Hypersexuality and new sexual orientation following aripiprazole use


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Mar 26, 2016


Aripiprazole is a dopamine D2 receptor partial agonist infrequently associated with sexual side-effects. Here the authors present a case of hypersexuality and new-onset homosexual behaviour, following use of aripiprazole in a male patient, which resulted in discontinuation of aripiprazole and subsequent elimination of the side-effects.

Sexual dysfunction constitutes a significant reason for non-adherence to antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia and other mental health disorders. Antipsychotic medication leads to dopamine levels decreasing and prolactin levels increasing, which reduces libido.1

Aripiprazole is a dopamine D2 receptor partial agonist that is infrequently associated with sexual side-effects and is frequently used to ease the side-effects that can arise from high prolactin levels.2 There are sporadic case reports associating aripiprazole partial dopaminergic agonistic effect with compulsive actions, including pathological gambling, excessive shopping and hypersexuality.3

Here the authors present a case of hypersexuality and new-onset homosexual behaviour, following aripiprazole use in a male patient, which resulted in discontinuation of aripiprazole and subsequent elimination of the side-effects.


A 32-year-old heterosexual male patient was under the care of our specialist psychosis team with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia with emotionally unstable personality disorder traits. He had regular outpatient follow-up appointments for almost six years. His persecutory delusions were generally well controlled with risperidone 4mg daily. He did not receive any other medication for mental or physical health issues. He was a social drinker and never used elicit substances throughout his life. The patient was complaining of decreased libido and erectile dysfunction and he requested a different antipsychotic medication. We decided to discontinue risperidone and we started him on aripiprazole, which is known to have fewer sexual side-effects. Aripiprazole was started at a 5mg daily and the dosage was titrated up to 20mg daily.

He presented to our clinic one month after the introduction of aripiprazole into his treatment regimen complaining of hypersexuality necessitating multiple intercourse with his partner and masturbation on the same day and new-onset homosexual thoughts and same gender fantasies. There was also frequent use of online pornography. The patient was reluctant initially to disclose that information due to social concerns. His new sexual behaviours made him feel very embarrassed and he became anxious and guilty. He did not display any other impulse control behaviour and he did not show manic symptoms. Routine physical examination and laboratory investigations were all within normal limits.

The increase in sexual behavior was related to commencement of aripiprazole, so it was discontinued and the patient switched to ziprasidone. The patient insisted and was adamant that aripiprazole was the reason for the hypersexuality. After four to six days of stopping aripiprazole the sexual behaviour started subsiding, with complete relief after approximately two weeks. The patient has been regularly followed up and remains well without any sexual side-effects.


Antipsychotics, in general, cause a decrease in libido due to dopamine receptor antagonism and prolactin level increase.4 On the other hand, some medication such as amphetamines, pramipexole and L-dopa can increase libido.5

Aripiprazole is a D2 receptor partial agonist. Risperidone is another antipsychotic drug that causes a decrease in dopaminegic activity, and for this reason often causes sexual adverse reactions.6 As a consequence, aripiprazole could possibly raise dopaminergic transmission at the mesolimbic dopaminergic circuit, especially at the nucleus accumbens, which was earlier inhibited by risperidone.

Testosterone is known to be the basic mediator of sexual urge in males and females, but serotoninergic and dopaminergic pathways in the central nervous system have a significant role to play. More specifically, brain dopamine pathways that connect the limbic system and the hypothalamus seem to form the centre of the excitatory system.7

Classical receptor theory postulates that the density of the receptors directly affects the inherent activity of partial agonists. Hence, it can be predicted that former exposure to dopamine antagonists would boost the receptor responsiveness and support the partial agonism of aripiprazole.8

Aripiprazole is a partial agonist of 5HT1A serotoninergic receptors and a 5HT2A serotoninergic receptor antagonist. It has been reported that 5HT2A antagonism and 5HT1A agonism enhance sexuality. Medications such as mirtazapine, which have 5HT1A agonistic and 5HT2A antagonistic effects, have hardly any sexual adverse reactions. Cyproheptadine, which is a 5HT2 antagonist, is considered an efficient medication in terms of reducing anorgasmia induced by antidepressants.10

The aforementioned receptor properties may be the aetiology of hypersexuality in our patient. Further studies and research are needed to explain the sexual effects of aripiprazole.

There are some case reports in the literature that describe increased libido and increased sexual appetence stemming from aripiprazole in both male and female patients.11, 12 The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning related to impulse-control behaviours in patients receiving aripiprazole.13 One could say that the hypersexuality could be in the context or poor impulse control behaviours. In our case the patient did not display any impulse dysregulation nor did he display any manic or hypomanic symptoms.

