Covid, get the shot or not?


Jun 30, 2018
Hi all
I'm trying to figure out whats right for me, I am 45yr old healthy male, never had flu vaccine,,,,but I have used benzos for quite some time, I am off now but still feel the nervous system effects of it,,,,dizzyness, awful anxiety and tension,,,,my dilema is to get the shot or not, I would love to hear both sides or any information, I have a family, little kids to take care of, the people around me are strongly urging me to get the shot, telling me that people are sick and dying with this new varient, and that the shot will lessen the blow if you do get sick, they are also saying that all their friends have it with zero reaction to it
Im confused, my instincts say hell no, dont do it, but am I to live in fear thinking if I dont get it and go out in public I can become very ill? Help me think this through, I will listen to all options, here are some questions

1. What is the mortality rate of this covid?

2. Its seems people are less sick if they have then vaccine? T or F?

TY all


Take your time and read through some of these threads. Not only will you find answers to similar questions, you will also find arguments against and some in support of the injections. Ultimately the decision is yours



Jun 20, 2019
You need to listen to the Health Ranger on Brighteon. His situation update for 8/1 talks all about the issues with the jab. It's full of nano-particles that will control you or kill you when they turn on 5G, besides other problems, like the clotting. This is a jab that leaads to the mark of the beast. This isn't about anything other than control and genocide and if you don't think so then you need to update. They are lying about the numbers and going by the playbook level by level in order to keep you in fear over a flu that kills less people than the influenza does in any given year. Stand strong.


Aug 10, 2012
Hi all
I'm trying to figure out whats right for me, I am 45yr old healthy male, never had flu vaccine,,,,but I have used benzos for quite some time, I am off now but still feel the nervous system effects of it,,,,dizzyness, awful anxiety and tension,,,,my dilema is to get the shot or not, I would love to hear both sides or any information, I have a family, little kids to take care of, the people around me are strongly urging me to get the shot, telling me that people are sick and dying with this new varient, and that the shot will lessen the blow if you do get sick, they are also saying that all their friends have it with zero reaction to it
Im confused, my instincts say hell no, dont do it, but am I to live in fear thinking if I dont get it and go out in public I can become very ill? Help me think this through, I will listen to all options, here are some questions

1. What is the mortality rate of this covid?

2. Its seems people are less sick if they have then vaccine? T or F?

TY all
Just read this forum. All this is covered.


Jun 30, 2018
Can anyone give me the actual no BS mortality rate of this COVID?


Mar 18, 2021
Can anyone give me the actual no BS mortality rate of this COVID?
Per CDC current best estimate, if you are 45 the chance of dying is 1 in 2000 (0.05 percent), that is if you catch it in the first place.
If you are 45 and healthy the risk is probably smaller, since their estimates are for the general population including the sick.



Jun 30, 2018
TY for the info!

SO how come evertime I look at tv, or news, the loved ones around me, it is showing people dying, wishing they had the vaccine, is this propaganda AND they are only showing the 1% of people who actually die?


Jan 25, 2014
Hi all
I'm trying to figure out whats right for me, I am 45yr old healthy male, never had flu vaccine,,,,but I have used benzos for quite some time, I am off now but still feel the nervous system effects of it,,,,dizzyness, awful anxiety and tension,,,,my dilema is to get the shot or not, I would love to hear both sides or any information, I have a family, little kids to take care of, the people around me are strongly urging me to get the shot, telling me that people are sick and dying with this new varient, and that the shot will lessen the blow if you do get sick, they are also saying that all their friends have it with zero reaction to it
Im confused, my instincts say hell no, dont do it, but am I to live in fear thinking if I dont get it and go out in public I can become very ill? Help me think this through, I will listen to all options, here are some questions

1. What is the mortality rate of this covid?

2. Its seems people are less sick if they have then vaccine? T or F?

TY all

If you make health decisions based off "advice" of friends and family, who send incredibly ill informed themselves, then you deserve whatever results you get.

My only advice to you is this...... stop asking random strangers on a health forum for their advice,. A forum which it's pretty clear you don't even read, as all of these topics have been discussed ad naseum. Use the search function, or a search engine. Google can have issues, so you can also try Duck Duck Go, or If you research the facts and issues around that issue, the answer should be blindingly obvious.

You could also go to and read any one of his articles about Covid and the so-called "vaccines." He is among the most detailed, and well sourced, so if you want to verify what he says, he always links to the original source to back up his claims.

And if that's too much bother for you, you could at least read the Vaccine Consent Form. Here's Yusef El reading it-

I would think a "vaccination" decision would be incredibly obvious if you actually read and understand what is being stated there.


Nov 22, 2017
SO how come evertime I look at tv, or news, the loved ones around me, it is showing people dying, wishing they had the vaccine, is this propaganda AND they are only showing the 1% of people who actually die?

It's propaganda. They use certain words and phrases to scare the ***t out of people.


Jan 25, 2014
TY for the info!

