I'm Launching my own CLOTHING STORE - the Healthiest Clothes IN THE WORLD at an AFFORDABLE PRICE



Jun 22, 2021
Bruh, what do you call this lmao
View attachment 52992

Aint no deal you say? Hmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 52993
Come on mannnnn,

But did you take a screenshot of the Disclaimer I added to the description of the video?

You did not - because you're trying to start conflict where there is none

There's no beef man, Family and Friends fight sometimes man - but at the end of the day, it's all love and that's how it is, you get to know people better through times of stress.

If anything, I think this displays that I actually care about the forum, because I'm willing to invest so much time/effort into creating content for the forum which drives more traffic to the forum, wouldn't you agree?

But anyway, did you read my thread on how looking at a Black-Colored Screen increases Adrenaline and decreases metabolism? Because if you did, you would change the color theme on your RPF account - I would highly recommend reading it


Jun 22, 2021
I saw that, but the inseam is not mentioned. What is the inseam measurement?
I was doing a 30 inch inseam for all sizes, but I just added new options to the pants to choose your own inseam measurement from choices of 28"-34" so that way people who are on the shorter or taller side have more flexibility


Dec 8, 2016


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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Bruh, what do you call this lmao
View attachment 52992

Aint no deal you say? Hmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 52993
“A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger, with perverted heart devises evil, continually sowing discord; therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing” (Proverbs 6:12–15, ESV)
In Proverbs 6:14, “discord” is translated from the Hebrew (madan), meaning “strife, bitter conflict, heated and often violent dissension.” “Sowing” discord implies spreading conflict or scattering it widely. The passage reveals that an individual who sows discord is corrupted by sin and afflicted with a perverted heart. Solomon repeated the sentiment in Proverbs 16:28: “A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.” In Proverbs 6:16–19, he listed seven things the Lord hates, and “one who sows discord among brothers” (ESV) was one of them.

Solomon pointed to a dangerous heart problem as the root issue for someone who sows discord. Jesus said the same: “But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a person. For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, slander. These are the things that defile a person” (Matthew 15:18–20, CSB). According to Proverbs 10:12, hatred, as opposed to love, dwells in the heart of those who stir up conflict. Hateful people delight in breaking up friendships and spoiling peace and harmony between brothers and sisters.

The Bible is clear that sin provokes quarrels and disagreement: “When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division” (Galatians 5:19–20, NLT; cf. James 4:1). The apostle Paul counseled believers to stay away from “people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught” (Romans 16:17, NLT).

“Anyone who loves to quarrel loves sin,” stated Solomon (Proverbs 17:19, NLT). Believers cannot walk in the light of God’s love and continue spewing hatred and sowing discord: “If anyone claims, ‘I am living in the light,’ but hates a fellow believer, that person is still living in darkness. Anyone who loves a fellow believer is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble. But anyone who hates a fellow believer is still living and walking in darkness. Such a person does not know the way to go, having been blinded by the darkness” (1 John 2:9–11, NLT).

Paul warned believers against involving themselves in arguments and fights, even about spiritual matters: “These things are useless and a waste of time. If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them. For people like that have turned away from the truth, and their own sins condemn them” (Titus 3:9–11, NLT).

“Any fool can get himself into a quarrel,” stated the wise old teacher, but “honor belongs to the person who ends a dispute” (Proverbs 20:3, CSB). Solomon compared people who sow discord to troublemakers who go around lighting fires: “As charcoal for embers and wood for fire, so is a quarrelsome person for kindling strife” (Proverbs 26:21, CSB). Fires leave death and destruction in their wake. Proverbs 6:15 explains that the consequence of such foolish and evil behavior is sudden “calamity,” which literally refers to “a crushing weight.” A person who continually and actively sows discord is pursuing a life of sin, and such a life is destined for destruction (Romans 6:23; James 1:15).

Jesus said, “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9, NLT). But wicked mischief-makers who sow discord can expect to experience devastating distress and severe suffering. If they stubbornly refuse to listen to God’s warning and accept correction, they will be broken and ruined beyond all hope of healing (Proverbs 29:1). The Scriptures issue no light word of caution on this matter. Having a heart perverted by evil is a matter of life and death. The aftermath of such wickedness cannot be reversed.


Sep 12, 2015
I was doing a 30 inch inseam for all sizes, but I just added new options to the pants to choose your own inseam measurement from choices of 28"-34" so that way people who are on the shorter or taller side have more flexibility
Thank you


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hello All! I recently launched my Clothing Store - Naturals by James Gatz

View attachment 52468

So anyway, everyone has a clothing brand these days and tries to sell garbage at high prices, so why is mine special?

