
Aug 27, 2022
No it is just something to have between coffees. I have to be mindful to find ways to get more vitamin C throughout the day. So oranges and my homemade berry & honey juice are my easiest least filling ways.

I found this post from you on my other weight loss thread. Go back to this.
Here is the reason I stopped trying so hard. Need help with afternoon crash/anxiety attacks/stress tolerance

I'm getting more sleep now and not getting sick as often (taking grassfed beef thymus seems to be helping!!) so I hope if I start to "restrict"/tighten up diet again my body will react better.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is the reason I stopped trying so hard. Need help with afternoon crash/anxiety attacks/stress tolerance

I'm getting more sleep now and not getting sick as often (taking grassfed beef thymus seems to be helping!!) so I hope if I start to "restrict"/tighten up diet again my body will react better.
Be sure that you do not let yourself go hungry. One of my bad habits that I had to break to get to a place where I could eat and not gain weight anymore was to quit eating because it was time to. I wrote Ray Peat about this, asking if I should eat BEFORE I got hungry or WHEN I was hungry and he said when. This was really helpful to know because I was under the impression that hunger meant blood sugar levels were low, and it really isn’t. Blood sugar issues give you that sickly feeling and even fatigue, healthy hunger doesn’t feel stressful. So if I feel hunger coming on and I am busy I just drink a half a cup of milk or a spoonful of honey and continue on until I can take time to enjoy a meal. I feel in charge and relaxed about food now, not constantly overthinking my future meals.


Here is the reason I stopped trying so hard. Need help with afternoon crash/anxiety attacks/stress tolerance

I'm getting more sleep now and not getting sick as often (taking grassfed beef thymus seems to be helping!!) so I hope if I start to "restrict"/tighten up diet again my body will react better.
His response, while empathetic and extremely kind, seems borderline pseudoscientific with little constructive feedback in supporting your goals, respectfully.

Here's why:
1) You're not in a "energy deficit" (Whatever that means)
2) There's no reason why you need 6 MEALS a day AND snacks.... Who has time to cook/eat that much?
3) How does he know you have "blood sugar regulation" problems without clinical testing for proof? Seems like a random guess.

Calorie reduction + your problems= Overload of stress

well, how can that stress be significantly mitigated so you can achieve your goals without experiencing stress overload from other life obligations?

Lower cortisol (stress) + improve your brain's ability to handle it= Magnesium Citrate, DHA, B12, Glycine (or gelatin), sugar (from fruit), salt, eat enough protein
Lower Glutamate= NAC, exercise,
Increasing GABA (calm)= Theanine, Taurine,

These are safe and effective options that are worth a try.

Just a 250 calorie deficit daily= 1750 in a week. In 4 weeks, that's 7000 calories burned, which is 2 pounds burned in a month. In 1 year, that's 24 pounds. Not bad!
Also, that's not even including ANY exercise. If you added just a bit a few times a week, expect better results, too.

How do you calculate that? Calculate Your BMR to Lose Weight | Legion Athletics
1) Find your BMR. BMR is how many calories your body needs.
2) Decrease "X" amount of calories from BMR. "X" is up to you. It can be 250 calories taken away from BMR, or 400, or 500. Up to you. Whatever you take away is your "deficit".

You may say "Calorie counting is annoying and stressful".

Agreed. Just eat the same foods in the same ratio everyday. For example, I have a sample meal that is 2 cups of greek yogourt + 1 cup of fruit= 350 calories

It will always be 350 calories. So, no obsessive measurements or food scales. Nonsense. It's 350 calories. If you make multiple sample meals, you can easily and without stress, know your calories each and every time because it's the same food in the same ratio as last time.
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Even on the mornings that you don’t drop dead, there is reduced adaptive capacity and functional impairment before eating breakfast. For example, men who went for a run before breakfast were found to have broken chromosomes in their blood cells, but if they ate breakfast before running, their chromosomes weren’t damaged.”
-Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is a new favorite lunch of mine, a third pound of wild shrimp, sautéed in a tablespoon of butter, then tossed with a heaping tablespoon of orange marmalade, seasoned well with salt and topped with fresh green onion. It tastes like orange chicken! I wait awhile and follow it up with a half cup of whole raw milk. It feels so good!


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here was my lunch today! I linked the details about it below.



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I loved being out in the rainy weather all day yesterday! I have my door open today to let in the good energy and clean air….

“Researchers have found that getting drenched in the rain for a moderate amount of time is highly beneficial for your body.

Walking in the rain helps to speed up your metabolism and has a positive effect on your physical and mental health. Raindrops also clean toxins from the atmosphere so the air you breathe is cleaner”.



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Aug 4, 2020
I loved being out in the rainy weather all day yesterday! I have my door open today to let in the good energy and clean air….

“Researchers have found that getting drenched in the rain for a moderate amount of time is highly beneficial for your body.

Walking in the rain helps to speed up your metabolism and has a positive effect on your physical and mental health. Raindrops also clean toxins from the atmosphere so the air you breathe is cleaner”.

