Masturbation Downregulates Certain Androgenic Receptors [in The Brain] And Upregulates Certain Estro


May 23, 2013
I'm sure serotonin has a part in in it. I lost my libido while on SSRI's, and while taking cyproheptadine. Serotonin also has a big part in addictions if I'm not mistaken.


Oct 15, 2015
I'm sure serotonin has a part in in it. I lost my libido while on SSRI's, and while taking cyproheptadine. Serotonin also has a big part in addictions if I'm not mistaken.
You also lost your libido whilst taking cyproheptadine? That would mean too low and too high causes loss of libido for you.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
I'm sure serotonin has a part in in it. I lost my libido while on SSRI's, and while taking cyproheptadine. Serotonin also has a big part in addictions if I'm not mistaken.

I'm on an SSRI at the moment. Libido is fine. Cypro turns me into a sex maniac. Strange how we all react so differently. At the same time, the SSRI doesn't seem to delay my orgasm. I had a problem with PE early this year which not even 40mg of escitalopram would help. Turned out it was a physical issue of nerve compression.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I'm on an SSRI at the moment. Libido is fine. Cypro turns me into a sex maniac. Strange how we all react so differently. At the same time, the SSRI doesn't seem to delay my orgasm. I had a problem with PE early this year which not even 40mg of escitalopram would help. Turned out it was a physical issue of nerve compression.
Lexapro right? How's that?


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
Lexapro right? How's that?

I don't mind it. It is one of the shortest half lives. One thing I notice after periods of going without is it reduces my learned helplessness. Right now it's the elephant in the room which I'm so unwilling and hesitant to address. The withdrawal is brutal and long lasting. I fly into a white hot rage at the slightest of provocations. But I know I can't spend the rest of my life on it.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I don't mind it. It is one of the shortest half lives. One thing I notice after periods of going without is it reduces my learned helplessness. Right now it's the elephant in the room which I'm so unwilling and hesitant to address. The withdrawal is brutal and long lasting. I fly into a white hot rage at the slightest of provocations. But I know I can't spend the rest of my life on it.
Why don't you taper with liquid dosing? Super gradual, and very smooth.


Apr 27, 2015
Any strategies to counter the ill effects of fapping after the fact?

I'm trying to limit it, but oh boy. Let's just say I wasted a good deal of zinc today.

I intend to eat some oysters later on.

I usually do notice the effects after I do it. Higher blood pressure, more hair loss. I wonder if any supplement would be ideal to counter this, er, system shock effect.


Apr 27, 2015
I have to watch for the rare but dangerous moments when life feels meaningless without sexual release. Alcohol doesn't help.

My hairline is still decent but pretty fragile at this point. It really is a matter of vanity vs. frequent sexual release right now. I favor the first option, but the flesh is weak.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
I have to watch for the rare but dangerous moments when life feels meaningless without sexual release. Alcohol doesn't help.

My hairline is still decent but pretty fragile at this point. It really is a matter of vanity vs. frequent sexual release right now. I favor the first option, but the flesh is weak.
Just a good Peat diet with seafood and stuff is probably the best you can do to replenish.


Sep 28, 2016
Any strategies to counter the ill effects of fapping after the fact?

I'm trying to limit it, but oh boy. Let's just say I wasted a good deal of zinc today.

I intend to eat some oysters later on.

I usually do notice the effects after I do it. Higher blood pressure, more hair loss. I wonder if any supplement would be ideal to counter this, er, system shock effect.
Having a high metabolism will dramatically help recovery. Eat foods you crave afterwords. Get sunlight exposure. And remain moderately active throughout the day


Sep 28, 2016
No fap never gave me magic powers, YMMV
Yeah it is very conditional. You need to have a high metabolism beforehand and decent androgens to get benefits from it. And for dopamine related benefits you need to not replace it with other drug like habits. Nofap is very unpredictable, I look at it as necessary for better health but it will not cause better health. Fapping hinders ones body and mind but abstinance only makes it normal again.


May 23, 2013
You also lost your libido whilst taking cyproheptadine? That would mean too low and too high causes loss of libido for you.
While on SSRI's, I had zero desire for sex and could not engage at all. Cypro actually helped curb the desire to FAP but had no effect on my ability to perform with my wife.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Any strategies to counter the ill effects of fapping after the fact?

I'm trying to limit it, but oh boy. Let's just say I wasted a good deal of zinc today.

I intend to eat some oysters later on.

