Microdosing Psychedelics


Mar 1, 2016
Has anyone here tried microdosing psychedelics? Ray has talked about LSD being an approximate serotonin antagonist. I have found psychedelics are the only reliable way to eliminate my depression and anhedonia. When I get more product I will post a log documenting my microdosing experiments. I will take small amounts every few days with my morning coffee.

Here is one of my trip reports on ~75ug AL-LAD. This isn't exactly a microdose but it is a low sub-visual dose.

7:40 quarter tab oral ~40mg

8:15 +quarter tab oral ~40mg

8:15 increased libido

2am starting to wear off

Lasted around 6-7 hours

Easily the best mood I have ever had during a trip. Felt amazing and happy. Very warm. euphoric body load.
No visuals. Reading and music were great experiences. Was fine around people. Laughed a lot more easily. Erased anhedonia. Felt like I had a "glow" and looked more attractive. Afterglow. Didn't impair me in any way. Food tasted great. Completely eradicated depression. Very motivated. One of the best experiences of my life.
2 reports on microdosing O-Acetyl-Psilocin (4 ACO DMT):

1. Licked the bag of 4-ACO-DMT and probaly got about 1mg
- feel calm/happy
- clear vision
- greater attention to color/detail

2. Finished off what was left in the bag... probaly 2-3 mg. Good amount for microdosing.
- Noticeable come-up around 30 minutes: mild euphoria, feelings of happiness/well-being, increased motivation
- Seemed to synergize well with a cup of coffee

If anyone here micro-doses I would love to hear your experiences.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Yeah, I've done it with the classic stuff. Expensive as hell. Did it help me memorize Chinese like superman? Partially. Did it really help me long-term? Not really. 20 ug in the morning.

Your psychological state is a reflection of your physiological state. They're interlinked, and changing one will change the other, but to take psychoactives is to dull your connection to your body, but not necessarily erase it.

I'd rather go from the ground up, but keep doing what you're passionate about.


Mar 1, 2016
Yeah, I've done it with the classic stuff. Expensive as hell. Did it help me memorize Chinese like superman? Partially. Did it really help me long-term? Not really. 20 ug in the morning.

Your psychological state is a reflection of your physiological state. They're interlinked, and changing one will change the other, but to take psychoactives is to dull your connection to your body, but not necessarily erase it.

I'd rather go from the ground up, but keep doing what you're passionate about.

I think Fadiman recommends 10ug every 4 days. Maybe 20ug was too strong and built stronger tolerance? Were you dosing every day?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I think Fadiman recommends 10ug every 4 days. Maybe 20ug was too strong and built stronger tolerance? Were you dosing every day?
Every 3 days. Definitely noticed a tolerance, but the benefits were still there.


Apr 13, 2015
I haven't microdosed, only taken a full trip dose, but I feel like taking lsd in such a small quantity would be an irritating feel. seems like you'd get that come up feel and that slight anticipation anxiety and then it's over. never tried though so I don't know

1 gram of mushrooms produced a nice "shroom drunk" feel that was nice though


Oct 11, 2015
Yeah, I've done it with the classic stuff. Expensive as hell. Did it help me memorize Chinese like superman? Partially. Did it really help me long-term? Not really. 20 ug in the morning.

Your psychological state is a reflection of your physiological state. They're interlinked, and changing one will change the other, but to take psychoactives is to dull your connection to your body, but not necessarily erase it.

I'd rather go from the ground up, but keep doing what you're passionate about.

You may be getting ripped off

You can tabs $3-4 each ~115mcg ( of actual LSD ) via the darkweb. A microdose is 15-20mcg so pretty inexpensive especially if you do it every other day like most people.

@Dopamine I really like LSD, a very useful tool. Indispensable in certain cases. However, recently I've come to the conclusion that while psychedelics can make you ask a lot of the right questions they tend to give wrong answers. Serotonin is an important guide in finding the truth.


Nov 24, 2015
You may be getting ripped off

You can tabs $3-4 each ~115mcg ( of actual LSD ) via the darkweb. A microdose is 15-20mcg so pretty inexpensive especially if you do it every other day like most people.

Yeah I thought the same thing when I read this. You can grow mushrooms yourself, its dirt cheap and easy.

I love microdosing mushrooms, haven't done it with lsd but would love to try. They are the only thing besides phenibut that really gets rid of my depression. I think in the long run it is better to try to improve metabolism etc, but in the mean time psychedelics are great.


Oct 5, 2014
I haven't microdosed, only taken a full trip dose, but I feel like taking lsd in such a small quantity would be an irritating feel. seems like you'd get that come up feel and that slight anticipation anxiety and then it's over. never tried though so I don't know
I know what you mean but it doesn't happen like that. With ~10-20 mcg LSD (a microdose) you are not going to feel that. With ~50-80 mcg then it's possible you have that feeling you mentioned. Like you're about to take off but you never do.


