"I Have Liver Issues And I Am Not Making Progress"


Jul 8, 2014
Many people mock Lawrence Wilson when he implies in his texts that flirting is something bad and should be avoided. However he seems to come from a place of conservation rather than abundance, and it makes sense to avoid anything sexual when weak because it can be draining indeed.
Huh, that's interesting. Flirting feels playful and like a form of admiration to me so I find it uplifting, but I can see how someone would find it exhausting if they were really weak.


Jul 8, 2014
Like I mentioned elsewhere, those that deviated from a varied diet did it because they had to.
Some starches with dairy for me are a disaster, the reaction is so bizarre that it takes some conscious effort to not become traumatized, to be able to rebuild the courage to try to combine them again as the reaction passes.
I guess that being able to tolerate anything without problems is what we should aim for in terms of digestive health.
Yeah, I'm always reintroducing foods to see if I tolerate them, but I inevitably lose the high I'm on while raw so I go back. If I could feel this great on other foods, I'd be diving headfirst into a pile of creamer potatoes.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Mind the deserted island Jennifer, that is almost what I live in my island lol you would need more contact, though less than what you certainly have when you dream about being alone!
Connexion feels good and healthy....
Of course you were joking, we all know the needed balance....

About flirting, maybe he wanted to say to look for a definitive partner only, and not loose energy in "trying out"...

Both are the same theme: some stability is good for keeping energy and spend it wisely...


Jul 8, 2014
I believe that it can be particularly draining for men..
Could be. Obviously, not being a man, I can't comment on that. When you were at your weakest, how did you feel when a girl flirted with you or gave you complements? Did it make you weaker?


Jul 8, 2014
Mind the deserted island Jennifer, that is almost what I live in my island lol you would need more contact, though less than what you certainly have when you dream about being alone!
Connexion feels good and healthy....
Of course you were joking, we all know the needed balance....

About flirting, maybe he wanted to say to look for a definitive partner only, and not loose energy in "trying out"...

Both are the same theme: some stability is good for keeping energy and spend it wisely...

Ooh...nice, Xisca! My joke had a tiny bit of truth to it but yes, I like my alone time, but not that much alone time. Haha!

Good point about looking for a partner and the energy in trying. That makes sense. :)


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Mind the deserted island Jennifer, that is almost what I live in my island lol you would need more contact, though less than what you certainly have when you dream about being alone!
Connexion feels good and healthy....
Of course you were joking, we all know the needed balance....

About flirting, maybe he wanted to say to look for a definitive partner only, and not loose energy in "trying out"...

Both are the same theme: some stability is good for keeping energy and spend it wisely...
No, if I recall correctly he explicitly suggests that it's best to avoid intense intimacy. And it's understandable from one point of view.
At some point he writes about female vampirism, which is how he perceives in his head the behavior of women trying to take advantage of any vulnerability or something like that.

Could be. Obviously, not being a man, I can't comment on that. When you were at your weakest, how did you feel when a girl flirted with you or gave you complements? Did it make you weaker?
That's the problem, there is no flirting if weak. A weak men is not attractive at all.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
That is why I took the example of going from an extreme to the other, in any kind of relationship. A GOOD moment of relationship does NOT drain but energizes.
No, if I recall correctly he explicitly suggests that it's best to avoid intense intimacy. And it's understandable from one point of view.
At some point he writes about female vampirism, which is how he perceives in his head the behavior of women trying to take advantage of any vulnerability or something like that.
Ho my!
But men do the same as what he says women do! When they have too much unmanaged energy, they just want to waste it, it seems! Of course it drains them. On my side it makes me feel like a soufflé taken out of the oven. My energy is not drained but cut at the source.

So what is a GOOD relationship?
For me, it is when you just touch the others at subtle level, like 2 bubbles of soap that make contact... They stick just enough so that they move the other by their own movement, and this is reciprocal.
Push too much, and they explode.
Separate them, and there is no foam.

