
  1. JamesGatz

    I'm Launching my own CLOTHING STORE - the Healthiest Clothes IN THE WORLD at an AFFORDABLE PRICE

    Hello All! I recently launched my Clothing Store - Naturals by James Gatz So anyway, everyone has a clothing brand these days and tries to sell garbage at high prices, so why is mine special? To Start off: if its one thing I know in this world, it is Clothes, I HAVE DEVOTED SO MUCH TIME to...
  2. miquelangeles

    The Influence of Natural and Synthetic Clothing on the Activity of the Motor Units in Forearm Muscles

    Abstract The present paper deals with new health aspects of clothing. These research studies were undertaken to determine the influence of natural and synthetic fibres which temporarily cover the forearm muscles on the activity of the motor units in these muscles. The electrophysiological...
  3. JamesGatz

    Is Cotton and Leather the only safe clothing materials ? What do people think of Cashmere/wool/linen ?

    I'm sure many of us know how toxic/estrogenic these plastic/synthetic fibers are such as polyester, nylon, and these acrylic blends are - the new trend I see in clothing is recycling material so I see a lot of clothes boasting how it was remade from plastic water bottles which does not seem good...
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