The "incel" phenomenon is likely a deliberate government policy/psyop


Jan 25, 2014
Are you retarded?

Get ready for the global resest and your new leader klaus Schwab. ******* idiot !!
Funny reply. I actually cited economic legislation that FDR signed or issued. You can go see who issued Executive order 6102, or who signed the Emergency Banking Act, or Gold Reserve Act. Or read the Congressional Record from 1933 and see the discussions they were having in the House and Senate at the time about those acts. It's all public record, and easily accessed on the internet.

Anyway, I ain't worried about Klaus Schwab. He's just a mouthpiece. I doubt they would change the monetary system at this point, it's already based purely on debt and accounting. The only "reset" would be a massive foreclosure on homes and businesses. Which, is pretty much in progress at this point. Of course, anyone who starts to learn about things like the banking system and the UCC could easily put a stop to it, in their own personal case. Of course, that would require reading and research, which many see averse to.


Yeah these are all psyops. When Regan dismantled the fairness act and Clinton signed the telecommunications act that allowed the monopolization of the media and that is when they were able to control the message.

But Then came the rise of social media and they were not able to kept strict control of the message. They still had major influence over it and It work to their advantage with the Obama campaign.

But the rise of trump who took the right wing agenda that had been on Fox News and right wing radio for years to get boring politicians like Romney and McConnell in office.

But trump took their playbook and got himself into office.

But what 95% of the people do not realize, the rise of Bernie sanders and almost taking down of Hillary Clinton scared them the most. So the FDR economic agenda Bernie was running on scared the elites and it was starting to catch fire and they needed to stop it.

So this is why you see the rise of this extreme wokeness. They needed lefties distracted on economic issues. Like the gop did to the right in the 80’s

The south was solid democrats after ww2 and they were Dixiecrats that voted on race and economic issues for the middle and working class.

But when LBJ passed the civil rights act and the GOP started using racist dog whistle politics to gain power and we started seeing a dismantling of the new deal that built the middle class in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s.

So when Bernie was campaigning on a return to new deal economics the elites had to divide and distract. They threw the kitchen sink at the internet. So they had to get the left so focused on culture issues they forget about the economic agenda.

Then things like incels who health has been so damaged by the toxic corporate food and big pharma medicines they are given and is killing their health and Instead of figuring out it is the corporate food they have been eating, it’s evil women.

And you can go down the list culture issues to divide and distract.
They can’t control the entire message of the internet. But you can distract. Blame your neighbor , blame men , blame women. The internet was actually connecting people and bringing people together like it does on this forum.
So they had to add so much fire to wedge issues, make it so tribal to get people to the point where if you like the opposing party everything else you say is evil also.

But as you can see they are trying to censor the internet now. Because distracting helps keep control so they people do not understand why their lives suck now. But it’s also causing so much chaos in society and if there to much chaos in society you can’t control that either.

So all of this is psyops pushed by government and corporate agendas while they figure out a way to control the internet.

This is pretty spot on IMO. To add to the topic, They use bots on social media to create discourse. I see all too often on youtube, comments from accounts like user.454320 and other names that look like they are bots, commenting on the top comments of videos and just instigating aggression. For example, accounts with the name like that, and no profile pic, responds to someone elses comment with something like "hahah you stupid idiot, I can't believe you think that".

It's absurd.

Honestly now that I think about it, that bot issue is probably nothing to do with elites. It's most likely bot programs designed to drastically increase engagement in the comment section to stroke the algorithm. Nothing increases engagement better than pissing people off.
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It is funny stuff - you didn't offend anyone - all you really did was expose yourself as a HYPOCRITE and a illogical CLOWN

You LITERALLY believe in Evolution - a theory created and forced into the Education System (Which they own) for the sole purpose of justifying their Eugenics Program that they are rolling out this decade to cull PLEBS LIKE YOU

There is no proof of Evolution - not a SINGLE SHRED of Evidence (if you think there is show it to me and I'll dismantle it for your PLEB BRAIN) - Masons have OPENLY PUBLISHED works ADMITTING they made the whole thing up and BRAGGING about how dumb plebs have to be to believe in this trash

Neil Degresse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hutchins, etc all these pseudo-intellectuals get paid checks to write this made up trash that you shill on here for free

The Education System is the MAIN TOOL of Indoctrination - ALL US UNIVERSITIES Participated in the CIA's Mind Control Program - Nearly ALL US UNIVERSITIES were forced to have the vaxxx mandate - these are YOUR PUPPETMASTERS

DONT try to use the term puppet or puppetmaster to describe anyone on here When you lack basic critical thinking skills.

