Does anybody feel like we got psyoped about the vaxxpocalypse



Event 201 proves it was an orchestrated evil. Agenda 2020 and agenda 2030 have been in the planning for decades. Why is anyone still thinking this is just a scam.


Mar 29, 2022
united states
I have a large group of unvaccinated people in my circle and everyone seems to be worse for wear: insomnia, aging faster, fatigue, brain fog, fat gain etc.

My theory is it has something to do with an increase in EMF's, 5G implementation, Starlink satellite rollout and potentially a new or more intense geo-engineering program.
now thats really interesting, also equally concerning

So you are saying your corner of society is cool?

Generally where in the US are you?
also in the south. here it seems like life is going on as usual, no masks, no covid nuttery etc

So, whether people like Tenpenny and Karen Kingston and Stew Peters and such were getting paid to spread fear from higher ups, or decided to spread fear on their own organically (maybe gaining money and popularity along the way), or were being fed some info that looked bad that they honestly reported, the effect was still to blow the risk waaaaay out of proportion.
now that I think back, during that time period we also had the following things to consider:

1.vaxx passes/travel restrictions in various countries

2.masks everywhere

3.covid and the vaxxes were still the main thing being covered on the news; the time period im thinking about was a few months before the ukraine stuff kicked off (the ukraine stuff being a central component of the pivot)

when I think about it I can better understand how I wasnt just over-reacting at the time; there was genuinely a different vibe back then; but so much happens these days that its hard to think back and remember all this stuff

lots of great responses in this thread. I was re-reading the OP and realized that I had written it in a slightly misleading way. what I was trying to convey was how it seemed like there was this abrupt societal/media shift in signaling regarding the vaxx and covid which made me doubt my sanity; this is opposed to accidentally conveying the idea that I doubted the existence of a vaxxpocalypse itself (which I dont doubt at all)




Oct 6, 2020
earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

I think its just that things can go out of hand extremely quickly but also revert back to a certain state very quickly.

If your goverment and the people around you start threatening you in every way possible to get the "healing agent" or else you loose ... well anything, then it can quickly lead to thoughts and behaviours that one deems necessary for survival.

Was i sorta certain of the chance that it was just a scare tactic? Yes. But did i wanna test my luck just to find myself in a "camp" or in prison or what have you? Hell noooo. (in some places they went trough with it so it wasn't just a delusional idea)


Jan 25, 2014
Event 201 proves it was an orchestrated evil. Agenda 2020 and agenda 2030 have been in the planning for decades. Why is anyone still thinking this is just a scam.
Obviously. But I don't think the OP is questioning whether the fake pandemic was a scam (obviously it was) or that the demonvax is dangerous (it obviously is), or that other sinister things are at play (they obviously are).

I think he was just questioning the fear pron about how the vaccine will kill EVERYONE who takes it. There's a massive difference between 30,000 Americans dead from the vaccines, and 300 Million. Both are unacceptably high numbers for a drug that does nothing positive health wise, but the real death toll is much closer to the first number than the second.
Jul 17, 2021
If you are not following the vaccine injury data closely it's easy to imagine nothing is happening. I know triple jabbed people who are getting very sick and calling it Covid. Be reminded that vaccine damage is still being censored. Recently the BBC was boasting that it managed to get a vaccine injury face book group shut down. Doctors mostly don’t report vaccine injury and that’s presuming the recipient makes the connection. I developed an autoimmune disease after my yellow fever vaccine many years ago. I made that connection this year – many years later. When I found out about the dangers of vaccines I was outraged (I am still outraged) because I can see how it shaped my life and the lives of many people I know. Those of use already injured with tradition jabs will be further damaged by radiation and the poisoning of our foods. As for the child trafficking issues, please don’t think people are not investigating this but the level of censorship and threats to life scares people from being actively involved. I don’t think vaccines are a cover for anything. I think vaccines are a vital means to manage the world’s population, according to the parasites. Some people think this is a good thing when it’s happening in places far away without realising it’s happening at ‘home’ too. I haven’t even mentioned the transhuman agenda. I believe we will see unimaginable illness and suffering including death because of the Covid jabs.
That. The true stats on the dead and injured are being heavily censored.


