Nothing in life comes free


Mar 18, 2021
And the greater the benefit the higher the cost you will have to pay.
I'm not a very good communicator and not a native speaker so not sure how to best put my ideas into words. But I don't want this topic to go unnoticed because it can help a lot of people and literally save lives. So this post is gonna be a bit long because most people want some scientific explanation or peer review study in order to be convinced about something.
After two years of experimentation with electricity, magnetism, meditation techniques, qigong and other energy cultivation practices, breathwork, mesmerism, human magnetism courses from the 1800s, woo-woo science, woo-woo devices, hi-fi equipment, Soviet research as well as discussing with various professionals, I can say that I have only scratched the surface of this fascinating subject. But I do have something to share and I want to challenge the most open minded of you to some interesting experiments.

So please keep an open mind because this is a hard pill to swallow.

The reality is that everyone is electrosensitive. No exceptions. There are very few people who know they are and adjust their lives accordingly, and there are people who lack self awareness and continue suffering without knowing why or living like a zombie without feeling a life purpose. This is also the reason for the dramatic increase in unexplained illnesses and syndromes in the last decade worldwide. And for the $1.5 trillion pharmaceutical market size and $300 billion supplements market.

I know many of you will not believe it. It's a very complex subject and the only way to understand it is through careful self experimentation as well as revisiting the lessons taught in school on magnetism and electricity and the physics of fields and matter. And the literature on how energy fields interacts with biological systems, which is immense and dates back to the 1700s, then the studies done by the militaries of various countries after the WW2. The Soviets were way ahead in this area of research. And there's plenty of modern research available as well.

I'm saying it's very complicated because reducing your exposure is not as simple as you think (for the majority of people it is literally impossible). It is also absolutely impossible to estimate people's total exposure in real life without very controlled experiments and measurements (meters will only give you some approximations and never tell you the full story).
Certain frequencies affect you differently. And different people can respond in different ways to the same frequencies.
It is also known that EMF has a biphasic effect. A short exposure can have seemingly beneficial effects. But a longer exposure will cause harm. For example a PEMF session typically lasts between 10-30 minutes. Anything longer than that can have the opposite effect. (I would not recommend PEMF therapy and neither Ray had a great opinion about it)
Another complicating factor is that the field strength can be negligible and not measurable with conventional meters yet it can still produce profound biological effects depending on frequencies and patterns.
Keep in mind that simply aligning your body N-S or E-W when lying down, the Earth's magnetic field produces measurable changes in your physiology. Your body also responds to the Schumann resonances, whose amplitude is ~1 picotesla, which is orders of magnitude smaller than the Earth's magnetic field (~30-50 microtesla). That is 50 million times smaller just to put it into perspective.
Living organisms and their senses have a logarithmic response. When humans sense light, sound and EMF, a 10x decrease in amplitude is perceived not as 1/10, but as approximately half of the original intensity. For example in order for sunglasses to appear to reduce brightness by 1/2, they must block 90% of the light. For them to seem to reduce brightness to 1/4 of the original they must block 99% of the light. The same applies to EMF exposure.

The 60hz fields radiating from the household wiring are not safe either. They are just less harmful than other types. Not to mention that there's no pure 60hz any more. The grid is highly polluted with all kinds of frequencies. But even a pure 60hz EMF is known to cause multiple problems, for example it inhibits the low-voltage-gated T-type calcium channels which are activated at sub-threshold voltages and play key roles in secretion of hormones, cardiac pacemaking, neuronal firing, tumor proliferation etc.

Another complicating factor is that your body usually responds to the stimulus of the highest intensity (although sometimes lower intensity oscillations will take priority). Similar to how white noise helps with sleep by masking disruptive sounds, many EMF protection devices on the market generate a lower frequency EMF (such as the Schumann resonances) of higher intensity which overpowers the other frequencies in your environment and your body tunes to it instead. PEMF devices also operate in the same range of frequencies, typically from 6 Hz through 75 Hz which are considered somewhat biologically compatible (in terms of environmental electromagnetic radiation, because inside your body there is radiofrequency and microwave interactions between molecular systems).
So for example if you sit in front of a laptop and also have let's say a 100 watt incandescent bulb nearby (or any device that runs on AC), it will generate a 60Hz EMF which can have a "beneficial" effect by counteracting the very harmful radiations of the laptop. "Beneficial" in the sense that it's the lesser evil.
Similarly, if you remove just one source of EMF in your environment you may be doing more harm than good because your body will tune to the next frequencies of higher intensity instead.