This type of contact does not drain any energy, it creates more energy in both persons.
And I think this problem we have in relationships is as important to metabolism and cleaning as food and other parts of lifestyle.
Look at Bernardo Lapallo... They talk about his sharp social skills... His food has nothing special, he even cooks with canola oil.
We need others, but in a special form of touching each others.
Theories are much too much about membranes and limits! It seems as if biology belief was representing our social ways! There is no limit when we bond, but there is no mix either, as the foam bubbles. They are of the same matter, they bond but stay 2.

Honestly, this is because I do not live this enough that my energy is low. When I have this, my energy goes up, and the others do not go down, if THEY want. There are no vampires but people who believe in unreal beings so that they cannot responsibilize for draining themselves!


Jul 8, 2014
Excellent post, Xisca. I love the bubble analogy. :)

@Amazoniac - I don't think a man is not at all attractive just because he's ill, at least not to the women who have that innate drive to care for and nurture. Personally, I'd want to take care of him. Maybe I'm mistaking your meaning of attraction in this context, though. You mean attracting sexual attention, not necessarily loving attention, in general?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Thanks Jennifer, I could feel your bubble touching mine... :)
I remember also Daniel11 saying that women got more attracted to him when he was more healthy.
I think health is attractive. Nice teeth make a smile more attractive etc.

When you have digestive issues, you can show many unattractive signs, the 1st being bad breath!
Then the skin, colour, bags under eyes...
People relate less to you, because they think you are going to vampirise them, and it is a vicious circle.
In TCM, if this is true, everybody says anger damages liver.
Maybe, a bad liver gives anger... because people abandon you instead of helping you?


Is it different and better than take the plant itself, the common artemisia it comes from?
More concentrated. @bzmazu says he uses both versions and might like the plant one better. I chose the extract because the research is mostly with that form. You might consult with him. His experience convinced me :):


Apr 30, 2015
I got a chance to talk to the chinese/myopractor guy who I have been consulting for many years today. I asked him about liver and kidney dynamics, and liver detoxification, and I think he had some good input that I will list out here: This guy just retired, and has been working for something like 40 years. He has helped many people, and according to him helped welders detox from heavy metals, and a plethora of other liver ailments. I will say he believes in some things that are anti peat. He is not a fan of sugar, and looks a bit askance at fruit. But he tailors treatment to each individual and does not rule out that some people do well on sugar, while others grains, etc. He mostly worked on very sensitive people, so his view of sugar may be warranted. We did not really get into sugar, but I thought it would be right to give fair warning on the opinion holder. I really respect an opinion that comes from 40 years of practice. He was paid very well and highly sought after by those in the know.

•Liver chi is relatively easy to sustain or replenish, but kidney/adrenal chi is much harder to stabilize. The adrenals and kidneys are different, but for most purposes can be considered the same as they become dysfunctional together in our time(usually, always an exception).

•Rhythm is what sustains the kidneys. Rhythm of life, the opposite of chaos, or trust. Getting your body, and then your mind into a rhythm is going to lower adrenaline, and this will stabilize the Kidneys. What does it mean to stabilize the body and mind?

•Stabilizing the body, giving it rhythm is about waking and sleeping early, the same time every day. Giving food to your body regularly, movement regularly, and having a stable schedule. With rhythm, you can notice anomalies; when sensations feel good and bad. When they feel bad, you can adjust. Without rhythm, you have chaos and adrenaline, and cannot observe properly. The adrenaline prevents consciousness by entering you into fight or flight, instead of steady rationality. Rhythm prevents FEAR, and fear is at the root of destabilized kidneys.

•All gurus promote some type of rhythm, whether that be a mantra or some practice, whatever. This rhythm overtime gives stability, and the thoughts that are fearful and not necessary fall away. You adjust in a way that lowers the bad chaos sensations and promotes the harmonious sensations of trust.

•Stabilizing the mind requires living without the stimulating influences of our culture. Debt is incredibly stimulating, and you should get out of all debt as soon as possible. Why? Because debt means that you cannot observe and grow. You must stay the same, you must maintain the social structure you are in or risk losing the ability to pay off what you owe. "Have to" is stress, "get to" is sustainable. Save 20% of what you make so that you do not have to worry about your later years. This is another form of mind stabilization. Put your money in stable things like gold/silver, or property/farms, not the yoyo craziness of paper instruments. It is more important that what you put away is the same in 40 years, not that it grows.