WHETHER YOU BELIEVE in God or not - the fact of the matter is that THE MOST HISTORICALLY ACCURATE texts you will find in this world are ALL religious documents - it is literally more LOGICAL to believe in religion than to believe in Evolution/Big Bang - all this other made up trash they put in schools to turn you into a mind-controlled slave

James you are always an entertainment. I hope you take this response to your post as something to open your eyes and enable you to self reflect. Although I know you likely wont, since many of your posts are like this. You sound very anxious here James. You resort to name calling and using caps to insinuate you're either yelling at them or talking down to them. This is not how someone of sound mind acts. This is how a child would act, a bully, or perhaps in your own words, a clown. Your post is full of anxious beta energy.

You always speak of theories as if they're fact. It's okay to believe in evolution, the same way it's okay to believe in god. You can believe and have faith in that belief, but to completely disregard another's belief, especially in the condescending way you have, is to show just how close minded and brainwashed you are.

You speak of having basic critical thinking skills but refuse to even consider the chance that you are wrong. You do not consider that your theories are in fact theories and not facts. One of the most basic skill for critical thinking, is the ability to always understand that you might be wrong.

You say religious literature is the most historically accurate. How do you know? Have you been back in time? Have you seen the distant past for yourself?

You believe in the elites. You believe that they have been ruling and controlling for potentially, thousands of years.

So how then, is it too much of a stretch to believe that religions were created by these elites to control the masses? Even if you don't fully believe it, how can you not be open to the possibility? Why do you talk down to people who have that belief? Why do you seem angry, or unsettled by this belief? Are you brainwashed to think that people with a different belief are below you and deserve to be disrespected?

People have a power yes, a spiritual power. This is my belief, whether one believes it or not is fine, I have experienced so much of it to know it is real. My wife has experienced even more than I. So... Is it not possible that religions were created to cage or limit our spiritual power? Specifically western religions, because what Western religions teach is but a fraction of what human spiritual power is truly capable of.

Not only that, but they teach you this power of yours, is not yours. It belongs to someone else. God. Or Jesus.

Human spiritual power is vastly powerful. It only grows more powerful the less stressed, the less fear, the more happy, confident and joyful one lives. So why then does Western religious teachings lead with the fear of god? Fear cages our spiritual ability. Why does it teach you that your power, is not your power, but gods?

Is it not possible, that people who have seen miracles when praising Jesus Christ, are creating those miracles for themselves? Is it not possible that through your own spiritual power, you are creating Jesus? And therefore, is it not possible that your spiritual power is now limited because you are giving it all away to someone else, whose decisions to provide miracles are no longer up to you?

Whether you believe that or not, can you not even consider it a possibility?

Therefore, if it is a possibility, don't you think it's wrong to condescendingly mock someone else for their belief?


Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
Funny reply. I actually cited economic legislation that FDR signed or issued. You can go see who issued Executive order 6102, or who signed the Emergency Banking Act, or Gold Reserve Act. Or read the Congressional Record from 1933 and see the discussions they were having in the House and Senate at the time about those acts. It's all public record, and easily accessed on the internet.