You have to understand that every device whether plugged into the wall or battery powered, emits harmful radiation that disrupts your biological fields. Electronics are the worst, and screens in particular are most harmful. Computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, fitbits, smartwatches they all emit a very wide range of frequencies in the Khz, Mhz and Ghz range. Wifi, Bluetooth and the 4G towers (unless you live very near to one) are actually not the biggest problem. In fact, low power Wifi is usually much safer than an ethernet cable. Contrary to what most people believe, a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard are much safer than wired ones, because the EMFs are most strongly transmitted through wires. The low power 2.4 Ghz radiation of a Bluetooth mouse is preferred to the wide range of frequencies a laptop internal components emit. Low EMF computing is extremely difficult and it deserves its own thread.

If you are wondering how we got to this point - obviously through the widespread introduction of wireless communications, computers, smartphones, tablets, wearables, larger and larger screens, high speed wired connections, and any devices that stay on running continuously. But one of the major issues is the introduction of switched mode power supplies (SMPS), which nowadays are found in every single device, charging adapter or LED bulb. Do you remember in the late 1990s and early 2000s when your phone charger was a heavy brick? That was an iron core transformer and it didn't create much harmful radiation. Switched mode power supplies are very small, lightweight and efficient, but they work differently. They convert the AC source voltage into DC voltage through a series of high-frequency pulses (20 kHz to 10 MHz). This obviously translates into an EMF of the same frequencies. These intermediary frequencies are most harmful to health because they have a higher penetration rate and they disturb organ functions, compared to the Ghz range. It is known that the higher the frequency the smaller the depth it can penetrate into the body.
Every type of lamp that is not incandescent running on AC power will have such power supply and emit EMF of various frequencies, which is also responsible for the increase in skin cancers and skin disorders, in the absence of UV exposure.
These intermediary frequencies in the Khz and Mhz range are also called dirty electricity, you may be familiar with this term. Unfortunately some of the cheapest and most poorly made SMPS will reintroduce these frequencies into your house wiring and it will radiate in every room. It doesn't matter where the dirty source is located, it can be a CFL lamp 50 meters away in your garage, or a water pump, or a gas electrovalve or a smoke detector that is always plugged in. If it reintroduces noise into the wiring it will radiate everywhere and at every outlet and through every device that you plug into the wall. If you keep your laptop plugged in, it will radiate through the laptop. If you use a wired mouse, it will radiate through the mouse and through your hand into your whole nervous system. If you use an incandescent bulb which is the safer option, it will radiate through the incandescent bulb and make it unsafe.

Serious question - When was the last time you left your home without taking your smartphone with you?
Smartphones are powerful compact computers. Nowadays smartphones are more powerful than a computer from 2010. They have motherboard, CPU, GPU, RAM, flash memory chip, display etc. Each of these components emits radiation of various frequencies, the CPU in the Ghz range and so on, as long as it's turned on. it doesn't matter if the phone is in Airplane mode or not. It's just the way it works. And everyone keeps it next to their body most of the time.
Your brainwaves can be easily entrained through the external stimuli. They will synchronize to the rhythm of external stimuli such as flickering lights, drums (as used in shamanic ceremonies to induce a state of trance), chanting mantras, music, speech, physical vibrations, tactile stimuli, but also to the frequency of electromagnetic radiations.
Human emotions are produced by the brain, and each emotion has its own characteristic brainwaves. There is plenty of literature on this subject if you look it up. And as long as you carry a smartphone on you (and this is just one source of exposure but the most insidious one) you will be unable to experience the magic of life and the full range of emotions. And looking at a screen is more damaging than you can imagine, because of the inherent way they are designed and the frequencies they emit. It hits you directly in your prefrontal cortex and your eyes. The prefrontal cortex is what makes you human. It is involved in the higher functions such as planning, emotions, personality, impulse control and motivation. The eyes are a direct connection to the brain, and it can be entrained both through the visible spectrum (rhythmic light flashes) as well as the invisible spectrum (EMF pulsations). It is known that EMF affects your brainwaves differently depending on whether your eyes are open or closed. Everyone talks about blue light, but that's just a distraction. EM radiation and light are both on the same spectrum and your eyes respond similarly to EM fields.
In healthy people there is a strong flow of energy through the pupils (as well as through the tips of the fingers). There are EEG machines capable of reading the brainwaves at a distance in front of your eyes. It is this energy flowing through the eyes that makes you charismatic and is sensed by people around you. It is though a reflection of your whole brain energy and whole body energy and metabolism.
This is the main reasons why the fabric of society is collapsing. When two or more people interact, their brainwaves get synchronized. This cannot happen in the presence of electronics, smartphones, 4G, 5G, WiFi.
The state of empathy is provided by the Delta brainwaves. Healthy amounts of Delta give you the ability to read other people's emotions.
The smartphone is a powerful oscillator that will instantly entrain your brain and your whole nervous system. You don't even have to touch it, it's enough to have it close to your body or to point your finger towards it at a close distance and your nervous system will pick up the signal. This is not an exaggeration. Your will find everything in the "peer-reviewed literature". But no amount of studies will convince you until you experience it yourself.
If you are young and healthy you may be more resilient. Your metabolism and neurosteroids may be higher, which give you a stronger protective aura. Your bioenergetic field deflects some of these radiations but it gets easily overpowered. Your aura is designed to protect you from excessive cosmic radiation and occasional geomagnetic storms, not from this 24/7 assault on your biology.
Other things are protective to some extent, such as milk and sugar, two of the most Peaty things. In the Soviet Union it was known since the 60s that milk and glucose can mitigate some of the harmful effects of microwave radiation. In the late 80s and throughout the 90s my parents worked in a military facility in E. Europe and they were given a ration of milk and extra pay to compensate for working in a hazardous environment. There are also other non-nutritional methods to partially mitigate the effects.