•When you cleanse the liver, you must weigh long term and short term benefit. Short term you will be weakened, so the harm must outweigh that, like intense migraines that debilitate you. Impromptu liver cleansing does not work, and will usually lead to poor long term outcomes. There are a certain number of people, maybe around 20% that he has treated, where cleansing the liver once or twice will get them back on track. These are generally insensitive people that are very hot, cannot feel much, have strong kidneys, and are more susceptible to heart attacks. The majority of people who liver cleanse can get into a viscous cycle of depletion because their lifestyle does not match the health they want. You cannot remedy lifestyle (he said that like a million times). If you cleanse on a mechanical basis, forever, you will not lose kidney chi. But you need rhythm to find that mechanical basis that works! With rhythm you find out what is sustainable!

•If your lifestyle provides you the kidney chi, your liver will be cleansed, if it does not, no liver cleansing will remedy the poor lifestyle (unless you are that 20%, in which case you have different problems)

•Good thyroid comes from the brain, the hypothalmus. When the proper minerals and fats are in the brain, a hopeful feeling can be maintained about life. Good brain is about ambition and hope, which then stimulates thyroid and gives energy. If you have that, and add in good nutrition, you will have proper kidney chi. Beware of the cultural mind at this time. It gives bad information, and if you use this information to build something, the foundation will be weak, and you will deplete yourself trying to maintain it. Don't fall into the viscous cycle of depletion, be weird and calm, relaxed. Above all, kidney depletion is about fear. If you have a rhythm, a purpose, which is trust, which means no fear, you will not be attracted to stimulation to give you a fleeting feeling of life.

I think that is about all he talked about. I am going to be talking to him once a month, so any other gems I find I can pass along.
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Apr 30, 2015
High caffeine/coffee intake didn't work for me. Along with my parathyroid, my kidneys and adrenals have been a main focus of mine ever since coming across Dr. Robert Morse's work in January of 2016. Caffeine overstimulates my already struggling adrenals and the acids in coffee bother my kidneys.

Beyond blood work and standard symptoms, I've found that the easiest way to tell if there's an actual adrenal weakness is if systolic blood pressure is low (below 120) or in roughly 50% of cases, high (above 130), and for a kidney weakness, if diastolic blood pressure is low or high (below 60 or above 70), urine is alkaline (kidneys aren't eliminating acids) and lacks sediment (acidic byproducts of metabolism a.k.a metabolic waste and toxins).

I make sure to take readings on both arms. A reading on the left arm indicates the strength of the left adrenal and kidney, and a reading on the right arm indicates the strength of the right adrenal and kidney.

I check for sediment by collecting my urine in a jar and letting it sit for a few hours. If the kidneys are filtering, there will be sediment at the bottom. In my experience, the more sediment I get, the greater the relief and/or cessation of symptoms.

Weak kidneys and adrenals may not guarantee that we'll have a weak liver, but they do make it more likely that we'll have some tissue weaknesses going on because if the kidneys aren't filtering out metabolic waste, it's accumulating in the body.

As yerrag pointed out, our skin or "third kidney" is another organ of elimination that is often compromised because so many people in todays world have some degree of thyroid weakness and if the thyroid is weak, we aren't able to sweat out the waste efficiently so again, it builds up.

Others have pointed this out already but in terms of a non-exciting life being needed to have good kidneys and adrenals, I believe there's a difference between stimulation that creates a sense of joy versus a sense of fear, and that it's highly subjective given that not all people gain the same pleasure from things, nor have the same level of adrenal and/or kidney degeneration, or even weak adrenals and/or kidneys at all.

I do think that even if a person gets joy out of something like say bodybuilding or hiking mountains, it's wise to rest if the adrenals are weak and the kidneys aren't filtering out metabolic waste well because those activities will only be creating more acids, but the body will give clear signs of this. It just comes down to whether or not we choose to submit to them.

What kind of things did you find worked since working on your kidneys/adrenals since 2016?

So happy you joined the thread Jennifer!


Mar 29, 2016
I will say he believes in some things that are anti peat. He is not a fan of sugar, and looks a bit askance at fruit.