Obviously. But I don't think the OP is questioning whether the fake pandemic was a scam (obviously it was) or that the demonvax is dangerous (it obviously is), or that other sinister things are at play (they obviously are).

I think he was just questioning the fear pron about how the vaccine will kill EVERYONE who takes it. There's a massive difference between 30,000 Americans dead from the vaccines, and 300 Million. Both are unacceptably high numbers for a drug that does nothing positive health wise, but the real death toll is much closer to the first number than the second.
I agree that some of those claims have not come to pass but the first covid jabs were given in Jan 2021 in the UK, it's still early days. Death by vaccines have always been under reported and I think excess deaths since 2021 have been demonstrated to coincide with jab role out and mandates. See Edward Dowd's data. Fertility decline more in countries with the highest jab rate. The predictions were predicated on there being mRNA in the injections, if the injections turn out not to contain mRNA then the dangers are mostly removed. Animal studies are not good for mRNA vaccines.
That. The true stats on the dead and injured are being heavily censored.

All MSM outlets are still publishing stupid articles about all sorts of reasons people are having heart attacks - even gardening can now cause it :rolleyes:


According to Cahill the 21 in Agenda 21 stands for the 21st Century. She also says 2020 - 2026 was documented as the killing years (reduce population and fertility), and to destroy society from within.

Prof. Dolores Cahill – We’re in the Mass Killing Phase of Agenda 21 & What People Can Do​

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Feb 18, 2016
The main goal is to reduce fertility, the nano lipid particles veer to specific tissues and cause underlying inflammatory responses, on top of this the mRNA effects the angiotensin system, Peat spoke about all of this nearly 2 years ago.


Apr 19, 2020
I just listened yesterday to a live Patrick Henningsen and X Flores live talk that was excellent. The idea that the Psy-op of the plandemic was to effect the results of WAR was discussed. So a war without bullets, but fear/medical intervention/emergency POWERS to the Govts, Peeps dying by the 1000s.... . They will want to cull the herd more, and especially Testosterone MEN. Same psyops/goals as with the prior World Wars. Also as the OP @blue_lotus mentioned above, there are so many things a happening, that we forget. And forget what is important as well. And what is most important and sacred. (The womb, blood brain barrier, human life, etc.).

No body (MSM) or Gov't body is talking about Peace (or was before except Putin), or speaking about pollution and the toxic environment. Because that would be an easy segway to our toxic body environment. Food and foodchain, Ag chemicials, pharmaceuticals and unknown ingredients in mandated jabs. CDC, or rather the ACIP approved a “vaccine” that the manufacturers, various agencies including the CDC, et al. have admitted does NOT confer immunization for anyone. just added the Jabs to the childhood vaccine list.

From 2nd smartest guy in the world substack (He is on with the news, I do not agree with all his assumptions):

Public schools are indoctrination and propaganda nodes ensuring that students become lifelong slaves mindlessly obeying the State. .....
The never-ending emergency in terms of EUA licensure means that these experimental gene injections are now officially approved for all ages despite having less than zero safety data and no valid human trials whatsoever. (Pfizer’s trials that the FDA is doing its utmost to prevent from seeing the light of day has shown grim data that further proves BigPharma is a murderous enterprise at best.)

Also the WHO and it's supporters (GAVI/Tony Blair etc.) have just had meetings for a ONE HEALTH STRATEGY for the World. Of course, it will be part of the plan for a one world government. To Rule without electing, by health decree. For a quick synopsis, at about 32 min mark in the UK Column dated 17 Oct.
Also they do a good timestamp of notes below to look at the WHO meetings yourself, and see other plans. This is not fearmongering from me folks, this is just a plan. And they will try and push it through. How come Bourla is still free? Fauci? Secret contracts of our governments with Pharma Corps? As someone said on an interview this past week - maybe Cath AustinFitts- paraphrasing here'" They don't bust the Pharma dudes because there are too many people (officials) 'paid off'. This would be the equivalent of the J Eptein case. As @Drareg stated from Ray Peat 2 years ago, basically a time release bomb of inflammatory diseases and infertility 'demic in progress.