Oct 5, 2014
Yeah, I've done it with the classic stuff. Expensive as hell. Did it help me memorize Chinese like superman? Partially. Did it really help me long-term? Not really. 20 ug in the morning.

Your psychological state is a reflection of your physiological state. They're interlinked, and changing one will change the other, but to take psychoactives is to dull your connection to your body, but not necessarily erase it.

I'd rather go from the ground up, but keep doing what you're passionate about.

Extremely far away from my own experience. I think it's quite the opposite. Unless you abuse them, but I think psychedelics are almost impossible to abuse.


Apr 13, 2015
I know what you mean but it doesn't happen like that. With ~10-20 mcg LSD (a microdose) you are not going to feel that. With ~50-80 mcg then it's possible you have that feeling you mentioned. Like you're about to take off but you never do.

interesting. I'll have to give it a try


Oct 5, 2014
You may be getting ripped off

You can tabs $3-4 each ~115mcg ( of actual LSD ) via the darkweb. A microdose is 15-20mcg so pretty inexpensive especially if you do it every other day like most people.

@Dopamine I really like LSD, a very useful tool. Indispensable in certain cases. However, recently I've come to the conclusion that while psychedelics can make you ask a lot of the right questions they tend to give wrong answers. Serotonin is an important guide in finding the truth.
What ? Could you please elaborate on that serotonin thing?

I agree with you you often get wrong answers on psychedelics. I think it's because : Most psychedelics open up the subconscious mind, and that is infinite. You can find all the thesis and their antithesis. You can find light and dark. Everything is basically there. So depending on a myriad of factors, you'll get an answer or another. Besides that, there are many other things. Compensatory function of the subconscious as Jung claimed exist. And all the typical Freudian thing about condensation of symbols/images, etc. it's like dreams. Dreams won't give you any answer unless you're skilled at interpreting them. Same with psychedelics. So you see something on the trip and you take this as a literal explanation/answer of your question. But it's never literal. Subconscious doesn't know about literal things. It's way to express is by myths, metaphors, symbols, images.

So actually, it's not wrong answers, because there's no wrong/right for the subconscious. It's just sides of the same thing. I hope you get my point.

However.... AFTER the trip has passed, you can have a much clearer mind and soul and open up to new possibilities and THEN you can have good answers, that come from the present moment.

I've read the only "psychedelic" substance can give you direct, literal answers is Iboga.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
@icecreamlover I knew I was getting ripped off, but I didn't want to enter the darkweb at the time. Interesting thing about the serotonin thing. Serotonin definitely allows you to put things into a more linear way of thought. Without linearity, the messages are hard to apply. Still, sometimes we need to remove ourselves from conventional thinking and feel our inner desires in their raw state, so that we actually pay attention to them regardless of the context.

Extremely far away from my own experience. I think it's quite the opposite. Unless you abuse them, but I think psychedelics are almost impossible to abuse.
I've known people who abuse psychedelics. In my mind, the line lies between using them to improve your life versus creating a world to delve into as an alternative to your own experience.


Mar 1, 2016
Serotonin seems to be responsible for regression into unconscious states... I think it is involved in dreaming, fantasy, and ego dissolution. Serotonin seems to work hand in hand with glutamate to produce dissociation from ego/reality. Dopamine and GABA seem to work together in the opposite direction of ego strengthening and individuation.

Serotonin as a Modulator of Glutamate- and GABA-Mediated Neurotransmission: Implications in Physiological Functions and in Pathology
"A recent article points out that co-transmission of glutamate and monoamines is a very frequent phenomenon in the CNS [178]. This view is supported by the finding that raphe neurons, the main source of serotonergic fibres projecting to almost all brain regions, are immunopositive for glutamate [138, 146] as well as for phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG), an enzyme involved in glutamate metabolism [89], and contain the vescicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3 [65]. When grown in microcultures, approximately 60% of serotonergic raphe neurons evoke AMPA/kainate-mediated excitatory post synaptic potentials (EPSPs), indicating that most of these neurons in addition to 5-HT use glutamate as a co-transmitter [87]."

"Dopamine neurons might not only release dopamine, new research from the Sabatini lab at Harvard suggests that they also release GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain."

Indeed you know serotonin was high during the night if you had lots of dreams. CO2 lowers serotonin and CO2 is high during deep sleep. breathing rate during sleep seems to be the regulator of CO2 levels- hyperventilation lowers CO2... REM sleep is known to be most responsible for dreaming- it is characterized by low body temp, fast respiration, and excitatory brain wave activity- all characteristic of high serotonin/low CO2. Restorative sleep consists of slow imperceptible respiration, high body temperature, low serotonin/high CO2...