That confirms my feeling about many TCM doctors having an anti-sugar bias. Does he share a similar anti-coffee bias? Without Ray Peat explaining the benefits of sugar and coffee to me, I would simply conform to this side of "world" culture and be easy on sugar and coffee intake. TCM doctors also push an anti-beef bias. This makes me feel that these bias reflect more the cultural and even religious practice of TCM.

Chinese beliefs are influenced to a significant extent by Buddhism, and in some ways, Hinduism. Eating beef isn't kosher because of the view that cows and ox are beasts of burden, and do the work in a farm, where food is grown. It must be seen as bad karma to kill a creature that provides food for us.

With sugar, I just see this as a result of TCM practitioners past and present (the PUFA lie started near a century ago) observing many patients having diabetes and associating diabetes with sugar. An appreciation of the context of PUFAs and its role in diabetes helped us in not blaming sugar for diabetes, but a TCM doctor wouldn't have that insight, and would follow the script of established practice. One weakness of Chinese culture is it honors ancestors with little thought to make exception and by extension it treats tradition with little context for the present. Too much of this orientation leads to not questioning the basis of old knowledge, and makes it difficult to adapt to new discoveries that would have a counter logic to established thinking.

As for coffee, my guess is that it has in the past been portrayed as being on the same level as cigarettes. An argument I remember from before is the pro-cigarette people saying that coffee is just as bad as cigarettes, so why isn't the government regulating coffee? Lumping coffee together with drugs would put it in a bad light, given China's past where the British Empire forced China to buy opium, for which the masses would gladly smoke. An opium-poisoned population was a great way to put down a country. Coffee being thought of as a drug would have a negative connotation of it with the culture, and with medical practitioners of that culture.

These said, I still think there is plenty TCM can do. I mention a few examples of TCM that I don't agree with, but knowing how this doctor thinks this way helps me in appreciating his position. It is up to me to see if I should follow his advice. I will not want to argue, but just step back and make my decision. This is my mode though, even with Western conventional medicine, and sometimes even with Western naturopathic medicine.
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Apr 30, 2015
That confirms my feeling about many TCM doctors having an anti-sugar bias. Does he share a similar anti-coffee bias? Without Ray Peat explaining the benefits of sugar and coffee to me, I would simply conform to this side of "world" culture and be easy on sugar and coffee intake. TCM doctors also push an anti-beef bias. This makes me feel that these bias reflect more the cultural and even religious practice of TCM.

Chinese beliefs are influenced to a significant extent by Buddhism, and in some ways, Hinduism. Eating beef isn't kosher because of the view that cows and ox are beasts of burden, and do the work in a farm, where food is grown. It must be seen as bad karma to kill a creature that provides food for us.

With sugar, I just see this as a result of TCM practitioners past and present (the PUFA lie started near a century ago) observing many patients having diabetes and associating diabetes with sugar. An appreciation of the context of PUFAs and its role in diabetes helped us in not blaming sugar for diabetes, but a TCM doctor wouldn't have that insight, and would follow the script of established practice. One weakness of Chinese culture is it honors ancestors with little thought to make exception and by extension it treats tradition with little context for the present. Too much of this orientation leads to not questioning the basis of old knowledge, and makes it difficult to adapt to new discoveries that would have a counter logic to established thinking.

As for coffee, my guess that it has in the past been portrayed as being on the same level as cigarettes. An argument I remember from before is the pro-cigarette people saying that coffee is just as bad as cigarettes, so why isn't the government regulating coffee? Lumping coffee together with drugs would put it in a bad light, given China's past where the British Empire forced China to buy opium, for which the masses would gladly smoke. An opium-poisoned population was a great way to put down a country. Coffee being thought of as a drug would have a negative connotation of it with the culture, and with medical practitioners of that culture.
Yes he has some anti coffee beliefs too. However he is pragmatic above all else and while he would say you should not drink coffee, he would also acknowledge that healthy people with regular coffee intake can thrive. I think if I sat down with him and explained some of the benefits and the proper way to use it, he would agree. He probably disagrees with the use of coffee as a stimulant...like staying up all night studying or something. But if Coffee was framed in the light of regulating you circadian rhythm, like getting sunlight in your eyes in the morning, he would view it positively.

