
  1. JamesGatz

    I'm Launching my own CLOTHING STORE - the Healthiest Clothes IN THE WORLD at an AFFORDABLE PRICE

    Hello All! I recently launched my Clothing Store - Naturals by James Gatz So anyway, everyone has a clothing brand these days and tries to sell garbage at high prices, so why is mine special? To Start off: if its one thing I know in this world, it is Clothes, I HAVE DEVOTED SO MUCH TIME to...
  2. JamesGatz

    WEARING BLACK CLOTHING and looking at BLACK SCREENS has a negative effect on your metabolism, Raises Adrenaline and makes people Aggressive

    I’ve been doing a lot of experimentation with the color black lately with interesting results. In One study I looked at, participants had dopamine rise when exposed to Red, Blue, Green on a TV screen but had adrenaline rise when exposed to a black screen. I personally believe that Light...
  3. Androsclerosis

    Easiest way to increase body temperature

    I tell you that by doing this you will cure many of your diseases. My advice is Wear More Clothes, simple as that. When it was winter I always have been complaining about being bloated, being foggy, fatigued and having a low quality sleep. During that time I also woke up few times a night. It...
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