So dreaming happens when serotonin is high- I think acute raises of serotonin during psychedelic experience could be responsible for many of the effects experienced. serotonin certainly effects visual experience as 5HT antagonists like ondansetron give "HD vision" increasing clarity and color perception. Psychedelic visuals are from high serotonin- coming down from a psych trip there is serotonin neuronal inhibition and visual clarity. Dopamine effects auditory experience, I can tell how high my dopamine is by how much I enjoy music. Someone did post about how music can increase dopamine:

10 Songs That Will Get You High(Dopaminergic), According To Science
"we found endogenous dopamine release in the striatum at peak emotional arousal during music listening."


Mar 15, 2014
Your psychological state is a reflection of your physiological state. They're interlinked, and changing one will change the other, but to take psychoactives is to dull your connection to your body, but not necessarily erase it.

I'd rather go from the ground up, but keep doing what you're passionate about.

I would be surprised if psychoactive drugs didn't have physiological effects.

That said, most so-called LSD is fake and potentially harmful.


Mar 1, 2016
Where's your evidence? It's pretty hard to fake lsd.

Street LSD is often actually DOx or 25x-NBOMe. If it tastes bitter or it makes your mouth numb it is not LSD... there are more scientific ways of testing though lol


Mar 1, 2016
Took a microdose yesterday. ~18.75ug AL-LAD.

-More sociable and witty
-More optimistic
-More productive

It wasn't a huge difference but I had a pretty good day. The biggest difference I noticed was when I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror my skin looked amazing and there weren't dark bags under my eyes even though I had bad sleep. I get this effect every time after I take psychedelics and with LSD analogues it is particularly potent. I don't know if my skin actually looks better or if it is just my perception of my self... probaly both.

I'll repeat in 4 days. Good so far.
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Aug 6, 2015
I'm really thinking about giving low doses psychs a try as nothing really works for my anhedonia (or just slightly, even booze doesn't work, the only thing that worked for me was cannabis but never tried psychedelics. I've read that hydergine increases oxygenation of the brain and I believe that I may suffer from slight hypoxia as I tend to have blurry vision from times to times when I'm tired and feel like I have high NO (but when I feel good I have a "HD" vision).

You may be getting ripped off

You can tabs $3-4 each ~115mcg ( of actual LSD ) via the darkweb. A microdose is 15-20mcg so pretty inexpensive especially if you do it every other day like most people.
How to be sure of the quality? Isn't there a risk with customs?

Serotonin seems to be responsible for regression into unconscious states... I think it is involved in dreaming, fantasy, and ego dissolution. Serotonin seems to work hand in hand with glutamate to produce dissociation from ego/reality. Dopamine and GABA seem to work together in the opposite direction of ego strengthening and individuation.

Serotonin as a Modulator of Glutamate- and GABA-Mediated Neurotransmission: Implications in Physiological Functions and in Pathology
"A recent article points out that co-transmission of glutamate and monoamines is a very frequent phenomenon in the CNS [178]. This view is supported by the finding that raphe neurons, the main source of serotonergic fibres projecting to almost all brain regions, are immunopositive for glutamate [138, 146] as well as for phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG), an enzyme involved in glutamate metabolism [89], and contain the vescicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3 [65]. When grown in microcultures, approximately 60% of serotonergic raphe neurons evoke AMPA/kainate-mediated excitatory post synaptic potentials (EPSPs), indicating that most of these neurons in addition to 5-HT use glutamate as a co-transmitter [87]."

"Dopamine neurons might not only release dopamine, new research from the Sabatini lab at Harvard suggests that they also release GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain."

Indeed you know serotonin was high during the night if you had lots of dreams. CO2 lowers serotonin and CO2 is high during deep sleep. breathing rate during sleep seems to be the regulator of CO2 levels- hyperventilation lowers CO2... REM sleep is known to be most responsible for dreaming- it is characterized by low body temp, fast respiration, and excitatory brain wave activity- all characteristic of high serotonin/low CO2. Restorative sleep consists of slow imperceptible respiration, high body temperature, low serotonin/high CO2...