There is so much more to discuss about this but it makes no sense for anyone to spend time in front of a screen unless it translates into practical value.
My life, health, energy, happiness, meditation practices, workouts, focus and productivity have transformed completely. Same for a few loved ones. I have no words to describe it. In future posts I may describe in detail the results of some experiments, but for now I want to provide some basic instructions for anyone who is willing and able to do these experiments.
The experiment should last ~2 weeks. The difference will be noticed after just one day, all you need is a minimum level of self-awareness (not JamesGatz level of self-awareness). I'm saying 2 weeks because if you go to a doctor with a complaint they'll say take this toxic drug for 2 weeks then come back for a re-evaluation. So, at the very minimum it deserves this amount of time. Some people on this forum do way more extreme experiments.

Basically what you have to do is distance yourself from all devices AND from the electrical grid as well. At least during the night you need to turn off EVERYTHING from the breaker panel. Turning off only certain circuits will only help partially, because all wires start out close together and may intersect in multiple places, and all of them will pick up the signals from a live wire. If you live in an apartment building the ground wire will have a lot of noise anyway even if you turn off every breaker. If it's cold in your area and you need to have a heating unit on, postpone this experiment. Also, plan and keep less food in your fridge although it will stay cold enough overnight for ~7 hours or so while you sleep and the power is off. Or you can eat mostly takeaways.

You can do this in different ways and to various degrees.
You can either do this experiment the "hard mode" (the preferred way, if your life situation allows it), or try "soft mode" where you do this only during the night while you sleep but also implement some mitigation strategies during the day, depending on your situation.
Another option is to go camping or to some cabin for 2 weeks without any electronics. Take a dumb phone with you and if you have to take your smartphone keep it on GSM mode and turn on the data connection only for a few minutes at a time when you absolutely need it. Do not use it and do not stay near it for more than a total 30 minutes per day.

However, you can achieve the same results from the comfort of your home, without going camping.

Of course, if you live with other people or if you can't take some time off you will not be able to do this experiment properly but nevertheless you can still implement many of the strategies listed below:

- The very first thing that you need to do is check if there is any dirty electricity on your house wiring as well as at your work place, or anywhere you spend a significant amount of time; for this you need an AM pocket radio which costs about $10; you will be able to pick up frequencies in the Khz and Mhz range and you can also use it to "listen" to any electronic device that you have, whether it's a fitbit, a smartphone, a charger, router, washing machine anything; it will be an eye-opening experience;
To check for dirty electricity on the house wiring set the AM radio towards the end of the spectrum, between 1.2 and 1.7 Mhz and "listen" to your circuit breaker panel and wall outlets.
There are already a few good videos on YouTube describing how to do this so I won't go into detail to make this post longer than it already is. Here are the links:





- If your house wiring radiates dirty electricity and the source is from outside of your home, or if you live in an apartment building and it's coming from the neighbours depending on how the building is wired, you will have to call a professional and find ways to remediate it; this is of utmost importance
- Never keep any device plugged in except for the short time when you are using it. Always unplug everything.
- Replace all lights in your home with incandescent bulbs; if the fixtures don't allow it in some rooms use a floor standing lamp; In general, always unplug it when not in use; do not keep it too close to your body and do not use high wattage incandescent bulbs or multiple bulbs to achieve "high lumens"; use the smallest wattage possible that is sufficient for your requirements
- Stay away from your smartphone and don't carry it with you; get a dumbphone with a separate number and redirect your incoming calls to it; if you need to take your smartphone with you keep it shut down and turn it on only when needed and for short periods; if you have to keep it on, set it to 3G mode instead of 4g/5g and turn off the data connection, keep it in GSM mode for calls only and turn on 3g only a few times per day to check for important messages; also set it to battery saver mode by default. However, it's best to stay away completely from it.
- Stay away from computers, laptops, any screens in particular and any other electronic devices; if you have to use a computer do some research about low emf computing; it is extremely difficult to do it properly but in general you can mitigate some of the negative effects by staying as far as possible from it (1-1.5 meters), using bluetooth mouse and keyboard (not wired), and for internet low power wifi is sometimes better than high speed cable; also take breaks and go outside at least once every hour;

