IBS! Please Help!

Nov 21, 2015
virtually a cure was found in enemas of vitamin E for ulcerative colitis. Might be worth trying for IBS.

Easy to try. You can buy liquid E and try it and see if it works.

Rectal administration of d-alpha tocopherol for active ulcerative colitis: A preliminary report

METHODS: Fifteen patients with mild and moderately active ulcerative colitis were enrolled in an open-label study of d-α tocopherol enema (8000 U/d) for 12 wk. All patients were receiving concomitant therapy with 5-aminosalicylic acid derivatives (5-ASA) and/or immunomodulator medications. Endoscopic evaluation was performed at baseline and after 4th and 12th weeks. Disease activity was measured with the Mayo disease activity index (DAI) and remission was defined as DAI of ≤ 2 with no blood in stool. Clinical response was defined as a DAI reduction of ≥ 2.

RESULTS: At the end of 12th week, the average DAI score significantly decreased compared to the beginning of the study (2.3 ± 0.37 vs 8 ± 0.48, P < 0.0001). One patient was withdrawn after 3 wk for being unavailable to follow-up. On the 4th week of therapy, 12 patients showed clinical response, 3 of whom (21.4%) achieving remission. After 12 wk, all 14 patients responded clinically to the therapy and remission was induced in 9 of them (64%). No patient reported adverse events or was hospitalized due to worsened disease activity.

CONCLUSION: This preliminary report suggests that rectal d-α tocopherol may represent a novel therapy for mild and moderately active UC. The observed results might be due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties of vitamin E.


Mar 27, 2017
Cyproheptadine is available as a "research chemical". I like Haidut's version, which is available here: IdeaLabs Online Store - Worldwide Ordering And Delivery - Laboratory Research Chemicals. And I share your fear, but I fear even more all the horrible things in my ancient body that cyproheptadine cleans up.

How do you know they're selling you what they say they're selling you? This is always been my beef with the supplement industry which I don't really subscribe to unless it's vitamin D and I take the most well known brand I can find


Feb 18, 2017
How do you know they're selling you what they say they're selling you? This is always been my beef with the supplement industry which I don't really subscribe to unless it's vitamin D and I take the most well known brand I can find
Certainly a fair question, and I think your strategy of choosing a well known brand is part of the answer. I use that myself. In some cases you can tell by tasting, like vitamin C, which I get as a powder. (Which BTW tastes pretty good to me.) In some cases you can tell by researching the effects. Then buy and try. Did you get the effect? Once I find a brand that has come through for me, I'll stick with that brand if they also sell another supplement I might want.

I take many supplements and order from many vendors I've grown to trust over the years. With respect to Haidut, there is no vendor I trust more. Superb service, products that are in some cases in a form that nobody else has, that maximizes effectiveness (which can vary a great deal between oral and transdermal), and one product, called Mitolipin, that is startlingly creative. To my knowledge nobody else has ever even conceived of such a product, much less produced it. (Note that I can't vouch for its effectiveness yet, but if it does what it's supposed to do, then it might be revolutionary.)

Plus, Haidut's all over this forum every day, answering questions and explaining his products, but mostly just providing valuable information, most of which has nothing to do with his products. I've learned more about health from him than anybody else anywhere, with the possible exception of Ray Peat himself. Sorry for sounding so much like a fanboy, but it's from the heart. Without him, my life would be much worse, or maybe already over.

I should note that I've never actually gotten ripped off, even from overseas vendors. I try to be careful, so apparently that works. (Knocking on wood.) That's not to say I haven't wasted money. I have, and plenty of it. But the fault was always mine. The form I bought has low bioavailability, or is actually harmful, or doesn't work well for me, or has side effects that I can't handle, which I only discovered later. There are SO many forms of vitamin E, most of which are no good, but I bought them all before I learned that the last one was no good too. (And I may have just learned that the one I've settled on for the last many years is also no good, sigh.) I've got tons of stuff sitting on shelves that's useless but hard to throw away because I spent good money on it. But that's not the vendor's fault.

I urge you, or anyone, to search Haidut on this forum and read what he has to say. Pretty much anything he has to say will enlighten you, and some of it might make your life very much better indeed, even if you choose to never buy anything from him.
May 26, 2016
I urge you, or anyone, to search Haidut on this forum and read what he has to say. Pretty much anything he has to say will enlighten you, and some of it might make your life very much better indeed, even if you choose to never buy anything from him.



