High Estrogen And Raging Libido Theory


Sep 6, 2018
High Estrogen as the cause of high arousal is highly talked around the raypeatforum, often I read as bad arousal, causing massive and unstoppable days or weeks of sexual insatiable desires.
Estrogen denotes more than one specific hormone as far as i understand this term, I am not sure if all of them are supposed to be high or only E2 (Estradiol)?

The question is has anyone actually felt any High Estrogen or has anyone done blood work for this matter when massive libidos are claimed?
Or is High Estrogen an Hyperbole?

For me, I can feel high estrogen when I have it, it can be irritation of the chest in the mammary glad area, pain in that area or huge pain in that area only on one side or sometimes on both sides, fat deposits in that area, actual gynecomastia not puffiness. It is quite bad and has real negative effects and surely it is not raging libido with unstoppable erections.

I have done some bloodwork now and then and the results came pretty much like I was feeling, no chest pain low estradiol, stressed with chest pain high estradiol.
So far I have not really seen anyone actually talk about actual high estrogen symptoms, the same persons that say they have some raging arousal or some raging libido or raging erections, I am not seeing them saying they have nipple pains or their gynecomastia is getting worse and worse or estrogen specific symptoms to get them in their way. Like I was saying some high estradiol actually is quite bad for real and I believe it is hard to not see or feel in a different negative way than the so called negative raging libido.
Or there are people who can have high estradiol or other estrogens and not have these side effects I have mentioned? Raging libido seems like the least of someone's problems when there so many other bad ones coming with high estradiol.
When I read High Estrogen as being the cause of raging libido I think of myself and how that is not really happening to me.

I have had such nights myself with raging libido and erections but they were quite related to a person and my massive attraction to that person, my free test was high then pretty high DHT also and I was feeling the estradiol too in that period.

Not sure what exactly to say, but some people injecting Testosterone & Trenbolone or other hormones in the bodybuilding forums talk about massive libidos, unstoppable erections, delayed ejaculation, massive orgasms and they are using aromatsae inhibitors or SERMs.
In their cases It is pretty much not any estradiol present to justify all those extremes.
Yes one can also read how many people using too much aromatase inhibitors or SERMs lose their libido, but with massive doses of testosterone they can't really afford not to use aromatase inhibitors or SERMs.

I guess it is so much more complicated than this, but surely sometimes I feel that high estrogen is causing raging libidos is more of a hyperbole because there are so many bad side effects that you just can't miss with high estrogen that would make one's day really bad.


Feb 18, 2018
A scientific study would put these questions to the test. I think high estrogen predominately manifests as bloat, puffiness, and gynocemastia. I speak from personally being tested for high estrogen and exhibiting all those symptoms, minus the gyno.

Interesting enough there was a point in my life where I was eating tofu cuz I was broke and I got gyno, and that was also a time when I began putting on more weight and gaining a puffier appearance. So I refuse to entertain any arguments that vegans make about soy being a good food for humans to eat.

I would theorize that raging libido is much more correlated with out of control t and dht than estrogen.


Feb 18, 2018
High estrogen is known to cause low libido and erectile dsyfunction..

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
High Estrogen as the cause of high arousal is highly talked around the raypeatforum, often I read as bad arousal, causing massive and unstoppable days or weeks of sexual insatiable desires.
Estrogen denotes more than one specific hormone as far as i understand this term, I am not sure if all of them are supposed to be high or only E2 (Estradiol)?

The question is has anyone actually felt any High Estrogen or has anyone done blood work for this matter when massive libidos are claimed?
Or is High Estrogen an Hyperbole?

For me, I can feel high estrogen when I have it, it can be irritation of the chest in the mammary glad area, pain in that area or huge pain in that area only on one side or sometimes on both sides, fat deposits in that area, actual gynecomastia not puffiness. It is quite bad and has real negative effects and surely it is not raging libido with unstoppable erections.

