Fat Loss In Face From Aging


Jun 12, 2013
@marikay thank you so much for the great, detailed response. I'm really happy and appreciative to read it. I think it will help me and anyone else reading it who's interested.

When I first started doing the "peat stuff" in 2013, I was seeing improvement in how I felt and looked. Still too much estrogen/serotonin problems during my cycle, but I was working on things. A lot of trial and error ( and some of that still going on as one can see by my huge progress logs). I would look pretty good up until ovulation, and then things would often fall apart the rest of the month. Still, on those "good days", it was good.

Anyway, by my 40th bday that year, I was getting complements about how young I looked, what was my secret, so on and so forth. But then just a month later (if that) I went down a major stress spiral. It continued into 2014, and that's when I started gaining the weight, looking older, etc. Not much seemed to help, not diet changes or the supplements I was using at the time.

So all the testimonials about reversing the damage is especially interesting and hopeful to me.

Thanks again, and I'll probably have more to say/ask when I can re-read your posts more.


Jul 27, 2016
I don't know these things are complicated.the reason I suggested biotin is because of its rule in acetyl-coa caroxylase.

Oh yes I see. I was thinking more along the lines of producing new fat cells.


Jul 27, 2016
I look at least 10 years younger than 52 and have a similar approach and results as @marikay. I'm very fair skinned in a very sunny year round climate. I have next to no wrinkles. I make a point of getting daily sun for vit d around noon and in and out of it all day. The only time I didn't like my skin was after long term low carbing and crash dieting when it went pasty and I got those nasolabial folds, sort of collapsing skin, completely reversed now. People I know who've aged much faster, have kept very slim with dieting, eat conventional ideas of health food, like pufas, nuts, seeds, salads, soya, sometimes vegetarian. Some do a lot of exercise. Some drink wine rather than eat and keep slim that way. Yes to lowering stress hormones, in my opinion.

Thanks SQu. Really hoping my nasolabial folds disappear too. They're the worst part!


Jul 27, 2016
I think lecithin is a no-no in Ray Peat land, you might be better off using a base of olive oil or something with saturated fat in it.

I also thought I should mention that I only used ProgestE under my eyes for a brief time. As I began to follow Ray's advice more closely, the circles under my eyes went away completely and they have never come back. Nowadays I use the ProgestE internally.

Thanks marikay. I'm rethinking going the transdermal route since you and SQu have had such good results.


May 6, 2016
This is a great thread! Always grateful for more hope. :) Thanks @marikay and @SQu for the great detailed responses!


Feb 24, 2016
Hello ladies, interesting experiences. If I may chime in :)

Could transdermal progesterone applied to the face help? I've been putting on a drop of Progest-e for about a week and it has had a slight lifting effect maybe
During the 10 months that I used progesterone daily, I used it internally -very rarely on the face-. But it sure made my skin and hair glow, the improvement was amazing. I was also finally able to gain some weight -was very underweight- and that helped as well because I gained healthy tissue on my face. I don't use progesterone anymore, because it's a little too costly to me and I also want to allow my own body produce its own hormones -so far so good-. I think an overall healthy diet, abundant nutrition abundant carbs, and avoiding undereating and famine-like situations, with very low PUFA, a healthy lifestyle, and addressing the causes of the chronic high stress mediators/hormones, can sure set a strong foundation for healthy, beautiful skin and even fix some of the previous damage.

I should mention niacinamide has tremendous properties for the skin, and I've been taking it for over a year. So that has helped as well.

I don't use anything on my face, no lotion, no makeup, no soap or any other type of cleanser. I splash warm water on my face while in the shower (and sometimes after brushing my teeth with baking soda) and that's it. I don't use sunscreen or wear sunglasses.

Exactly like me!

I use a highly diluted cup of shampoo once a week or so in the summertime to keep the oil from my scalp from getting out of hand. Otherwise I do get my hair wet every couple of days to make sure any dust or dirt gets rinsed out. I don't blow it dry. Most importantly, I try not to think about all the time and money I have wasted over the years on makeup, shampoo, hair rollers, etc…)

Same here!