Chinese medicine also doesn't like eating liver. I think this is due to Asians being able to use aminos better to cleanse the liver vs Europeans. Something like that. A lot of Chinese medicine crosses over but some just doesn't. Their tolerance for starch is another.


I got a chance to talk to the chinese/myopractor guy who I have been consulting for many years today. I asked him about liver and kidney dynamics, and liver detoxification, and I think he had some good input that I will list out here: This guy just retired, and has been working for something like 40 years. He has helped many people, and according to him helped welders detox from heavy metals, and a plethora of other liver ailments. I will say he believes in some things that are anti peat. He is not a fan of sugar, and looks a bit askance at fruit. But he tailors treatment to each individual and does not rule out that some people do well on sugar, while others grains, etc. He mostly worked on very sensitive people, so his view of sugar may be warranted. We did not really get into sugar, but I thought it would be right to give fair warning on the opinion holder. I really respect an opinion that comes from 40 years of practice. He was paid very well and highly sought after by those in the know.

•Liver chi is relatively easy to sustain or replenish, but kidney/adrenal chi is much harder to stabilize. The adrenals and kidneys are different, but for most purposes can be considered the same as they become dysfunctional together in our time(usually, always an exception).

•Rhythm is what sustains the kidneys. Rhythm of life, the opposite of chaos, or trust. Getting your body, and then your mind into a rhythm is going to lower adrenaline, and this will stabilize the Kidneys. What does it mean to stabilize the body and mind?

•Stabilizing the body, giving it rhythm is about waking and sleeping early, the same time every day. Giving food to your body regularly, movement regularly, and having a stable schedule. With rhythm, you can notice anomalies; when sensations feel good and bad. When they feel bad, you can adjust. Without rhythm, you have chaos and adrenaline, and cannot observe properly. The adrenaline prevents consciousness by entering you into fight or flight, instead of steady rationality. Rhythm prevents FEAR, and fear is at the root of destabilized kidneys.

•All gurus promote some type of rhythm, whether that be a mantra or some practice, whatever. This rhythm overtime gives stability, and the thoughts that are fearful and not necessary fall away. You adjust in a way that lowers the bad chaos sensations and promotes the harmonious sensations of trust.

•Stabilizing the mind requires living without the stimulating influences of our culture. Debt is incredibly stimulating, and you should get out of all debt as soon as possible. Why? Because debt means that you cannot observe and grow. You must stay the same, you must maintain the social structure you are in or risk losing the ability to pay off what you owe. "Have to" is stress, "get to" is sustainable. Save 20% of what you make so that you do not have to worry about your later years. This is another form of mind stabilization. Put your money in stable things like gold/silver, or property/farms, not the yoyo craziness of paper instruments. It is more important that what you put away is the same in 40 years, not that it grows.

•When you cleanse the liver, you must weigh long term and short term benefit. Short term you will be weakened, so the harm must outweigh that, like intense migraines that debilitate you. Impromptu liver cleansing does not work, and will usually lead to poor long term outcomes. There are a certain number of people, maybe around 20% that he has treated, where cleansing the liver once or twice will get them back on track. These are generally insensitive people that are very hot, cannot feel much, have strong kidneys, and are more susceptible to heart attacks. The majority of people who liver cleanse can get into a viscous cycle of depletion because their lifestyle does not match the health they want. You cannot remedy lifestyle (he said that like a million times). If you cleanse on a mechanical basis, forever, you will not lose kidney chi. But you need rhythm to find that mechanical basis that works! With rhythm you find out what is sustainable!

•If your lifestyle provides you the kidney chi, your liver will be cleansed, if it does not, no liver cleansing will remedy the poor lifestyle (unless you are that 20%, in which case you have different problems)

•Good thyroid comes from the brain, the hypothalmus. When the proper minerals and fats are in the brain, a hopeful feeling can be maintained about life. Good brain is about ambition and hope, which then stimulates thyroid and gives energy. If you have that, and add in good nutrition, you will have proper kidney chi. Beware of the cultural mind at this time. It gives bad information, and if you use this information to build something, the foundation will be weak, and you will deplete yourself trying to maintain it. Don't fall into the viscous cycle of depletion, be weird and calm, relaxed. Above all, kidney depletion is about fear. If you have a rhythm, a purpose, which is trust, which means no fear, you will not be attracted to stimulation to give you a fleeting feeling of life.

