Low Toxin Logs InChristAlone's log

Yes, sibo or some type of gut flora imbalance. I was in ketosis a lot for about 4 years minus the multiple times I tried to add back carbs for 2-3 months before going back to carnivore. I had the same problem with bloating which is what initially led me to carnivore. I feel like the rest it gave my gut was helpful and healing but due to covid and working as an RT I didn’t have the time required to devote to adding back significant amounts of carbs for quite awhile. My gut seemed to heal within 1-2 years on carnivore though and then my problem became blood sugar related from not eating many carbs for so long. I did use small amounts of honey in water though because I could tolerate it and zero carb didn’t feel optimal either after a couple of weeks. If I knew then what I know now I would have used glucose syrup or dextrose instead. There is hope for her! If she needs to talk to someone who’s lived through it have her join here and I’ll be glad to talk to her. I’ve tried several times to log back onto Grant’s site but it doesn’t work for me for some reason.
Hi Blossom,

Would you mind elaborating on the use of glucose syrup / dextrose. What are the advantages of using them as a glucose source as opposed to rice (whole food sources)? How would you incorporate these into your daily meals?

I find the macronutrient balancing quite challenging and I hope you can shed some light on this. For example, my mother cannot digest starch / meat together but can tolerate well prepared rice on its own with minimal fat (which obviously isn’t very balanced)
Hi Blossom,

Would you mind elaborating on the use of glucose syrup / dextrose. What are the advantages of using them as a glucose source as opposed to rice (whole food sources)? How would you incorporate these into your daily meals?

I find the macronutrient balancing quite challenging and I hope you can shed some light on this. For example, my mother cannot digest starch / meat together but can tolerate well prepared rice on its own with minimal fat (which obviously isn’t very balanced)
I don’t think glucose syrup or dextrose is necessarily better than rice or other whole food starches. I just couldn’t tolerate starch for a while so I would have a little honey with meat. I usually just put it in water or took some with a spoon to get a little bit of carbs. I didn’t do it because I thought it was good or superior to starch though. I hope that makes sense. I was basically healing from fatty liver/metabolic syndrome at the time.
I don’t think glucose syrup or dextrose is necessarily better than rice or other whole food starches. I just couldn’t tolerate starch for a while so I would have a little honey with meat. I usually just put it in water or took some with a spoon to get a little bit of carbs. I didn’t do it because I thought it was good or superior to starch though. I hope that makes sense. I was basically healing from fatty liver/metabolic syndrome at the time.
Thanks for clearing that up. I always get a craving for something sweet after eating meat for some reason and usually go for milk chocolate which isn’t ideal because it’s so addictive.

Meat and starch combinations (although delicious) seem to cause a lot of work for the digestive system. My mum who is hypermobile / Eds gets sacroiliac pressure if she does this combo and can’t get comfortable in bed as she feels like she’s been dragged down.

I’m still on the fence about starch to be honest. I tried incorporating sourdough bread recently as I live in Italy and it’s hard to resist. I’d read so many positive things on sourdough so thought I’d give it a try. Within 2-3 days my face was barely recognisable I was so puffy. My hairline was thinning too.
@Rock_V, no problem. We should ideally be able to tolerate starch but many of us struggle with it unfortunately. I have only been able to eat it again since last summer (no gluten though due to celiac) but I went very slow in adding it back. I did fine with starch and even gluten until I was floxed but I’m sure there are multiple reasons people can have trouble with it. We have to contend with so many environmental insults that prior generations weren’t exposed to in their lives.
Yes, sibo or some type of gut flora imbalance. I was in ketosis a lot for about 4 years minus the multiple times I tried to add back carbs for 2-3 months before going back to carnivore. I had the same problem with bloating which is what initially led me to carnivore. I feel like the rest it gave my gut was helpful and healing but due to covid and working as an RT I didn’t have the time required to devote to adding back significant amounts of carbs for quite awhile. My gut seemed to heal within 1-2 years on carnivore though and then my problem became blood sugar related from not eating many carbs for so long. I did use small amounts of honey in water though because I could tolerate it and zero carb didn’t feel optimal either after a couple of weeks. If I knew then what I know now I would have used glucose syrup or dextrose instead. There is hope for her! If she needs to talk to someone who’s lived through it have her join here and I’ll be glad to talk to her. I’ve tried several times to log back onto Grant’s site but it doesn’t work for me for some reason.
Thanks for sharing that. I will try to mention it to her. I don't want to see anyone stuck on low carbs for life.
So I've been feeling really good, though this is the time of the month I tend to feel my best, gearing up for ovulation. But something has shifted for me, trying to eat 1/4 cup of beans twice every day and using charcoal every morning. Still no IBS!!!!!!! Was it the coffee enemas, or just a combo of everything? I don't know but when I stopped most carotenoids, in particular the OJ I had some rough detox. I think the charcoal was most helpful. You never know how toxic you are until you stop eating something!