The only time I didn't like my skin was after long term low carbing and crash dieting when it went pasty and I got those nasolabial folds, sort of collapsing skin, completely reversed now. People I know who've aged much faster, have kept very slim with dieting, eat conventional ideas of health food, like pufas, nuts, seeds, salads, soya, sometimes vegetarian. Some do a lot of exercise. Some drink wine rather than eat and keep slim that way. Yes to lowering stress hormones, in my opinion.

It seems a lot of people report getting accelerated skin aging after some time of low carbing. It's incredible you were able to reverse some of the bad skin side effects. Low carbing and any other diet that is going to cause chronic stress through tissue damage, high stress hormones, etc, can't be good for the skin, let alone more vital organs in the long run.


and I also want to allow my own body produce its own hormones -so far so good-.
Hi @PakPik, may I ask how old you are? Not to be personal or embarrass you, mainly to figure out it this could work for periomenopausal women and symptoms?


@lisaferraro I'm late twenties, I hope that's not an issue. :)
Not at all!! Good for you :): At your age, you sound right on track! I was thinking for women from mid 40's to mid 50's they might need to be on progesterone more or less for a long while?!


Feb 24, 2016
Not at all!! Good for you :) At your age, you sound right on track! I was thinking for women from mid 40's to mid 50's they might need to be on progesterone more or less for a long while?!
Well it's not like I produced progesterone, not even in my youth. Literally always been like a low progesterone lady :wink, so I hope that counts :grin


Well it's not like I produced progesterone, not even in my youth. Literally always been like a low progesterone lady :wink, so I hope that counts :grin
Now that I am learning more, I kind of think I was low progesterone and low thyroid my whole life as well! Things are certainly changing slowly and steadily now that I found Ray Peat last year April 2015.


Hi Marikay, do you eat gelatin to help get your protein?

Hi Peats. I have trouble with the arginine in gelatin. Skim milk (with some sugar and salt) has been the best way for me to get the protein I need. But it gets boring after awhile. Am hoping to start making the potato juice soup once I get a centrifugal juicer. Cheers.


Jun 12, 2013
Hi Peats. I have trouble with the arginine in gelatin. Skim milk (with some sugar and salt) has been the best way for me to get the protein I need. But it gets boring after awhile. Am hoping to start making the potato juice soup once I get a centrifugal juicer. Cheers.
Thanks. I'm back to using 1 packet of gelatin per day. Seems like it helped my skin I lot when I was using it regularly.


Aug 17, 2016
Hi Peata.

Here are the answers (as best as I can provide) to your questions:

I am in menopause so I don't have to time to a cycle. But I do the two weeks on two weeks off cycle in order to mimic the progesterone cycle of someone who isn't in menopause. Ray says the ProgestE should last about 12 hours, so that is why I do the twice a day regimen. I have seen signs that I may actually be coming back out of menopause since following Ray's advice. I'll let the forum know if this actually happens.:)

I used the ProgestE under my eyes for a brief time when I first started using it. It made the dark circles under my eyes go away pretty much immediately. I don't use the ProgestE under my eyes anymore because I no longer have any dark circles, ever.

I don't use anything on my face, no lotion, no makeup, no soap or any other type of cleanser. I splash warm water on my face while in the shower (and sometimes after brushing my teeth with baking soda) and that's it. I don't use sunscreen or wear sunglasses. If I am going to be in the direct sunlight for many hours I wear a baseball cap or a hat. Sometimes I use a homemade saline solution (distilled water and non-iodized salt) for eyedrops. ProgestE makes a great lip balm if my lips are dry. I do not need moisturizer, but if I ever do I will use refined olive oil since there is no smell and it is less heavy than coconut oil.

My skin is fair and my eyes are blue. My hair, before it started to grey, was black. I don't mind the silver in my hair but I don't like my eyebrows (which are thick like Elizabeth Taylor's) to look so pale. So I use a small amount of semi-permanent hair dye in the shade of blue-black to tint my eyebrows and my eyelashes. The effect this brings with my fair skin and blue eyes is, if I may say so myself, pretty stunning. I do not use mascara.