Jan 25, 2016
Greetings from Elize

I would like to try Cyproheptadine. Before I do. I have Hashimoto and low cortisol causing all over body tremors at times. Would the Cypro lower or increase cortisol? having used Asprin for long now read that Asprin lowers cortisol -- could that be the mistake I made. Wonder if part of my shakiness etc is due to the combination of asprin and also being on thyroid medications. I had to drop back to T4 only as T3 tanked me totally.


Feb 18, 2017
Greetings from Elize

I would like to try Cyproheptadine. Before I do. I have Hashimoto and low cortisol causing all over body tremors at times. Would the Cypro lower or increase cortisol? having used Asprin for long now read that Asprin lowers cortisol -- could that be the mistake I made. Wonder if part of my shakiness etc is due to the combination of asprin and also being on thyroid medications. I had to drop back to T4 only as T3 tanked me totally.
I believe Cypro lowers cortisol, which is good for most people, but maybe not good for you.


Jan 25, 2016
Gosh thanks Don

I would need to keep searching for similar type products that would not affect cortisol levels at all.


Feb 18, 2017


Feb 22, 2014
My IBS which was caused by 3 months dosage of doxycycline prescribed for acne was mostly solved by a bifidobacteria based probiotic VSL#3 though I have heard that probiotics can be bad in case of hashimoto. Not recommending anything just telling my story :)


Thanks for sharing this. My husband was just prescribed the same probiotic by his doctor following a 2-week course of antibiotics. He became ill with UTI symptoms and was found to have E.coli in his bladder and blood! He was pretty sick. Possible he got it from contaminated food at a Mexican restaurant a few days earlier. Strangely, no GI upset following this! Doctor wants him to take VSL#3 indefinitely as he thinks he’s now susceptible to E.coli.

You seemed to have a good experience taking it, just wondered if you’ve taken it again, or needed to. I’m not sure if taking them long-term is necessary, or may do more harm than good in the big picture.


Apr 11, 2018
Yes, they do for me. Cyproheptadine has made all the difference. Within just a few days the problem was gone.

Most of the serotonin in the body is in the gut (>90%?). It induces gut contractions to keep things moving through. If the gut gets irritated it releases extra serotonin, causing more rapid movement, and often diarrhea. The purpose is to get irritants, which may be toxic, out of the body more quickly. But if the gut becomes inflamed, there may be chronic irritation, and therefore chronic excess serotonin, and therefore chronic diarrhea. Cyproheptadine can break the cycle.

I used Haidut's formulation, four drops per day, and the problem was resolved very quickly. I have since dropped back to one drop per day and all continues well. I suspect my gut issues are actually over, but I continue to take it just to keep systemic serotonin in check. Note also that excess serotonin often spills out of the gut and into the blood, which causes dark moods. My mood was certainly brightened as a result.
Could you update us how things have been going? Have you been able to maintain control of your IBS-D using cyproheptadine? Do you find the drops better than pills? Could you also give us a bit of your backstory concerning IBS-D, and perhaps other symptoms you had. I'm on this antihistamine path for IBS-D, and there does seem to be some correlation, but this cyproheptadine trial I'm undertaking will really tell me one way or the other whether there is something present.


Feb 18, 2017
Could you update us how things have been going? Have you been able to maintain control of your IBS-D using cyproheptadine? Do you find the drops better than pills? Could you also give us a bit of your backstory concerning IBS-D, and perhaps other symptoms you had. I'm on this antihistamine path for IBS-D, and there does seem to be some correlation, but this cyproheptadine trial I'm undertaking will really tell me one way or the other whether there is something present.
Gut health remains good. Don't need the cypro for that anymore but still take it for systemic benefits. I take one drop orally, licked off the palm of my hand. I've got pills for backup but never took one because the drops are convenient. Backstory was years of chronic diarrhea induced by Red Skin Syndrome that also affected the "skin" of my bowel. Other symptoms were notable abdominal discomfort and gas in shocking quantities. Ancient history now. I still get out of whack from time to time because I experiment constantly and some experiments result in gut irritation. But I can usually get back to top dead center in a day or two by halting whatever experiment. Restoring gut health yielded a big upgrade to quality of life. Very worth the effort.


Mar 17, 2017
Activated Charcoal can stop diarrhea almost immidiatary.
If I take too much of it,It may cause constipation but if I take just a 500 to 1000mg of it,It won't cause any problem.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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