The Pfizer and Moderna Shots are Safe. Really Safe


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Safety data based on more than 17 million Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccinations was just published in a JAMA online article. How safe were they? Very.

Sorry, anti-vaxxers. If you're hoping to find some bad news about the COVID vaccines, you've come to the wrong site. Perhaps you should try, or I'm out of my I've got nothing but good news.
The good news comes to us thanks to a new paper in JAMA Insights. Tom Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA, at the CDC Immunization Safety Office, and colleagues evaluated the chances of vaccine recipients developing anaphylaxis following a shot. It should put you at ease; anaphylactic reactions to both the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines are very rare. More than 17 million vaccines were administered, and only 66 people suffered a reaction.

Time Interval Between Injection and the onset of anaphylactic symptoms
View attachment 25613

It is no accident that you need to wait around for 15 minutes following your shot. As is the case with most anaphylactic reactions, they happen fast. The median time until onset for both vaccines was 10 minutes. More than 75% of the people who got a reaction developed it within 15 minutes and about 90% within a half-hour (source for this and subsequent figures JAMA Insights).
The First Shot is Riskier than the Second
It is not surprising that people who developed symptoms did so much more frequently after the first shot than the second:
View attachment 25614

...or that the people who ran into trouble had a history of allergic reactions in the past (1).

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The Bottom (and Very Good) Line - An Excellent Safety Profile
View attachment 25616

If you're worried about a bad reaction to the vaccine, this should put your mind at ease. The incidence of anaphylactic reactions was very low – 4.7 per million (0.00047%) for Pfizer and 2.5 per million (0.00025%) for Moderna. These are not the kind of numbers you should be worried about. To put this in context (and for some yuks), here are some common activities and the risk of dying.

View attachment 25617

Source: Mental Floss
Don't take this too seriously. It's a comparison of dying from a completely unrelated set of activities and a reaction to a vaccine. But it points out how unlikely you are to have a serious reaction to either vaccine; it's a bit riskier than jogging and a bit less risky than bicycling. Most people don't give either of these a second thought.
So based on data from more than 17 million shots, your chances of an anaphylactic reaction are vanishingly small.
What Happened to the People Who Ran Into Trouble?
There is good news here as well. Of the 66 people (17 million shots) who had reactions, 92% received emergency epinephrine treatment; half were treated in the ER, and half were admitted. Seven people required intubation; no one died. And keep in mind that more than three-quarters of this group had a history of allergies or prior anaphylactic episodes. For the rest of us, the chance of running into this problem is close to zero.
So, don't worry. Relax and go for a jog or a swim and go get vaccinated. Just be extra careful if you bike there.
(1) The allergic triggers included about 20 substances, including vaccines, drugs, latex, and nuts.
(2) In this article I am only reporting on anaphylaxis and only in the US. Since 193 million shots (across the world) have been given, small numbers of other adverse reactions, even deaths could be possible. And very unlikely.


edit: its also FDA approved

In case you have not yet seen these threads.

Yes, the vaccines are safe, really safe. /s
In fact, the Pfizer vaccine is so "safe" that in Israel, where the majority of the population is vaccinated and the Pfizer vaccine is used in the vast majority of cases, the death rate in the vaccinated is at least 5 times higher than in the unvaccinated. The only question is whether the vaccine directly killed those people or made them more likely to die from the new viral variants. But that question is moot, as the main message is that the vaccinated are dying at much higher rates than the unvaxxed. Even the Israeli govt is not hiding that fact, so I wonder why is it that not a single mainstream media outlet in the US has covered that fiasco...Probably so that people continue to think (and post) that the "shots are safe. really safe" :):


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
We have seen increasing hospitalization in Israel

Not just hospitalizations, the death rate in Israel is 5+ times higher in the vaxxed than in the unvaxxed. See my post above about that. It is why Pfizer got spooked and approached FDA/CDC asking for approval to release a booster. Thankfully, it was denied so we may get to both see Pfizer's fraudulent vaccine fully exposed soon, while also saving lives due to the booster not getting approved.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@Hgreen56 Why don't you even read a paper before you use it to start an inflammatory thread? Reading just the introduction one now has to think that you are either a liar or stupid.

...or a troll....or even worse - paid disinfo agent.


Aug 10, 2012
...or a troll....or even worse - paid disinfo agent.
Yeah. We have to be aware of this. How much $$ does it take to influence somebody to influence?


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Couldn't this be due to millions of old people getting it who were most likely to die soon regardless of vaccination?

If that is the case, then where is the cost-benefit analysis presented to the elderly before getting them vaccinated?? If this is the case, before vaccination every elderly person should be sat down and told this "Look, you have X chance of dying from COVID-19 if you don't get the vaccine. You also have Y chance of dying from a side effect OR still from COVID-19 if you do get the vaccine. Which one do you choose?". Not only is this not being done, there is relentless propaganda about how "safe" the vaccines are and how everybody will die a horrible death if they don't get vaccinated. If you answer is "well, we don't tell this to people because we don't yet know what the death rate from the vaccine is" then this vaccine is by definition considered illegal under federal law as it has unproven safety. The very purpose of full clinical trials is to ascertain such safety and those trials are only now ongoing. The vaccines were released only based on an EUA. So, to administer those vaccines without full knowledge of the risks (while also having serious preliminary data of increased mortality), while constantly raging against anybody who even questions the official narrative, is nothing short of genocide on behalf of the govt, media, and pharma companies.