The ProgestE has done a good job keeping any facial, or otherwise unwanted, hair at bay. Since I have the fair skin though I do occasionally use cream bleach on my arms and face from time to time. I do shave my legs and underarms using only Ivory soap as a shaving cream. Even this little bit of soap is probably not optimal from a Peat perspective, but it's summertime and I live in Southern California, so it's a necessary evil.

The last time I was on the upper East side of Manhattan where the uber rich ladies live I was stopped at least a dozen times on the street and in the shops and asked who my dermatologist is. I gave out Rays website address and the name of this forum. I do not know if anyone actually visited either site, but I suspect it is only a matter of time before the jig is up for the cosmetic industry.

I use a highly diluted cup of shampoo once a week or so in the summertime to keep the oil from my scalp from getting out of hand. Otherwise I do get my hair wet every couple of days to make sure any dust or dirt gets rinsed out. I don't blow it dry. Most importantly, I try not to think about all the time and money I have wasted over the years on makeup, shampoo, hair rollers, etc…)

In the summer I get a lot of vitamin D from the sun. So sometimes I take some vitamin A to keep my skin from getting oily. I do not need to do this in the wintertime.

I have run out of pregnenolone from time to time and had to go without it for a few weeks. There were no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. The same with progesterone.

I like taking the pregnenolone once a week but it is easier for me to remember if I take it once a day. It doesn't matter whether you take the pregnenolone daily or weekly. I just do it weekly when I feel like mixing up my routine. I normally do not take anytime off from the pregnenolone (unless I run out). I started taking pregnenolone to be able to sleep through the night, the benefits to my skin were a bonus. I don't think it matters when you take the pregnenolone or how much you take at one time.

As for diet, I try to follow the Peat advice as best I can. Getting 100 grams of protein is much harder than avoiding PUFA's in my experience. I also have a hard time holding on to minerals, especially sodium, so I have to add salt to everything, and occasionally take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. I also use the magnesium water, mentioned on this forum, with OJ. And I take Epsom salt baths a few times a week.

I keep some vitamin E capsules in my medicine cabinet to take whenever I cannot avoid the PUFA's in restaurant food. I have cured myself of my pasta cravings and I make sure to take an aspirin whenever i give in to the temptation to have a slice of New York style pizza. People in Southern California can't seem to resist putting avocados on everything. So that's another challenge.

And finally, sugar is better than beauty rest. But if you can get both, then you're golden.

I hope this answers most of your questions. I'll answer more if you have them.



Here's me right now. Zero make-up; hair is a little dirty. Just got in from long walk with dog. I'll be 55 next week. Eyebrows were always furry and this is their natural color. Marikay, How do you dye your eyelashes? I'm definitely less puffy-faced since using progesterone. Always had some asymmetry in the brow line and the jaw is a family trait. Anyway, I feel better now than in my 20's. Yay. :):


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Here's me right now. Zero make-up; hair is a little dirty. Just got in from long walk with dog. I'll be 55 next week. Eyebrows were always furry and this is their natural color. Marikay, How do you dye your eyelashes? I'm definitely less puffy-faced since using progesterone. Always had some asymmetry in the brow line and the jaw is a family trait. Anyway, I feel better now than in my 20's. Yay. :)

Hi Regina. You look great and your coloring is very similar to my sister who is now in her early fifties. It's a nice look.

Here's info on the eyelash dying:

Two make-up artists, one with an Emmy and one with an Oscar, once gave me incredibly useful advice on hair coloring. They said that your eyebrows should be one to two shades darker than the hair on your head. They pointed to photos of Robert Redford when he first started acting (he looked completely washed out and bland) and then photos from the Butch Cassidy and the Great Gatsby period when Redford was an A list movie hunk. The difference? His eyebrows had been dyed to be darker than his hair. You already have that going for you, so you're way ahead of the game. The make-up artists also caution again using mascara that is way way darker than your eyebrow color. I don't have this to worry about because my eyebrows are very dark, but if your eyebrows are medium brown in color you would probably want to stay in the dark brown (not black) colors for your eyelashes.

