Loosing hair and feeling confused! Newbie of Peat diet.


Nov 7, 2013
Mittir said:
prototype said:
It does seem like a stretch that pulp will caus all of this...
But, i will try and get more honey and lower the OJ + strain the OJ that i keep.
I think a lot of people underestimate the role of gut irritant
in their health issues. Composition of the gut bacteria determines
how much problem pectin can cause. If one has bad composition
of bacteria it will increase serotonin and endotoxin. This starts a long chain
of hormonal events. Serotonin increases TSH and other stress hormones.
Endotxin increases estrogen and cortisol, cortisol decreases T4 to T3 conversion.
He also mentioned that coffee can lower TSH. Honey can be quite allergenic.
For experimentation pure sugar is a better choice.

Does strained OJ contain pectin? Isn't pectin a type of fiber?


Feb 20, 2013
Pectin is water soluble. I think some of the pectin gets into strained OJ.
One way to completely remove pectin is to use pectinase enzyme.
It is used in the process of making apple juice . I think there are
other irritants in unripe fruits besides pectin.


Nov 7, 2013
I get bad reactions from almost all fruits and starch... Mittir, when you use sucrose as your main carbohydrate source do you have to supplement b-vitamins then?


Dec 21, 2013
Ok noted, will use refined sugar (cheaper as well :P )
Yes, im aware of the theory, but i thought my gut would handle it ok once thyroid was improved.
Will start straining OJ again then (after the lower OJ test).


Feb 20, 2013
I can get almost all the vitamins and minerals from
milk, farmer's cheese, daily liver, half to 1 oz of instant coffee,
,chicken/fish/beef. Folate and manganese are usually missing the targets.
Pineapple is a good source of manganese.
I make fruit vegetable broth ( greens, potato, cucumber,
squash, apple etc) that gives me extra B vitamins and minerals.
I only eat fruits if they are well ripened and sweet.


Feb 20, 2013
Chocolate is pretty good as manganese source but i could not find a chocolate
source yet that does not cause some kind of irritation. It is also quite high
in oxalate and iron. Though milk should neutralize some of the oxalate and
iron probably does not get absorbed well as chocolate inhibits iron absorption.


Jul 24, 2013
Mittir said:
...Honey can be quite allergenic.For experimentation pure sugar is a better choice.

My experience is similar-that the response to honey can be variable, depending on person, circumstance, and the honey product itself.

Since you are thoughtful and careful, how about using the orange tint/carotenemia at the feet for side by side experimental comparison? This may give insight about what measures clearly work for you.

For instance, you could do a foot bath for one foot with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to see if it helps. It can take a while for that skin carotene stores to shift though. Similar trials could be done with, say, baking soda foot bath, topical coconut oil, topical vitamins, etc.

Many factors can influence sleep on individual days. In turn, disturbed sleep also affects metabolism. One simple (excuse me if it is simplistic) thing to attend to for restorative sleep is temperature-to keep the head and/or feet warm if the ambient temperature is varying at night. A night-time warm bath or foot bath can help tune metabolism before sleep in cooler surroundings.

There's much to be encouraged about since you have had many promising responses early in your thyroid/metabolism boost, even though the last few days have been less good.


Nov 7, 2013
What about coconut water? Pretty expensive but seems to be a pretty good source of manganese, potassium and magnesium.


Feb 20, 2013
I tried coconut water for potassium and manganese.
It causes stomach discomfort for me. I know people who
drinks quarts of coconut water without any problem.The mineral content of
coconut water varies widely depending on the maturation of coconut.
There is possibly a transfer of nutrient from water to flesh.
It is not a reliable source of magnesium.


Nov 7, 2013
Mittir said:
I tried coconut water for potassium and manganese.
It causes stomach discomfort for me. I know people who
drinks quarts of coconut water without any problem.The mineral content of
coconut water varies widely depending on the maturation of coconut.
There is possibly a transfer of nutrient from water to flesh.
It is not a reliable source of magnesium.

I might give it a shot. I need a source of manganese.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
As Mittir suggested earlier, I am using pineapple for my manganese source. I use to bake the pineapple, but find I am OK without baking it.