SO how come evertime I look at tv, or news, the loved ones around me, it is showing people dying, wishing they had the vaccine, is this propaganda AND they are only showing the 1% of people who actually die?

TV or news, huh? You DO realize they are heavily funded by pharmaceutical companies, right? Pick ANY news channel you want, watch for three hours, but ONLY THE ADS. Record it, and just look at the advertisers (the real customers of these networks, viewers are just the commodity being sold). How many ads for drugs do you see?

As for your "loved ones," well, they are probably just as ignorant on these issues as you are. How many of them are scouring pubmed every day, or working with researchers like John Ionnidis?


Jan 25, 2014
Can anyone give me the actual no BS mortality rate of this COVID?

This is the core of your problem, right here. You just want this GIVEN to you. And you don't even seem to care about the source, ANYONE will do.

Again, if you don't put any effort or critical thinking in on your own part, you deserve any results you get. There are plenty of resources on this forum that can help you discover the answer, if you just put a minimal amount of time into researching it. You should get your answer with less than 2 hours research. You could probably find your answer in less than 10 minutes, if you knew concepts like IFR and CFR.


Jun 30, 2018
My instincts are heavily against this shot, but im open minded and willing to listen
People tell me thay the anti vaxers are just making money and claims themselves, just to make a buck or get views or likes, I am not saying this is the case
I hear alot about, 5g control, and nano particles,,,,etc,,,,can anyone provide evidence that this is the case, or anything regarding the naferious intent of this shot?


Jun 30, 2018
tankasnowgod - you make some incredible assumptions about me
I have looked at quite a bit of stuff, I am just confused what to believe thats all, a large part of me does concur with this being non sense
But lately I havent felt to SURE of much
But I am always looking for answers, it never stops


I am wondering if we are being baited here. If the intension is to make anyone who questions the injections appear crazy and mean then daydreamers line of questing is contributing to that. He has been provided with a link where he will find all the information required to make an informed decision. Yet he is arguing about antivazeers making money. How is it possible to be rich being an antivaxer when being provax is so much more profitable? How much money has the likes of Pfizer made from the vax? How much money are health care providers paid to inject people? Who owns shares in vax companies? Please stop embracing yourself and use your brain. I wish @Nemo was here to put the world to rights.


Jan 18, 2020
tankasnowgod - you make some incredible assumptions about me
I have looked at quite a bit of stuff, I am just confused what to believe thats all, a large part of me does concur with this being non sense
But lately I havent felt to SURE of much
But I am always looking for answers, it never stops
Try to watch this, ex Pfizer chief scientist talks science, by the end its real eyes opening. But its so much about common sense, if you know that politics/media/health care system are corrupted as hell, you need to rethink who are you trusting?

I heard/read in multiple sources that vaccination is the way to decrease population, even gates years ago he said it in TED talk.



Mar 28, 2019
Hi all
I'm trying to figure out whats right for me, I am 45yr old healthy male, never had flu vaccine,,,,but I have used benzos for quite some time, I am off now but still feel the nervous system effects of it,,,,dizzyness, awful anxiety and tension,,,,my dilema is to get the shot or not, I would love to hear both sides or any information, I have a family, little kids to take care of, the people around me are strongly urging me to get the shot, telling me that people are sick and dying with this new varient, and that the shot will lessen the blow if you do get sick, they are also saying that all their friends have it with zero reaction to it
Im confused, my instincts say hell no, dont do it, but am I to live in fear thinking if I dont get it and go out in public I can become very ill? Help me think this through, I will listen to all options, here are some questions

1. What is the mortality rate of this covid?

2. Its seems people are less sick if they have then vaccine? T or F?

TY all

"my instincts say hell no, dont do it" your intuition won't ever lie to you but MSM will never tell you the truth.


Jun 30, 2018
Just to be clear, I am NOT baiting anyone, I have been clear with my confusion, I myself question the ***t out of whats going on and think something smells rotten as hell,,,I have done research, its important for me to see what other people have to say and what data they point me to


Oct 6, 2020
I wish was here to put the world to rights.

Dont think she'd use the "right words", considering everyone not on Ivermectin is the enemy, going far beyond any pro or antivaxx position.


Dont think she'd use the "right words", considering everyone not on Ivermectin is the enemy, going far beyond any pro or antivaxx position.
I was thinking more of her ability not to suffer fools


Jan 25, 2014
tankasnowgod - you make some incredible assumptions about me
I have looked at quite a bit of stuff, I am just confused what to believe thats all, a large part of me does concur with this being non sense

You're doing nothing to prove any of those "assumptions" incorrect.

You continue to say "I don't know what to believe." Not things like "Hey, John Ionnidis came to the conclusion that the IFR is only 0.15%. I looked at his paper, and I don't fully understand the calculations." Or "Hey, I keep hearing these vaccines are '95% effective,' but just saw this paper that claims the absolute risk reduction is only 1.5%. Can anyone explain the wild difference between these two numbers?"
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