Loss of smell and taste- Covid19


Nov 9, 2017
That is a good question. I have never considered getting lactoferrin from milk. Lactoferrin is high in colostrum (intended for a baby calf) and human breast milk. Cows milk has much less with the exact amounts depending in part on the age of the cow, the stage of lactation, number of milk somatic cells and the presence of pathogens. I think that is why people look to colostrum as a source of lactoferrin.

I cant remember where I read it, but I thought heating it as in pasteurization, makes the lactoferrin inactive. But I could be wrong.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I cant remember where I read it, but I thought heating it as in pasteurization, makes the lactoferrin inactive. But I could be wrong.

I believe your correct. I use non-pasteurized cheese and I hope the lactoferrin survives the cheese making process. I have not resarched it; I will eat the cheese either way.


Jan 9, 2019
I cant remember where I read it, but I thought heating it as in pasteurization, makes the lactoferrin inactive. But I could be wrong.
Probably one of the WAP resources, I love raw milk, like LOVE raw milk, but still I think they are a bit OCD about it. They give "drink raw or don't drink at all vibes." That doesn't discount the important detail on lactoferrin though, it would be important to know it's stability in relation to heat.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Probably one of the WAP resources, I love raw milk, like LOVE raw milk, but still I think they are a bit OCD about it. They give "drink raw or don't drink at all vibes." That doesn't discount the important detail on lactoferrin though, it would be important to know it's stability in relation to heat.
It might be in one of these.

Thermal Denaturation of Human Lactoferrin and Its Effect on the Ability To Bind Iron



Oct 7, 2021
I walk down a street with trees and bushes and flowers and i hardly smell anything, i keep wondering what kind of scents i would smell if i was healthy. I miss all those smells, newly sawn grass and all.... I remember the whole garden would smell like grass even from far away when my parents cuts the grass in garden. Now i didn't test it yet because it is winter but i would say i probably would smell it only up close to the grass, and not intense as before even up close.... Life feels dull.

It kills me inside. I feel like a sub- human. How will i ever know...
(Comparing your smell sense in detail with a healthy friend, maybe would work.)

Can someone please help me out? I can be stoic about this situation and all and i was like that for a long time, but i need something else... To recover or cope.
I feel the same. It's a big loss of quality of life, and I find this is not talked about nearly enough considering how many are being affected by this.

I see you've at least recovered almost all of your sense of taste, which is a great thing. For me it's been no taste or smell for more than 3 months now, with very slow and minimal recovery of both, I'd say about 25%, which means I can hardly taste or smell anything.

I've tried many of the things you've tried too. Next I'll be trying CDS which, if it works, I'll let you know. I'm gonna look into the lactoferrin as well, after reading about it here.


Dec 4, 2021
Just wanted to pop in & say I feel ya, I can't taste most things now.

However, I've gone through this before when I came through a two year/very slow/very hard benzo withdrawal.

Lion's mane mushroom, in pretty large doses (it's an edible/food based mushroom), had me tasting/smelling fully in about a week after 6+ months of no smell/taste.

I'm two days in loss of taste after coming through the flu, err, covid, & after starting a high dose yesterday of Lions mane I'd say I've already gained back 10% of my taste back.

The soup tasted like pleasant dirt, instead of nothing ?

Lion's mane is really well known for encouraging new neuro pathways, with how much c19 attacks on a neurological level I'm not surprised that Lions mane has been helpful.

In fact I was one of the lucky ones who was getting stabbing/bullet wound pain all over my body. It was horrendous. I stopped it in one day with Lions mane.

Actually, it's really unsettling how similar c19 physical/neurological symptoms are to benzo wd.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share.


Oct 7, 2021
Just wanted to pop in & say I feel ya, I can't taste most things now.

However, I've gone through this before when I came through a two year/very slow/very hard benzo withdrawal.

Lion's mane mushroom, in pretty large doses (it's an edible/food based mushroom), had me tasting/smelling fully in about a week after 6+ months of no smell/taste.

I'm two days in loss of taste after coming through the flu, err, covid, & after starting a high dose yesterday of Lions mane I'd say I've already gained back 10% of my taste back.

The soup tasted like pleasant dirt, instead of nothing ?

Lion's mane is really well known for encouraging new neuro pathways, with how much c19 attacks on a neurological level I'm not surprised that Lions mane has been helpful.

In fact I was one of the lucky ones who was getting stabbing/bullet wound pain all over my body. It was horrendous. I stopped it in one day with Lions mane.