Nov 22, 2013
Mittir said:
I can get almost all the vitamins and minerals from
milk, farmer's cheese, daily liver, half to 1 oz of instant coffee,
,chicken/fish/beef. Folate and manganese are usually missing the targets.
Pineapple is a good source of manganese.
I make fruit vegetable broth ( greens, potato, cucumber,
squash, apple etc) that gives me extra B vitamins and minerals.
I only eat fruits if they are well ripened and sweet.

I know there will be carbs in that fruit/veg broth that you are taking, but what is your main carb source for all that milk, cheese, liver and coffee? I've read posts from you before, where you've said that you cut right down on sugar, because it was causing you issues? I don't know about you, but I need lots of carbohydrate when consuming animal protein. Otherwise, I run into problems :(

I made my first kale broth today, loaded it with salt, and it was yummy. I used stock made from bones as my base. Ate it with beef. The beef didn't really add much, and I think I will eventually phase muscle meats out. Liver is a definite keeper, though.

I see you have potatoes in your broth. How many do you use, and how much do you cook them? Do you cook them until they completely disintegrate? I wonder if you boil the potatoes for hours, whether that gets rid of most of the starch?

How do you know if an orange is ripe? I mean, a juicy orange sure tastes good, but, it's hardly like a banana where you can actually visually see that the thing is ripe. Oranges can peel easily, or not easily at all, and the taste will still be a mystery until you're actually biting into the thing.


Feb 20, 2013
I boil the broth for 20-30 minutes and potatoes do not disintegrate.
Idea is to get 30-40 percent of minerals and vitamins leached into the water,
mainly potassium, magnesium and water soluble vitamins.
Few potatoes, lot of cucumbers, some greens and these are cut into
small pieces. Sugar or honey is the main source of carbohydrate.
I can eat a large amount of sugar now without any problem.
RP has mentioned liver being the cleanest part of an animal, the least
amount of toxins. I am experimenting with other fruits guava, papaya, pineapple etc.
If you think we are derailing your thread i can ask Charlie to create a separate thread.


Dec 21, 2013
No it's cool Mittr. Interesting!
Just thought id status update and maybe get some feedback, still a bit lost to why I have issues atm.

Having troubles getting pulse up, some hypo symptoms like before is emerging (somewhat anemic feeling sometimes, oily scalp).
Feet are usually decently warm tho!
I am wondering about vit A, circadian rythm, white sugar.
Since starting thyroid I upped liver x3. I eat it every second day, about 100g.
I don't get any bad feeling after I eat it, but I literally have no idea if it's too much or maybe too low? I don't have much acne. But I usually don't have it, even before peat.
Also, I'm considering if inc metabolism makes me run out of glycogen. I do eat about 400-500g carb (3000kcal+) per day tho.
I wake up feeling cold now, very strange. I get warmer after breakfast tho but I'm forcing myself to eat caus I'm not hungry at all in the morning. So seems like high cortisol but still cold, strange?
Cut OJ out for a few days but didn't notice anything. I now get 1L OJ which I strain. No bad reaction to it.
My sleep is still delayed usually sleeps at sometime around 12-1:30. Is the circadian rythm messing everything up? I'm tired and not as alert in the morning now as before. This is pretty obviously affecting me it I wonder to which extent.
I also wonder if maybe t3 uses up my cholesterol to much. I want to get new tests but everything cost $$$$$s :( will try to get is soon tho. Maybe I can get my GP to set it up then it would be free...

I also received my heatlamps. I can say that there is UV in them caus if I use them for a long time I notice a similar effect as the sun but very very small tho. I love the feeling tho it's like having an indoor mini sun :p

Also I'm getting my parents to do peat, my mum seems to already have some noticeable benefits, craps in legs during nights (and days) disappeared, some issue with her younger disappeared and she went of ssri and feel fine and sleeps better (sometimes still sleeps bad tho).
She also has better wound healing.


Dec 21, 2013
Oh forgot.
I'm not sure how to adjust thyroid dose.
I'm considering raising t4 to 62.5 or 75. Keeping t3 at 20.
Or should I try to raise t3 keeping t4 steady/lower?
Since maybe I have issues with t4 conversion.