So dreaming happens when serotonin is high- I think acute raises of serotonin during psychedelic experience could be responsible for many of the effects experienced. serotonin certainly effects visual experience as 5HT antagonists like ondansetron give "HD vision" increasing clarity and color perception. Psychedelic visuals are from high serotonin- coming down from a psych trip there is serotonin neuronal inhibition and visual clarity. Dopamine effects auditory experience, I can tell how high my dopamine is by how much I enjoy music. Someone did post about how music can increase dopamine:

10 Songs That Will Get You High(Dopaminergic), According To Science
"we found endogenous dopamine release in the striatum at peak emotional arousal during music listening."
Interesting post! So are meditation/yoga and spirituality wrong? While meditating in the past, I had some "ego dissolving" experiences sometimes (and you know that I tend to have dissociative symptoms or even slight autism) and strange things like OBE or hypnagogic hallucinations, but I always thought that it might be from body secreting tryptamines (maybe DMT by the pineal gland?). I've also felt a bit hyperthyroid sometimes while meditating like body temperature raising like crazy and starting to sweat.

I've always felt bad waking up after nights where I didn't seem to dream or remember my dreams. Thyroid increased my dreaming retention and I think Ray said in his books that dreams where good? While smoking cannabis I barely dreamed but that was not a restorative sleep.
If I take coffee before going to sleep, I dream a lot more as well and dreams are more vivid. Lucid dreams are amazing experiences as well, I don't know if there are known mechanisms about how they work and are induced.
While I feel like ***t when I sleep too much, I can feel bad if I don't sleep enough (any updates about your sleep experiences by the way?).

Have you read this post Dopamine? Hydergine Experience
It seems that hydergine that is really close to LSD could also increases noradrenaline (if I understood the study well)? Couldn't it be a bit stressful then?
Nov 26, 2013


Mar 1, 2016
I'm really thinking about giving low doses psychs a try as nothing really works for my anhedonia (or just slightly, even booze doesn't work, the only thing that worked for me was cannabis but never tried psychedelics. I've read that hydergine increases oxygenation of the brain and I believe that I may suffer from slight hypoxia as I tend to have blurry vision from times to times when I'm tired and feel like I have high NO (but when I feel good I have a "HD" vision).

How to be sure of the quality? Isn't there a risk with customs?

Interesting post! So are meditation/yoga and spirituality wrong? While meditating in the past, I had some "ego dissolving" experiences sometimes (and you know that I tend to have dissociative symptoms or even slight autism) and strange things like OBE or hypnagogic hallucinations, but I always thought that it might be from body secreting tryptamines (maybe DMT by the pineal gland?). I've also felt a bit hyperthyroid sometimes while meditating like body temperature raising like crazy and starting to sweat.

I've always felt bad waking up after nights where I didn't seem to dream or remember my dreams. Thyroid increased my dreaming retention and I think Ray said in his books that dreams where good? While smoking cannabis I barely dreamed but that was not a restorative sleep.
If I take coffee before going to sleep, I dream a lot more as well and dreams are more vivid. Lucid dreams are amazing experiences as well, I don't know if there are known mechanisms about how they work and are induced.
While I feel like ***t when I sleep too much, I can feel bad if I don't sleep enough (any updates about your sleep experiences by the way?).

Have you read this post Dopamine? Hydergine Experience
It seems that hydergine that is really close to LSD could also increases noradrenaline (if I understood the study well)? Couldn't it be a bit stressful then?

I may have already asked you this but have you tried high dose aspirin for your symptoms? Like 650mg.
I am making a dopamine boosting stack and this is one of the main ingredients. Aspirin + ginger root is a great combo as the ginger root prevents stomach ulceration from aspirin. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and a 5HT-3 antagonist.

I'm not sure of the laws wherever you live but in Canada you can legally acquire LSD analogues like 1P-LSD and AL-LAD for "research purposes". Quality and customs issues depends on where you live and who you buy from. Try and find company reviews- reddit is a good place to look.

LSD can probaly get stressful in high doses (hence why susceptible people can have a psychotic break from reality) however my experience is that at the right dose it can help reverse the effects of chronic stress and can be a really positive thing (similar situation to caffeine and nicotine). Maybe if cannabis has worked for you- you could try small doses of edibles?

I don't think religion and spirituality are necessarily wrong. I think they fill certain psychological needs for people. These psychological needs are symptomatic of deeper physical issues in my opinion and can be treated as such.

I've also felt a bit hyperthyroid sometimes while meditating like body temperature raising like crazy and starting to sweat.
I think when meditating you pay attention to your breathing and when you pay attention to things you tend to try and change them. Maybe you start breathing deeper/slower and this effects temps?

I just found out Ray thinks CO2 is high during REM sleep and not serotonin so some of my reflections on dreams may be wrong... its something I would have to research more. B6 supposedly causes vivid and lucid dreaming... i'm not sure of the mechanism and whether this indicates disturbed sleep or not... My sleep has improved lately but it's still not fantastic. I think as my liver function and metabolism improves- my sleep will also.
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