Gray Public Hair For Male


Mar 1, 2013
Im noticing gray public hair and im a male im only 28 years old. Im on anti histimes and and singular. Plus ray peat diet 2-3 hours of sunlight a day any ideas?

Sunny Jack

Mar 24, 2017
Gray hair can be a symptom of copper deficiency. Peat has said that applying a weak copper solution to the hairs will restore color almost immediately, though too much can cause a mole to develop, so applying topical DHEA could be a safer alternative. He was talking about eyebrows and facial hair, but I imagine it would work exactly the same for pubic hair.

Also, check that your thyroid is functioning well, since that regulates how well your body assimilates copper and therefore how well the hormones for hair pigmentation work.


Sep 23, 2017
Im noticing gray public hair and im a male im only 28 years old. Im on anti histimes and and singular. Plus ray peat diet 2-3 hours of sunlight a day any ideas?

could be low copper, low iron, LOW SOD, LOW CATALASE, LOW B vitamins, and low zinc and magnesium.

when i started turning gray did some reading on how catalase could reverse gray hair. later i find out that both SOD ( superoxide dismutase and catalayse ARE involved the breakdown of SUPEROXIDE (free radicals peroxides) THE super oxides when they are not captures they can latch on to hair follicles and bleach the way hydrogen peroxide does.

so here is the tricky part. SOD needs COPPER. Copper in your body has to bound by ceruplasm, unbound copper is useless to body and gets stored as a heavy metal. Copper creates SOD. So low/no bound copper MEANS low/no SOD. But the body has a back up called Catalase. Catalase needs iron. But iron can not work without copper to activate it. so low/no bound copper means low/no activated iron and poor catalase. So then you get flooded with peroxides that turn your hair white.

now stress builds up something called ACTH that when it gets high it signals stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol shuts down the ability for the liver to bind copper to ceruplasm. But magnesium lowers ACTH.

you also need B vitamins and some zinc.

so FRUCTOSE increases IRON ABSORPTION but creates a COPPER defieciency. COPPER and IRON get absorbed in the same sites in the gut. SINCE FRUCTOSE increases iron it knocks out copper and this further increases your problem with not creating enough SOD. COFFEE has the opposite effect as it decreases iron absorbtion but increases copper so then you get LOW CATALASE with coffee.

if you got a lot of heavy metals in your body then you need some MT and that requires zinc. other heavy metals can tie up the body and keep it from neutralizing superoxides.

antihistamines lower ZINC and lower stomach acid. to increase stomach acid you need b6 b1 magnesium zinc and chloride. low stomach acid prevents the absorbtion of minerals liek zink, iron, copper, mag, calcium and amino acids.
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Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
hope that helps
I'd like to say that helps... but it I'm totally confused.

I'm 45, my scalp hair is minimally greying (started the last few years), mostly still brown... shorter I keep it the less it shows (mostly on the sides).

My beard however is very grey (for the last 5-6 years now). Mostly on my right side (which I think is weird to begin with, why not symmetrically grey)... but like ridiculously grey compared to my scalp hair.

I drink a ton of coffee... always have... and I've supplemented with Zinc and Magnesium for the last couple of years.

I know that my Zinc levels are in check... never tested Copper though. And I think they check iron levels when I have a physical and they've always been fine. I also eat a ton of red meat.

Is there any hope for me to restore my beard? Makes me look old.
(I'm only asking you because it sounds like you've done a ton of research already and could maybe help me and others with similar situation)

Nov 21, 2015
i have a buddy who turned gray in his early 20s. Vitaligo. Not sure that explains anything at all, but you can check into that.


Sep 23, 2017
I'd like to say that helps... but it I'm totally confused.

I'm 45, my scalp hair is minimally greying (started the last few years), mostly still brown... shorter I keep it the less it shows (mostly on the sides).

My beard however is very grey (for the last 5-6 years now). Mostly on my right side (which I think is weird to begin with, why not symmetrically grey)... but like ridiculously grey compared to my scalp hair.

I drink a ton of coffee... always have... and I've supplemented with Zinc and Magnesium for the last couple of years.

I know that my Zinc levels are in check... never tested Copper though. And I think they check iron levels when I have a physical and they've always been fine. I also eat a ton of red meat.

Is there any hope for me to restore my beard? Makes me look old.
(I'm only asking you because it sounds like you've done a ton of research already and could maybe help me and others with similar situation)

i'm about your age. one of the issies that will effect hair is digestion. I tend to get low stomach acid and this can prevent you from getting your minerals and b vitamins. you can take some bitters, some acv, or take some betaine to increase stomach acid...if you need it and always with a protein.

One thing you can do is cut back on the red meat. I know it taste good i love a good steak but lean muscle meat can tend to create a lot of stress on the body and its also pretty acidic which can effect hair. Not saying don't eat red meat but cut back on the portions kinda like the way chinese people eat. they usually have some meat beef with vegetables...especially cooked vegetables like cabbage or brocoli. The vegetables help neutralize some of the acidity of the mean.