I have done some bloodwork now and then and the results came pretty much like I was feeling, no chest pain low estradiol, stressed with chest pain high estradiol.
So far I have not really seen anyone actually talk about actual high estrogen symptoms, the same persons that say they have some raging arousal or some raging libido or raging erections, I am not seeing them saying they have nipple pains or their gynecomastia is getting worse and worse or estrogen specific symptoms to get them in their way. Like I was saying some high estradiol actually is quite bad for real and I believe it is hard to not see or feel in a different negative way than the so called negative raging libido.
Or there are people who can have high estradiol or other estrogens and not have these side effects I have mentioned? Raging libido seems like the least of someone's problems when there so many other bad ones coming with high estradiol.
When I read High Estrogen as being the cause of raging libido I think of myself and how that is not really happening to me.

I have had such nights myself with raging libido and erections but they were quite related to a person and my massive attraction to that person, my free test was high then pretty high DHT also and I was feeling the estradiol too in that period.

Not sure what exactly to say, but some people injecting Testosterone & Trenbolone or other hormones in the bodybuilding forums talk about massive libidos, unstoppable erections, delayed ejaculation, massive orgasms and they are using aromatsae inhibitors or SERMs.
In their cases It is pretty much not any estradiol present to justify all those extremes.
Yes one can also read how many people using too much aromatase inhibitors or SERMs lose their libido, but with massive doses of testosterone they can't really afford not to use aromatase inhibitors or SERMs.

I guess it is so much more complicated than this, but surely sometimes I feel that high estrogen is causing raging libidos is more of a hyperbole because there are so many bad side effects that you just can't miss with high estrogen that would make one's day really bad.

In my opinion estrogen doesnt do anything for libido. Ive had high and my libido was the same. Now ive been testing an AI exemestane so my estrogen probably a lot lower now and still no difference. Only thing I notice with exemestane is losing my tiny love handled at my back and also muscle gains and hardening of muscles. Doesnt affect my libido at all. Mood is better on aromasin aswell.


Sep 15, 2017
I’m not sure about the high estrogen and libido but I do know from experience that super low estrogen wipes out my libido entirely.


Mar 7, 2017
I think the problem is getting a baseline. This would explain why there are so many conflicting reports here regarding this issue.

Fat can apparently produce estrogen, so unless you are actively taking sups to limit/block this, you might not actually get a baseline for how it feels.

Also, Peat seems to think that having estrogen that's too low for men is largely impractical, so that should at least give members here pause about low-estrogen claims.
Nov 21, 2015
there are studies showing how low prolactin hurts libido. And high prolactin too. This stuff is complicated. High estrogen can contribute to ridiculous libido, and also to ED in men. I believe both are true.

I have pretty high testosterone, and also high estrogen. Not sure about cause and effect but I think if I get my estrogen a bit lower, it helps my libido not be ridiculous and helps sex be more measured and better by being less frenzied-intense. But I don't have labs that prove it.


May 30, 2017
In my opinion estrogen doesnt do anything for libido. Ive had high and my libido was the same. Now ive been testing an AI exemestane so my estrogen probably a lot lower now and still no difference. Only thing I notice with exemestane is losing my tiny love handled at my back and also muscle gains and hardening of muscles. Doesnt affect my libido at all. Mood is better on aromasin aswell.

What's your dosage of the AI?

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
What's your dosage of the AI?

Ive tried different from 2mg everyday to 20mg everyday. Doesnt make any difference on my libido. But the higher the dosage the stronger I do feel and more confident. With aromasin I dont get any of the so called low estrogen side effects at all like joint pain.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
there are studies showing how low prolactin hurts libido. And high prolactin too. This stuff is complicated. High estrogen can contribute to ridiculous libido, and also to ED in men. I believe both are true.

I have pretty high testosterone, and also high estrogen. Not sure about cause and effect but I think if I get my estrogen a bit lower, it helps my libido not be ridiculous and helps sex be more measured and better by being less frenzied-intense. But I don't have labs that prove it.