The alternative media overreacted but things have gotten worse for sure.

It's why people like David Ike and Alex Jones exist. They (powers/controllers that be) create crazy conspiracy theorists like Jones and Ike to lead the 'alternative media', so they can use them when actual truthful hell breaks loose. They point to Jones and Ike and say "it's all made up, crazy conspiracy, look at these lunatics they believe lizard people are running the world!". And so the general populace struggle to find the truth.

Especially when there is non stop gaslighting over the entire world. So many people don't know what to believe, stress and suicide is through the roof.


Jul 25, 2013
I think he was just questioning the fear pron about how the vaccine will kill EVERYONE who takes it. There's a massive difference between 30,000 Americans dead from the vaccines, and 300 Million. Both are unacceptably high numbers for a drug that does nothing positive health wise, but the real death toll is much closer to the first number than the second.

We have no idea how many have died. There is no accurate reporting system. Does VAERS have a 10x underreporting factor? 100x? Will people in the vax cult report injuries and deaths? From what I've seen, I seriously doubt even a tiny fraction of the cultists would report injury or death.
There could already be 2 million dead in the USA, and we'd have no idea. But we're only 1.75 years in, so who knows what the ultimate toll will be.
I would add that it's possible (likely) that there is a hidden triggered function in these vaccines, which is probably why "Comirnaty" is still not available in the USA. If they were making comirnaty, they would have to be producing it at certain known locations (according to approval letter), making it harder to surreptitiously add ingredients.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
dont get me wrong, I still think the vaxxes are bad news and I personally know some people that got side effects from them; that being said I do feel like the doom predictions that were flying around earlier this year might have been a psyop. I mean things feel pretty normal these days and its not like theres tons of people dropping on the streets. besides the few vaxx side effects cases I know, most of the other people that got it seem to be doing fine (obviously im aware that they could be having health problems that they dont recognize yet).

to put it in another way:

earlier this year: literally on defcon 5 and close to running out to the woods and escaping from civilization

now: just chilling and tentatively thinking about the future, things feel pretty normal now. part of me is wondering wtf was I thinking earlier this year and whether or not I just psyched myself out by reading too many conspiracy type sites

usually I have a pretty good social antenna, so its unusual for me to feel this kind of self doubt in my own perceptions. did society and the MSM just massively shift gears and is that why I no longer feel like the world is ending?

Normalcy bias. About 80% of people have it, even if only by fatigue from all the doom and gloom...but that does not mean the vaccine warnings were just fearporn. So, couple of things that are hard to argue with.

1) Look up Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). It basically did not exist as a medical phenomenon before the mass COVID-19 vaccinations started. The post-mortem SADS victims all present with massive disseminated coagulopathies, which is exactly what the warnings about the short-term risks of the vaccines claimed would happen. Now look up SADS cases for your state. I bet they are a leading cause of death now (prob in the top 10) and were not even on the radar prior to the mass vaccination campaign. What other than vaccines could have caused the massive spike of SADS worldwide? Why would all those SADS events be in age-groups where SADS used to be exceedingly rare?

2) Vaccine dangers have to be put into perspective. A vaccine death rate of "just" 1% would be a horrific, society-ending side-effect and will probably result in the immediate vigilante executions of any politician, doctor, pharma staff, etc involved in allowing such deadly vaccine to reach the population. Yet, you will hardly notice those side effects in your day-to-day life. Think about it - if only one of the 100 people you know and often associate with dies tomorrow, how unusual of an event would you think it was? Probably not very unusual and you'd go about your business. I mean how many people keep track of the rate at which 100+ people in their social circle is dying and comparing that with previous years? Heck, most people don't even know more than ~150 people (the Dunbar Number) and usually deal with no more than 5-15 people (a corollary of the Dunbar Number hypothesis) on a daily basis. When the "effect size" is small, even a genocidal vaccine can slip through the cracks of collective perception.

