Low serotonin=Always horny/Never happy


Apr 9, 2022
United States
I've come to the realization that being "Happy" and being "Horny" work in an antagonistic relationship in humans and animals.
When I do things to lower my serotonin, I truly feel like I'm becoming less happy in a way, I can't be the only one who feels this.

On a ray peat type diet, for example, I barley smile or act happy, but I'm always horny and pretty motivated for the day.
On a starch based diet, I smile a lot and act happy, but my sexual interest vanishes and I lose my motivation.

So there must be some kind of truth to serotonin being the "Happy hormone", but it seems that in humans, being happy sucks the motivation and sexual interest out of us. So paradoxically, being more straight faced/unsatisfied promotes sexual interest and motivation because of the lack of satiety.

Then also, being happy seems to work in an antagonistic relationship with caring, the "happier" I get the less I care about life, and the more "anxious/curious" I get, the more I care about life.

You know the google images of ray peat, that facial expression is me on this diet (Most of the time)


Jan 11, 2019
i think i have low serotonin and im pretty happy, im pretty horny too. Maybe youre also low dopamine? Just because youre avoiding starch doesnt garuntee you have low serotonin


Apr 9, 2022
United States
i think i have low serotonin and im pretty happy, im pretty horny too. Maybe youre also low dopamine? Just because youre avoiding starch doesnt garuntee you have low serotonin
Yea, I'm sensitive to high serotonin because of past SSRI use, but when I remove starch I feel very similar to how I used to feel before taking them, I was always horny and thinking of porn, but I was never truly happy/euphoric/satisfied, if that makes sense. It just felt like I was always craving something new, but life was better that way because I always felt interested to keep living to see what would happen, I did feel depressed, but I felt like life had meaning, so wasn't suicidal.

Then on SSRIS, I felt this euphoric happiness, but life lost it's meaning and I no longer cared about exploring new things, sexual interest went to zero, and I was constantly laughing/smiling about serious things and never taking my life seriously. Which then lead to suicidal thoughts.

Now I quit SSRIS for a long time. And quitting starch is the only thing that brings me back to my "Old self" if I cheat and have a sweet potato, I feel like I'm back on SSRIS again. It sucks. I was planning on taking cyproheptadine to lower my serotonin so that I can eat whatever I want and not avoid starch or serotonin increasing foods, but I'm not sure about it. I've been researching cypro for months, I don't want to mess myself up even more.


Mar 12, 2017
Lowering serotonin doesn't mean you're going to walk around euphoric all the time unless you're living a life that is really great. Serotonin removes the veil and enables you to see the problems in your life that were masked by serotonin. That's really the reason serotonin was elevated to begin with. It's sort of a protective, compensatory mechanism. It can help us push through less than ideal circumstances. Low serotonin can actually lead to you have a worse mood in certain cases if you're not living a life you find fulfilling and haven't found your purpose.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Lowering serotonin doesn't mean you're going to walk around euphoric all the time unless you're living a life that is really great. Serotonin removes the veil and enables you to see the problems in your life that were masked by serotonin. That's really the reason serotonin was elevated to begin with. It's sort of a protective, compensatory mechanism. It can help us push through less than ideal circumstances. Low serotonin can actually lead to you have a worse mood in certain cases if you're not living a life you find fulfilling and haven't found your purpose.
I think this is true, when I lower my serotonin I can see all the things that are going wrong in my life, when I increase it I feel like nothing is too serious and my life is pretty good (even though it's not)

I guess serotonin is the "Ignorance is bliss" hormone. It explains why SSRIS can treat so many different issues, because so many issues cannot be solved without ignoring it, so serotonin comes in and gives them that bliss, where they no longer care, which then creates the illusion that there problems have been solved. When in reality, they're just numb to them now.


Aug 9, 2019
I am not sure how accurate are your assessments. From my experience and the others around the forum, Low Serotonin gives you a default happy state and makes you feel at ease with yourself and the world. You feel enough, you have worth as a human being. You become whole, empathetic.
In contrast, the High Serotonin state can make you be more competitive, but it's coming from a place of neediness, of having to prove yourself with material achievements. You are not enough unless you compete, achieve, gain material possessions/ wealth.

The whole self-improvement/ endless grinding culture is coming from a High Serotonin society.


May 30, 2018
Low serotonin + low dopamine makes me easily provoked, confrontational with a bad mood. Combined with low inhibition it can create some wreckless behavior. It’s not pleasant. It’s better to focus on increasing dopamine if it’s low. Only when dopamine is already high does low serotonin feel right to me.