Supermarkets, malls and office spaces are awful, but most homes are also unsafe, especially the new homes which are built as cheaply as possible and with minimum code requirements. When @Mauritio says he felt better in some hotels and worse in others, it usually has to do with the EMF situation rather than mold.

Remember this is an experiment and you will have to reintegrate yourself back into society, but you will be equipped with a lot more knowledge and self awareness. And your life will transform completely.

I know there are many people here probably more knowledgeable than me about this and they can provide valuable advice.

I also want to thank @JamesGatz for inspiring me to become more open minded through his posts during the last two years.
@charlie would say "Jack Kruse right again". And I agree. Jack Kruse was telling people more than 10 years ago to turn off the circuit breaker every night, no matter what you think you may lose in luxury.
And yes, skizos were right again. :):


Jun 22, 2021
Yep, and I believe for this reason, society is headed for total collapse and its impossible for a technological society to succeed

Anyone can look at videos of people from the 90's or 2000's and see how much happier/low-stress everyone was, issues like hair loss also was never as common

And this is only 20 years ago too

What changed? Iphones and 3G were introduced, but then they had to introduce 4G, then 5G - 5G phones drive me crazy, literally get headaches being with just one 5G phone in my household

And even if someone tried to fix their phone, they can only band-aid the problem because if you live with other people or in a building - you're dealing with aggregate EMF stress

But now its not even just phones, its Lighting, Airpods (extremely dangerous), Smartboards are in every school now, and now they introduce Death machines - Electric Cars.

All it takes is ONE electric car to park within a 50-100 foot radius of my house and my metabolism is shot, nothing can save at me except for exiting the house/area

Now in 10 years, they want cities with 20 electric cars in one block, everyone with 5G phones, wearing VR headsets to go to work , with cameras all over the place not to mention a veganish diet - people would be dropping dead left and right

Life expectancy would drop to zero once something like brain chips are incorporated


Mar 20, 2021
Ack! I held my phone in my hand to read your very fascinating post for a very long time....😑


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@miquelangeles thank you for posting this reminder. I am going to focus on dirty electricity again and see if I can clean things up. Also, do not forget about automobiles. Even gas burners have magnetic fields that can cause serious damage. The old diesel mercedes cars are the best, trucks seem to do better then cars. I test all the cars I potentially buy.

This is such an important subject. Thanks again.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017


I have a background in Chemistry. I always found it funny how reductionist society is (blaming sugar or CO2 for all their problems while completely ignoring the millions of other chemicals and their interactions with each other (which VERY FEW PEOPLE can predict the ultimate effects). And how dangerous chemicals (BPA) are replaced by similarly dangerous chemicals (BPS) but its labeled "BPA Free" so society thinks its safe.

I really like how you went above and beyond cell phone and wi fi radiation and speak about dirty electricity.

What websites/books do you recommend to someone who wants to learn more? I know the Body Electric is fantastic and I need to read it.

Also what is your opinion on a whole home dirty electricity filter?

Also I WISH I could go EMF free. But my livelyhood relies on having my phone near me at all times for calls from work.

That being said I do drive an EV now (rear wheel drive), I measured electrical, magnetic and wifi fields and they all came back low (after turning off the wifi modem). What's your opinion on EV's? This may be my reductionist thinking, but would EV's havee dirty eleectricity? Also what do you think of solar panels for off the grid living? Would reduce some dirty electricity no?

Here are my tips to "reduce" the risk:

1. Minimize the number of electronics in your home
2. When driving keep the seat as far away from the front of the carr as possible
3. Turn off the wi fi modem in your car (very high measured EMF)
4. When listening to music in your car, adjust the fade so only the speakers on the non drivers side play
5. Buy smart breakers to turn off everything at night
6. Fully turn off electronics you are not using (unplug if possible)
7. Turn off your modem at night using proogramming
8. Program your phone (Siri Shortcuts) to turn on/off wi-fi/4G/bluetooth in certain areas to reduce EMF
9. Turn off 5G
10. Use dirty electricity filters