To Start off: if its one thing I know in this world, it is Clothes, I HAVE DEVOTED SO MUCH TIME to Clothes and Sewing

The Facts:

I've already made a previous thread focused on how toxic Polyester, and other synthetic fabrics are


What many of you DON'T KNOW is this :

When you buy Clothes that are "100% Cotton" or "100% Wool" - THIS IS A LIE

The "100% Cotton" Tag ONLY pertains to the Body of the Fabric, it does not pertain to "decoration",

So for example, when you buy a shirt that says "100% Cotton", in reality it has Polyester Tags, Latex Ribbing in the sleeves and Collar depending on the type of Shirt as well as being doused with pesticides, Estrogenic ink used in Printing, etc.

I could go on all day, but the fact of the matter is it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to wear any modern cloth all day and have a "healthy metabolism", serotonin will always be elevated because of how toxic it is

Theres a lot of Grifters out there, people who steal my ideas and content so unfortunately, I can't disclose everything I did with my clothes that makes them special because my work will get stolen again, but I will say, my clothes feel LIGHTYEARS DIFFERENT from any Cloth you have ever worn

I use extremely high-quality Organic French Terry Fabric with Organic Cotton Tags along with a few other special aspects in my clothing that I will not disclose publicly to protect my branding, and I make the Cuts and Sew the Fabric myself,

I CREATE EVERY PART that goes into this shirt, THERE IS NOT A SHREAD of anything toxic on any of my Clothing and I focus on making the HEALTHIEST/most comfortable clothes that exist in the world

I BET MY LIFE SAVINGS that my clothes are the healthiest clothes in the World, No one comes close to the amount of effort/detail I put into my clothes

... At an affordable price, my profit margins are RAZOR THIN right now and I'm LITERALLY barely breaking even, but as of right now I need to prove myself to you guys... so I'm making all my prices really cheap right now and once I'm more established, I will need to raise the price slightly so I can breathe.

If you need loungewear, clothes to wear at Home while at rest, something really comfortable, this is for you.

Nothing else like this in the World - I GUARANTEE IT.

Currently I'm selling only NightGowns, T-Shirts and Sweatpants, but soon I will be creating headwear with extended sizing and possibly Flip-Flops as well in the future

THANK YOU, any questions, don't hesitate to throw my way - Linking my website and Shop below!

I apologize that my pictures aren't "professional" - I'm currently a broke boy living with my MOMMY 😢😢 so until I start making more money, my set-up is extremely humble.

Any support is greatly appreciated, if you order from me, I will NOT LET YOU DOWN! Promise

All Clothes are Made to Order by me personally, so it takes me about 1 week, to Cut and Sew and then be ready to Ship to you

View attachment 52469

Do you carry XS sir? I saw XS on the sizing guide but didn’t see it listed as an option to order.
Jun 15, 2022
Yep, so I'm going to add 2 options this weekend, one option with 'Natural' Accents that matches the body of the shirt and one with the 'Mushroom" Accents seen in the photo.

The shirt is on the thicker side though (its not like a $20 undershirt that lasts for a few weeks, its like a sweater material so it is bulkier/thicker but it is really durable and comfortable honestly)

I built my clothes to last and for supreme comfort as my utmost priority
I just put in an order, looking forward to trying these out!


Sep 10, 2019
Good stuff, James. I hope after your business grows you’ll consider adding some wool and linen items as well.


Jun 22, 2021
Do you carry XS sir? I saw XS on the sizing guide but didn’t see it listed as an option to order.
Yep! I did miss it and I added it recently to the site!

I just put in an order, looking forward to trying these out!
Thank you!

For my first 10 orders that people have placed on the site already, I'm including a free shirt of a different fabric I'm launching soon that's more lightweight as a Thank You for the support!

Good stuff, James. I hope after your business grows you’ll consider adding some wool and linen items as well.
Thanks! I am currently working with Wool and going to launch Wool Pillows, Wool Comforters and Wool Dog beds in about a week or so, at an affordable price.

Wool is expensive, so I'm glad to help supply it at a reasonable price!


Sep 10, 2020
Hope your business flourishes! Have you thought about doing bedding as well? Could be a simple one (I imagine) in terms of production. Keep up the good work anyway!
Jun 26, 2023
Have you thought about, non-toxic lifting equipment. Maybe like a sandbag with 100% latex rubber inside and hemp outside or something. There is some stores offering 100% cotton clothing without dyes or additives, but I didnt see any workout equipment. Also lifting belts would be nice. I think hemp should be strong enough, though leather lifting belts exist on the market. They used sandbags in WW2, not sure how they made them not leak. Maybe the size of sand grains was big inside. You could call it, "Natty lifting" and for advertisement show a massive roided mf lifting the natural sandbag

Sandbag - Wikipedia
The military uses sandbags for field fortifications and as a temporary measure to protect civilian structures. Because burlap and sand are inexpensive, large protective barriers can be erected cheaply. The friction created by moving soil or sand grains and tiny air gaps makes sandbags an efficient dissipator of explosive blast.[4] The most common sizes for sandbags are 14 by 26 inches (36 by 66 cm) to 17 by 32 inches (43 by 81 cm).[5][6] These dimensions, and the weight of sand a bag this size can hold, allow for the construction of an interlocking wall like brickwork.