Apr 9, 2022
United States
Low serotonin + low dopamine makes me easily provoked, confrontational with a bad mood. Combined with low inhibition it can create some wreckless behavior. It’s not pleasant. It’s better to focus on increasing dopamine if it’s low. Only when dopamine is already high does low serotonin feel right to me.
Yea I realized that when peating, I feel very confident from lowered serotonin but also very angry "in people's faces", not in a physical or emotional kind of anger that is promoted by serotonin, it's more like on the streets when I'm walking I will stare down at people until they look away, or give people dirty looks when I'm standing outside a store with full eye contact, like "what u gon do"

With starch, I'm too socially anxious to look at people, I instead look away and feel intimidated by other people. I need to increase dopamine to get rid of the gloomy in your face energy, any easy ways?
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Apr 9, 2022
United States
serotonin makes you happy being a loser
+1, that's what ssri did to me. Peating for sure made me come to a few realizations about myself, before I thought I was fine and perfect, now I'm seeing more flaws and trying to correct it over time. I guess that ties into the autism side of things, autistic individuals don't recognize their mistakes and problems, which leads to repetitive mistakes with no lessons learnt.

Sucks now, because when I think of my past self, all I see is a lab rat who was tested with drugs, it's sick, and the people who hand these things out never get in trouble 100% of the time
Jul 17, 2021
I've come to the realization that being "Happy" and being "Horny" work in an antagonistic relationship in humans and animals.
When I do things to lower my serotonin, I truly feel like I'm becoming less happy in a way, I can't be the only one who feels this.

On a ray peat type diet, for example, I barley smile or act happy, but I'm always horny and pretty motivated for the day.
On a starch based diet, I smile a lot and act happy, but my sexual interest vanishes and I lose my motivation.

So there must be some kind of truth to serotonin being the "Happy hormone", but it seems that in humans, being happy sucks the motivation and sexual interest out of us. So paradoxically, being more straight faced/unsatisfied promotes sexual interest and motivation because of the lack of satiety.

Then also, being happy seems to work in an antagonistic relationship with caring, the "happier" I get the less I care about life, and the more "anxious/curious" I get, the more I care about life.

You know the google images of ray peat, that facial expression is me on this diet (Most of the time)
View attachment 35610
Peat is thinking to himself “ If they would just take my ideas and adapt them for themselves, not use them as a crutch. I’m not here to hold people’s hands. Geesh!”


Oct 6, 2021
I've come to the realization that being "Happy" and being "Horny" work in an antagonistic relationship in humans and animals.
When I do things to lower my serotonin, I truly feel like I'm becoming less happy in a way, I can't be the only one who feels this.

On a ray peat type diet, for example, I barley smile or act happy, but I'm always horny and pretty motivated for the day.
On a starch based diet, I smile a lot and act happy, but my sexual interest vanishes and I lose my motivation.

So there must be some kind of truth to serotonin being the "Happy hormone", but it seems that in humans, being happy sucks the motivation and sexual interest out of us. So paradoxically, being more straight faced/unsatisfied promotes sexual interest and motivation because of the lack of satiety.

Then also, being happy seems to work in an antagonistic relationship with caring, the "happier" I get the less I care about life, and the more "anxious/curious" I get, the more I care about life.

You know the google images of ray peat, that facial expression is me on this diet (Most of the time)
View attachment 35610

If you're American you probably overvalue gregarity and smiling. Not to be too antisocial but take a step back from cultural conditioning and then analyze your demeanor. I'd also generally question whether it's healthy, or syptomatic of good health, to be giggly and childlike, depending on the nature of it. I was very goofy and silly as a kid, and it always went along with a sense of restlessness and boredom. It was a lot of pent up maleness and unmet needs, improper living structure in some way with public school and so forth.


Aug 6, 2015
how do you know this is low serotonin?

it could be

it might not be

I thought serotonin was the hormone of habits/routine/OCD behaviour. Lowering serotonin breaks you free of old habits and makes you aware of them
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
how do you know this is low serotonin?

it could be

it might not be
how do you know you have a brain?you could have one like you could not have one


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
serotonin makes you happy being a loser

...and it makes one become a loser too. Serotonin is responsible for the servile, self-destructive behavior seen in low-class/subordinate members of highly hierarchical structures, and in fact enables such structures to form in the first place.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
...and it makes one become a loser too. Serotonin is responsible for the servile, self-destructive behavior seen in low-class/subordinate members of highly hierarchical structures, and in fact enables such structures to form in the first place.
hi,do you assume that "high-class/dominant members" of higly hierarchical structures do not have serotonin?or do you assume that both have serotonin,and other factors determine those that submit,and those that dominate?


Nov 27, 2016
hi,do you assume that "high-class/dominant members" of higly hierarchical structures do not have serotonin?or do you assume that both have serotonin,and other factors determine those that submit,and those that dominate?
haidut is saying people with high serotonin are often the slaves or peasants of society.

highly ambitious men with high dopamine, high test, rule society while the 9 to 5 high serotonin, low dopamine, low test slaves work all day for pennies.

serotonin causes learned helplessness, you feel trapped and you don’t have the energy to escape because you’re a slave. like the matrix lol

serotonin is like nitric oxide, it stabilises the body during stress. chronic stress causes the body to increase serotonin, nitric oxide, etc.


Mar 17, 2017
Lowering serotonin enchances empathy and creativity. makes u brave and motivates you to try new things.
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