Mar 18, 2021
Ack! I held my phone in my hand to read your very fascinating post for a very long time....😑
Yes, unfortunately I had to make it long because it's very difficult to convince even the smartest and the most open-minded people. They'll say oh, a little bit of it can't hurt me or if they use a wired mouse, keyboard and internet connection they are safe. I personally feel ashamed for taking me so many years to look into this properly when all the information was out in the open. The conditioning is so deeply etched that it's almost impossible to get out of it. The younger generations were born in this EM ocean and have no idea what life was like in the 1990s. If they ever went camping, they took the smartphones and laptops with them. Virtually all the inhabited world is now blanketed in this EM pollution. Even the most remote places. The literature on the detrimental effects on biological systems is immense, but there is active resistance to these conclusions due to how critical these technologies are to the functioning of businesses and convenience living.
I hope at least a few people will have the opportunity to try this experiment and describe their experience. No amount of studies or stories of other people will convince someone until they experience it themselves. People do way more extreme and dangerous experiments, like taking megadoses of toxic supplements, restricting their diet to 1 type of food for weeks or months at a time, but they are not willing to give up their devices, they are too addicted to it.
It affects you on every level, conscious, subconscious, unconscious and physical. By the time you get eye strain in front of a computer or numb hand from holding a smartphone, it already wreaked havoc through your cells.
Most jobs nowadays require the use of a computer and a smartphone. And most people here spend hours in front of a computer or on their smartphone searching for information about how to heal when in fact they are making themselves sicker.
I remember reading a thread about Qlink resonators and you mentioning that you have one. Those things work and they are based on solid science, but they can only offer limited benefits, they are a useful tool though. If you were able to feel any effects from the Qlink, you'll be surprised when you notice what a huge impact a smartphone has, after you stay away from it for a while.


Mar 18, 2021


I have a background in Chemistry. I always found it funny how reductionist society is (blaming sugar or CO2 for all their problems while completely ignoring the millions of other chemicals and their interactions with each other (which VERY FEW PEOPLE can predict the ultimate effects). And how dangerous chemicals (BPA) are replaced by similarly dangerous chemicals (BPS) but its labeled "BPA Free" so society thinks its safe.

I really like how you went above and beyond cell phone and wi fi radiation and speak about dirty electricity.

What websites/books do you recommend to someone who wants to learn more? I know the Body Electric is fantastic and I need to read it.

Also what is your opinion on a whole home dirty electricity filter?

Also I WISH I could go EMF free. But my livelyhood relies on having my phone near me at all times for calls from work.

That being said I do drive an EV now (rear wheel drive), I measured electrical, magnetic and wifi fields and they all came back low (after turning off the wifi modem). What's your opinion on EV's? This may be my reductionist thinking, but would EV's havee dirty eleectricity? Also what do you think of solar panels for off the grid living? Would reduce some dirty electricity no?

Here are my tips to "reduce" the risk:

1. Minimize the number of electronics in your home
2. When driving keep the seat as far away from the front of the carr as possible
3. Turn off the wi fi modem in your car (very high measured EMF)
4. When listening to music in your car, adjust the fade so only the speakers on the non drivers side play
5. Buy smart breakers to turn off everything at night
6. Fully turn off electronics you are not using (unplug if possible)
7. Turn off your modem at night using proogramming
8. Program your phone (Siri Shortcuts) to turn on/off wi-fi/4G/bluetooth in certain areas to reduce EMF
9. Turn off 5G
10. Use dirty electricity filters

If you work from home you can create a safe environment and a low emf computing setup, and then for example you can redirect your calls through Skype and not use a mobile phone. However, low emf computing is very complex, takes a lot of trial and error, in general you'll have to downgrade to lower performance computers etc.
If you need to move around a lot then it's more complicated, but if you only need to take regular GSM calls (and not video calls or data calls) then you should definitely use a dumbphone and keep a smartphone around when you need internet connection, but keep it away from your body when not using it. An older, lower performance smartphone is preferred, just enough to run basic apps like browsing, messenger, email, maps. And you can get one of those EMF protection stickers for your phone, they do help and mitigate some of the damage, not completely.
In general the tips you mentioned are good, but the best way is to do the whitelist approach instead, meaning you remove everything and add back only what's absolutely necessary and for limited amount of time.
If you get a chance to try this experiment, when you get some time off work either at home or on a trip in nature, and once you notice the profound benefits you'll be very motivated to research this in detail and optimize your environment.
Most dirty electricity filters help only partially. They have many limitations. Nothing compares to turning off everything from the panel.
Solar panels for off grid living sound like a good idea as long as you are not using an inverter to make AC. Inverters create a lot of dirty electricity. You'd have to power devices directly from batteries 12V DC or use a DC-to-DC step up transformer if a device needs higher voltage. Some monitors for example run on 12V and have an external power brick which you can discard and connect the monitor directly to 12V battery. These are popular among off grid people and sailors who use them on boats. However, do not expect to run your computer from a 12V battery and make it safe. By using a battery you're just removing the dirty electricity generated by the switched mode power supply. The device itself emits a whole range of frequencies, and all screens emit EMF in the "dirty electricity" range. There are some e ink monitors on the market now which are much much safer but I haven't tried them, such as the onyx boox mira pro. Ideally you should stay away as much as possible from all devices.