I think that is about what he talked about. I am going to be talking to him once a month, so any other gems I find I can pass along.
Nice. Good thoughts to reflect on @Tarmander! I love the rhythm ideas. Agree wholeheartedly. Interesting about the Thyroid/brain hypothalamus connection. Please do share as you learn.

Jack Roe

Jul 11, 2017
On what @Jack Roe said about DV. Isn't that pretty much the most obvious thing considering what we know about nutrition? If one has chronic health problems, input diet to cronometer and check if there are deficiencies? And likewise, if one decides to test new diet, input it to cronometer beforehand to check if it will have enough minerals/protein/whatever? Shouldn't this be default first recommendation on this forum?

I have suggested one week of cronometer logs to bunch of people, sick and healthy, almost all believing that they ate balanced healthy diet, and every single person had several deficiencies in their diet. Usually at least potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E and glycine, often vitamins C and K. Why not check it?

I guess he's not a TCM, but this was my dentist's take---if everyone ate a "healthy diet", he wouldn't have any business. He told me that in my mid 30s, I was a rarity in that I only go in for a cleaning once in a while---no cavities, no carries. X-rays always clean. Maybe it's genetic, but I know I've always had at least a gram Ca a day, along with a good bit of P. But does he spend time telling his patients how to eat? No, he just fills the holes in their teeth from this piss-poor diets. And these people are not all incredibly sickly; they have nice skin, good hair, but poor quality teeth.

And in terms of "DV", it depends what tables one uses---different nations have different values for "RDI" or "RDA" or "DV" or whatever---the IOM recommendation for copper is 900ug a day for a male. The US DV is 2mg a day. The australian recommendation for an adult male is 1.7mg a day. If you look at peer reviewed literature, there is literature suggesting about 2.6mg a day, and there is some suggesting that about 1mg in an adult male is marginal. Historical recommendations were for 2-3mg a day.

And because there seems to be quite a strong mechanism for excreting copper, it doesn't seem entirely certain that getting liver once a week, for example, with 14mg or however many mg of copper, would be adequate; it could be that the body needs a small amount daily in order to do what it needs to do and that any large excess is excreted in bile.

My own anecdotal observation is that -everyone- thinks they eat a healthy diet. Or, rather, if they think their diet is unhealthy, they think the "unhealthy" part is eating too much cake or too many sweets, not that the unhealthy part is chronic underdosing on vitamins/minerals. I have family who are either vegetarian or mostly vegetarian; they need antibiotics for infections 3-6 times a year; they are always either getting over something or sick. But they are sure that they eat correctly; one of them insists you only need about 30g of protein a day. And whatever they happen to eat, they tend to think it is a healthy diet; people don't like to think that they're hurting themselves by eating pisspoor food.

Now, I mean, if someone is happy and functional, perhaps a diet that doesn't measure up to spec isn't a problem; many of the mineral requirements are probably over-estimates. But if someone is unhappy or not as functional as he or she would like to be, it seems to me that, as you say, checking the diet's mineral/vitamin content is fairly simple to do with modern tools. It's not like this is 1990 when doing so would require pouring over all sorts of volumes in a University library...


Aug 17, 2016
I got a chance to talk to the chinese/myopractor guy who I have been consulting for many years today. I asked him about liver and kidney dynamics, and liver detoxification, and I think he had some good input that I will list out here: This guy just retired, and has been working for something like 40 years. He has helped many people, and according to him helped welders detox from heavy metals, and a plethora of other liver ailments. I will say he believes in some things that are anti peat. He is not a fan of sugar, and looks a bit askance at fruit. But he tailors treatment to each individual and does not rule out that some people do well on sugar, while others grains, etc. He mostly worked on very sensitive people, so his view of sugar may be warranted. We did not really get into sugar, but I thought it would be right to give fair warning on the opinion holder. I really respect an opinion that comes from 40 years of practice. He was paid very well and highly sought after by those in the know.

