From Paul Jaminet diet to Ray Peat diet advise


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Aug 31, 2023
Los Angeles
HI Guys, I just joined the forum, I'm relatively new to the Peat Diet. I was introduced by Paul Saladino to Georgi Dinkov and started to binge watching his podcasts, I have been starting to read Ray, listened to some of his interviews, but need to do more.

Not sure the Paul Jaminet diet worked well for me, his recommendation were to keep fat at about 50% tot calories with an intake of Carbs of 150gr at baseline plus the amount needed for physical activities. I do not know why he didn't understand the Randle Cycle.

From the PHD diet, I haven't really change things that much, I just added more carbs with fruit an honey on top of my half a cup (raw measure) of white rice I eat daily, and ingest less fat to make sure I don't go over 30% tot calories from fat, not to kick in the Randle Cycle. I have added kefir/milk and OJ

Here is where I need some advise, or some feedback if I'm doing it right.

1- My breakfast macro is a little high in fat, it is around 45%. with 40gr carbs, 40gr protein. I cook 3 eggs with a tbsp of Coconut oil, and use a scoop of Whey. Do you guys think I should lower my Fat macro in this meal, or it is the total macro of the day that matters for the Randle Cycle?

2 - I Started to make two daily drinks made with 8oz of OJ, water and salt. The first one I start drinking when I work out after breakfast, the second one I start drinking probably about 2 hours after lunch, and that brings me to dinner. About 2/3 hours after dinner, pre bed, I generally have 1 or two tbsp of honey with some milk. I basically get from breakfast to bed time I pretty consistent drip in sugar into my stomach, is this ok in the Peat space, or taking a break of 3/4 hours between meal is advised here too?

I only eat some starch at breakfast with a banana (sugary ripe), lunch and dinner with some rice. I used to have a banana after work out and also mid afternoon, but I'm understanding ingesting non starchy fruit or sugar may be better for these two snacks.

3 I'm using a calculator to determine my energy and macronutrient targets, and my daily carbohydrates target is about 300gr, more than I had eaten per day in my previous diets, considering i'm just counting the net carbs, not the fiber.

How should I distribute these carbs throughout the day? is there a limit of carbohydrates per meal in the peat diet? should my breakfast have more carbs, or too many carbs per breakfast may not be ideal? I heard Haidut saying we want more fat/protein during the first time of the day, and more carbs later

If someone has made it till the end, I really much appreciate your time


Aug 10, 2012
This might help with some of your questions:


Forum Supporter
Aug 31, 2023
Los Angeles
This might help with some of your questions:
thanks for this paper, I may have to breakdown my questions in shorter posts. I appreciate you reading it.

it is intresting to see that even Ray Peat mention that a diet of 50% fat can be ok, and the only reason he would recommend to lower to 30/35% is not the Randle Cycle but to make sure we don't go overboard with the PUFA intake.

I heard Haidut and Mercola in a video saying that we should keep out fat intake at about 30% max not too kick in the Randle Cycle, I'm confused now. I thought all the problems I had with Paul Jaminet diet were indeed because the 50% fat intake.


Aug 10, 2012
thanks for this paper, I may have to breakdown my questions in shorter posts. I appreciate you reading it.

it is intresting to see that even Ray Peat mention that a diet of 50% fat can be ok, and the only reason he would recommend to lower to 30/35% is not the Randle Cycle but to make sure we don't go overboard with the PUFA intake.

I heard Haidut and Mercola in a video saying that we should keep out fat intake at about 30% max not too kick in the Randle Cycle, I'm confused now. I thought all the problems I had with Paul Jaminet diet were indeed because the 50% fat intake.

Yes, you might get more responses with shorter posts. ?
It's been over 10 years since I read a lot of Jaminet, but Ray Peat has been a revelation. I think Paul is a wonderful and brilliant person.

Here is one Ray article on food on his website. Vegetables, etc.Who Defines Food?
You've probably been to his website. The format's not great but a lot there.


Forum Supporter
Aug 31, 2023
Los Angeles
Yes, you might get more responses with shorter posts. ?
It's been over 10 years since I read a lot of Jaminet, but Ray Peat has been a revelation. I think Paul is a wonderful and brilliant person.

Here is one Ray article on food on his website. Vegetables, etc.Who Defines Food?
You've probably been to his website. The format's not great but a lot there.
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