3) Long-term effects. Most of the mRNA vaccine risks seen in animal models were related to cancer and infertility. Those would take years or even decades to manifest in humans, and by then it would be next to impossible to tie them (legally) to the vaccines. Does the news below give you a bit of a pause, when you consider the primary risks of mRNA vaccines I just mentioned?

4) Social context. Vaccines cannot be viewed in isolation from other parts of the "pandemic", which were certainly NOT a psyop. Lockdowns (which decimated economies and resulted in more deaths than COVID-19 itself), removal of most of your so-called freedoms unless you "choose" to vaccinate, famous scientists/politicians/athletes/etc calling for the complete exile of non-vaxxed and even their forced vaccination/treatment in quarantine camps (still ongoing to various degrees in Canada, NZ, China, Australia, etc), illegal bailouts that basically bankrupted most Western nations and led to what effectively amounts to hyperinflation, massive brutal censorship on ANY topic even remotely questioning vaccine effectiveness/safety, defunding of many prominent doctors, politicians, etc who dared speak against the vaccines, etc, etc. All of those things were pushed rabidly by the same people who brought you the "vaccines". Even if you don't believe in the fearporn about those vaccines, it should send a chill down your spine when say Fauci or Chomsky foam at the mouth at your refusal to vaccinate. I mean why would such utter psychopaths ever care about you and be so deadly serious about you taking the jab? Or could the mRNA vaccine be about something else, not health? Dr. Malone and Dr. Yeadon both reached the conclusion that the vaccines are very sinister and there is little doubt they were designed to harm. Do you think the inventor of mRNA "vaccines" and the former Pfizer executive in charge of working on and developing such "vaccines" would say such things lightly, without sufficient evidence, and publicly at that?

5) Pfizer, Moderna, and other Big Pharma entities already announced that they have other mRNA vaccines ready to market (without any testing of course, because the precedent is now set that an mRNA vaccine can be brought to market with minimal human testing, or non at all) to prevent/treat...guess what? Yes, heart and blood vessel damage caused by myocarditis, and mild heart attacks. Hhhm, weren't myocarditis and "mild" heart attacks the primary side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines? Why would a pharma company develop precisely those vaccines and release them only now? Myocarditis used to be a rare condition and one that was considered financially unfavorable to develop therapies for. The only reason these pharma company have mRNA vaccines for heart conditions is that those vaccines were developed long ago (or at least the work on them started long ago) because the pharma companies knew there would be an event that would make their release financially worth it. Unless Bog Pharma has a crystal ball that can look into the future the only reason to release these heart "vaccines" is that they expect a boom of heart conditions, and a rapid increase in those can only be explained by the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.

6) Big Pharma refusing the release vaccine safety data from the trials and follow up. What's worse, FDA working in tandem with Big Pharma to prevent the release of such data, and only multiple lawsuits and appeals were necessary to pry just a small portion of that data from the hands of those psychopaths...and the results are scary to say the least.

What more does one need as a (albeit indirect) proof that vaccines are probably terrible for health than the enthusiastic collusion of a pharma company and the agency tasked with regulating said company in order to prevent the release of data that has been traditionally released for every other drug approved for use on the general population? What about the total immunity those pharma companies were given for the mRNA vaccines? They do not get immunity for their other drugs, but they do for the COVID-19 vaccines. Isn't that also enough to reveal what's (probably) going on?

7) CDC, WHO and the relevant health authorities in most "developed" countries stopped either collecting or reporting statistics that break down deaths by vaccination status. When people have filed FOIA requests for that data, they get no response. So, a lawsuit is again needed to get data that should be quite routine and there is nothing sensitive about it...unless it shows massively unfavorable results associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. Same with autopsies - none are done on vaccinated patients. Why do that unless there is concern the cause of death will be tied to the vaccination - i.e. clots, myocarditis, etc?