I work in tourist area one thing i notice is that men in their 40-50's from INDIA AND CHINA seem to have no grey hair at all WHILE their European counter parts are graying and balding. Sure genetics plays a part but so does diet and stress. Indians and Chinese diets are both high in cooked vegetables with smaller portions of protein. at 45 your system may not be able to handle eating large portions of meat all the time.

another thing is moving...walk as much as you can to keep the circulation clean. I say this because when i became a bus driver i noticed my whole head turning white almost over night. Not only me some of the men who started the job when i did their hair was also turning gray I could not believe. But sitting is not good for the spine and body so trying to keep moving and walking is best as it is low impact and does not induce stress hormones like running does.

I would add some organ meats like chicken livers or calf's livers once a don't need much maybe 3oz. liver has all the minerals and b vitamins for hair.

now for me if eat too much raw salads which is high in silica it makes my grays grow out fast and more so i don't do too much salad. I have also started to keep my meal portions small so as not to put too much stress on my digestive system.

now you said you take zinc...if it is 50mg i would cut it in thirds and take that amount (15mg). A small amount of zinc is good but too much zinc activated the immune system and heavy metal detox called MT. and one of the first minerals that MT will try to get rid of from the body is copper especially bound copper which you need for melanin, sod, antioxdant.

coffee is double edged sword. as good as it it is also bad. a lot of coffee has mold toxins. if i take robusta coffee i get had hives so i try to only drink aribica from columbia as it is sourced from one location, tends to be smoother and less acidic. many coffees sold are a mixture of coffees from african, central and south america. Coffee is also ver acidic and the caffiene can effect your hair color. I had to switch to decaf because the caffeine was effecting my scoliosis. You can also drink some BLACK TEA from the bag. Tea has stuff coffee doesn't and helps the circulatory systme and is less acidic.

if you have any spine problems or cranium problems that put presure on chin that could be why your beard is not even. I have spine problems and i have a pressure spot on my right temple that is where i have most of gray hair, the other side is fine but i know its because my spine is crooked and my neck favors one side over the other.

I still have grays but my beard is solid with no grays and even get less white nose hairs so something is working for me.
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Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
i'm about your age. one of the issies that will effect hair is digestion. I tend to get low stomach acid and this can prevent you from getting your minerals and b vitamins. you can take some bitters, some acv, or take some betaine to increase stomach acid...if you need it and always with a protein.

One thing you can do is cut back on the red meat. I know it taste good i love a good steak but lean muscle meat can tend to create a lot of stress on the body and its also pretty acidic which can effect hair. Not saying don't eat red meat but cut back on the portions kinda like the way chinese people eat. they usually have some meat beef with vegetables...especially cooked vegetables like cabbage or brocoli. The vegetables help neutralize some of the acidity of the mean.

I work in tourist area one thing i notice is that men in their 40-50's from INDIA AND CHINA seem to have no grey hair at all WHILE their European counter parts are graying and balding. Sure genetics plays a part but so does diet and stress. Indians and Chinese diets are both high in cooked vegetables with smaller portions of protein. at 45 your system may not be able to handle eating large portions of meat all the time.

another thing is moving...walk as much as you can to keep the circulation clean. I say this because when i became a bus driver i noticed my whole head turning white almost over night. Not only me some of the men who started the job when i did their hair was also turning gray I could not believe. But sitting is not good for the spine and body so trying to keep moving and walking is best as it is low impact and does not induce stress hormones like running does.

I would add some organ meats like chicken livers or calf's livers once a don't need much maybe 3oz. liver has all the minerals and b vitamins for hair.

now for me if eat too much raw salads which is high in silica it makes my grays grow out fast and more so i don't do too much salad. I have also started to keep my meal portions small so as not to put too much stress on my digestive system.

now you said you take zinc...if it is 50mg i would cut it in thirds and take that amount (15mg). A small amount of zinc is good but too much zinc activated the immune system and heavy metal detox called MT. and one of the first minerals that MT will try to get rid of from the body is copper especially bound copper which you need for melanin, sod, antioxdant.

coffee is double edged sword. as good as it it is also bad. a lot of coffee has mold toxins. if i take robusta coffee i get had hives so i try to only drink aribica from columbia as it is sourced from one location, tends to be smoother and less acidic. many coffees sold are a mixture of coffees from african, central and south america. Coffee is also ver acidic and the caffiene can effect your hair color. I had to switch to decaf because the caffeine was effecting my scoliosis. You can also drink some BLACK TEA from the bag. Tea has stuff coffee doesn't and helps the circulatory systme and is less acidic.

if you have any spine problems or cranium problems that put presure on chin that could be why your beard is not even. I have spine problems and i have a pressure spot on my right temple that is where i have most of gray hair, the other side is fine but i know its because my spine is crooked and my neck favors one side over the other.