We searched the literature and we found one more case report14 describing a patient who developed homosexual behaviour while being treated with aripiprazole. We assume that there may be more cases unreported due to social concerns.

In this case the patient presented with an addiction habit for gambling. Before aripiprazole commencement he was an exclusive heterosexual with poor sexual activity, while under aripiprazole he developed a homosexual behaviour with increased sexuality, sex without protection and sadomasochistic habits. The urge for gambling and compulsive sexual behaviour stopped two weeks after aripiprazole was discontined and the patient was switched to amisulpride. After that he returned to heterosexual orientation. It is known that patients with Parkinson's disease who receive dopamine agonists may develop compulsive behaviours, including hypersexuality, new sexual orientation and gambling.

In our case hypersexuality and homosexuality surfaced in an adult male who had no previous history of sexual indiscretion of either behaviour. One could hypothesise that this patient had homosexual drives that could have been suppressed during his life and that aripiprazole simply lowered the threshold for these thoughts to surface.

In this case the patient explicitly denied any pre-existing homosexual thoughts or physical attraction towards males throughout his life. These behaviours had never been exhibited prior to aripiprazole therapy and fully receded within two weeks of aripiprazole discontinuation. There were no similar symptoms reported by the patient at the one year follow up after aripiprazole discontinuation.


Aripiprazole is associated with fewer adverse reactions in comparison with other antipsychotic medication. We reported a patient who experienced hypersexuality and a new sexual orientation under treatment. The exact mechanism by which aripiprazole can cause these side-effects is unknown. It is frequently difficult for patients to report these phenomena due to social reasons and feelings of guilt.

Increased sexual desire should be considered in the spectrum of rare adverse reactions as a result of aripiprazole treatment, especially if aripiprazole is started after discontinuation of D2 antagonist antipsychotics, such as risperidone. If this unusual side-effect remains unrecognised it may cause embarrassment to patients and poor compliance with treatment.

More research is essential in order to comprehend the exact mechanism through which aripiprazole affects sexuality.


Oct 6, 2020
Soooooooo ... they made him gay for 1-2 months? lol

The urge for gambling and compulsive sexual behaviour stopped two weeks after aripiprazole was discontined and the patient was switched to amisulpride. After that he returned to heterosexual orientation.

I wonder what role the switch to amisulpride played in the reverting of the sexual orientation, or if the effect would've subsided anyways.
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Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Soooooooo ... they made him gay for 1-2 months? lol

I wonder what role the switch to amisulpride played in the reverting of the sexual orientation, or if the effect would've subsided anyways.

The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
hi haidut is there a way to pm you or to personally mail you?


Does that mean there was no homosexuality before all these drugs?


Sep 15, 2021
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
I’m sure you know by now of post finasteride syndrome, post saw palmetto, post SSRI sexual dysfunction, and post accutane sexual dysfunction. Men, including myself, have tried literally everything. I mean everything. I don’t even have to elaborate. Some have come to the conclusion it’s autoimmunity. But I can assure you high doses of testosterone / steroids / dht are definitely not the answer. In fact sometimes they make people worse. They no longer respond to anabolic stuff. But just wanted to throw that in there that solving this is most definitely not just taking hormones


Sep 15, 2021
I should also mention that studies show an overexpressed androgen receptor causing a paradoxical decrease in function. I don’t personally agree with this theory but this is what researchers are leaning towards


Jan 9, 2019


Mar 4, 2019
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.
Wouldn’t very high doses of testosterone potentially impose detrimental effects from converting to estrogen? (and potentially also affect fertility?)


Feb 26, 2018
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
That second article is really just sad :/ especially for the boy ...

I also posted something on finasteride causing penis fibrosis... how is that stuff still on the market?


Nov 29, 2017
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
great post @haidut


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
The antipsychotics are notorious for their prolactin-increasing effects. Increasing prolactin in males has a known, potent feminizing effect and that could explain the homosexuality. The increase in prolactin/estrogen can also explain the hypersexuality and lack of sexual satusfaction. Btw, finasteride has been shown to have the same effects - make male animals gay, and the effects are actually persistent and only curable with very high doses testosterone injected daily.

Mainstream medicine is terrified of the public realizing that homosexuality is likely driven by environmental factors as that would quickly expose just how compromised the quality of environment, food, water, society we live are. Considering homosexual rates are increasing in most countries around the world, one would surmise that the decline in the quality of our surrounding continues unabated. So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"
That’s bloody insane man!!!
I really hate Finesteride for so many reasons.


Oct 6, 2020
So, from a political point of view, it is much "better" to celebrate and "normalize" homosexuality (and all kinds of other aberrant sexual behavior, such as transgenderism) than to answer the question "well, if it is abnormal, environmental, and increasing in rates then what/who is responsible?"