You have higher estrogen because of high testosterone. Only really reliable way to bring it down even more without an AI is losing a bit more fat. I’m like you high T and high E and i have a great physique but a bit of chunk on my lower back. But hard thing is getting rid of that last body fat percentage without hurting your test levels by top low calorie intake. The test that converts in your body to estrogen is actually what signals your hpta to stop producing testosterone. So if you could lower aromatase by losing a bit more fat you could get even higher T levels before your hpta gets suppressed by your high E levels. But i think if you manage to be very lean but still supply the body with enough calories to support optimal T production you could get very high T like above 1000 naturally before E gets suppresive. Another way around it is taking an AI like aromasin seems to be the best choice exactlt this mechanism how aromasin actually increases LH and FSH and T levels.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
I think the problem is getting a baseline. This would explain why there are so many conflicting reports here regarding this issue.

Fat can apparently produce estrogen, so unless you are actively taking sups to limit/block this, you might not actually get a baseline for how it feels.

Also, Peat seems to think that having estrogen that's too low for men is largely impractical, so that should at least give members here pause about low-estrogen claims.

I think peats actual view is that being over weight thus having increased aromatase is the problem. If you are lean and have a good working thyroid that keeps you lean then you got nothing to worry about. I think american diet people eat so much pufa that the pufa lowers thyroid so much their metabolism slows down and they slowly start gaining weight. Then estrogen dominance kicks in and cortisol and eventually they just get fat and really sick.


Sep 6, 2018
very high T like above 1000 naturally

What is 1000 T in this case? Total Testosterone of 1000 ng/dl?
I always measure my Free Testosterone which could never reach such high number , but I think most people talk about Total Testosterone because I see these high numbers., often without a unite type after it.
But I also get confused as some say: "my test is 150 or my test is 240" and that is pretty much it, initially I thought that is Free Testosterone, which now I realize that would be a very very high free testosterone value I think.
Now but my lab measures total testosterone in ng/ml, so I think here locally that would be 10ng/ml if you have 1000 ng/dl


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
When I have high E2 my sexual desires becomes more depraved. When I’m feeling intense male energy within, which I KNOW corresponds to low E2, all I can think about, all day, is passionate sex with a beautiful female form, that is, my wife.

@Douglas Ek
I agree with Peat on this. With my recent fat loss my virile sexual appetite is so much more apparent and the lust for wife is just too much to handle. I’m at the point where I just want a break from this raging libido. Masturbation also lost much of its appeal since I cut down my weight. It doesn’t satisfy any urges at all. If anything it makes me more frustrated.
Last edited:
Nov 21, 2015
Sex with orgasms makes us crave more. Sex without orgasm when practiced can get us abundant sex for an hour or more every day or every other day and can quench our thirst and make us actually feel much much better.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
Sex with orgasms makes us crave more. Sex without orgasm when practiced can get us abundant sex for an hour or more every day or every other day and can quench our thirst and make us actually feel much much better.

Agree. The same for masturbation. Orgasm feels like empty calories. Stopping short and just getting on with things seems to remove the sexual urge entirely but without the physiological after effects.


Mar 20, 2019
I agree with the orgasmless sex being espoused in this thread. I think "edging" whether done solo or otherwise though, is a VERY dangerous game and can set one up for some very powerful binge/addictive behavior. At least from my experience.

For me, intentions are key. I read a book called Cupid's Poison Arrow that has been perfect for rewriting my relationship's sexual script. Rather than sex being seen as a free reward, it has become more something for fun, relaxation, and an investment into us.

As far as the estrogen thing goes. I think it causes an increase in addictive tendencies, while decreasing libido. This can still cause an increase in libido related behavior that can be misconstrued as increased libido. When I've been extremely healthy in the past, I would become aroused by the holistic nature of a woman and have simple fun being assertive and charming around them. When I've been in bad health, my tastes change to a more fetishistic and hungry nature that often goes unrewarded, except in fantasy. I've noticed many "unnaturally" thick women (from EMFs, massive calories, exercise, stress, genetics), have this hungry look about them towards hyper-masculine men. I think this behavior is re-enforced by our modern hyper-private and masturbatory culture, where decades ago these women would have been recognized more readily as unhealthy. In men it's a bit more complicated to identify, but unmistakable to me once seen.