•Liver chi is relatively easy to sustain or replenish, but kidney/adrenal chi is much harder to stabilize. The adrenals and kidneys are different, but for most purposes can be considered the same as they become dysfunctional together in our time(usually, always an exception).

•Rhythm is what sustains the kidneys. Rhythm of life, the opposite of chaos, or trust. Getting your body, and then your mind into a rhythm is going to lower adrenaline, and this will stabilize the Kidneys. What does it mean to stabilize the body and mind?

•Stabilizing the body, giving it rhythm is about waking and sleeping early, the same time every day. Giving food to your body regularly, movement regularly, and having a stable schedule. With rhythm, you can notice anomalies; when sensations feel good and bad. When they feel bad, you can adjust. Without rhythm, you have chaos and adrenaline, and cannot observe properly. The adrenaline prevents consciousness by entering you into fight or flight, instead of steady rationality. Rhythm prevents FEAR, and fear is at the root of destabilized kidneys.

•All gurus promote some type of rhythm, whether that be a mantra or some practice, whatever. This rhythm overtime gives stability, and the thoughts that are fearful and not necessary fall away. You adjust in a way that lowers the bad chaos sensations and promotes the harmonious sensations of trust.

•Stabilizing the mind requires living without the stimulating influences of our culture. Debt is incredibly stimulating, and you should get out of all debt as soon as possible. Why? Because debt means that you cannot observe and grow. You must stay the same, you must maintain the social structure you are in or risk losing the ability to pay off what you owe. "Have to" is stress, "get to" is sustainable. Save 20% of what you make so that you do not have to worry about your later years. This is another form of mind stabilization. Put your money in stable things like gold/silver, or property/farms, not the yoyo craziness of paper instruments. It is more important that what you put away is the same in 40 years, not that it grows.

•When you cleanse the liver, you must weigh long term and short term benefit. Short term you will be weakened, so the harm must outweigh that, like intense migraines that debilitate you. Impromptu liver cleansing does not work, and will usually lead to poor long term outcomes. There are a certain number of people, maybe around 20% that he has treated, where cleansing the liver once or twice will get them back on track. These are generally insensitive people that are very hot, cannot feel much, have strong kidneys, and are more susceptible to heart attacks. The majority of people who liver cleanse can get into a viscous cycle of depletion because their lifestyle does not match the health they want. You cannot remedy lifestyle (he said that like a million times). If you cleanse on a mechanical basis, forever, you will not lose kidney chi. But you need rhythm to find that mechanical basis that works! With rhythm you find out what is sustainable!

•If your lifestyle provides you the kidney chi, your liver will be cleansed, if it does not, no liver cleansing will remedy the poor lifestyle (unless you are that 20%, in which case you have different problems)

•Good thyroid comes from the brain, the hypothalmus. When the proper minerals and fats are in the brain, a hopeful feeling can be maintained about life. Good brain is about ambition and hope, which then stimulates thyroid and gives energy. If you have that, and add in good nutrition, you will have proper kidney chi. Beware of the cultural mind at this time. It gives bad information, and if you use this information to build something, the foundation will be weak, and you will deplete yourself trying to maintain it. Don't fall into the viscous cycle of depletion, be weird and calm, relaxed. Above all, kidney depletion is about fear. If you have a rhythm, a purpose, which is trust, which means no fear, you will not be attracted to stimulation to give you a fleeting feeling of life.

I think that is about what he talked about. I am going to be talking to him once a month, so any other gems I find I can pass along.
Nice! Thanks Tarmander. I think what it means to stabilize the body and mind is for it to be body-mind; not two.


Apr 30, 2015
Nice! Thanks Tarmander. I think what it means to stabilize the body and mind is for it to be body-mind; not two.
Probably. I think it was just to specify that the category was outside diet that affected that chi. He also talked about the heart a lot that I did not add because it didn't seem relevant to a broader discussion. Soo categories


Aug 17, 2016
Probably. I think it was just to specify that the category was outside diet that affected that chi. He also talked about the heart a lot that I did not add because it didn't seem relevant to a broader discussion. Soo categories
Neat. I'd be interested in his thoughts on the heart. Thx!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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