would just get into arguments and i dont care to do that anymore.

something about esoteric or intrinsic knowledge, is that it appears hidden unless you can experience something to see it.

my question though for you is why are you sounding like you are trying so hard to convince yourself you’re right in your views?

It's easy to get sucked into these theories. I've recorded heaps of time on certain websites having to do with various theories about things. And they feel good to think about them... but I've never really seen any *evidence* other than stories to support anything. But just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true.

and also, mind control in the shots? what? either you know what you are doing and you are prodding trying to get a flame war or you are some giga level of normie who should find a more suitable boomer forum to post on. why are you inserting stuff like that into a question about health effects of untested gene therapies on a health forum??

That was a joke. The wackiest theory I've heard is that the coronavirus shots were designed to put mind control devices inside you.

somewhat related, i love how chronic fatigue from “long covid” is fully accepted now after twenty plus years of gaslighting patients with post viral fatigue. its amazing. just amazing. and you have guys like OP asking why if there are good therapies for an illness why doesnt the medical system acknowledge. dude they didnt even acknowledge post viral fatigue as a real illness until their overlords found reason to approve it after coming up with long covid. get outta here.
lOnG cOvId!!!

im ignoring my urge to absolutely rip into OP because I don’t want to get banned again.

I didn't say the medical system would acknowledge it, I meant people in general.


Mar 22, 2022
@John mcclain
My wife works in one these OVERR RUN hospitals...and that ain't sister unvaxxed works on a covid ward n guess what no issues with her more deaths than normal just worded different.
The hospital around me had a 5 hour ER wait.

Random nurses I've talked to mentioned that most of the folks there were unvaccinated and were dying. I guess they could have been commanded to say that by their leaders, but, that seems pretty convenient.
Jul 17, 2021

It's easy to get sucked into these theories. I've recorded heaps of time on certain websites having to do with various theories about things. And they feel good to think about them... but I've never really seen any *evidence* other than stories to support anything. But just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true.

That was a joke. The wackiest theory I've heard is that the coronavirus shots were designed to put mind control devices inside you.

I didn't say the medical system would acknowledge it, I meant people in general.
The denial is strong in this one.

Have you not even taken a casual glance at this thread?



Mar 22, 2022

1) Here are 4 studies on ivermectin.

First study says it might be useful. Literally no data saying it works.

Second study is in vitro.

Third says ivermectin + azithromycin > hydroxychloroquin + azithromycin. Data was inconclusive. Says larger scale studies needed.

Forth study says no difference between groups.

I was wanting studies saying it works, not studies testing it.

Prospective, animal models, most come out of India where it was more widely used.

2) Hospital beds shrinking in US over the past 50 yrs b/c of corporate consolidation to improve profit. Also to improve profit, fewer staff are hired/assigned to care for more patients. That will always be like a crisis to the caregivers, who are overworked.

Even WaPo is reporting that. Usually these facts are framed as medicine getting more efficient. As the population gets generally sicker over time & the media terrifies people, they will run to the hospitals when they become distressed over things that 30 yrs ago were cared for at home.

3) Ukrainian refugees probably are getting respiratory illnesses. But terror will drive people to be able to perform unusual feats like walking for miles without being able to eat or drink. Also, being in some kind of war zone means they die of things before a respiratory virus can kill them. Also, can you imagine what a report on respiratory illness in a bomb shelter would sound like? Please do that now.

4) The only research that can be done is the research that is funded. It is expensive to do any kind of research. There is no institutional money for research on drugs that cannot bring profit to shareholders & their corporations.

I won’t be able to check back on the thread today, sorry. Hope this helps you in your search for answers.

One would think if being so near each other was spreading the disease you would hear about it. Ukrainian crisis AND sickness spread!!! Can I imagine? The news outlets would love that; of course I can envision it!


Sep 10, 2019
Since when is being able to keep a secret a prerequisite for conspiracy? Conspirators get caught in the act all the time. And they get away with it often because they often are part of or have insiders within governments.

Also, I’m assuming you consider yourself into Ray Peat’s work or health in general. I always find it amazing when someone will take the effort to remove PUFA or other commonly accepted yet harmful substances from their diet but are totally cool with getting a nightmare cocktail like the covid shot injected into their blood.


Mar 22, 2022
Yes, you do sound like the “inner” voice that has been trying to talk to you and help you open your eyes, is getting louder and louder. But you also have your life-long belief’s that the inner-voice would shatter and you will reject that voice as long as you can, because the thought of what the inner-voice being right is terrifying.

I see this happening to a lot of “follow-in-line”, primarily leftists who swallow anything that is shoved down their throats from the typically media venue’s. It’s like they know a huge monster is right around the corner, and they will do anything not to move, but the truth will move them. And that monster is not a monster at all, it’s thinking for yourself. Which, that’s very hard to do in todays age.
So there's the shallow door of "if I've been lied to about this, what else have they said that was wrong?"

But that logic alone isn't accurate.
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