It's unbelievable how many carbs I can eat in one sitting too without any bloating. I eat a large serving of Italian non fortified pasta every morning now. I am considering whether I need to add in meat to my breakfast. But if I did I think I wouldn't be ready for beef rice and beans for lunch. I don't have much appetite for beef in the morning so this seems to be working for now. But my appetite for beef is improving. I used to kinda get nauseous thinking about beef, and when I would try to eat ground beef I'd get a gaggy feeling by the end. That has gone away.

I did my blood test yesterday, usually it only takes a day to get the results but nothing yet. So eager to see the results! It will help me in deciding what to do next. I will try to post my spreadsheet. I think everyone should do yearly CBC/lipid profile labs and make a spreadsheet.
Hi @InChristAlone. Do you have a brand of charcoal you can recommend?

Also what coffee enema protocol do you follow? There are so many differing instructions online. Particularly how do you filter the coffee, do you use a clear water enema first, lie on right or left side? And do you recommend a particular brand of coffee? Thank you.
Hi @InChristAlone. Do you have a brand of charcoal you can recommend?

Also what coffee enema protocol do you follow? There are so many differing instructions online. Particularly how do you filter the coffee, do you use a clear water enema first, lie on right or left side? And do you recommend a particular brand of coffee? Thank you.
The one I've been using is hardwood, but I need to get a new one this bag is like 10 yrs old! Not sure which brands are best right now.

I follow Dr Wilson's protocol (don't follow some of his other crazy ideas). Medium roast Colombian coffee 1-2 TBS, boiled for 12 minutes in about 2/3 cup of filtered water. Pour it off (no need to filter, just leave the grounds in the bottom of the pot) and add more water to cool it down I usually do two cups. I often have to do back to back enemas because I can't hold the first one or two. I only put in 1/3 of the liquid each time. I don't think it's good to put in a lot. Too much potential for electrolyte imbalances. So I don't bother to do a plain water enema first. I use the red enema bag from the drug store. I usually lay on my back, I don't think it matters that much. Rinse out thoroughly with plain water and hang to dry. So far no mold growth that I can see in the yrs I've done it off and on.

Also this is just a bandaid ultimately. I don't want to be on it forever. I've been a little irritable with the coffee. A bit too stimulating. Which is why it speeds up liver detoxification.

I hear Dr. Garrett Smith's research assistant is recommending buffered niacin enemas! Hm... definitely not ready for that!
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Got my CBC/lipid panel, but not the vitamin A.
It appears I am more hypoglycemic. Low LDH indicates hypoglycemia and it's the lowest my fasting glucose has ever been (the 2011 number was 4 hours after breakfast). So I guess some were correct that my desire for ascorbic acid might have been playing a role in blood sugar. Maybe it was keeping it higher. But I don't feel hypoglycemic! I can fast 13 even 14 hours and not feel faint. I do get a little faint by 15 hours.