Jan 6, 2019
Given that the power of EMF decreases exponentially (or logarithmically?) as distance increases, from how far away has EMF been able to influence you in your experience? Would distancing yourself by 2-3 feet away from wall sockets and wirings suffice? TV screens are usually several feet away from our eyes. Is this not enough?

I spent two weeks without screens a few years ago. Afterwards I found it strange how using them for just 15 minutes would leave me with worse reading comprehension for the next hour or two. During this time I was still immersed in other kinds of EMF, wifi and dirty electricity, not just of my own but of neighboring apartments all around me too. In spite of this, during those two weeks I was feeling very peaceful, happy and productive just by avoiding screens. Due to this, I'm inclined to think that screens are the largest offender here. Not just for the MF, but also for the frame rate and artificial light. Together these all seem to put our brains in a specific unoptimal brainwave pattern.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
I love going out phoneless.
Given that the power of EMF decreases exponentially (or logarithmically?) as distance increases, from how far away has EMF been able to influence you in your experience? Would distancing yourself by 2-3 feet away from wall sockets and wirings suffice? TV screens are usually several feet away from our eyes. Is this not enough?

I spent two weeks without screens a few years ago. Afterwards I found it strange how using them for just 15 minutes would leave me with worse reading comprehension for the next hour or two. During this time I was still immersed in other kinds of EMF, wifi and dirty electricity, not just of my own but of neighboring apartments all around me too. In spite of this, during those two weeks I was feeling very peaceful, happy and productive just by avoiding screens. Due to this, I'm inclined to think that screens are the largest offender here. Not just for the MF, but also for the frame rate and artificial light. Together these all seem to put our brains in a specific unoptimal brainwave pattern.
Perhaps this has to do with the common but poorly-articulated preference for paper books over screens.


Mar 18, 2021
Given that the power of EMF decreases exponentially (or logarithmically?) as distance increases, from how far away has EMF been able to influence you in your experience? Would distancing yourself by 2-3 feet away from wall sockets and wirings suffice? TV screens are usually several feet away from our eyes. Is this not enough?

I spent two weeks without screens a few years ago. Afterwards I found it strange how using them for just 15 minutes would leave me with worse reading comprehension for the next hour or two. During this time I was still immersed in other kinds of EMF, wifi and dirty electricity, not just of my own but of neighboring apartments all around me too. In spite of this, during those two weeks I was feeling very peaceful, happy and productive just by avoiding screens. Due to this, I'm inclined to think that screens are the largest offender here. Not just for the MF, but also for the frame rate and artificial light. Together these all seem to put our brains in a specific unoptimal brainwave pattern.

The power of EMF decreases exponentially but at the same time the sensitivity of your senses increases exponentially. I gave the example with sunglasses and light. Similarly, a whisper will excite your attention more than a normal voice. Whatever the pitch of a sound wave, nerve impulses of a corresponding frequency will be sent to the auditory nerve. For example, a 600 hz tone will be transduced into 600 nerve impulses a second. The voice of an adult man has a frequency of 85 to 155 Hz. Whispering raises the average frequency by ~250 Hz, and the human ear is way more sensitive to everything between 250 and 5000 Hz.
There really is no safe level of EMF exposure, at the very least and especially if your eyes are open, the brainwaves will be altered which will have other downstream consequences. Just the alternating electric fields (without the magnetic component) that are radiated in a home by the wiring in the walls, are known to disturb sleep.
Screens are by far the biggest offender due to the way they are designed. They radiate strong electromagnetic fields exactly in the "dirty electricity" khz and mhz range. The frequencies change continuously depending on the image composition. Take an AM radio and "listen" to a laptop screen, cycle through different frequencies to find it's emissions range and then change the background color of the screen to see how the EMF changes with each color or image composition. The frame rate and the artificial light are the smallest offenders. In fact, a lower frame rate such as 60hz and lower resolutions are better because it uses less power therefore weaker EMF. A 60hz brain entrainment through flicker might be preferred to the more aggressive EMF. You can never know how you react to a new laptop, each device emits its own set of frequencies, in the end it has to be trial and error and you can't rely on meters.
The longer you stay away from EMFs the more you become aware of even the weakest ones.


