Just one aspirin (300mg) daily stops a patient's terminal liver cancer


Jan 9, 2019
Love aspirin. I take it about an hour before going to sleep. Aspirin and Magnesium with whole milk, sometimes I add glycine.
Vit K-4 in the morning with vitamin E,
Big-pharma would ban aspirin if they could since it helps too many people improve their health
I would advise against taking vitamin E with K. TocoVit - Liquid Vitamin E From Wheat Germ Oil


Oct 3, 2016
its a shame clean aspirin isnt widely available, the regular store bought aspirin absolutely destroys my gut and gives me cold / arthritic like symptoms, earlier this week i took it for the flu, initially it worked amazing but then later caused chronic gi irritation, needless to say looking at the non medical ingredients does not make me a happy camper


Feb 18, 2018
I think baking soda and aspirin together may be hurting people. The hypertonic salt solution that it makes can be rough on the stomach regardless of aspirin. Together with aspirin the buffering baking soda offers is likely not doing what people think, Chris Masterjohn expands on this on his well known aspirin video (youtube). Aspirin induced ulcers arent only caused by the pH of aspirin but its effects on prostaglandins. I think taking ginger powder with aspirin is a better and more efficacious way to protect the stomach lining from the effects of aspirin than trying to neutralize with baking soda.

My protocol is as follows, with a meal, powder the aspirin and mix it with a little warm water. Mix some fresh orange juice with the aspirin liquid for some protective vitamin C, put a bit of ginger powder in it with about 5gs of collagen powder. Drink after stirring. I dont worry about the starch particles after the hot water treatment and when paired with a meal.

Depending on how sensitive someone is taking DGL before the aspirin can be protective, along with cabbage juice or just some cooked cabbage and non skim yoghurt. Be careful with DGL as it feels cortisol inducing and estrogenic. Can also be hard on the kidneys. I know its said that DGL is not supposed to be as irritating as licorice, but i have not found that to be true.

For those taking high doses, like cancer patients, i think its even more important to protect against aspirins potential harm.

I have found that aspirin mixed with Vitamin C goes really well together. I'm not sure what the biochemical implications of those two mixed together are, but I have just anecdotally found that I really enjoy the tart taste, my brain is actively perceiving it as something good my body needs.

I only do this when I've done something really stupid and my pain becomes unbearable. If I'm eating correctly and not overburdening my musculoskeletal system and nervous system I am usually fine. However a couple days ago I got way to overzealous and decided to run 3 miles in barefoot shoes on asphalt, while I was underfed on protein and cracked out on coffee milk and sugar. The pain my lower legs felt the next day was unbearable, escalating all the way to my head and giving me head aches too. 845 mg of Aspirin + 65 mg of Caffeine with ~5g of Vitamin C took care of it like magic, it truly was incredible.


Oct 21, 2013
been taking the version with corn starch (only excipient)
ray told me that amount is no problem
been taking between 1 and 3 grams for a few years with appropriate k2mk4
every few months, I'll experience slight nausea, so I back off a bit


Feb 15, 2024
It allows the excipients to settle at the bottom of the cup, hence I’m able to drink the aspirin only (or so I think).
I was under the impression the dissolving is help ease digestion. I don't think it removes the excipients


Mar 17, 2018
I was under the impression the dissolving is help ease digestion. I don't think it removes the excipients
Excipients that are not water soluble will settle on the bottom of the container. This can effectively remove 90-99% of the junk in some cases.


Aug 17, 2018
its a shame clean aspirin isnt widely available, the regular store bought aspirin absolutely destroys my gut and gives me cold / arthritic like symptoms, earlier this week i took it for the flu, initially it worked amazing but then later caused chronic gi irritation, needless to say looking at the non medical ingredients does not make me a happy camper
pretty clean to me:



Feb 15, 2024
Excipients that are not water soluble will settle on the bottom of the container. This can effectively remove 90-99% of the junk in some cases.
If you drink the entire glass you would be. Ray mentioned dissolving in water not because of the excipients but because of the irritation that might occur of salicylic acid in the intenstines


Mar 17, 2018
If you drink the entire glass you would be. Ray mentioned dissolving in water not because of the excipients but because of the irritation that might occur of salicylic acid in the intenstines
Going back to your original point... Yes, if the excipients settle on the bottom and you drink them anyway instead of discarding the small percentage of liquid + solid excipient you will ingest the excipient.
I was under the impression the dissolving is help ease digestion. I don't think it removes the excipients


Jul 25, 2020
I would advise against taking vitamin E with K. TocoVit - Liquid Vitamin E From Wheat Germ Oil
I never take Wheat Germ oil or eat it. I used to eat wheat germ flakes (or whatever they were) it in a tiny cereal bowl when I lived with my parents and we could obtain it in the freezer dept at our local Health Food Store. Now it all smells and tastes rancid.
We use Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) and/or Vit E 400 IU d-Alpha Tocopherol. Pearson and Shaw recommend Unesterified E in their book Life Extension, A Practical Scientific Approach. It is difficult to obtain and they sold their "Life Extension' company.

More info here in an old post:
<Good Vitamin E Resources From The Past Being Cancelled: Can We Have a Repository Here?>


Jan 9, 2019
I never take Wheat Germ oil or eat it. I used to eat wheat germ flakes (or whatever they were) it in a tiny cereal bowl when I lived with my parents and we could obtain it in the freezer dept at our local Health Food Store. Now it all smells and tastes rancid.
We use Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E) and/or Vit E 400 IU d-Alpha Tocopherol. Pearson and Shaw recommend Unesterified E in their book Life Extension, A Practical Scientific Approach. It is difficult to obtain and they sold their "Life Extension' company.

More info here in an old post:
<Good Vitamin E Resources From The Past Being Cancelled: Can We Have a Repository Here?>
yes i have that book, but that was not the main thing in my comment, i simply linked the thread where it was mentioned that vitamin E and K should not be taken together regardless of source (since you mentioned that you take them together)


Jul 25, 2020
We all have different needs just as we all have different fingerprints.
My 2 health gurus are #1 my grandfather who lived to be 104 years of age and told me to "Stay Away From Doctors" when I asked him how he lived so long.
I was a little kid, it was his 100th birthday, a big party was held for him and he never ate much 'fluff-food'
#2 = "thee" Maharishi (the TM one) who when asked - what should we eat? - replied
"Eat What The Healthiest of Your Ancestors Ate"


May 13, 2021
I have found that aspirin mixed with Vitamin C goes really well together. I'm not sure what the biochemical implications of those two mixed together are, but I have just anecdotally found that I really enjoy the tart taste, my brain is actively perceiving it as something good my body needs.

I only do this when I've done something really stupid and my pain becomes unbearable. If I'm eating correctly and not overburdening my musculoskeletal system and nervous system I am usually fine. However a couple days ago I got way too overzealous and decided to run 3 miles in barefoot shoes on asphalt, while I was underfed on protein and cracked out on coffee milk and sugar. The pain my lower legs felt the next day was unbearable, escalating all the way to my head and giving me head aches too. 845 mg of Aspirin + 65 mg of Caffeine with ~5g of Vitamin C took care of it like magic, it truly was incredible.
Do you have any recommendations for barefoot running shoes?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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