I am suspecting that I have shifted my metabolism to fat burning. I was eating a lot of saturated fats. Butter on everything, cream cheese bagels, cookies, ice cream, cheese. It definitely didn't do good things for my cholesterol or liver but it helped me go longer between meals. Now that I'm switching to lower fats, higher carb and protein I guess my body will have to adapt. Using niacin might help switch back to more carb burning less free fatty oxidation. Thing is I definitely don't want to go back to blood sugar crashes. It was such a rollercoaster ride with the adrenaline, but I can't keep pushing more fats through my body if my heart disease risk is going up. I even thought maybe I could just do a high fat diet and decrease the carbs, but just consuming a lot of fat isn't appetizing, it's only appetizing with the carbs! Anyway, we will see how it goes, to early to tell if I will experience the adrenaline again.

Liver enzymes are great! Cholesterol is a bit better, so I think that is progress. But bilirubin is the highest it's been for me. Not sure why. Maybe pushing detox too hard. RDW is low, apparently that means my red blood cells are all uniformly shaped so no anemia. Alkaline phosphatase is low which is a zinc dependent enzyme which means low hcl as well. But I didn't need a lab test to tell me that! I will be trialing zinc picolinate. Calcium and potassium are a bit lower than I want.

My labs go all the way back to 2011 when I was pregnant with my 2nd child and doing weston a price stuff, I was working with a metabolic typing practitioner and he gave me a free blood lab reading. He gave optimal ranges for a bunch of stuff as the lab ranges are too wide. By the time I had my child I had switched to Ray Peat way of life, and was on 1 grain thyroid for the 2013 lab. I went off that in April of 14 when I started having anxiety attacks. One so bad I went to the ER so that was the 8/14 lab. And then I went to a thyroid doctor as well in 8/14 and they ran labs too except lipids.
High liver enzymes were when I was on 1 mg cyproheptadine.
I dropped my vit A intake before the 2018 lab, but only went hard on the low vit A detox diet recently.
Fast= fasting from food over night
bloodlab 1.png


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The one I've been using is hardwood, but I need to get a new one this bag is like 10 yrs old! Not sure which brands are best right now.

I follow Dr Wilson's protocol (don't follow some of his other crazy ideas). Medium roast Colombian coffee 1-2 TBS, boiled for 12 minutes in about 2/3 cup of filtered water. Pour it off (no need to filter, just leave the grounds in the bottom of the pot) and add more water to cool it down I usually do two cups. I often have to do back to back enemas because I can't hold the first one or two. I only put in 1/3 of the liquid each time. I don't think it's good to put in a lot. Too much potential for electrolyte imbalances. So I don't bother to do a plain water enema first. I use the red enema bag from the drug store. I usually lay on my back, I don't think it matters that much. Rinse out thoroughly with plain water and hang to dry. So far no mold growth that I can see in the yrs I've done it off and on.

Also this is just a bandaid ultimately. I don't want to be on it forever. I've been a little irritable with the coffee. A bit too stimulating. Which is why it speeds up liver detoxification.

I hear Dr. Garrett Smith's research assistant is recommending buffered niacin enemas! Hm... definitely not ready for that!
Thank you! And do you also have a Betaine HCl you'd recommend?

I think it's due to using the betaine HCL with meat meals (trimethylglycine) which was recommended to me a few yrs ago. Methylation is clearly important! So is good digestion.
Bit confused by the methylation statement. Are you on a methylation protocol? Didn't see you mention it elsewhere.
Thank you! And do you also have a Betaine HCl you'd recommend?