I still have grays but my beard is solid with no grays and even get less white nose hairs so something is working for me.

Thanks Fradon... I truly appreciate the time you put into this response.

Yah, I do exercise 3-4 days a week and I try to walk when I can but I do have a desk job during the day where I'm sitting about 6-8 hours a day.

I've never really had any digestive issues (knock on wood) and don't know how to gauge the stomach acid?!?

I drink about 40-60 ounces of coffee a day and if I don't put a ton of cream in there... I will get heartburn, so maybe that's an indication.

Everyone says to cut out/back on the red meat... but if that's what does me in, then so be it. I love it and there's not a lot of other high protein sources for me, so it is what it is. I've just started incorporating a little whey protein, with gelatin, to try and get enough protein actually. And I eat eggs a few times a week as well and try to eat beef liver whenever possible (wife won't cook it though... so I have to do it myself, so not as much as I'd like).

But man... nothing like a medium rare rib-eye.

I hate vegetables and salad... but I guess I should really start eating my veggies.

I never supplement over 30mg zinc btw. Anything higher can definitely affect 5 ar and I don't want to do that.

Funny you mention the scoliosis thing (not funny that you have it)... but I remember back in high school when they test for scoliosis that they said I have mild scoliosis...

And my back and neck have always been jacked up. I always have clicking and popping in my neck and it does tilt towards one side.

My back... I have congenital spinal stenosis... 12 years ago I had a tri-level laminectomy and double micro diskectomy (all same procedure)... bad news, that was no fun. I'm pretty solid now and I'm able to weight train fairly heavy for my size and age, so I guess I'm lucky all in all.

My scapula are out of wack and I've done everything possible to try and fix it to no avail. Heck I still the the PT exercises at my house... rubber band stuff, I've done accupuncture... massage... I guess I'll just have to live with it for the rest of my life.

I've got pretty decent shoulder pain on my right side as well (I'm sure associated with the scapular dyskenesia). I've always kind of figured that all the issues, pain, etc., on my right side might have something to do with the heavy greys on the right side. I guess it makes sense.

Also, both my brothers (one tall and skinny and one short and stubby) went full grey in their early 30's. They still think I dye my hair on the top of my head.

Well, I guess this post got long and a bit jumbled... I'm going back and forth in between calls at work, but thanks again for taking the time to provide your advice.


Sep 23, 2017
Thanks Fradon... I truly appreciate the time you put into this response.

Yah, I do exercise 3-4 days a week and I try to walk when I can but I do have a desk job during the day where I'm sitting about 6-8 hours a day.

I've never really had any digestive issues (knock on wood) and don't know how to gauge the stomach acid?!?

I drink about 40-60 ounces of coffee a day and if I don't put a ton of cream in there... I will get heartburn, so maybe that's an indication.

Everyone says to cut out/back on the red meat... but if that's what does me in, then so be it. I love it and there's not a lot of other high protein sources for me, so it is what it is. I've just started incorporating a little whey protein, with gelatin, to try and get enough protein actually. And I eat eggs a few times a week as well and try to eat beef liver whenever possible (wife won't cook it though... so I have to do it myself, so not as much as I'd like).

But man... nothing like a medium rare rib-eye.

I hate vegetables and salad... but I guess I should really start eating my veggies.

I never supplement over 30mg zinc btw. Anything higher can definitely affect 5 ar and I don't want to do that.

Funny you mention the scoliosis thing (not funny that you have it)... but I remember back in high school when they test for scoliosis that they said I have mild scoliosis...

And my back and neck have always been jacked up. I always have clicking and popping in my neck and it does tilt towards one side.

My back... I have congenital spinal stenosis... 12 years ago I had a tri-level laminectomy and double micro diskectomy (all same procedure)... bad news, that was no fun. I'm pretty solid now and I'm able to weight train fairly heavy for my size and age, so I guess I'm lucky all in all.

My scapula are out of wack and I've done everything possible to try and fix it to no avail. Heck I still the the PT exercises at my house... rubber band stuff, I've done accupuncture... massage... I guess I'll just have to live with it for the rest of my life.

I've got pretty decent shoulder pain on my right side as well (I'm sure associated with the scapular dyskenesia). I've always kind of figured that all the issues, pain, etc., on my right side might have something to do with the heavy greys on the right side. I guess it makes sense.

Also, both my brothers (one tall and skinny and one short and stubby) went full grey in their early 30's. They still think I dye my hair on the top of my head.

Well, I guess this post got long and a bit jumbled... I'm going back and forth in between calls at work, but thanks again for taking the time to provide your advice.

i have scapula probelms too and started standing on one foot for a few mintues then switch to the other foot and have your hands out to your sides. enjoy your steak...i'll be having baby back ribs tonight.
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