Actually, it's really unsettling how similar c19 physical/neurological symptoms are to benzo wd.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share.
That’s very interesting, are you still taking the lion’s mane, and is it working? Have you already noticed more improvement in taste or smell, or both?

I myself went through benzo withdrawal 10 years ago, and for me it was pure hell. I count myself lucky that I survived that. My withdrawal symptoms lasted around 5 years, it was brutal and I had so many issues, but loss of smell or taste wasn’t one of them, fortunately!


Dec 4, 2021
That’s very interesting, are you still taking the lion’s mane, and is it working? Have you already noticed more improvement in taste or smell, or both?

I myself went through benzo withdrawal 10 years ago, and for me it was pure hell. I count myself lucky that I survived that. My withdrawal symptoms lasted around 5 years, it was brutal and I had so many issues, but loss of smell or taste wasn’t one of them, fortunately!
Yep still taking it & now I can fully taste sweet flavors again.

I feel ya. It took me a few years after jumping off for the WD to get less & less, unfortunately if we go to fast we can get what's called prolonged withdrawal syndrome. The symptoms of benzo withdrawal are so vast it's insane. There was a week I couldn't stand, a month I couldn't really use my hands, months of burning skin, & the horrendous benzo rage...

But anyhow lions mane has been a huge help with the lack of taste/smell. I'm now able to smell anything that's musty/earthy/hot. Which is a start.

Oh & I can now overwhelmingly taste anything with spice/heat. Ate some plain hummus yesterday that I've had a million times before & it tasted like I bit into a hot pepper. Everyone else barely tasted the spice in it. Crazy.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Actually, it's really unsettling how similar c19 physical/neurological symptoms are to benzo wd.

Really makes me wonder if a lot of covid symptoms aren't really due to bad drug reactions. SO many people on drugs now with really unknown long term effects. Maybe post-withdrawal flare-up years later in some cases.


Oct 7, 2021
Yep still taking it & now I can fully taste sweet flavors again.

I feel ya. It took me a few years after jumping off for the WD to get less & less, unfortunately if we go to fast we can get what's called prolonged withdrawal syndrome. The symptoms of benzo withdrawal are so vast it's insane. There was a week I couldn't stand, a month I couldn't really use my hands, months of burning skin, & the horrendous benzo rage...

But anyhow lions mane has been a huge help with the lack of taste/smell. I'm now able to smell anything that's musty/earthy/hot. Which is a start.

Oh & I can now overwhelmingly taste anything with spice/heat. Ate some plain hummus yesterday that I've had a million times before & it tasted like I bit into a hot pepper. Everyone else barely tasted the spice in it. Crazy.
That sounds like very good results, seems like you have a lot more of the taste back than I do, and it's already been 6 months for me. You mentioned taking it as a soup, are you using powder, or the mushroom itself (very difficult to get here)? Also how much, and how often?

Yes later on I realized I had gone too fast in my weaning off phase from benzos. I did it in only 8 months, and suffered the consequences. I don't even want to remember all the multiple horrifying symptoms I experienced. I've never been through anything as tough as that. I like to think since that experience didn't kill me it made me stronger.


Dec 4, 2021
Really makes me wonder if a lot of covid symptoms aren't really due to bad drug reactions. SO many people on drugs now with really unknown long term effects. Maybe post-withdrawal flare-up years later in some cases.
I suppose it could be, especially with a HUGE amount of the world being on some form of benzo. I actually think this is why so many people can't see what's going on around them, drowning in GABA.

That sounds like very good results, seems like you have a lot more of the taste back than I do, and it's already been 6 months for me. You mentioned taking it as a soup, are you using powder, or the mushroom itself (very difficult to get here)? Also how much, and how often?

Yes later on I realized I had gone too fast in my weaning off phase from benzos. I did it in only 8 months, and suffered the consequences. I don't even want to remember all the multiple horrifying symptoms I experienced. I've never been through anything as tough as that. I like to think since that experience didn't kill me it made me stronger.
You can use it as a food if you'd like, it is often used as a seafood replacement.

I actually am just using host defense lions mane capsules, I take 12 a day split into two doses.

Yeah I was on benzos for a decade, I absolutely understand what you mean. It was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through & my life prior was pretty rough.