I used to work with a former special ops guy who had seen quite a bit of war and basically spent 25 years in survival mode, in an environment that does not forgive error. He used to tell me his little life lesson that went something this: "Listen son, at the end of the day life comes down to two very simple rules: 1) It's all about the little voice inside you most "normies" don't even hear. 2) When that voice tell you that there is a doubt...then there is no doubt"
I have yet to find myself in a situation where his little lessons/warning did not turn out correct...and when it comes to the vaccines the little voice is not just expressing doubt but screaming "Danger".

Obviously, you are free to choose how to live your life, but to me the evidence on COVID-19 vaccines, despite being only preliminary, is beyond clear. Being alert most of your waking hours is tiring...but can be life-saving in the world we live in. I even asked Peat about this on one podcast. I asked him about the famous saying "Is eternal vigilance the price of freedom/life?" and he said "Yes. At least until the sadists get old and die so we can all relax". The founder of Intel also agrees, saying "In this horrible world we live in, only the paranoid survive".

@Peatness @Ada @Fred @Ben. @Drareg
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Aug 17, 2016
Normalcy bias. About 80% of people have it, even if only by fatigue from all the doom and gloom...but that does not mean the vaccine warnings were just fearporn. So, couple of things that are hard to argue with.

1) Look up Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). It basically did not exist as a medical phenomenon before the mass COVID-19 vaccinations started. The post-mortem SADS victims all present with massive disseminated coagulopathies, which is exactly what the warnings about the short-term risks of the vaccines claimed would happen. Now look up SADS cases for your state. I bet they are a leading cause of death now (prob in the top 10) and were not even on the radar prior to the mass vaccination campaign. What other than vaccines could have caused the massive spike of SADS worldwide? Why would all those SADS events be in age-groups where SADS used to be exceedingly rare?

2) Vaccine dangers have to be put into perspective. A vaccine death rate of "just" 1% would be a horrific, society-ending side-effect and will probably result in the immediate vigilante executions of any politician, doctor, pharma staff, etc involved in allowing such deadly vaccine to reach the population. Yet, you will hardly notice those side effects in your day-to-day life. Think about it - if only one of the 100 people you know and often associate with dies tomorrow, how unusual of an event would you think it was? Probably not very unusual and you'd go about your business. I mean how many people keep track of the rate at which 100+ people in their social circle is dying and comparing that with previous years? Heck, most people don't even know more than ~150 people (the Dunbar Number) and usually deal with no more than 5-15 people (a corollary of the Dunbar Number hypothesis) on a daily basis. When the "effect size" is small, even a genocidal vaccine can slip through the cracks of collective perception.

3) Long-term effects. Most of the mRNA vaccine risks seen in animal models were related to cancer and infertility. Those would take years or even decades to manifest in humans, and by then it would be next to impossible to tie them (legally) to the vaccines. Does the news below give you a bit of a pause, when you consider the primary risks of mRNA vaccines I just mentioned?

4) Social context. Vaccines cannot be viewed in isolation from other parts of the "pandemic", which were certainly NOT a psyop. Lockdowns (which decimated economies and resulted in more deaths than COVID-19 itself), removal of most of your so-called freedoms unless you "choose" to vaccinate, famous scientists/politicians/athletes/etc calling for the complete exile of non-vaxxed and even their forced vaccination/treatment in quarantine camps (still ongoing to various degrees in Canada, NZ, China, Australia, etc), illegal bailouts that basically bankrupted most Western nations and led to what effectively amounts to hyperinflation, massive brutal censorship on ANY topic even remotely questioning vaccine effectiveness/safety, defunding of many prominent doctors, politicians, etc who dared speak against the vaccines, etc, etc. All of those things were pushed rabidly by the same people who brought you the "vaccines". Even if you don't believe in the fearporn about those vaccines, it should send a chill down your spine when say Fauci or Chomsky foam at the mouth at your refusal to vaccinate. I mean why would such utter psychopaths ever care about you and be so deadly serious about you taking the jab? Or could the mRNA vaccine be about something else, not health? Dr. Malone and Dr. Yeadon both reached the conclusion that the vaccines are very sinister and there is little doubt they were designed to harm. Do you think the inventor of mRNA "vaccines" and the former Pfizer executive in charge of working on and developing such "vaccines" would say such things lightly, without sufficient evidence, and publicly at that?