I dunno. Just a drop in the oddball theory ocean of the RPF.
Nov 21, 2015
I agree with the orgasmless sex being espoused in this thread. I think "edging" whether done solo or otherwise though, is a VERY dangerous game and can set one up for some very powerful binge/addictive behavior. At least from my experience.

For me, intentions are key. I read a book called Cupid's Poison Arrow that has been perfect for rewriting my relationship's sexual script. Rather than sex being seen as a free reward, it has become more something for fun, relaxation, and an investment into us.

As far as the estrogen thing goes. I think it causes an increase in addictive tendencies, while decreasing libido. This can still cause an increase in libido related behavior that can be misconstrued as increased libido. When I've been extremely healthy in the past, I would become aroused by the holistic nature of a woman and have simple fun being assertive and charming around them. When I've been in bad health, my tastes change to a more fetishistic and hungry nature that often goes unrewarded, except in fantasy. I've noticed many "unnaturally" thick women (from EMFs, massive calories, exercise, stress, genetics), have this hungry look about them towards hyper-masculine men. I think this behavior is re-enforced by our modern hyper-private and masturbatory culture, where decades ago these women would have been recognized more readily as unhealthy. In men it's a bit more complicated to identify, but unmistakable to me once seen.

I dunno. Just a drop in the oddball theory ocean of the RPF.

Totally agree with you on edging. Cupid’s Poison Arrow is outstanding. You may want to check out reuniting.info where the author has a really good site on sex. Sounds like you got a lot of insight that helped you in your sex life from the book.

Dr. Peat isn’t fond of the idea of oxytocin, as I recall, but people who have higher levels feel more love and more wellbeing, and high levels can let someone completely shake addictive behavior and anxiety and depression.

I have found cordyceps mushrooms and ozonated magnesium both can lift oxytocin on their own. Oxytocin is also good for erections.

I think that higher estrogen does increase sex drive and creates a lust that is uncomfortable.

I also think that having lots of sex without orgasm helps lower all the stress hormones and raise oxytocin. Maybe it doesn’t do anything about estrogen but it helps everything.


Sep 11, 2017
The only time I had libido issues was doing low carb. I don't have libido issues anymore, but notice it's stronger on androsterone.


Mar 20, 2019
Totally agree with you on edging. Cupid’s Poison Arrow is outstanding. You may want to check out reuniting.info where the author has a really good site on sex. Sounds like you got a lot of insight that helped you in your sex life from the book.

Dr. Peat isn’t fond of the idea of oxytocin, as I recall, but people who have higher levels feel more love and more wellbeing, and high levels can let someone completely shake addictive behavior and anxiety and depression.

I have found cordyceps mushrooms and ozonated magnesium both can lift oxytocin on their own. Oxytocin is also good for erections.

I think that higher estrogen does increase sex drive and creates a lust that is uncomfortable.

I also think that having lots of sex without orgasm helps lower all the stress hormones and raise oxytocin. Maybe it doesn’t do anything about estrogen but it helps everything.
Thanks for the info! Checking it out.

I bet RP doesn't like the idea of exogenous oxytocin or something. I don't either. Same with how I think endogenous melatonin at the right time of day is good for you, but taking it might not be so amazing. He espouses the idea of selflessness all the time, and that is partially at the basis of oxytocin related behavior. I mean, sure... oxytocin also increases outgroup exclusionary behavior as well. IMO identity is extremely important to overall health and wellbeing and identity can't exist without a group. Not to be cheesy - but the ocean can't exist without many other water molecules, however what is the ocean without its surface? It's boundary?


Jun 28, 2019
I've noticed many "unnaturally" thick women (from EMFs, massive calories, exercise, stress, genetics), have this hungry look about them towards hyper-masculine men. I think this behavior is re-enforced by our modern hyper-private and masturbatory culture, where decades ago these women would have been recognized more readily as unhealthy.

What did you mean by this? The very thick women have an extreme attraction towards very muscular, roided out looking guys? What do you think is causing that, and is there something wrong with the being attracted to hyper masculine men?
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