What Ray Said


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Whilst Ray didn't recommend a specific diet he failed to emphasise the worst offending causes of illness, and even recommended some of them. And so one following these ideas would arrive at long term toxic diet. This is not something to hold against him, not his fault for being insufficient, he tried his best and just missed them probably due to an 'artistic' way of looking at things and a religious like faith in milk and honey which he mentioned on one of the generative energy podcasts.


Mar 21, 2014
religious like faith in milk and honey
If he had a religious like faith in honey, he would have mentioned it more. He really didn't recommend people eat honey. I exchanged emails with him a lot over the years and he usually recommended milk. Not once honey.

Seems like there are a lot of people new around here who really didn't read Ray very much and just are going by what people's interpretations of his work are. I doubt anyone very familiar with his work would say he was fanatical about honey. In the podcast reference, he may have been mentioning various religions' praise of milk and honey. That does not mean he had a religious like faith in either of those foods and certainly not honey.
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Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
Seems like there are a lot of people new around here who really didn't read Ray very much and just are going by what people's interpretations of his work are. I doubt anyone very familiar with his work would say he was fanatical about honey. In the podcast reference, he may have been mentioning various religions' praise of milk and honey. That does not mean he had a religious like faith in either of those foods and certainly not honey.

Literally Ray Peat talking about it in a generative energy podcast. However you would rather assume as you have done instead 👍

This 'new people' superiority complex is 😴. I have been listening to Ray mainly while I do chores for over 10 years, his website ( text to speech) and have listened to 95% of his interviews. All generative energy, ask the herb doctor , one radio network and more.
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