5) Pfizer, Moderna, and other Big Pharma entities already announced that they have other mRNA vaccines ready to market (without any testing of course, because the precedent is now set that an mRNA vaccine can be brought to market with minimal human testing, or non at all) to prevent/treat...guess what? Yes, heart and blood vessel damage caused by myocarditis, and mild heart attacks. Hhhm, weren't myocarditis and "mild" heart attacks the primary side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines? Why would a pharma company develop precisely those vaccines and release them only now? Myocarditis used to be a rare condition and one that was considered financially unfavorable to develop therapies for. The only reason these pharma company have mRNA vaccines for heart conditions is that those vaccines were developed long ago (or at least the work on them started long ago) because the pharma companies knew there would be an event that would make their release financially worth it. Unless Bog Pharma has a crystal ball that can look into the future the only reason to release these heart "vaccines" is that they expect a boom of heart conditions, and a rapid increase in those can only be explained by the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.

6) Big Pharma refusing the release vaccine safety data from the trials and follow up. What's worse, FDA working in tandem with Big Pharma to prevent the release of such data, and only multiple lawsuits and appeals were necessary to pry just a small portion of that data from the hands of those psychopaths...and the results are scary to say the least.

What more does one need as a (albeit indirect) proof that vaccines are probably terrible for health than the enthusiastic collusion of a pharma company and the agency tasked with regulating said company in order to prevent the release of data that has been traditionally released for every other drug approved for use on the general population? What about the total immunity those pharma companies were given for the mRNA vaccines? They do not get immunity for their other drugs, but they do for the COVID-19 vaccines. Isn't that also enough to reveal what's (probably) going on?

7) CDC, WHO and the relevant health authorities in most "developed" countries stopped either collecting or reporting statistics that break down deaths by vaccination status. When people have filed FOIA requests for that data, they get no response. So, a lawsuit is again needed to get data that should be quite routine and there is nothing sensitive about it...unless it shows massively unfavorable results associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. Same with autopsies - none are done on vaccinated patients. Why do that unless there is concern the cause of death will be tied to the vaccination - i.e. clots, myocarditis, etc?

I used to work with a former special ops guy who had seen quite a bit of war and basically spent 25 years in survival mode, in an environment that does not forgive error. He used to tell me his little life lesson that went something this: "Listen son, at the end of the day life comes down to two very simple rules: 1) It's all about the little voice inside you most "normies" don't even hear. 2) When that voice tell you that there is a doubt...then there is no doubt"
I have yet to find myself in a situation where his little lessons/warning did not turn out correct...and when it comes to the vaccines the little voice is not just expressing doubt but screaming "Danger".

Obviously, you are free to choose how to live your life, but to me the evidence on COVID-19 vaccines, despite being only preliminary, is beyond clear. Being alert most of your waking hours is tiring...but can be life-saving in the world we live in. I even asked Peat about this on one podcast. I asked him about the famous saying "Is eternal vigilance the price of freedom/life?" and he said "Yes. At least until the sadists get old and die so we can all relax". The founder of Intel also agrees, saying "In this horrible world we live in, only the paranoid survive".

@Peatness @Ada @Fred @Ben. @Drareg
When that voice tells you there is doubt...then there is doubt.
I am someone who has always heard the little voice inside. However, I don't always heed it because 'it would be rude', 'everyone thinks this person is such a nice guy', 'they're the expert', etc etc etc........ It's that second part of the lesson that is so essential to follow through on.