Feb 20, 2013
I think you need to give at least 3-4 weeks before you increase your T4.
You also need to measure TSH, T4 and T3. At least TSH to determine if
you need to increase T4. One of the benefit of T4 is it lowers TSH more
efficiently. 50 mcg of T4 is your glands 50% output. I have read a study
that found about 100 mcg T4 was the suppressive dose in sub-clinical
hypothyroidism.Once you shut down your thyroid you will have to rely
more on liver to convert T4. I think you can experiment with
smaller doses of T3 through out the day. 1 mcg per hour and 2-3 mcg with meals.
Your temperature going up after breakfast is a good sign.
You may want to eat sugary food ( Sugared milk is the best)
with some salt every 2 hours from sunset till bedtime.
This will help you refill glycogen storage.
Are you using Niacinamide? That helps with liver's ability to store
glycogen. Are you tracking your mineral intake? I have found
keeping calcium up and phosphorus down is one of the most
beneficial thing. How is your vitamin D status?
I fall asleep very quickly without any problem
when my diet is fine and thyroid function is high.
If you are using light therapy regularly then 50 grams of liver daily
is not a big deal. You can experiment with lowering liver for few days.
What kind of bulb you bought? I think light therapy is the easiest way to
improve health, almost no effort.


Mittir said:
I think light therapy is the easiest way to
improve health, almost no effort.

I think this vastly underestimates the difficulties with red light. At least in my experience, one has to be nutrient replete, possess good vitamin A status, and consume a lot more sugar in the day of light therapy.


Dec 21, 2013
I actually talked to Ray, i have never email him before because i dont want to disturb him since i know a lot of people email about jsut anything, but this time i felt i actually dont know enough about thyroid supps:

On 5/14/14 10:41 AM, ............ wrote:
Hello Dr Peat,

I am using a diet inspired by your research and have been doing so for 5 months now. I have recently (3w ago) started t4+t3 supplementation, I started with 37.5mcg t4 and 20mcg t3, am now using 50mcg t4 and 20mcg t3.

The first 5-7days I had a very good reaction, all hypothyroid symptoms improved a lot and pulse was around 80-85. After day 7 it started to decline, drowsiness, lower mood, oily scalp, bad sleep and pulse again around 68-74 usually. I am wondering, but not able to find the solution, to why this has occurred. So far I have only thought of t4 not being converted and accumulates, or a problem with Vit A (I upped liver when starting thyroid since I have read Vit A is used up more quickly when thyroid is good).
One last option I'm thinking about is circadian rythm. Last 2 weeks I have had sleep later due to life. Usually around 12-1am (first week on thyroid I slept at 10-11:30) and im considering if that's disturbing my endocrine system.

Hair loss is what made me find your research, and the first month of using your diet recommendations, my oily scalp resolved completely. After that, it has been improved but coming and going is the same pattern as my over-all good/bad feeling.
However, the last 2 weeks on thyroid meds has been almost back to before finding your research. Except that my feet are usually decently warm now, even tho pulse is low again.

I wonder how to evaluate Vit A needs, I never have much acne whatever I eat. I don't notice any clear bad reactions from liver but not very clear good reaction either.

I eat
2-3L milk
40g gelatin
Meat (liver, beef muscle meat, oxtail)
1-2 organic eggs
Coconut oil
White sugar

cheese, coke (real sugar), haagendazs vanilla, honey.

At least 3000kcal but usually 3500-4000.
Protein around 150g/day.

Supplement eggshell, k2, D, some E, aspirin, niacinamide.

Sorry to bother you with a long email but this time it beats me to how to resolve this. I am not sure how to adjust thyroid or Vit A or which other options I have.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Rays Reply:
Have you been dividing the thyroid supplements into small doses during the day? The body normally uses about 4 mcg of T3 in an hour, and when more than that enters the system, the liver enzymes that excrete it are increased, so that the usual dose has less effect. Taking some of it at bedtime can improve sleep. Coffee can help to adjust the circadian rhythm.


My followup email:
Thank you for the reply.

I usually take 10mcg with breakfast, and then either 5mcg twice more, or ~3mcg 3 times more together with food.

I recently (last 2 days) try to nibble on the t3 to get less each time and several times a day.

Might it be the case that the 10mcg with breakfast is too much and increase the enzymes?
I have taken t4 with breakfast too.


Rays 2nd reply:
Usually there's no problem when 10 mcg is taken with a good meal. The temperature cycle might help to explain what's happening metabolically. Sometimes a person with low cholesterol needs to allow some extra time for increasing that.
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