Individual filled bags are not too heavy to lift and move into place. They may be laid in excavated defences as revetment, or as free-standing walls above ground where excavations are impractical. As plain burlap sandbags deteriorate fairly quickly, sandbag structures meant to remain in place for a long time may be painted with a portland cement slurry to reduce the effects of rot and abrasion. Cotton ducking sandbags last considerably longer than burlap and are hence preferable for long-term use. However, the vast majority of sandbags used by modern military and for flood prevention are made of circular woven polypropylene. Some of the World War I memorial trenches were rebuilt with concrete sandbags after the First World War—although criticized as looking unnatural, they have lasted well. During World War II in Great Britain, some aircraft revetments and pillboxes were made from concrete filled sandbags, again these have lasted well.

Sandbag fortifications have been used since at least the late 16th century. For example, the rebellious Mughal governor Mirza Jani Beg used improvised sandbags made out of boat sails to construct a makeshift fort at Unarpur, Sindh, in 1592.[7] Later, British loyalists used sandbag and log fortifications in the 1781 Siege of Ninety-Six during the American Revolutionary War. Nathanael Greene was familiar enough with the fortification technique to equip his troops with hooks to pull down the sandbag and log walls when they stormed the Star Redoubt in Ninety Six, South Carolina.[8]

In ancient times, temporary sandbag forts known as an antestature were made out of sandbags.They were historically hastily established by a retreating force to slow the progress of the enemy. The word comes from the Latin ante ("before"), and statūra ("a standing"). [9]

Peat's coffee

Nov 12, 2018
Just placed an order for myself and family. eagerly awaiting. Very cool stuff, James. Wishing you much success!


Jun 22, 2021
Why do you think eating a lot of liquid and damp food is bad for your spleen? DANNY!!!!!!!
Starch is love. Starch is life.

I spoke to Dana White and I spoke to Danny Roddy,

I sent him the UFC contract, and were just waiting for his signature and STARCH will be vindicated in the Ray Peat Community once and for all





Aug 9, 2019
There's no beef man, Family and Friends fight sometimes man - but at the end of the day, it's all love and that's how it is, you get to know people better through times of stress.

Bruh (lol at the intentional misspell)
You did not - because you're trying to start conflict where there is none

bruh 2.PNG

Bruh x2

bruh 3.PNG

Bruh x3

James, james, I get it. You can't reply with anything that's going to contradict charlie, else your ad placement and account disappear.. No problem, I will stop after this lol.


Jun 22, 2021
View attachment 53225
Bruh (lol at the intentional misspell)


View attachment 53226
Bruh x2

View attachment 53227
Bruh x3

James, james, I get it. You can't reply with anything that's going to contradict charlie, else your ad placement and account disappear.. No problem, I will stop after this lol.
Ughhhhh man, What do you want me to say man?

Theres such thing as *emotions* - things people say in the heat-of-the-moment that they don't really mean

People change, minds change, Friends and Family fight sometimes man. None of it is personal man - how many different people on this forum do I banter with? It's just talk man - I don't really mean half the things I say on here on the Internet

Also, honestly, with the way the World is moving and people having strokes/heart attacks left and right, I'm not interested in spending my energy fighting with anyone man.

There isn't enough time to be fighting with people because the World us changing fast - I'm building bridges, chasing success, focused on building a future family, and building good relationships with people.

I'm trying to bring real value to people and trying to make something of myself - I'm not interested in jumping in the trenches and pulling people down.

But alright man, I'm just going to *reiterate* that the dark theme on your screen is promoting your aggression/incitement to conflict, I would recommend changing your theme for your own health


Jun 22, 2021
Also, I sent people who ordered from me an email about this, but I will re-iterate just in case and place this message on my website.

Currently I have a 1-2 week delay on orders because my supplier unfortunately can't ship more fabric to ship to me until around August 1, I am finishing up my first few orders now.

I'm including FREE gifts with every order which will be a Lightweight T-Shirt in your size and/or a Wool Pillow as a HUGE Thank you for your patience with this situation and support.

I'm shipping out my first few orders tomorrow and working on sending the rest as soon as possible.

I want to give a HUGE Thank you from anyone who ordered from me so far, and please don't hesitate to email me for any questions - I will not let you down! 🙏
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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