It is not just the elderly either. What about the 88%+ miscarriage rate? Do you think this is also an acceptable "safety", and in young people too? Where are the warnings to pregnant women and the "informed consent" discussions about this horrific track record of safety in pregnancy??


Oct 21, 2013
Yes. Seems there is an epidemic of those:



Jan 25, 2014
The message states people died at some point after getting it, not that its caused by it. If millions of elderly and unhealthy people have gotten the jabs. It's not in anyway suspicious to think 12000 old people have died in the entire country in the last six months from other causes, their life expectancy isn't high anyways.

And I can add the same disclaimer to the cocaine overdoses, Mr. I only comment on Coivd vaccine threads after Joining in January 2021.

"While these people did overdose and die after consuming copious amounts of cocaine, it's important to note that cocaine wasn't necessarily the cause of death, and many people may have had serious spontaneous heart attacks that caused death for some other reason, like a genetic defect that doesn't allow proper cocaine metabolism"

You are so disingenuous. Before this year, there wasn't a year in the VAERS system that had more than 200 reports of death from ALL vaccines in 3 decades. Now, we are getting 300 death reports PER WEEK, and the total number of deaths from these COVID vaxxxines (whether at 6,000 or 12,000) is more than the total number of deaths from all other vaccines combined in VAERS thirty year history.

So, we have-

-Technology that couldn't pass standard FDA trials/procedures, despite Moderna trying at least 90 different mRNA drugs in the past decade
-Criminal Organizations that produce many other dangerous drugs and vaccines, and have total legal immunity with these vaxxxines
-poorly tested drugs (rushed to market after 2 months of testing, instead of 2-3 years like every other drug and vaccine)
-trials that were likely plagued with fraud (like Pfizer's)
-NOT FDA approved (all are available only under EUA)
-Absolutely record Shattering death AND Disability reports to VAERS, already 30-60 times higher rates than any other year.

If you don't think that's not at least "suspicious," you either aren't very smart and observant, or you are on the payroll of one of these drug companies.

I also like your hypocrisy. You know as well as I do that back in March/April of 2020, you couldn't go to a restaurant or movie without being called a "Grandma Killer," despite no plausible mechanism for how that would actually work.

But, now that it's time for companies like Pfizer and Moderna to rake in Billions of dollars (which they already have), well, killing grandma is just fine! She was gonna die sometime in the next decade or two (or three) anyway. Who cares about a little vaxxxine induced death?


May 30, 2018
Why is anyone looking for anything more complicated than topical vitamin D and sunbathing for improving immunity to common viruses? It’s that simple.
...or a troll....or even worse - paid disinfo agent.
Strange he has 750 messages. Maybe propaganda and social pressure are enough to inspire some people into shilling for free when they are completely saturated by it. I’ve basically become a Ray Peat shill myself. Lol


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Why is anyone looking for anything more complicated than topical vitamin D and sunbathing for improving immunity to common viruses? It’s that simple.

Strange he has 750 messages. Maybe propaganda and social pressure are enough to inspire some people into shilling for free when they are completely saturated by it. I’ve basically become a Ray Peat shill myself. Lol

I am only mentioning the disinfo angle as this forum does not seem to naturally attract people fond of semi-forced, dangerous, govt-sponsored procedures. It is hard to reconcile a Peatarian mindset with such attitude. Also, the govt recently announced that they will be "working with" BigTech to counter disinfo and not just by censoring but by actively engaging "doubt" communities through paid govt agents.


Oct 6, 2013
In fact, the Pfizer vaccine is so "safe" that in Israel, where the majority of the population is vaccinated and the Pfizer vaccine is used in the vast majority of cases, the death rate in the vaccinated is at least 5 times higher than in the unvaccinated.

I searched on duck and brave and found plenty of info about Israel but i couldn't verify this. Can you remember where you saw it? Would like to have that source. Thanks.


Jul 31, 2019
I searched on duck and brave and found plenty of info about Israel but i couldn't verify this. Can you remember where you saw it? Would like to have that source. Thanks.

I would also really like to see the source for the 5x statement. Would be nice, if you could share it @haidut


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I would also really like to see the source for the 5x statement. Would be nice, if you could share it @haidut

The links are in that post you quoted. They are from the thread on vaccines linked to miscarriages. Basically, all of the info is from Israeli major media and their govt and is in Hebrew...which of course helps with hindering its dissemination in US and other countries, but the links in my post have translations into English.


Feb 18, 2018
Lets do some calculation
Let say every video is from one person.
66 videos = 66 people world wide got a rare allergic reaction or having just a panic attack after being vaccinated.
Millions of people world wide are vaccinated with no problems or have little temporary flo/like symptoms after it. whats a good thing beceause it is a sign you immune system is working perfectly.

Well now lets look at the millions of unvaccinated people they have end up in the hospital last months.
They become very sick and after a year they are still not fully recovered from it.
Or they die... (Healthy people too)

Hmmm..... what is more dangerous to your health.... the virus or the vaccine...
You don't understand, vaccines damage your body and you don't even realise its the vaccine. They cause all sorts of problems.



Dr. Pierre Gilbert Warns in 1995 About Magnetic Vaccine

"In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda."

See Operation Crimson Mist: Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda


Nov 29, 2017
Dr. Pierre Gilbert Warns in 1995 About Magnetic Vaccine

"In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda."

See Operation Crimson Mist: Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda
Digital possession. This is the end game.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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