Oct 7, 2021
I actually am just using host defense lions mane capsules, I take 12 a day split into two doses.
Thank you, I’ll give it a try. Just curious to know why 12 capsules a day. I was looking at the supplement now and they recommend 2 capsules, but I guess you found out the recommended dose didn’t do a thing for you and experimented with other dosages. I wonder if you’re not experiencing any other effects from it.
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Dec 4, 2021
Thank you, I’ll give it a try. Just curious to know why 12 capsules a day. I was looking at the supplement now and they recommend 2 capsules, but I guess you found out the recommended dose didn’t do a thing for you and experimented with other dosages. I wonder if you’re not experiencing any other effects from it.
I'd suggest looking into Paul staments info about using larger doses of it/his protocols (he owns the company).

The FDA makes folks put common doses on their bottles, with these types of supplements that aren't vitamin/mineral based 2 capsules is basically nothing. But that's the amount they used for testing to make the FDA happy.

I have to do this with the herbal tinctures I sell (not selling anything on here), when I send in for lab testing I have to tell them how many drops in a suggested dose. Usually it's 5-10, most people however end up using an entire dropper full depending on the herb.


Oct 7, 2021
I'd suggest looking into Paul staments info about using larger doses of it/his protocols (he owns the company).

The FDA makes folks put common doses on their bottles, with these types of supplements that aren't vitamin/mineral based 2 capsules is basically nothing. But that's the amount they used for testing to make the FDA happy.

I have to do this with the herbal tinctures I sell (not selling anything on here), when I send in for lab testing I have to tell them how many drops in a suggested dose. Usually it's 5-10, most people however end up using an entire dropper full depending on the herb.
I'll look into it, and thanks for the explanation, I knew something like that had to be the case. So many times when using other herbs I've taken the recommended dose but never got any results until I upped the dose to meet my needs.


Feb 25, 2021
I feel the same. It's a big loss of quality of life, and I find this is not talked about nearly enough considering how many are being affected by this.

I was thinking the same thing! How are we not talking more about this - it's a very weird experience.

One upside though - I've been eating more liver and shellfish since I lost my sense of taste and smell :D


Oct 12, 2020
Just wanted to pop in & say I feel ya, I can't taste most things now.

However, I've gone through this before when I came through a two year/very slow/very hard benzo withdrawal.

Lion's mane mushroom, in pretty large doses (it's an edible/food based mushroom), had me tasting/smelling fully in about a week after 6+ months of no smell/taste.

I'm two days in loss of taste after coming through the flu, err, covid, & after starting a high dose yesterday of Lions mane I'd say I've already gained back 10% of my taste back.

The soup tasted like pleasant dirt, instead of nothing ?

Lion's mane is really well known for encouraging new neuro pathways, with how much c19 attacks on a neurological level I'm not surprised that Lions mane has been helpful.

In fact I was one of the lucky ones who was getting stabbing/bullet wound pain all over my body. It was horrendous. I stopped it in one day with Lions mane.

Actually, it's really unsettling how similar c19 physical/neurological symptoms are to benzo wd.

Anyhow, just thought I'd share.
Wow man! I heard about this on Joe Rogan podcast before. Interesting, can you please provide the brand and daily dosages you took? Also, Lions Mane is known to inhibit 5AR2 enzyme which inhibits DHT production, did you experience any sexual symptoms due to using it?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
This article suggests that it may be helpful to try some senolytics such as fisetin and quercetin.


Oct 7, 2021
I was thinking the same thing! How are we not talking more about this - it's a very weird experience.

One upside though - I've been eating more liver and shellfish since I lost my sense of taste and smell :D
Yes it's always worth looking at the positives. I lost some weight that I needed to lose anyway, because food was completely unappetizing, and ate for nourishment only.

I'm one of those rare people who LOVES the taste of liver so I missed that a lot, fortunately lately I'm beginning to sort of taste it again!


Dec 4, 2021
Wow man! I heard about this on Joe Rogan podcast before. Interesting, can you please provide the brand and daily dosages you took? Also, Lions Mane is known to inhibit 5AR2 enzyme which inhibits DHT production, did you experience any sexual symptoms due to using it?
I'm a female but haven't noticed any sexual symptoms taking it.

I like the host defense brand & I'm taking 12 a day split into two doses of 6 morning/evening.

As of today I've got 90% of my smell taste back.

I've also been using small doses of MB (two drops) daily, I Wana say someone on this thread or a similar one did a whole breakdown of how MB could help. So it may be the LM & the MB are working in conjunction.
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