Jan 25, 2014
There could already be 2 million dead in the USA, and we'd have no idea. But we're only 1.75 years in, so who knows what the ultimate toll will be.
We absolutely would have an idea. There are roughly 2.8 Million deaths in the US every year, give or take. So, if you roughly split that number in half, you would have 1 million more total deaths in both 2021 and 2022, averaging about 3.8 Million for those years. That is not something you can cover up, the demand for undertakers and crematory workers and such would be absolutely skyrocketing, were that the case.

If VAERS is underreported by a factor of 10, that would be 300,000 additional deaths over two years. I think both 30,000 and 300,000 could easily fit within "normal" death figures. If it were underreported by a factor of 100, then it would be over that 2 Million figure, and would be very noticeable.
I would add that it's possible (likely) that there is a hidden triggered function in these vaccines, which is probably why "Comirnaty" is still not available in the USA. If they were making comirnaty, they would have to be producing it at certain known locations (according to approval letter), making it harder to surreptitiously add ingredients.
What makes you think there is some hidden triggered function? Or that such a thing is even possible?

I also don't know why they would have to "surreptitiously" add ingredients. Why wouldn't they just make up a proprietary name? Do you have any idea what
2[(polyethylene glycol (PEG))-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide is, exactly? Or ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate)? Those are both listed ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine, and listed on the CDC website- COVID-19 Vaccination.

So, if anything, they hide the ingredients in plain sight.

Well, that's from the same man that thinks that a retro virus like HIV can lie in wait after initial exposure, and then 10 or 12 years later, BAM, AIDS and you're dead or dying. But that wasn't what happened to the initial AIDS patients (they were dying within a few month), and in later patients, it was likely due to exposure to some other toxin or germ, AZT in most cases. It's now been 30 years since Magic Johnson was diagnosed as "HIV Positive," and he looks to be in great shape for a man in his 60s (certainly still alive, not confined to a bed, nor losing his mental faculties). Jm J Bullock, same deal. Do you really think if either of those two die in their 60s, 70s, or 80s (or beyond), that the cause of death can still be from a viral diagnosis from their late 20s/early 30s?

And wouldn't the same logic have to be used in regards to an injected or ingested toxin? Like these so called "Vaccines?"


Jan 25, 2014
2) Vaccine dangers have to be put into perspective. A vaccine death rate of "just" 1% would be a horrific, society-ending side-effect and will probably result in the immediate vigilante executions of any politician, doctor, pharma staff, etc involved in allowing such deadly vaccine to reach the population. Yet, you will hardly notice those side effects in your day-to-day life. Think about it - if only one of the 100 people you know and often associate with dies tomorrow, how unusual of an event would you think it was? Probably not very unusual and you'd go about your business. I mean how many people keep track of the rate at which 100+ people in their social circle is dying and comparing that with previous years? Heck, most people don't even know more than ~150 people (the Dunbar Number) and usually deal with no more than 5-15 people (a corollary of the Dunbar Number hypothesis) on a daily basis. When the "effect size" is small, even a genocidal vaccine can slip through the cracks of collective perception.
You make some excellent points, but I think the lack of perspective (of at least some of us in the Anti-Demonvax crowd) is what triggered the thread in the first place. It seems a lot of the dangers of the vaccine were blown way out of proportion. Clearly, just like they aren't "95% Effective!" in the real world, neither are they 95% lethal, either. I know some of the worst case scenarios were presented as just that, more to say "we don't really know," and Peat even made that point with humor when he stressed the word "MAY" in one of the podcasts you did with Danny Roddy (I think he even said something like "MAY kill off all wombats and elephants.")
3) Long-term effects. Most of the mRNA vaccine risks seen in animal models were related to cancer and infertility. Those would take years or even decades to manifest in humans, and by then it would be next to impossible to tie them (legally) to the vaccines. Does the news below give you a bit of a pause, when you consider the primary risks of mRNA vaccines I just mentioned?
Didn't most of those trials use higher doses of mRNA, and also use it chronically? Again, this certainly wouldn't justify taking it, but a lower dose of poison acutely administered is going to be less lethal than a higher dose frequently and chronically administered (although, never-ending boosters could nullify that....)
4) Social context. Vaccines cannot be viewed in isolation from other parts of the "pandemic", which were certainly NOT a psyop. Lockdowns (which decimated economies and resulted in more deaths than COVID-19 itself), removal of most of your so-called freedoms unless you "choose" to vaccinate, famous scientists/politicians/athletes/etc calling for the complete exile of non-vaxxed and even their forced vaccination/treatment in quarantine camps (still ongoing to various degrees in Canada, NZ, China, Australia, etc), illegal bailouts that basically bankrupted most Western nations and led to what effectively amounts to hyperinflation, massive brutal censorship on ANY topic even remotely questioning vaccine effectiveness/safety, defunding of many prominent doctors, politicians, etc who dared speak against the vaccines, etc, etc. All of those things were pushed rabidly by the same people who brought you the "vaccines". Even if you don't believe in the fearporn about those vaccines, it should send a chill down your spine when say Fauci or Chomsky foam at the mouth at your refusal to vaccinate. I mean why would such utter psychopaths ever care about you and be so deadly serious about you taking the jab? Or could the mRNA vaccine be about something else, not health? Dr. Malone and Dr. Yeadon both reached the conclusion that the vaccines are very sinister and there is little doubt they were designed to harm. Do you think the inventor of mRNA "vaccines" and the former Pfizer executive in charge of working on and developing such "vaccines" would say such things lightly, without sufficient evidence, and publicly at that?