I usually do notice the effects after I do it. Higher blood pressure, more hair loss. I wonder if any supplement would be ideal to counter this, er, system shock effect.
Progesterone, it also helps to prevent the occurrence. Take 20 mg or so when you get the urge. (or 2-3 mg applied topically on the testes w/ DMSO).


Jan 26, 2016
What negative effects exactly? We all know ray peats opinion on this subject... and you will not become deficient in zinc from masturbating... that's stupid. It seems like mostly men obsess over their ability to abstain from masturbation. It's just male ego bull****. You think it's not "masculine". So the benefits of nofap come from 1. Straight up placebo 2. Increase in stress hormones (if you need to have massive amounts of sexual tension/ be ridiculously horny to Be productive and or confident that's a sign something is wrong) 3. You have such a messed up complex about masturbating that doing nofap allows you to feel normal, have confidence, and feel good about yourself and your life. Number 3 I guess is a valid reason to do nofap if you don't want to take the large amounts of time and effort to reverse your crippling insecurities about your self pleasuring habits. It's natural. even LIONS do it.


Jan 26, 2016
""In his 1999 book, Biological exuberance, Bruce Bagemihl documents that-"Autoeroticism also occurs widely among animals, both male and female. A variety of creative techniques are used, including genital stimulation using the hand or front paw (primates, Lions), foot (Vampire Bats, primates), flipper (Walruses), or tail (Savanna Baboons), sometimes accompanied by stimulation of the nipples (Rhesus Macaques, Bonobos); auto-fellating or licking, sucking and/or nuzzling by a male of his own penis (Common Chimpanzees, Savanna Bonobos, Vervet Monkeys, Squirrel Monkeys, Thinhorn Sheep, Bharal, Aovdad, Dwarf Cavies); stimulation of the penis by flipping or rubbing it against the belly or in its own sheath (White-tailed and Mule Deer, Zebras and Takhi); spontaneous ejaculations (Mountain Sheep, Warthogs, Spotted Hyenas); and stimulation of the genitals using inanimate objects (found in several primates and cetaceans).[30]"" - found on wiki Page for non reproductive sexual behavior in animals
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Sep 9, 2016
What negative effects exactly? We all know ray peats opinion on this subject... and you will not become deficient in zinc from masturbating... that's stupid. It seems like mostly men obsess over their ability to abstain from masturbation. It's just male ego bull****. You think it's not "masculine". So the benefits of nofap come from 1. Straight up placebo 2. Increase in stress hormones (if you need to have massive amounts of sexual tension/ be ridiculously horny to Be productive and or confident that's a sign something is wrong) 3. You have such a messed up complex about masturbating that doing nofap allows you to feel normal, have confidence, and feel good about yourself and your life. Number 3 I guess is a valid reason to do nofap if you don't want to take the large amounts of time and effort to reverse your crippling insecurities about your self pleasuring habits. It's natural. even LIONS do it.
so, i think the nofap/ybop stuff had nothing to do with not fapping. It was constant novelty of high speed internet p**n. People easily get densensitized and move on to harder and harder material ( i did) when simple stuff don't seem to give that excitement anymore and you constantly search for the right video/right moment(you have to read the accounts to lot of people how they simply escalated from women pics to xyz stuff. ) . Simply leaving p**n and taking a brief abstinence may be reverses that (i lost the taste for weird ***t and so did many people). There are some n=1 case studies like this ( I don't want to post that here) That's all. Nothing more. Animals don't have access to unlimited novelty that tube sites provide all day.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
What negative effects exactly? We all know ray peats opinion on this subject... and you will not become deficient in zinc from masturbating... that's stupid. It seems like mostly men obsess over their ability to abstain from masturbation. It's just male ego bull****. You think it's not "masculine". So the benefits of nofap come from 1. Straight up placebo 2. Increase in stress hormones (if you need to have massive amounts of sexual tension/ be ridiculously horny to Be productive and or confident that's a sign something is wrong) 3. You have such a messed up complex about masturbating that doing nofap allows you to feel normal, have confidence, and feel good about yourself and your life. Number 3 I guess is a valid reason to do nofap if you don't want to take the large amounts of time and effort to reverse your crippling insecurities about your self pleasuring habits. It's natural. even LIONS do it.

The difference here is an inexhaustible supply of novel pornographic material. Yourbrainonporn makes this distinction very clear. The Coolidge Effect, as it's described, is the renewed sexual interest in newly introduced females immediately after sexual climax. Porn appeals to the mammalian brain, and the neocortex is powerless to draw the distinction between real life females and a video on the computer screen. "The human brain is not prepared for high speed internet porn." Masturbating to the mental wank bank is a qualitatively different experience.
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