Exactly. But we do not just normalize sexual orientation but literally every health issue aswell. It kind of becomes a personality trait rather than a wakeup call for society.

"He just has allergies, that just happense. Oh he has cancer, can happen to everybody. She's just antisocial ..."

But if we dare to question whats in our food, water or air, suddenly its about being a conspiracy theorist and health fanatic.

If there is one success of thoose that "run" the world, it is that they managed to convince the masses that these issues are of personal nature, rather than a issue of day to day practices.

Theres a quote that i think fits:

And yet there are children everywhere who appear to be healthy.
The operative word is "appear." What about all the children who can't focus on their studies? What about the children who have tantrums from time to time? What about the children who are not quite in possession of all their mental faculties?

But i have to admit, i haven't considered the rise of homosexuality being a result of the things that cause numerous health issues. Interesting.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I’m sure you know by now of post finasteride syndrome, post saw palmetto, post SSRI sexual dysfunction, and post accutane sexual dysfunction. Men, including myself, have tried literally everything. I mean everything. I don’t even have to elaborate. Some have come to the conclusion it’s autoimmunity. But I can assure you high doses of testosterone / steroids / dht are definitely not the answer. In fact sometimes they make people worse. They no longer respond to anabolic stuff. But just wanted to throw that in there that solving this is most definitely not just taking hormones

I did not say it would work for everybody. Simply reporting on what the animal studies found. Besides, the T doses used in the animal studies were quite high - i.e. equivalent to 150mg-300mg daily for a human, which I am pretty sure no person with PFS has tried, and should't try due to the high risk of side effects. When there is an issue with severely downregulated AR expression, there aren't many safe options to improve that state.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Wouldn’t very high doses of testosterone potentially impose detrimental effects from converting to estrogen? (and potentially also affect fertility?)

See by post above. I was not advocating for high T therapy.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That second article is really just sad :/ especially for the boy ...

I also posted something on finasteride causing penis fibrosis... how is that stuff still on the market?

Oh, most of the stuff on the market is there precisely because it is known to cause at least one additional issue for every issue it "alleviates" (the keyword is alleviate, not cure). So, while masking one issue, it creates a market by creating 2-3 more. This is widely known in the pharma industry and nobody bats an eyelash. Basically, people are desensitized to scandals, and pharma can pretty much do what it wants, regardless of legality. Just look at the latest approval of that failed Alzheimer drug. FDA's own review committee said the drug should NOT be approved, yet the FDA chief overruled them and approved it anyways. Same with the COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, etc. The law has stopped mattering long time ago and since most people won't do anything about it, drugs like finasteride are perfectly "acceptable" and even desirable to the market.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Yep, very relevant, thanks for posting. Despite his work focusing on the effects of overpopulation, his studies were indirectly measuring the effects of chronic stress on physiology and social development/structure. Namely, stress feminized/homosexualized/sterile males and masculinized females, while also turning the latter into frigid, vicious, cannibalistic creatures who had not only lost all interest in interacting with males but when they did, they most often did not get pregnant (due to infertility induced by stress), rarely carried pregnancy to full term, and even when giving birth they would often abandon/kill/eat some of the young. Whatever youngsters did manage to survive and grow up, ended up an even more grotesque version of the their parents.
If you replace the overcrowding method in his experiment with things like SSRI, finasteride, birth control, etc you'll get about the same results. So, modern society is subjected to numerous such chronic stressors, every single one of each can produce the degeneration he noticed and when used in combination greatly accelerate those degenerative processes.


Feb 26, 2018
Oh, most of the stuff on the market is there precisely because it is known to cause at least one additional issue for every issue it "alleviates" (the keyword is alleviate, not cure). So, while masking one issue, it creates a market by creating 2-3 more. This is widely known in the pharma industry and nobody bats an eyelash. Basically, people are desensitized to scandals, and pharma can pretty much do what it wants, regardless of legality. Just look at the latest approval of that failed Alzheimer drug. FDA's own review committee said the drug should NOT be approved, yet the FDA chief overruled them and approved it anyways. Same with the COVID-19 vaccines, boosters, etc. The law has stopped mattering long time ago and since most people won't do anything about it, drugs like finasteride are perfectly "acceptable" and even desirable to the market.
I'm not sure if its there because it has side-effects or despite it has them .that's the difference between ignorance/ denial or malevolence.

If something's too messed up even for the people at the FDA that should be a clear warning sign to everybody! Whether Pro- or anti-vaxxer .

When I tell these things to people I often hear : "oh sometimes you're better of not knowing all the bad stuff that's going on in the world "
And that's precisely whats wrong in our society .

It also seems to be really hard to convince anybody of anything in that regard .
I think Edward Snowden said that its basically impossible to convince people of the truth, they already have their mind made up and will always find away around the truth if it doesn't fit their worldview.
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