5) Pfizer, Moderna, and other Big Pharma entities already announced that they have other mRNA vaccines ready to market (without any testing of course, because the precedent is now set that an mRNA vaccine can be brought to market with minimal human testing, or non at all) to prevent/treat...guess what? Yes, heart and blood vessel damage caused by myocarditis, and mild heart attacks. Hhhm, weren't myocarditis and "mild" heart attacks the primary side effects associated with COVID-19 vaccines? Why would a pharma company develop precisely those vaccines and release them only now? Myocarditis used to be a rare condition and one that was considered financially unfavorable to develop therapies for. The only reason these pharma company have mRNA vaccines for heart conditions is that those vaccines were developed long ago (or at least the work on them started long ago) because the pharma companies knew there would be an event that would make their release financially worth it. Unless Bog Pharma has a crystal ball that can look into the future the only reason to release these heart "vaccines" is that they expect a boom of heart conditions, and a rapid increase in those can only be explained by the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.
Absolutely agree, and I think these were the two biggest threats, even more so than any negative effects from the Demonvax itself. I also bristle a bit when everyone wants to blame everything on the vaccine, when the lockdowns were much worse (since they basically opened the door to the mass vax uptake, in addition to all the other health and economic carnage they wrought). And the precedent to roll out more and more mRNA vaccines under relaxed trail conditions.


Jan 9, 2019
I think batch numbers have a part to play in this. I don't think they can be too blatant with what they are doing, this is all setting up for the long run agenda of new safe vaccine technology and the CRISPR dream. They are also experimenting with the ways in which these type of events can be used to control people.

Take a look at this site; it's quite the spectacle...


Apr 19, 2020
Thanks @haidut for your perspective and points. We have now mRna for cows too. As if ..... it is so effective, in a health positive sense. Autopsies have been dis-Allowed here in Australia concerning vax deaths, and NZ also I believe. So, that leaves the coroner John O' from UK speaking out about blood clots the size of a 20 year old Python. Anyhow, relating to lockdowns, as @tankasnowgod stated clearly, the negative effects of this situation causing HUGE stresses in peoples' lives, and of course even less vit D, so then.... get sniffles, get tested, get meds, then remdesivir or get intubated... game over. It was that bad in places for a time. When peeps stay in a little box (indoors) 24/7 and watch telly all the time, bad health will occur.

Stay vigilant my friends. It will always serve us well.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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