In many relaxation or meditation tracks there is the sound of rain in the background, I would wonder if there was also an audio form of stress relief in rainfall landing and being immersed in both the rain or just sitting in a sheltered area but being exposed to the sound of rainfall.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
In many relaxation or meditation tracks there is the sound of rain in the background, I would wonder if there was also an audio form of stress relief in rainfall landing and being immersed in both the rain or just sitting in a sheltered area but being exposed to the sound of rainfall.
All the senses love rain!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The idea that poor nutrition stunts growth has led to the idea that good nutrition can be defined in terms of the rate of growth and the size ultimately reached. In medicine, it is common to refer to an obese specimen as “well nourished,” as if quantity of food and quantity of tissue were necessarily good things. But poisons can stimulate growth (“hormesis”), and food restriction can extend longevity. We still have to determine basic things such as the optimal rate of growth, and the optimal size.“ -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Reading this RP quote below makes the term “splurge”, for a restaurant visit, more akin to an oxymoron to me. “Let’s damage and age ourselves as a treat!”

“By l950, then, it was established that unsaturated fats suppress the metabolic rate, apparently creating hypothyroidism. Over the next few decades, the exact mechanisms of that metabolic damage were studied. Unsaturated fats damage the mitochondria, partly by suppressing the repiratory enzyme, and partly by causing generalized oxidative damage. The more unsaturated the oils are, the more specifically they suppress tissue response to thyroid hormone, and transport of the hormone on the thyroid transport protein.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

I am holding at 141 pounds.I was still losing with 40 to 50 grams of protein, so I had to up my milk to not lose anymore. I have milk in my coffee and a half cup a couple of times a day, sometimes with sugar, salt and a teaspoon of instant coffee. Now I have 16-ounces of raw whole milk at night too with 3 oranges, juiced and mixed with water, salt and raw honey, like a Gatorade, and the same after my coffee in the morning, which gives me 600 extra calories a day and 32 grams more fat. Not enough to make me gain weight m, but enough to keep me from losing anymore. I think for my age 50 grams of protein was not enough so I shoot for 70 to 80 grams now a day. I have 12 grams of gelatin in the morning while waiting for my coffee to brew. I have one “real” meal a day, usually liver, shrimp or whatever I feel like.


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Aug 4, 2020

I am holding at 141 pounds.I was still losing with 40 to 50 grams of protein, so I had to up my milk to not lose anymore. I have milk in my coffee and a half cup a couple of times a day, sometimes with sugar, salt and a teaspoon of instant coffee. Now I have 16-ounces of raw whole milk at night too with 3 oranges, juiced and mixed with water, salt and raw honey, like a Gatorade, and the same after my coffee in the morning, which gives me 600 extra calories a day and 32 grams more fat. Not enough to make me gain weight m, but enough to keep me from losing anymore. I think for my age 50 grams of protein was not enough so I shoot for 70 to 80 grams now a day. I have 12 grams of gelatin in the morning while waiting for my coffee to brew. I have one “real” meal a day, usually liver, shrimp or whatever I feel like.
I would ask if you include any coconut oil as your fat source @Rinse & rePeat

From Nutrition For Women
began adding it to my diet. At first I noticed that I felt warmer after eating it, as if I had taken a thyroid supplement. Then I noticed that I was losing weight, while eating more calories than normal, because of adding about an ounce of coconut oil to my usual diet. After several months, I leveled off at a weight about 15 pounds lower than my "normal" weight of the previous 26 years. As some of friends learned what I was doing, they began eating coconut oil, with the same results. The biochemical basis seems clear: The easily oxidized short and medium-chain saturated fatty acids of coconut oil provide a source of energy that protects our tissues against the toxic inhibitory effects of the unsaturated fatty acids, and reduces their anti-thyroid effects.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I would ask if you include any coconut oil as your fat source @Rinse & rePeat

From Nutrition For Women
began adding it to my diet. At first I noticed that I felt warmer after eating it, as if I had taken a thyroid supplement. Then I noticed that I was losing weight, while eating more calories than normal, because of adding about an ounce of coconut oil to my usual diet. After several months, I leveled off at a weight about 15 pounds lower than my "normal" weight of the previous 26 years. As some of friends learned what I was doing, they began eating coconut oil, with the same results. The biochemical basis seems clear: The easily oxidized short and medium-chain saturated fatty acids of coconut oil provide a source of energy that protects our tissues against the toxic inhibitory effects of the unsaturated fatty acids, and reduces their anti-thyroid effects.
I didn’t use coconut oil for weight loss, because it was staying low fat to lose weight, but now i have added some back in to stop the weight loss, as well as more butter. I only use the coconut oil to fry things in when I want a neutral flavor, like my breaded wild halibut yesterday.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“A typical scale shows your weight, but it doesn't tell you how much of that weight is muscle, fat, water, bones, or organs. A bodybuilder's weight could be off the charts because of extra muscle, but it doesn't mean they are overweight. Knowing your body composition is crucial information if you really want to get results. Unfortunately, a typical scale doesn't tell you that.

Another reason scale weight isn't so reliable is that it changes all the time. You will see weight changes throughout the day (sometimes by as much as 10 pounds) depending on what and how often you eat and drink, how often you go to the bathroom, or if you are retaining water.

While many people now prefer to get rid of their scales and base their progress based on clothing size or general feel, the scale may be a useful tool to check in with from time to time to maintain weight. In fact, a review published in 2016 found that for people who have lost weight, regularly weighing themselves helped them maintain that weight loss.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I don’t know how accurate this measure is, but no matter, I am out of the “danger zone” with my waste 77 cm….

“The best way to tell if you have visceral fat is to measure your waist. The waist circumference is a good indicator of how much fat is deep inside the belly, around the organs. For women, your risk of chronic disease is increased if the waist circumference is 80 cm or more and for men 94cm or more.”

“Too much visceral fat can make your belly protrude. If your belly is hard and not squishy, it's likely due to an excess of visceral fat. This can increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.”

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