
  1. haidut

    The "incel" phenomenon is likely a deliberate government policy/psyop

    It is hard to believe that the government would engage in such absurd actions, but according to the article below the US military was convinced as far back as early 20th century that sexual DIS-satisfaction was key to making men angry, aggressive and homicidal and the military designed official...
  2. haidut

    The elite promote diversity...because it prevents unity (against them)

    The article is seemingly about unions and corporations manipulating their employees, but the same ideas apply on the scale of societies/countries too. Diversity - in the workplace, in the arts, in science, in the govt, and in society as a whole - suddenly became a hot topic some time in the...
  3. Drareg

    British COVID19 Psy-op

    A very good 3 part article from conservative woman, it highlights the intentional manipulation of the British publics psychological state during covid, it’s an alarming read, I won’t go quoting it all as it’s quite long. Its insane to see how governments view the public, we are a creature to be...
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