Anyway, I ain't worried about Klaus Schwab. He's just a mouthpiece. I doubt they would change the monetary system at this point, it's already based purely on debt and accounting. The only "reset" would be a massive foreclosure on homes and businesses. Which, is pretty much in progress at this point. Of course, anyone who starts to learn about things like the banking system and the UCC could easily put a stop to it, in their own personal case. Of course, that would require reading and research, which many see averse to.
So fdr passed glass stegal

the main provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 effectively separated commercial banking from investment banking. Senator Glass was the driving force behind this provision. Basically, commercial banks, which took in deposits and made loans, were no longer allowed to underwrite or deal in securities, while investment banks, which underwrote and dealt in securities, were no longer allowed to have close connections to commercial banks, such as overlapping directorships or common ownership. Following the passage of the act, institutions were given a year to decide whether they would specialize in commercial or investment banking. Only 10 percent of commercial banks’ total income could stem from securities; however, an exception allowed commercial banks to underwrite government-issued bonds. The separation of commercial and investment banking was not controversial in 1933. There was a broad belief that separation would lead to a healthier financial system. It became more controversial over the years and in 1999 the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed the provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 that restricted affiliations between banks and securities firms.

It’s was repealed by Clinton

On July 1, 1999, while Congress was voting on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to permit commercial banks, investment banks and insurance companies to merge, then-Rep. Bernie Sanders said: “I believe this legislation, in its current form, will do more harm than good. It will lead to fewer banks and financial service providers; increased charges and fees for individual consumers and small businesses; diminished credit for rural America; and taxpayer exposure to potential losses should a financial conglomerate fail. It will lead to more mega-mergers; a small number of corporations dominating the financial service industry; and further concentration of economic power in our country.”


and taxpayer exposure to potential losses should a financial conglomerate fail. It will lead to more mega-mergers; a small number of corporations dominating the financial service industry

That is exactly what the **** happened.

That is what the **** happened

70 ******* years we had a stable banking system.

Now we have this
The digital currency pilot program is live



Nov 28, 2016
I encourage everyone to look into Dr. Shiva's information/research presentations based on the foundation of systems science...extremely important and likely the holy grail in terms of the best way to fight the overlords.

Apr 25, 2018
So, I am basically at the tip of the spear being targeted by our corrupt government officials and the NSA / alphabet agencies for literally nothing.

My problems began when I broke up with my girlfriend and got really depressed, borderline suicidal.

Now, I am basically gangstalked and targetted wherever I go, many allusions to off the book military contractors involved in the electronic torture I have to endure on a daily basis. Oh, and they tried to get me on psych meds that were extremely harmful for me overall.

All in all, it does make sense, if men are sexually satisfied and happy, what reason do they have to buy things to improve their status, cars, houses, watches, clothes, the list goes on and on.

But yeah, **** them straight to hell.


Jun 20, 2015
A short documentary that discusses what porn does with the brains of children. It says these kids will never be the same they would have been without the porn. Their brain can't handle the excitement. It's addictive. They need something new all the time. Often they need something more extreme to get the same level of excitement (violent porn, child porn). At some point they want to try these things and the partner is just an object. And a huge problem is that kids very easy get access to porn.

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Mar 26, 2014
It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official policies towards sexually manipulating its soldiers in WWI towards such a dissatisfied state. If the government holds the firm belief that sexually satisfied soldiers are happy, anti-war, and disobedient and the govt has openly pushed the incel "phenotype" on its soldiers as far as back as WWI, then it does not seem too much of a conspiracy to assume the same would be (or has already been) attempted on a nationwide scale, and not just in regards to military service.

I think/hope they pushed this too far. Did you see the (glorious) response to the US Army's new all-white recruitment ad? (No sign of Emma and her two mothers)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think/hope they pushed this too far. Did you see the (glorious) response to the US Army's new all-white recruitment ad? (No sign of Emma and her two mothers)

Yep, they reverted back to advertising to whites. So, the "token" white concept in military ads has been discarded, it seems, but I think it is too late. No sane male of fighting age (of any race) would voluntarily join, and this is why I am afraid the draft is coming back...soon.


Mar 26, 2014
Yep, they reverted back to advertising to whites. So, the "token" white concept in military ads has been discarded, it seems, but I think it is too late. No sane male of fighting age (of any race) would voluntarily join, and this is why I am afraid the draft is coming back...soon.

They would have to play it right, they are just drafting a load of men who hate the country/the system etc. No one is going to willingly head into the intentional mechanised slaughter it really is.
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