For dying eyelashes I use a semi-permanent dye and mix a tiny bit in a saucer (and I mean a really tiny bit, less than the diameter and thickness of a dime) and then I apply the mixture to my eyelashes with a mascara brush (which I bought from a beauty supply shop) and I use a magnifying mirror to apply the dye to both my top and bottom lashes. You have to be careful so I usually sit down while doing this but I've never gotten any dye in my eye. I leave the dye on for fifteen or twenty minutes and then rinse the dye out in the shower with cool water. You can probably use the sink but I find the shower easier.

When I first started this procedure I used to tape a cotton pad under my eyes to catch any dye that might touch my skin. But now I skip that because I can easily wipe away any dye that might drip onto my skin. It doesn't stain my skin.

Beauty salons can also dye both eyebrows and eyelashes but I find it much cheaper and convenient to do it myself. As I mentioned in the post above, my eyebrows have some silver in them so I dye them as well. But it looks like you may not have to do that.

Let me know how it goes.

And that is great news about the progesterone. Are you also using pregnenolone?


Aug 17, 2016
Hi Regina. You look great and your coloring is very similar to my sister who is now in her early fifties. It's a nice look.

Here's info on the eyelash dying:

Two make-up artists, one with an Emmy and one with an Oscar, once gave me incredibly useful advice on hair coloring. They said that your eyebrows should be one to two shades darker than the hair on your head. They pointed to photos of Robert Redford when he first started acting (he looked completely washed out and bland) and then photos from the Butch Cassidy and the Great Gatsby period when Redford was an A list movie hunk. The difference? His eyebrows had been dyed to be darker than his hair. You already have that going for you, so you're way ahead of the game. The make-up artists also caution again using mascara that is way way darker than your eyebrow color. I don't have this to worry about because my eyebrows are very dark, but if your eyebrows are medium brown in color you would probably want to stay in the dark brown (not black) colors for your eyelashes.

For dying eyelashes I use a semi-permanent dye and mix a tiny bit in a saucer (and I mean a really tiny bit, less than the diameter and thickness of a dime) and then I apply the mixture to my eyelashes with a mascara brush (which I bought from a beauty supply shop) and I use a magnifying mirror to apply the dye to both my top and bottom lashes. You have to be careful so I usually sit down while doing this but I've never gotten any dye in my eye. I leave the dye on for fifteen or twenty minutes and then rinse the dye out in the shower with cool water. You can probably use the sink but I find the shower easier.

When I first started this procedure I used to tape a cotton pad under my eyes to catch any dye that might touch my skin. But now I skip that because I can easily wipe away any dye that might drip onto my skin. It doesn't stain my skin.

Beauty salons can also dye both eyebrows and eyelashes but I find it much cheaper and convenient to do it myself. As I mentioned in the post above, my eyebrows have some silver in them so I dye them as well. But it looks like you may not have to do that.

Let me know how it goes.

And that is great news about the progesterone. Are you also using pregnenolone?
Oooo, thanks for the eyelash tips Marikay. Can't wait to try it.
I started taking 100mg pregnenolone daily maybe 1 month ago. I have to say I am one of these "hollow leg" people. I don't notice much difference from any supplements, drugs. I'll just notice that, say, my pants are a little looser, or I have more confidence at aikido, or I have more muscle or less brown spots on my face. But I never really feel anything different. Thanks much. Cheers


Jul 27, 2016
I've been putting on Progest-E with dmso gel. It works to a small extent. My cheeks don't look as flat and dips are very slightly less deep. I also started drinking coffee, and that appears to help too. I could pass for 20 something!

I mix 2 drops of Progest-E and a small amount of DMSO, apply it to my mid and upper face for about a minute, then rinse off with water
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