Bit confused by the methylation statement. Are you on a methylation protocol? Didn't see you mention it elsewhere.
I found this one in gelatin capsules with no fillers: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088SLW7ZD?tag=rapef020-20

No I don't focus on methylation, I just know for me I am probably an undermethylator as I had problems with allergies and anxiety. Betaine is helpful for sparing choline as I don't eat eggs.
So last night I slept from 11:30-6am straight not even waking up to move. That rarely happens. I think whatever I'm doing is working. I don't even really need the betaine hcl anymore. I'm only taking the charcoal and last night I did take a little mag citrate with the charcoal. It seems sleep is up and down though, one night will be good the next will be kinda bad. I'm okay with that for now.

Whenever I try to eat apples I get extremely bad gas pains that keep me awake too. It's way worse than the beans. Not sure why that is. Peat always said pectin fiber was bad which is why he preferred filtered juice. I guess I have a ways to go to tolerate it.
Whenever I try to eat apples I get extremely bad gas pains that keep me awake too.
As your bile acid profile improves you will be able to handle it. Right now you have a bile acid profile which keep the wrong critters alive in your gut so then the pectin just feeds into them. Once that improves, the right critters come alive and the wrong critters die.
So last night I slept from 11:30-6am straight not even waking up to move. That rarely happens.
There will be more and more of those nights in your future.
As your bile acid profile improves you will be able to handle it. Right now you have a bile acid profile which keep the wrong critters alive in your gut so then the pectin just feeds into them. Once that improves, the right critters come alive and the wrong critters die.

There will be more and more of those nights in your future.
Yeah I figured that was the case, especially with my history of avoiding fiber! I am very hopeful about the sleep!! I have only had it happen when some combination comes together perfectly. One time many yrs ago it was taking thyroid hormone, another time it was drinking grape juice with baking soda. But never again could I replicate it lol.
There it is:
Screenshot from 2024-01-29 17-04-36.png

I've been at less than 600 IU's since June 2018. Lately it's been <200.
As your bile acid profile improves you will be able to handle it. Right now you have a bile acid profile which keep the wrong critters alive in your gut so then the pectin just feeds into them. Once that improves, the right critters come alive and the wrong critters die.

There will be more and more of those nights in your future.
wow, how to improve my bile acid ? its fix the white tongue ? my actual diet is a low low fat and high starch
I think the coffee enemas were messing with my sleep. Maybe lowering potassium too much, or too much stimulation, but that shouldn't be the case because both times I slept really well I still had caffeine, just no coffee enema. So I stopped them yesterday and drank some coffee instead (why oh why!) and some more today. I can confidently say I will never go back to regular coffee drinking. I feel like I'm poisoned. My toes feel puffy, my heart isn't functioning the same, I get out of breath easier and want to just sit all day. I regret ever becoming a coffee drinker on the Ray Peat diet. I think it was the reason for most of my poor health aside from the vit A. I only healed when I was off it. How anyone can say caffeine is a vitamin like nutrient is beyond me. Ray was crazy to say that. And I think everyone with poor health should first eliminate caffeine even decaf and chocolate.
Feeling pretty good again today. Coffee definitely keeps me humble lol. I always say 'I'm never doing that again', then I do it again a yr or so later and say it again. Ah well. Have to stick to what makes me feel good without coffee and not think coffee can fix anything.

I'm sitting under the heat lamp right now because it's really gloomy outside. Looking forward to hot sunny weather again. Which won't be long here!

I made a buffered nicotinic acid spray thanks to @charlie, thanks again! I put it in my butt crack that has been itching for 7 yrs! It stung pretty good. We will see how it goes. It didn't cause a flush but my face seems more rosy less pale, and I have energy and desire for more food. Which is good for me as my digestion tends to be very sluggish. I have not been taking niacin since I seem so sensitive to everything still. This seems to be a good option to get some in the blood stream without any kind of reaction from an oral dose. I remember when I bought Haidut's product Solban spray back in 2015 which had niacinamide and caffeine. What a mistake that was! I had so much anxiety from that. Still eating beans and rice at least once a day and charcoal morning and night. Today I was craving peanut butter with apples but I hope I'm not up with gas pains from that. I took enzymes just in case.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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