Mar 18, 2021


  • Naval-Medical-Research-Institute-2300-Studies-on-EMF-Health-Effects.pdf
    11.1 MB · Views: 55


Jan 6, 2019
The longer you stay away from EMFs the more you become aware of even the weakest ones
How keen have your senses become? Have you been able to experientially verify all the points you've brought forth thus far, such as wirings in the wall affecting sleep?

The power of EMF decreases exponentially but at the same time the sensitivity of your senses increases exponentially
Does this mean that EMF is more harmful in a less EMF-polluted area, since the body is not being actively desensitized to it all? Or would the effect be more or less identical?

Screens are by far the biggest offender due to the way they are designed
Sounds like another good reason to replace pc monitor a data projector.

How do the massive EMF emitted by the Sun fit in all this?


Mar 18, 2021
How keen have your senses become? Have you been able to experientially verify all the points you've brought forth thus far, such as wirings in the wall affecting sleep?

Sounds like another good reason to replace pc monitor a data projector.

How do the massive EMF emitted by the Sun fit in all this?
Maybe too keen. I have become aware of pretty much any energy field, even the geopathic zones. The wirings in the wall is the easiest one and everyone will feel it. A lot of people turn off everything at night including "influencers" like Liver King.
I can feel the qi in my hands very strongly. I can stir up a strong magnetic sensation with my fingers in my opposite palm at a distance with my arms wide apart. If I hold my palm in front of my eyes I can stir up a strong magnetic reaction in any point that I focus my eyes on. I can sense what dirty electricity feels like, what 4g feels like and what wifi feels like. We can do a shell game with a magnet and I can tell you in which one it is 10 out of 10 times. I can tell the difference if I'm carrying a smartphone with me or not, even if it's on airplane mode. After a meditation and breathwork session my forehead has a strong magnetic field that strongly repels my palms if I bring them close. It was only after experiencing these euphoric states that I became very aware of all energy fields around me. True euphoric feelings are incompatible with manmade EMFs. I was in good health before reducing EMFs and I can spend time in an EMF place, but I choose to drastically reduce my exposure. Because life without EMF feels truly magical. I have done multiple experiments with multiple people, for example in a completely non-electrified place, there's a special connection that takes place between two or more people conversating. As soon as you bring in a device with a 4g connection that magic is gone, as if someone comes in turns off the "music" says "Party's over".


Jan 6, 2019
I have done multiple experiments with multiple people, for example in a completely non-electrified place, there's a special connection that takes place between two or more people conversating. As soon as you bring in a device with a 4g connection that magic is gone, as if someone comes in turns off the "music" says "Party's over".
Interesting. How far away from the person is the device able to cause this effect from? Is completely turning the device off insufficient? What kind of places are completely non-electrified? Would you have to get deep into the woods?

I wonder if the loss of magic resulting from EMF exposure is part of why people all over the West don't want to have children anymore.


Mar 20, 2021
Yes, unfortunately I had to make it long because it's very difficult to convince even the smartest and the most open-minded people. They'll say oh, a little bit of it can't hurt me or if they use a wired mouse, keyboard and internet connection they are safe. I personally feel ashamed for taking me so many years to look into this properly when all the information was out in the open. The conditioning is so deeply etched that it's almost impossible to get out of it. The younger generations were born in this EM ocean and have no idea what life was like in the 1990s. If they ever went camping, they took the smartphones and laptops with them. Virtually all the inhabited world is now blanketed in this EM pollution. Even the most remote places. The literature on the detrimental effects on biological systems is immense, but there is active resistance to these conclusions due to how critical these technologies are to the functioning of businesses and convenience living.
I hope at least a few people will have the opportunity to try this experiment and describe their experience. No amount of studies or stories of other people will convince someone until they experience it themselves. People do way more extreme and dangerous experiments, like taking megadoses of toxic supplements, restricting their diet to 1 type of food for weeks or months at a time, but they are not willing to give up their devices, they are too addicted to it.
It affects you on every level, conscious, subconscious, unconscious and physical. By the time you get eye strain in front of a computer or numb hand from holding a smartphone, it already wreaked havoc through your cells.
Most jobs nowadays require the use of a computer and a smartphone. And most people here spend hours in front of a computer or on their smartphone searching for information about how to heal when in fact they are making themselves sicker.
I remember reading a thread about Qlink resonators and you mentioning that you have one. Those things work and they are based on solid science, but they can only offer limited benefits, they are a useful tool though. If you were able to feel any effects from the Qlink, you'll be surprised when you notice what a huge impact a smartphone has, after you stay away from it for a while.
By Qlink, do you mean my Shungite pendant?

