Does Lowering Estrogen Actually Help Male Sexual Function?

Nov 21, 2015
healthy men get erections about 60% of the time they are sleeping.

The penis gets very poor circulation and the erectile activity during sleep is vital to prevent hypoxia and fibrosis.

I think estrogen may be necessary at some lower level for good sexual function and almost certainly good libido.

I have brought my estrogen down. I can feel it. I always have a strong libido but it's not an urgently "must have sex" thing like it was. It's not subtle either. I want sex, but I'm not feeling that horny urgency anymore. I think that's a good thing.

Everyone has a different situation and we go through a journey. My journey started and continues with a high T rate, but high E also. I think the E is lower. My cholesterol was 280 and I think it's probably a lot lower. I'm taking T3 and T4 and no longer hypothyroid and also low in PUFAs compared to before. It all has its actions.

I've lately been experimenting with butea superba, cracked pine pollen and shalijit. It has really positive actions on erections too.

The daily use of cooked mushrooms and taking some DHEA (5mg or so), pregnenolone (100mg or so) and progesterone (10mg or so) has really been helping me maintain a continuous good sexual vibe without getting into the extreme territory.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yeah that is the sign of a healthy libido. Someone with healthy libido also will have frequent, long lasting boners even during the day. I know because when I was healthy this was the case. And libido was so high that approaching women was almost an "urge". Normally I am shy around the opposite gender, but wasn't then, lol. The libido urge becomes stronger than your shyness =P I can't wait to get that back. Women love this too, making it all too easy to get dates & more. They can feel the confidence oozing from you.

This is different from the NO/estrogen "libido" because the feeling was there, but the confidence was not. The confidence only comes with healthy androgens.
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