Everything you're saying in this thread resonates with me. I feel the best when I'm out in the wilderness (Duh🙄) away from my phone, or it's probably an airplane mode so I can take pictures or something. Sleeping on the ground with a simple sleeping bag, walking a lot in the Sun everyday... Heaven...

Currently my position on all of this is that we all need to do the best we can while also living the lives that we are in, trying to strike a balance is difficult. I feel I have a pretty good handle on it because I am really fortunate to not have to work and outside job with a computer or within a large building with lots of technology for instance. I do have a smartphone, and we do have Wi-Fi at our house, my husband works from home half time so it's necessary and I do enjoy my Netflix hahaha!

I like your idea of getting some sort of programmable device to turn off Wi-Fi in the night...

And I'm also very careful to keep no electronics in my bedroom at all, except a very old Glass lamp that was my grandmother's but I rarely turn it on...

Lately my kids and I have been laying out in the sun on a big blanket with our new baby ducks, reading or whatever, and it's cool because I found the perfect spot where our Wi-Fi runs out so we put the blanket there 😃..

Best to you and thank you for bringing such an important topic to discussion. I'd be interested to hear how others strike an electricity/technology balance in their life.


Dec 15, 2022
I am aware, but what I concentrate on is what goes into my mind. Meaning, no social media, no mainstream media, no TV, no propaganda, no pornography, no trash. I feel i have some control over those things more than micro-waves? For the dirty electricity aspect; i own no Ring doorbell nor Google home nor smartwatch nor EarPods etc. Just me and my old phone (most all apps deleted; esp the tracking ones).


Very very interesting and helpful thread! Thank you and more of the same please🙏


Oct 6, 2020
Thank you for this thread i realy enjoy your contributions to the forum. The topic goes over my head a little to be honest and grounding and reducing emf has led mostly to shortlived/ambievalent effects for me personally.

I also enjoyed you clarifiying certaing things that are considered "fact" in the anti-emf crowd and why it is not so.

What are the "benefits" one could expect in 2 weeks offgrid? I assume its different from person to person but there should be anecdotes i'd like to get a idea from of what is possible.

However one big issue with all of this is that unless you go live in nature far away from manmade influences then i dont see any "real" solution. Most people live in huge building complexes where people are connected and affecting eachother. Computers and screens are part of peoples work and social life, abandoning it is not realistic either.

What are alternatives where we can have the cake and eat it too? Magnesium and potassium iodine comes to mind to help with the calcium channels and the radiation ... no? What about "healthy" screens? Is that possible to make?

A 2 week camping trip might be interesting as a "vacation" but other than that the rest of the year im not able to escape it.


Mar 18, 2021
Interesting. How far away from the person is the device able to cause this effect from? Is completely turning the device off insufficient? What kind of places are completely non-electrified? Would you have to get deep into the woods?

I wonder if the loss of magic resulting from EMF exposure is part of why people all over the West don't want to have children anymore.

It really depends on the self awareness of the person, and on the device and it's power and how much data it is transmitting. Both 3G and 4G run on similar frequencies but 4G has 10x the bandwidth and consumes way more power. Its upload speed is much higher, 4G-LTE is up to 150Mbps compared to 2Mbps for 3G. If you have to use a smartphone it's better to keep it in 3G mode, and even better to use an older model with just enough processing power to run your the apps you need. Turning off the device is more than enough, it's fine to just keep it in GSM mode for calls only and not keep it too close to your body because you will pick up the frequencies of the electronic components. Regarding computers, monitors and switched mode power supplies in a typical room no matter where you position yourself you will be exposed.
By completely non electrified it's enough to be at least 10 meters away from any household electrical wiring, and if there are higher voltage lines like residential poles I would say at least 30 or 40 meters. It doesn't have to be in the woods.
If you get a chance try at least the night time experiment by turning off absolutely everything while you sleep. You need to make sure that you also disconnect the fiber internet or ethernet cable as close to where it enters the home as possible. Usually the fiber optic converters at the street or in the home are very poorly designed and introduce electromagnetic interference into the ethernet copper cables and phone lines.


Mar 18, 2021
This thread has more than 500 views and not a single person so far said "hey I'm gonna try the night time experiment for three days and report back". (that's the easiest one which almost anyone can do)
That's how addicted you are to your devices. :):
People here will blindly believe a study published by a random student in Bangalore showing a slight increase in testosterone in rats by some obscure herb. Or they will take advice from an Instagram health guru and go on dangerous restrictive diets such as carnivore for months or years.
But they will not try something as simple as this experiment.
Despite the tens of thousands of studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields.
Just on EMF-Portal | Home there are 40,000 studies listed and new ones added every day. Not to mention many other sources and the research done by the militaries of various countries some of which can be accessed online.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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